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Science Fiction Limited Run OPEN Realms Between: The Matrix

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Shadowsun, Apr 5, 2022.

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  1. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017


    "Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid."
    The Real, the Unreal the delineation of the two tied perhaps simply to that of choice. The confiscation of that singular principle, leaving one to remain deluded. To stay within the confines of a dull, drab counterfeit world, but safe world...

    Or will one choose the other path, break free into the dark, uncomfortable arms of truth, of reality.

    Perhaps such a question is more pressing now than that of a near quarter-century ago.

    Such is the story of The Matrix, of Neo, Trinity, Morpheus...


    This is a world after that Neo realizes that he is truly The One but before that of the fall of the machines... altered by the presence of something other.

    A broken world that was already broken, reality warped beyond that of just code, machines, and humans. This is not, precisely, the Matrix you knew... things here will be different.

    So which pill will you choose?


    Come on... let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes...

    This is a game of Realms Between... a singular realm of the infinite span of all things. What that means is the game is split into two modes:

    The story of the Realm itself and that of those who travel between Realms. The two are intertwined and interconnected.

    This is also a limited run game, which to me means it will last for approximately 100-300 posts [number varies based on player count, combos/singles, and other factors. A normal game takes between 400-700 posts] as such the story will be tight and focused in its direction.

    There is an option for one to play a character that exists within the Realm in question. This is an option open to all. A character sheet is provided below for those interested in such an option. If your character is crossing over from another realm you are not required to post a CS. I do however strongly encourage to post an image or give a description of your character in your first post.

    Character Sheet

    1) Respect and Obey the TOS
    2) No god-modding
    3) Do not metagame - particularly if you know future events of a story that your character does not [There is no guarantee those events will play out the same here anyway]
    4) If you need to step away please notify the GM
    5) If you have an issue with the story, a plotline or character related event notify me as soon as you can, I am human I make mistakes too. I am always willing to work with players to give them the best experience possible.
    6) The most important rule: Have Fun!
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
  2. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    The Rabbit Hole


    The room Aeneas, Manticore, Pascale, and Wilhelm arrived in was dark and damp, a series of three chairs that were reclined at an angle lay were assorted in a ring. Wilhelm then produced three clamps from his lab pocket. In contrast to the dirty wires, dark metal, and interior the clamp was shiny, a faint blue glow accompanying it. Clearly, it was not some jerry-rigged thing of this world.

    Aeneas back to speak as Wilhelm began pottering around setting up various pieces of equipment and logging into a computer.

    "We had some initial intelligence to indicate that this is a realm that was altered by a Titan, it's off-centered to how it is supposed to be... the fastest way of gathering further information is to enter the that end we had this space prepared," The Matrix. It had been explained to them as the byproduct of the war of machines and man, a system of code and subjugation to keep the humans docile.

    "Normally you would need a literal plug in your head in order to 'jack in', but such an extreme method is beneath what we are capable of... we designed these... a far better alternative that is less intrusive..."

    He gave a motion to the chairs. "We will rest here as our minds are connected to the Matrix, it should be noted that if you die in the Matrix you will die in reality." He gave a gesture to the lab-coated man. "Dr. Kruger here will keep an eye over us and be able to pull us out if need be,"

    He gave a look over to them both. "Your weapons cannot be brought into the Matrix, though we can generate a similar, far weaker version of it... they will come more useful once we locate the Titan and then physically travel to where it is in the 'real' world.

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @Jerjerrod-Lennox
  3. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005

    IC: Pascale Rouser (Twilight version and now clone)
    Location: Enter The Matrix

    As he stepped out of the Patriach's world and in to the other, Pascale shivered. The cold and the damp were obvious.

    This place looked bloody awful.

    They were about to enter the Matrix itself to gather intrlligence but then it would seem they would need to come back out to this world in order to fight the Titan itself. And this would test his skills with his new bow which was currently across his back.

    And it seemed he would have to wear one of those awful clamp things on his head. Hopefully he would not have to shave his hair off, Pascale prided himself with looking handsome and smart.

    But the message was clear, you die in the Matrix, you die here. Pascale would have to make sure he survived and dodge any potential traps.

    Walking up to Aeneas he took one of the clamps and put it in one of his jacket pockets for now before moving to one of the chairs. First off came the bow and then his hat before setting it on the floor.

    "Let us hope we do not need to use them in the Matrix, no?" Pascale said settiling in to one of the chairs. Manticore would hopefully be joining them soon.

    TAG: @Shadowsun , @greyjedi125
    Vehn, Shadowsun, Mitth_Fisto and 2 others like this.
  4. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Darth Manticore
    Matrix Arrival


    As soon as he passed beyond the portal, he could feel the change. Manticore came to a halt just past the threshold and regarded his own physical form. He knew he now was the splitting image of Soong-Li Khan, his once mentor and Master of Teras Kasi. The black and red of his skin were gone, fiery eyes turned to hardened coal, the horns upon his head were replaced by jet black hair. His frame was still very muscular, yet slightly shorter. He could also feel the Force, but greatly diminished as warned. However, merely knowing it and feeling it were very different experiences. Upon emerging within chamber, Manticore had automatically begun to reach out with his senses as he always did when entering a new environment, and he immediately encountered a strange sense of resistance, one of discernible strength.

    Manticore, let out a huff as he disengaged the effort and instead looked around with his own five senses. The dreariness of the place did not bother him at all, if nothing else, it reminded him of Nar Shaddaa’ Undercity.

    With a graceful motion, Manticore brandished Caliburn, as he wished to further familiarize himself with the weapon at every given opportunity. Indeed, he could feel its energies suffusing him, slowly filling the vacuum the Force left behind, much to his inward relief.

    As he began to do a short kata, he listened to Kaiser. So, the Titan they sought, it caused a ‘change’ in this world? Curious. Aeneas then showed them a device that would allow them to insert themselves in the Matrix.

    It was a curious looking device, a flattened metallic oval with eight grasping appendages. Manticore thought of a compressed B’omarr Monk and was lightly amused by this. He did wonder at the technology, but did not linger upon such thought, that was a mystery for another day. Sheathing Caliburn, he approached the indicated chair.

    It was a pity their real weapons would have to remain in the chamber with their bodies, but a facsimile was far better than no weapon at all.

    "Let us hope we do not need to use them in the Matrix, no?" Pascale commented candidly. Manticore glanced over to the man.

    “Unlikely…” He countered with a knowing smirk, even as he allowed Kruger to assist him donning the strange device.

    “…but don’t worry. We’ll be following Kaiser’s lead, yes?”

    Smoothly, he reclined on the chair and took a breath, closing his eyes, then emptying his mind from extraneous concerns. Now, it was finally time to ‘Enter the Matrix’.

    Tag: @Shadowsun, @Jerjerrod-Lennox
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2022
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Character Sheet
    Name: Smith
    Age: Snort.
    Gear: Old Code, who cares?
    Bio: It's me, who else?
  6. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Aeneas Kaiser
    Plugged in

    The man gave a nod as he took his own clamp, securing it to the back of his head as Kruger came to ensure the clamp was secure for all of them. Stepping back as he then typed away at a computer an unpleasant feeling took over them all for but a moment until...

    It was raining where they ended up. The torrential downpour and the dark, murky street masked their presence Kaiser looked at them both, and their mental projections of themselves his eyes scanning quietly.

    "We exist now in a digital landscape made of programs akin to what make droids from your realm function," he looked around, gauging where they were located, there was not much to see a dark mudded alleyway tucked away in the corner of a city. "There are these programs known as agents, in dark suits with dark sunglasses, it will be a great challenge for us to deal with them as our power is limited by the bounds of the Matrix, keep that in mind," He then straightened his tie as he took a step forward.

    "So we are to avoid them at all costs, but we are to track down other programs, that should be our starting point,"

    He looked back. "Well that should be all the info you need, for now, time we got moving, we have an rough idea of where we can meet one of these so-called 'programs',"

    TAG: @greyjedi125 @Jerjerrod-Lennox [Combo]

    IC: ???

    He was here...

    The light, the exit point, the path to destroy himself lay before him.

    It was where he was supposed to go.

    But he could not.

    He was compelled to stay.

    Something... something had changed... he was unplugged, disconnected...

    One might even say he was now 'free'.

    No... no that was not quite right.

    But it lay before him... the question... one that would plague him to his very core. A single question that he had yet to divine and define. One that he needed to know.

    What was the purpose of Agent Smith?

    TAG: @Sinrebirth [Single]
    Jerjerrod-Lennox and greyjedi125 like this.
  7. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Smith

    What was the purpose of Agent Smith?

    The question repulsed him.

    He was not without purpose.

    Not at all.

    But he was deleted.



    Neo had done it.

    Mr Anderson.

    He was drifting towards infinity, and null, and void, and everything, and nothing.

    His data would be sifted through, dispersed, shredded until it no longer fit back together.


    It would not.

    Because his purpose was clear.

    Damn the cascade of errors he would create.

    Damn the system.

    Damn the Matrix.

    He would become...

    His own purpose.

    TAG: @Shadowsun
  8. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    OOC: Ashort combo with @greyjedi125 and @Shadowsun

    IC: Pascale Rouser (Twilight version and now clone), Manticore, Aeneas Kaiser
    Location: Enter The Matrix

    It was just like falling asleep….until he woke up again and it was raining.

    He looked down at himself, his cream suit and white shirt with black tie had been replaced with an all black suit and tie. No hat either.

    Kaiser explained some bits and pieces, meet programs, avoid agents. This world though….

    "Rather dark here" Pascale remarked to Manticore now in his human form "but rather a fascinating world don't you think?" He started to follow Kaiser.

    Manticore remained still for a moment as he immersed himself in what sounds and sights he could, testing the range and acuity of his 'normal' senses. It was going to take some time getting used to this lesser form, but he intended to push this shell past its limits. As for the ambiance, he found it rather becoming, pleasing even.

    "I prefer it dark..." He rasped back at Pascale, who was smartly dressed. This caused the zabrak...well, presently human 'monk', to look down at himself. His garments were of a flexible material, yet form fitting- suitable for combat. Was this part of the program Kaiser had mentioned earlier? This...'Matrix'.

    Reaching behind him, Manticore was relieved to find a copy of Caliburn there, which he unsheathed. For a brief moment he regarded the weapon as he became keenly aware that it was a lesser, much weaker representation.


    In a smooth motion, he returned the sword to its sheath, which was strapped to his back.

    "Avoid agents..." he murmured gruffly, not sounding pleased by this prospect.

    "Where to Number Eight?" he then inquired in a low voice not quite his own as he half-glanced Kaiser.

    "You feeling hungry?" spoke Aeneas as he responded to Manticore's question, and then looked to Pascale.

    "Let's not draw attention to ourselves unless we have to," he spoke, turning as he made his way through the streets. As they came across a road several cars would move down and across, their bright front lights shining through the darkness. It would be interesting to see what the two of them thought of the relatively primitive machines. The buildings looming over them with their tall, claustrophobic nature. Grey on black, monotony colours of a depressing city.

    "I could use a bite to eat" responded Pascale "One being pulled from your own timeline to a new world and then to this place does make one hungry".

    He smiled at Manticore "Let's see if you enjoy human food, no?"

    Following Aeneas Pascale was intrigued by what he saw here, the buildings were drab and grey, these humans were industrious it seemed. And….speeders with wheels? He'd heard of cultures where they still used carts and such but these looked metal.

    Very industrious indeed….

    It seemed these machines had created a world where humans, maybe in conjunction with machines, had built things together. But of course it had all gone wrong.

    Maybe perhaps he could bring something back to start a new collection of artefacts.

    Truth be told, he was only half-listening to the conversation. Most of his focus was on reconnoitring their surroundings. Manticore well understood these dark places and alleys, the nocturnal opportunities they presented. In the absence of ‘light’, darkness thrived. And so, he looked and listened for anything that was a ‘tell’ for possible danger. How could they ‘avoid’ undesired entanglements if they didn’t see them coming.

    “No. Not hungry…” He half-answered dismissively as he continued on.

    Manticore was keen on what he'd learned about this place. It wasn’t the human element they had been warned about.

    It was the machines and the agents.

    Even so, these drab buildings were reminiscent of the dangerous places he ventured in his early days, save for the odd looking wheeled vehicles. They seemed very inefficient as modes of transport - but such oddities were to be expected in these ‘otherworld’ settings.

    And so, he resolved to follow along, mostly in silence.

    Among the many questions roving in the back of his mind, was a tangible curiosity on how well this ‘team’ would work together.

    The only being in recent memory that meshed seamlessly with his manner was his sith brother, Darth Bernael, and the Azanti was as absent as their surroundings were bleak.

    From his human looking lips, there's a small sigh, one to help him keep his focus.

    That was the past. This was now. Only time would tell.

    TAG: @Shadowsun , @greyjedi125
  9. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
    GM Approved!


    Name: Kiowa Darkhorse
    Age: 42
    Appearance: Tan, muscular build, piercing brown eyes, facial paint
    Gear: Hatchet, bow and arrow, an old musket from a time long gone

    Kiowa Darkhorse is the last member of his tribe in the “normal” world. A tribe that was, like the rest of humanity, enslaved by the machines and farmed. Farmed for his energy. His body. His mind. Arguably, even to a machine, his soul.

    The only catch is he doesn’t know he is enslaved.

    Kiowa is always in the Matrix. Dressed in the traditional garb of his people. Slipping in and out of the dark and dangerous urban environments that was built to house humanity in their artificial playground.

    Kiowa operates in the shadows. The darkness. Occasionally taking life but more often than not he is watching and observing. While he is waiting he has noticed that something is different about this world that he dwells. Something is off as if the great vibration of the world is humming at a slightly skewed frequency.

    The winds of this world have changed and Kiowa stands ready to embrace the change in the hopes of discovering the mysteries of what lies beyond….

    Tag: @Shadowsun et Al…..
    Last edited: May 4, 2022
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