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**Official Thread** The unaltered Original Trilogy to be released on DVD

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Dagobah_Dude, May 3, 2006.

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  1. Tabula Rasa

    Tabula Rasa Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 8, 1998
    The Jabba angle will be interesting. Alot of people have never had a chance to see the O-OT.
  2. Bacon164

    Bacon164 Chosen One star 8

    Mar 22, 2005
    I hate the Jabba Scene. The great thing about the 2004 DVD is that you can skip it. :)
  3. Vengance1003

    Vengance1003 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 4, 2006
    Yah! I have never seen the O-OT and hope to see it this fall.
  4. JediStarKiller2

    JediStarKiller2 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 5, 2006
    I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

    The anticipation is killing me!!!
  5. Leias_love_slave

    Leias_love_slave Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 26, 2003
    Great news!

    I will happily spend my money on this!

    Yes, I'm a FANATIC and I don't care - the originals deserve respect and giving them an official DVD release was the right thing to do.

    Now I can happily look forward to any other changes Lucas might choose to make, assured that the originals will continue to be available for people to enjoy.

    When it comes to the original OT and an updated OT, my bookshelf has more than enough room for both.:)

    Way to go, Lucas! =D=
  6. harrison13

    harrison13 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 18, 2004

    it official now
  7. Grand_Moff_Jawa

    Grand_Moff_Jawa Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 31, 2001
    :eek: There really IS a God! :eek:
  8. harrison13

    harrison13 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 18, 2004
    will there be new covers?
  9. Jumpman

    Jumpman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 12, 2003
    The article does state something interesting:

    "We returned to the Lucasfilm Archives to search exhaustively for source material that could be presented on DVD."

    There's a bit more to this release than just slapping on archival editions from back in the day on DVD.

  10. harrison13

    harrison13 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 18, 2004
    will there be new covers?
  11. MasterACyard

    MasterACyard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 3, 2005
    Please Please please!!! Let it be WIDESCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The price had better be VERY reasonable since many of us own the 2oo4 DVDs! Why don't they use dual layer and put O-OT on one side and 2oo4 SE on the ther side?? Who needs design on the disc. I have many music DVDs/CDs which have the DVD Video on one side and DVD AUDIO on the other. The discs look plain, but who really cares?
  12. General Kenobi

    General Kenobi Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 31, 1998
    Magic 8 Ball? says: "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."

    Actually, I would hope for the old-school theatrical posters on the cover.

    Oh, I'm sure it will be in widescreen. The real question: Will there also be a Fullscreen release? (But please realize that debate already has its own thread. :p)
  13. Crazy_Old_Kermit

    Crazy_Old_Kermit Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 18, 2003
    Oh the new covers have to be the original artwork. But hang on, two disc? I think there's enough room to fit both movies on one disc right? Does that mean there will be commentary or any other features on the second/original movie disc?

    This is great news and a sign of progress. However, how many times has Lucas released different versions of practically the same movies on VHS/Laserdisc/DVD?

    Where is the 12 DISC SET?!!!

    But seriously, great news though.
  14. Jumpman

    Jumpman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 12, 2003
    It'll be in widescreen. They're not that dumb to do that...

    As it stands now, it looks like one disc is for the unaltered versions and one disc is for the 2004 version. Clearly the 2004 versions will be a direct port of the discs we have.

    We have no clues about what will be included on the Unaltered Versions or special features.
  15. colivo

    colivo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 25, 2004
    This is a great day, cause I think the SW community will finally come together. Sure there are always going to extremes on both ends who will still never agree, but the majority of fans will now be satisfied.

    I like that both versions are in each case, to me that says that SW is a big tent saga and it tries to appeal to every fan, older, younger, SE lovers, OT purists, etc. And I am not going to get my shot in at Lucas for abandoning his vision, cause he has been doing this from day one.

    I think alot of hatred has been spewn from one side, because the other side has gotten everything they wanted as per DVD releases, but now everyone has got some version to watch.

    For anyone that have battled and argued with on this site for dumb trivial reasons, I can honestly say, "I apologize, and lets be friends, we all have what we want now."@};-

    Now when is the O-OT coming out on HD-DVD? JUST KIDDING!
  16. Leias_love_slave

    Leias_love_slave Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 26, 2003
    Will the floors be sticky?

    I want to totally relive the experience of seeing them for the first time!:)
  17. DarthButt

    DarthButt Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 11, 2003

    Don't start the slippery slope! :p
  18. harrison13

    harrison13 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 18, 2004
    This release will only be available for a limited time: from September 12th to December 31st

    Does this mean we can expect other versions sometime after that.
  19. Tabula Rasa

    Tabula Rasa Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 8, 1998
    This should definitely be the case.

    That is an interesting line, Jumpman. Who knows, we might get some old never before seen footage out of this deal.
  20. DarthButt

    DarthButt Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 11, 2003
    QFT. Absolutely.
  21. Bacon164

    Bacon164 Chosen One star 8

    Mar 22, 2005
    Maybe it'll have those deleted scenes at Toshi Station (?) with Biggs and stuff on a bonus disc or something. I doubt it'd be on the actual release, considering it's advertised to be the Original Unaltered Trilogy...

    EDIT: Or those funky shots of 3PO piloting the landspeeder...
  22. Jumpman

    Jumpman Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 12, 2003
    It seems to me that they've gone to the original elements and cleaned them up. Now, will they match the 2004 Editions? Who's to say?

    But again, this is Lucas. He likes to put out a fine product. It'll be worth it even if it's minimal in terms of extras or transfer.

  23. Independence1776

    Independence1776 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 3, 2006
    Thank the Maker!

    Finally- no more worrying about wearing out the VHS tapes! [face_dancing]

    =D= [face_dancing] =D= [face_dancing]
  24. MasterACyard

    MasterACyard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 3, 2005
    Now that we'll have the O-OT, the i hope Lucas goes all out on the next special edition for the saga, without going too far like "JEDI ROCKS" and "Greedo Shoots First". There are limits.

    by the way... I WANT DELETED SCENES AND OUTTAKES AND other stuff (In September)

    "Fett demanded only one thing: An unaltered version for himself! Curious!"
  25. Fangorn81

    Fangorn81 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 27, 2005

    Now What am I supposed to do with my eBay bootleg Laserdisc DVDs and 2004 Boxed set SE DVDs???????

    Oh, well I'm buying them for sure!
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