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Index Reader’s Choice—The Monthly List of Your Favorite Fics | Updates 1st & 3rd Sunday every month

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanficIndex, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – August 2017


    Onderon1 recommends: Bad Romance by divapilot

    Once again, Divapilot's taken a blending of an AU and canon to create something powerful. In this case, it's terrifying, because it could happen in RL as much as in any hardline Imperial home - one spouse treating another, and their children, like property.
    Armitage Hux sometimes gets played as a joke because of his OTT performance in TFA - but here, he's pure evil. And who the OCs are here twists the knife even deeper ...

    Notes: Saga - ST

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: An Old Song Re-Sung by Mira_Jade

    This is a response to the Celtic Song Challenge. Written with Mira_Jade's unparalleled knack for world-building, this is an AU to set the benchmark for what could/should have been. Magnificent fixer-upper.

    Notes: Saga - PT


    DARTH_MU recommends: Shattered Mirror by Draconarius and rebel_cheese (truncated on the boards, links to Wayback Machine below)

    This fic has everything I love. NJO AU, Yuuzhan Vong victory. Wynssa Fel.

    Review by jasa:

    Notes: Post-Vong War, circa 30 ABY, Legends, NJO AU, Jag/Jaina, Wynssa Fel

    Links to backup on the Wayback Machine behind the spoiler tag
  2. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hi everyone,

    Please start thinking of any stories you'd like to recommend to your fellow users in September 2017. Any suggestions PM-ed to me by Saturday 02 September will make it to the list posted on Sunday 03 September :)
    DARTH_MU likes this.
  3. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – September 2017


    Chyntuck recommends: And Then There Were None by Glor

    An intense OC-centric story set during TFA where the protagonist, a member of Finn's squad, explores her humanity while remaining a faithful stormtrooper of the First Order. Phasma makes a few appearances and she is absolutely chilling.

    Notes: Saga - ST (TFA); action/adventure/drama, introspection/flashbacks; OCs, Phasma,

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: Lost Saints by leiamoody

    As a response to the Disney Quote Challenge. This is a poignant and insightful piece about loss and its repercussions. Leia is portrayed in all her heartache and resilience.

    Notes: Saga - ST
  4. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    If you want to recommend any stories in October 2017, please send them by Saturday 30 September :) The list will go up on Sunday 01 October.
    Ewok Poet and yahiko like this.
  5. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – October 2017


    Chyntuck recommends: Welcome to Mandalore by Mia Mesharad

    This is the first "story" spawned by the Lit Galactic Travel Guide and Planets discussion thread and hopefully it won't be the last. Mia's travel guide to Mandalore is wonderfully written, with a Mandalorian OC taking you, the reader, around to discover the planet, its people and its culture. She integrates seamlessly every possible bit of canon material in her story for a result that truly makes RL-you wish you could go there and see for yourself.

    Notes: Saga - Legends; worldbuilding; OCs.

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: Broken Chains by DarthBreezy

    A fun and sweet Rebels romp! Highlights the wonderful romance between Hera/Kanan & the hilariousness of their "younglings" [face_laugh] Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra. [face_mischief]

    Notes: Saga-PT (Rebels)
  6. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    If you want to recommend any stories in November 2017, please send them to this sock by Saturday 4 November :) The list will go up on Sunday 5 November.
    Findswoman likes this.
  7. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – November 2017


    Chyntuck recommends: Dreg Squadron and Mercy Flight by Mistress_Renata

    These are two stories that feature Renata's OC Ambri Merrin, a pilot with the Rebel Alliance, yet they are as different as it gets. Dreg Squadron is a humorous fic featuring a prank war, whereas Mercy Flight is an adventure/drama story in which Ambri must deliver a batch of medicine to a freezing planet besieged by the Empire. Read the former on a day when you need a good laugh and the latter when you're in the mood for some nail-biting edge-of-seatness, and discover the different aspects of Ambri's personality as you go along.

    Notes: Saga - OT (TESB timeframe); series.


    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: One Hundred Blessings by divapilot

    This features her endearing OC pairing, Bree & Blue. This is a tender luminous addition to her series. Blue is a courageous and loving person and Bree is loyal and warm-hearted. In this lovely piece, he celebrates their togetherness in a myriad tangible ways. [face_love]

    Notes: Post-NJO AU; OCs; part of a series.
  8. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    If you want to recommend any stories in December 2017, please send them to this sock by Saturday 2 December :) The list will go up on Sunday 3 December.
    Findswoman likes this.
  9. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – December 2017


    Chyntuck recommends: The Princess of Renatasia by Sith-I-5

    Like everything Sith-I-5 writes, this story is unusual, fun and snarky. A teenage Kylo Ren, who has only recently joined the First Order, takes off to investigate... a fairy tale. The opening chapters have been posted so far, and what there is promises a number of unexpected developments in the future.

    Notes: Saga - ST; drama/humour; OTP challenge; Kylo Ren, Snoke, OCs.

    Findswoman recommends: The Beginning of Honor by Raissa Baiard

    Raissa provides a rich and thoughtful backstory for one of the least explored members of the Ghost crew. A young Zeb Orrelios, at this point a first-year cadet in the Lasan High Honor Guard, learns the true meaning of honor and responsibility: after leaves his younger brother, Shai, alone to go show off with his cadet friends, he then goes out to rescue him from the ravages of a dust storm. Rich in OCs and fanon, from Zeb's family members and fellow cadets to descriptions of the culture and landscape of Lasan.

    Notes: Saga - PT & OT; short multichapter; family drama; canon; Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, assorted Lasat OCs

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: Foundations of the Force by Ridley Solo

    Taking place immediately after ROTJ, it leads up to TFA and shows very convincingly Luke's triumphs and pitfalls and the Solos' adventures together and apart. The characterizations are tight and there is action, mush, and humor. You can totally tell Ridley knows these characters inside out. @};- :)

    Notes: Saga - ST; Luke, H/L, Ben.


    Ewok Poet recommends: Leo Denive by s_heffley

    This story was first posted in 2015 and and it didn't receive much attention. The new version's prologue is more than promising - the author is showing us a very, very different GFFA, 1000 years from the Battle of Yavin. There is no central government, planets are plagued by divides and a mysterious dark side sect came from Iridonia to Manda. Leo Denive, the story's protagonist, appears to be a Jedi? Light side user? Something else? The prologue will leave you wanting more...
  10. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    If you want to recommend any stories in January 2018, please send them to this sock by Saturday 6 January :) The list will go up on Sunday 7 January.
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  11. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – January 2018


    Findswoman recommends: Dutiful by @Pandora

    A chance encounter between a Naboo Royal Handmaiden and a Crimson Imperial Guard leads to intrigue—and the denizens of two nameless, faceless, whisperstiff worlds of duty gain names and faces.

    Notes: Saga—OT; one-shot; drama, intrigue, introspection; characters: original Naboo handmaiden and Crimson Guard


    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: The Spark by @JediMara77

    This has the prefixes of Beyond Legends and Saga ST. Rey is L/M's daughter and Mara is as we know and love her. This story just started but it has JM77's flawless characterizations and excellent plotting. The "big reveal" about Vader being Luke and Leia's father :oops: has been let loose by an unscrupulous type while :eek: Ben and Luke are confronting Snoke. Add to this that the family background thing was hidden from the kids with good intentions, you can already tell there will be consequences. This is promising to be a great read!

    Notes: ST & Legends mashup; Han/Leia, Ben, Rey, Luke/Mara
  12. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    If you want to recommend any stories in Fabruary 2018, please send them to this sock by Saturday 3 February :) The list will go up on Sunday 4 February.

    Please note that you can't recommend any story that's eligible for the fanfic awards until the awards process is over. You can see the list of fics eligible for the awards here.
    Findswoman likes this.
  13. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    What happens when only the first chapter of the story was posted on here and complete story (that doesn't break the TOS) elsewhere? I nominated a pretty unique fic at the 2016 awards and it was in one of those categories that were not changed during the process, so it didn't get through. Would like to do it some justice. :)
    Findswoman likes this.
  14. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    I'm not sure I understand your question @Ewok Poet. Can you please rephrase?
  15. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    D'oh, I messed something up. :p Neeeevermind.
  16. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – February 2018


    Findswoman recommends: Tales from the Lars Homestead by @gaarastar58

    A young Cliegg Lars grapples with self-blame and feelings of guilt when his fourteen-year-old younger brother Edern ("Ed") is gravely injured in a speeder accident; with the help of his parents and friends he struggles to come to terms with his emotions and to carry on. Features realistic, believable depictions life in the Tatooine wilderness and a very sensitive portrayal of characters' emotions in the wake of disaster.

    Notes: Saga–PT, Before; Multichapter; Drama; Cliegg Lars and his family members


    Chyntuck recommends: The Vader Monologues by @BlindMan

    An oldie but a goldie from the Classic Boards. In this hilarious series of short ficlets that revises key scenes of the OT with Vader talking to himself, or rather Anakin and Vader talking to each other, you'll learn, among other things, that Anakin Skywalker's middle name is Mortimer and that there's a GFFA bestseller titled "Men Are From Corellia, Women Are From Dantooine". And there's this stellar bit of dialogue:
    Nuff said.

    Notes: Saga - OT; humour; Vader. The story is (obviously) pre-move but as the posts are very short it's not truncated.

    BEYOND - Legends

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: Worth Fighting For, RSVP and I'll Save a Seat by @Tarsier

    In I'll Save a Seat -- there is a nostalgic bittersweet reminiscing tone, more sweet than bitter. It's a wonderful reflection of RL reactions to such anniversaries. In RSVP, we get the details of what is discussed in the latter. Tarsier's Callista is warm, humorous, and very much sans the baggage the EU athors wanted to load her with. :p I found her quite likeable and could "get" what Luke saw in her, and as a staunch Mara fan, that is an accomplishment!

    Notes: Beyond Legends; series; Luke, Dankin, Mara & Callista
  17. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    Time to start thinking of the stories you'd like to recommend in March 2018 :) Please PM them to this sock by Saturday 3 March so that I can post the list on Sunday 4 March.

    Please also remember that you can't recommend any stories that are competing in the Fanfic Awards at this time. You can find the list of nominated stories here.
    Findswoman likes this.
  18. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    A quick rules question: when the time for April recommendations rolls around, we'll then once again be able to recommend stories that had been part of the awards, right? Or will it depend on whether those stories won anything in the awards? Just double-checking to make sure I understand the rules aright. :)
  19. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    @Findswoman Once all the awards winners have been announced, you'll be able to recommend the stories that didn't win anything immediately. For winners there's still a 2-month period after that where they can't be recommended under rule 4.
  20. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – March 2018


    Mistress_Renata recommends: The Kyberkerk of Jedha by @Chyntuck

    Everyone needs to read the Kyberkerk of Jedha by Chyntuck! The richness of the descriptions, the lyricism of the language, the incredible world -building of a fascinating place we only got a glimpse of in Rogue One... Even though I am sure it's only going to end in tears, I'm definitely ready to go along for the ride!

    Notes: Distant past; OCs

    SAGA - OT

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: Eyes Like His by @Ewok Poet

    Zeb meets two Lasan and they return them to Lira San. It's an impromptu fic-gift and it's one we all are privileged to read! Ewok Poet is famous for incredible hilarity; now we get amazing lyricalness and poignance very much like we're used to with the stunning divapilot.

    For all those who love :zeb: it's a very delightful satisfying read.

    Notes: Rebels.

    Sith-I-5 recommends: In Memoriam by @Chyntuck

    How in the Original Light did she get all 199 SAT words into one piece?

    Notes: Lando, Han, Mas Amedda

    BEYOND - Legends

    Findswoman recommends: Eurydice by @JadeLotus

    On a journey through the afterlife of the Force to save Luke, Mara encounters many important figures from Luke's past—and from her own future. A Luke/Mara classic by one of that 'ship's finest writers.

    Notes: Multichapter; Drama, afterlife, angst, introspection, romance; Legends; Mara, Luke, Leia, and numerous others from both the films and Legends
  21. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    Time to start thinking of the stories you'd like to recommend in April 2018 :) Please PM them to this sock by Saturday 31 March so that I can post the list on Sunday 1 April.

    Please also remember that you can't recommend any stories that are competing in the Fanfic Awards at this time. You can find the list of nominated stories here.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  22. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Reader’s Choice – April 2018


    No submissions


    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: Heirs to the Empire by @aldo405

    A very well-written and wonderfully characterized AU where right before the Battle of Endor in our variant of the OT, Luke, Leia, and Han wind up in another timestream where (cool twisty) A/P rule the Empire, seemingly benevolently, but we'll see. In A/P's timestream, they lost their twins in a vicious attack while they were still young so the family reunion is all kinds of interesting. Another fascinating nuance is Alderaan was never destroyed. [face_dancing]

    Notes: Saga; H/L, A/P, Luke and others familiar to the reader like Kenobi & Bail Organa & Garm Bel Iblis.


    Chyntuck recommends: The Jacen Solo Trilogy by @Anedon

    In this post-Invincible AU, Jacen was grievously wounded and captured by his sister aboard the Anakin Solo, and after a few years in a prison cell he is given an opportunity to redeem himself. The story is interesting for the way it integrates post-LotF canon events, for its use of flashbacks to explain how Darth Caedus became Jacen Solo once more, and for Jacen's constant struggle with the dark side. Anedon's fantastic worldbuilding supplies the setting for Jacen's new adventures and is complemented by two very useful fanon posts. The most endearing aspect of the story must be the wonderful, well thought-out, well-rounded OCs Gaven and Nev, who provide the necessary counterpoint to Jacen's struggles but also complement him and have a story of their own.

    Notes: Post-LotF AU; Jacen Solo, OCs, other established characters; drama, adventure, introspection.
    aldo405, divapilot, Kahara and 4 others like this.
  23. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    Hey everyone,

    Time to start thinking of the stories you'd like to recommend in May 2018 :) Please PM them to this sock by Saturday 05 May so that I can post the list on Sunday 06 April.

    Just as a reminder of a specific rule that's particularly relevant right now, you can't recommend fics that won one of the 2018 Fanfic Awards, or fics by the people who won in the author categories. You'll find the complete list of winners here.
    Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  24. FanficIndex

    FanficIndex Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 27, 2015
    (Indexer's note: sorry for the delay in updating this thread, blame DRL and all that)

    Reader’s Choice – May 2018


    No submissions

    SAGA - PT

    Findswoman recommends: 37:35 by @Viridian-Maiden

    Even if one doesn't necessarily...
    wholeheartedly support the idea of Obi-Wan consorting with a padawan...
    ...this tiny vignette—almost a drabble—captures a tiny moment of a romantic encounter and is a sparkling example of how to write erotic right in the GFFA while still adhering to the TOS.

    Notes: Saga - PT; drabble, vignette; romance; canon; Obi-Wan, OC

    SAGA - OT

    divapilot recommends: Star Wars Garbage by @Ewoklord

    I would like to recommend a multi-chapter story by Ewoklord that appears under the unfortunate name "My Working Title is Star Wars Garbage So I'm Going to Stick With That." As @Ewok Poet noted in her review, "if this is garbage then I am Oscar the Grouch." This is a really tightly written story starring Cassian Andor and K2SO. Well before the events of Rogue One, the duo are on Tatooine, searching for a missing diplomat who has been taken hostage by Jabba the Hutt. It is a delicious mix of the settings of SW: A New Hope and Rogue One. Cassian is the determined risk taker we saw of him in R1, and Kaytoo's sardonic, salty reactions keep the reader laughing along. The action is thrilling, the OCs are cleverly drawn, and the detail puts you right in under the double suns. This is a gem of a story.

    Notes: Saga - OT, Kassian, K-2SO, multi-chapter

    BEYOND - Legends

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha recommends: Perfect by @Irish_Jedi_Jade

    [face_dancing] After a recent month's recommendation of a story posted "back a while" -- I just had to recommend this marvelous, exquisite L/M nummy!
    Luke & Mara have a child with special needs -- and she is the most endearing thing ever! [face_love] Their love and joy as a couple and family throughout everything is so resplendent. :) [face_sigh]
    It's worth a read and a re-read [face_laugh] ^:)^

    Notes: L/M, AU, multi-chapter, complete
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  25. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    @FanficIndex @Chyntuck I was just thinking how much I'd love to see this wonderful thread reinstated! I'm glad to either help out with or take over the management, if that would be helpful. :)