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Official Moderator, Official rules

Discussion in 'Archive: Fan Audio' started by Uilmuteiz, Nov 19, 2003.

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  1. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    I've been thinking about this for a while, and now I'd figure I might as well post it here.

    As my first act, I've added quick links up in the linky thingy.. I know I still have some tweaking to do, but it's getting there.

    As far as the rules go, I think you know how to stick to the basic JC and FF rules.

    Now for the announcement ground rules,
    1- no more Caps everywhere.
    When you have a casting call or anyother announcements you'd like to pass, you can start the Topic, and PM me about it, I'll make sure to make a change that everyone sees.

    2- Keep it simple:
    (title):(Subject of the announcement)
    The past of the nadd: Casting Call

    For now that's all, If anything else comes up, I'll make sure to redirect you to this thread.
  2. doggans

    doggans Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 31, 2002
    Ooh, we have a moderator now!

    Whatever happened to the Fan Audios banner and color scheme?
  3. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    I'm working on something a little bit more.."personnal" to us
  4. Nathan_P_Butler

    Nathan_P_Butler Author, Star Wars Tales #21 star 4 VIP

    May 23, 2003
    Not sure about the quick thread links. Granted, having CR, ROTO, SWD, and TTV up there makes sense, but MR isn't an ongoing series. There are also no audio drama links up there at all. Seems a bit random. Perhaps we could create a directory thread and just have a link up there for "thread directory" or somesuch? That'd allow for more links in one place, but less space taken compared to adding tons of links. (?)
  5. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    As I said, just the beginning, I'm still thinking as to how do some things, and I hope I'll be able to please everyone, even the under audio construction radio drama and the established ones. Just let me get settled with all this and get over my cold, and I'll be all over here.
  6. Darion_Blade

    Darion_Blade Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 25, 2001
    Hey Uilmutiez,
    I just wanted to say congrats on your new moderator position. It is great that Star Wars En' direct is getting thier hands dirty in the comminity.
    I hope everyone goes to SWED and listens to your shows. You guys are doing a great job.
    Well just a show of support.
    Darion Blade.
  7. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    hehehe thanks but now now no plug in the wrong topics ;)
  8. Elan-Rai

    Elan-Rai RSA Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 11, 2001
    So, what you are saying is that we can't use capital letters for an official discussion thread emphasizing the release of a project?
  9. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    not as in the Following:



    The official VADER'S QUEST radio drama CASTING CALL


    CASTING CALL: .. well you know!

    that way we won't get any complaint from anybody.

    But I can promess you that It will show that you're casting.

    you have my word.

    EDIT: so basically, just post it as a normal topic: like that:

    Casting Call: title of the production
    Release: title of the production
    Official title of the production (instead of release would be better)
  10. Elan-Rai

    Elan-Rai RSA Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 11, 2001
    Seems like an awful lot of rules for thread titles. ?[face_plain] I didn't recall anyone having any problems with these threads until ol' Max chimed in with his FanFilm buddies to trash the caps in here. Oh well.

    Off to the Galactic Senate I go... :)
  11. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    heck the Galactic Senate are still the official boards of

    I'm just putting down simple ground rules, please don't think of me as a dictator... [face_devil]

    plus give me something to announce, and I'll be glad to prove my point :D
  12. Janz_Walker

    Janz_Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 9, 2000
    I love groupies. :)

    Glad you're helping us out here, Uilmuteiz. Maybe now this place will be looked upon as a companion board instead of "the other board from TFN".

  13. Elan-Rai

    Elan-Rai RSA Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 11, 2001
    I'm just playin' with ya, Uil. I am sure you will do well. Enjoy your new managerial powers.... [face_devil]
  14. Nathan_P_Butler

    Nathan_P_Butler Author, Star Wars Tales #21 star 4 VIP

    May 23, 2003
    In both cases, the big issue has to really be drawing people into the genre. We're close-knit, which is great, but at the same time, we need new blood. I plugged both boards in the next CR, so hopefully we'll get some new blood.
  15. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    I'll try to convince Lunatic to do the same on SWD ... ooof I'm in for a rough ride ..
  16. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    Okay, I got some sleep this afternoon, and I got an idea to make it easier for "drop by users" to be more attracted.

    Every show we do (CR, RotO, SWD)
    we base on a general idea.
    In order to discuss these Ideas, or have people post questions for guests and all, I'll allow a thread per show to be created. as the example I will make in a few minutes.

    I think this will help a little bit.
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