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San A, TX Plano convention !!!!

Discussion in 'MidSouth Regional Discussion' started by ObiJuan70, Mar 27, 2001.

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  1. ObiJuan70

    ObiJuan70 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 1, 2001
    Hey SA area FanForce members - this past weekend Plano hosted the Sci-Fi Expo with stars from Star Wars such as Michonne Bourriague, Tim Rose, and stars from Buck Rogers such as Gil Gerard and Erin Grey - Fellow FanForce member Darksaber212 and myself got to meet up with all our friends that we talk to on the Props boards and we even met up with the guys from the Dallas FanForce - But things didn't end there, yours truly got to meet up with Michonne Bourriague to discuss the website that I am building for her - Once it is ready to be opened to the public you can be sure to find the link here !!!!

    If you live here in SA and would like to go to one of these Conventions with a group some time - Email me at . . .

    Take Care and MTFBWY

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