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Saga Saga - PT Saga - OT Reignite the Light (Obitine, Korkie Kryze, Jathan Kenobi (OC), Yoda) 2023 Fanfiction Olympics

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by JediMaster_Jen, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Series Title: Reignite the Light
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Multiple One-shots
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Jathan Kenobi (OC), Yoda, assorted others (briefly)
    Summary: Her escape from Mandalore and his survival of Order 66 and its aftermath are just the beginning of the story for Satine, Obi-Wan and their family
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: These stories were written for one of my favorite events, the 2023 Fanfiction Summer Olympics. These stories are also prequels to a longer fic I wrote for the 2023 Spring Bingo Challenge entitled The Light Will Burn Again, which can be read as a stand-alone story
    Download Link(s): Coming end of 2023
    Disclaimer: Star Wars was created by George Lucas. LucasFilm Ltd. and all its content are currently owned and distributed by the Walt Disney Company. No copyright infringement is intended.


    Index of Events (Pentathlon)

    I. Heartbreaking Beginnings | Single Sentence Shot Put | 19 BBY

    II. Revelation | 400 Word Cross Country | 19 BBY

    III. Decision Point | 200 Freestyle | 19 BBY

    IV. We Move Forward | 1500 Word Dash | 19 BBY

    V. Wings of a Dream | AU Archery | 18 BBY
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2023
  2. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Title: Heartbreaking Beginning
    Co-Author(s): N/A
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Angst
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Oneshot
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze
    Summary: Satine watches as her beloved home grows smaller in the distane as she escapes in the arms of Obi-Wan
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: For Heartbreaking Beginning, I chose the Single Sentence Shot Put, which was to tell a story in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple


    Satine drew upon every bit of strength she had as Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around her and together they watched her beloved Mandalore become smaller in the distance.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
  4. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Wonderful start. It is definitely a heartbreaking beginning even though there is also the potential of finding joy and serenity eventually, but having to leave home would be hard. @};-
  5. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Thanks! :)

    Yes, definitely not something the duchess would be happy about, having to abandon her homeworld. :( Thanks.


    Title: Revelation
    Co-Author(s): N/A
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Oneshot
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze
    Summary: Things change when Obi-Wan and Satine reach Coruscant
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: For Revelation, I chose the 400 Word Cross Country, which was to write a story of exactly 400 words about your character, couple, family or friendship with any theme.


    Obi-Wan was quiet as he dressed, but he felt it when Satine began to awaken. He turned and watched as she slowly sat up, sheet held tight across her chest with one hand while she ran the fingers of her other hand through her messy blonde hair.

    “Why are you up so early?” she softly questioned her lover.

    Obi-Wan sat next to her on the small bunk and reached out to grasp her hand.

    “We’ll be to Coruscant in less than an hour,” he informed her. “Master Yoda will be meeting us.”

    Satine sighed deeply. “He’s going to punish you for coming after me, isn’t he?”

    Obi-Wan gave a nonchalant shrug of his bare shoulders. “It’s possible, I suppose. Even if that comes to pass, I will never regret coming to Mandalore to rescue you.”

    She smiled softly as he leaned forward and connected their lips in a delicate kiss.

    “Nor will I ever regret this,” he said when he pulled back from her mouth. “I know I’ve never said it, but…”

    She pressed her fingers to his lips. “You don’t have to say it, Ben. I know.”

    He kissed her fingers. “I want to say it. I feel…I feel like I need to say it, before I can’t. I…I hardly know where to begin. I should have told you this all those years ago when we were teenagers and…I’m sorry I didn’t say it then. I’m sorry I didn’t say it a few months ago. I do love you, Satine.”

    Tears were falling down her cheeks by the time he’d finished. She’d always known in her heart how he felt, but to finally hear him give voice to those feelings had her as emotional as she’d ever been.

    She pulled him to her and kissed him deeply. “I love you. I always have.”

    He gently wiped away her tears just as the alert he’d set let him know they were approaching Coruscant.


    The landing had gone smoothly and now the pair was standing silently before Master Yoda.

    “Good to see you well, it is, Duchess,” Yoda told her.

    “Thank you, Master Yoda,” she said. “I am deeply indebted to Master Kenobi for coming to my aid.”

    “Hmm,” Yoda said, eyes narrowed at Obi-Wan. “Disobeyed, you did. Feelings for the Duchess, you have.”

    Obi-Wan stole a quick glance at Satine then looked back at Yoda.

    “Yes, Master. I do.”
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
  6. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Delicious exchange in the opening scene and I adore Obi-Wan's succinct reply at the end. :) [face_love]
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
  7. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Obitine must be such fun to write ... and correct the cards that canon dealt them.:-B
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Obi-Wan sure is in love, forbidden by the code. Great reply to Yoda
  9. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    No mincing words for Obi this time!! :D

    They are fun to write. :) Yeah, "fixing" canon is a favorite pastime of mine. :p

    Yes, he is and not at all afraid to admit it! :D


    Title: Decision Point
    Co-Author(s): N/A
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Angst
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Oneshot
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze
    Summary: Things change when Obi-Wan and Satine reach Coruscant
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: For Decision Point, I chose the 200 Freestyle, which was to write a story of exactly 200 words about your character, couple, family or friendship with a free choice of any theme.


    “I need your help,” Satine said as she took a seat in Bail Organa’s office.

    “What can I do for you, Satine?” he asked politely.

    Her hands went almost imperceptibly to her belly. “I’ll be brief, I need to leave Coruscant, and I need a…a safe place to go. I thought you might be able to help with that.”

    If Bail thought her request strange, he didn’t show it. “I can assist with that, yes. Do you have some place in mind? And will you need false identification?”

    “No particular place, no,” she told him. “As for false identification, yes, I do believe it necessary. Please, tell no one.”

    Bail made a few notes on his datapad and then looked up at his friend. “Give me a few days. I’ll contact you.”

    Satine thanked him and headed straight back to her apartment.


    Three days later, she still had not heard from Obi-Wan, but she had heard of his and Anakin’s return to Coruscant and their rescue of Palpatine. She wanted to tell him of her pregnancy, but everything inside her was telling her she needed to leave the capitol to protect her unborn child and herself.

    So leave she would.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Super entry. Satine knew the right person to go to who would help. =D=
  11. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Ah, push has come to shove and she's made a difficult decision ... [face_relieved]
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    she made the right decision coming to Bail. But what now?
    Kahara and JediMaster_Jen like this.
  13. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Good 'ole loyal Bail. :) Where would the galaxy be without him?

    The most difficult of her life.:(

    What now? Here comes the answer. :p


    Title: We Move Forward
    Co-Author(s): N/A
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Genre: Angst, Drama
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Oneshot
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Yoda (mentioned only), Korkie Kryze, Jathan Kenobi (OC-mentioned only and not by name), Bail Organa (briefly)
    Summary: Satine and Obi-Wan find a way to carry on after unspeakable tragedy and loss
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: For We Move Forward, I chose the 1500 Word Dash, which was to write an exactly 1500 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with any theme.


    Tears cascaded down Satine’s cheeks twenty-four hours later as she boarded a transport with the false identity Bail had secured for her. She had colored her hair a dark brown and wore it down rather than in the ornate styles she usually favored.

    “Are you okay, Milady?” the transport attendant asked her as he saw her tears.

    Satine wiped at her eyes and nodded. “Yes, thank you, I’m fine.”

    She handed him her identification chip as well as her boarding ticket and waited as she tried not to look too nervous.

    He scanned both items and handed them back with a smile. “Have a safe journey, Miss Tallen.”

    Satine thanked him and boarded the transport, her bag slung over her shoulder. She tucked away her identification safely in the belt she wore and found a seat. Once comfortable, she pulled out a few datapads Bail had given her as well. She had no idea what information they contained so when she opened the first one, she was stunned.

    On the screen held a holo of her nephew, Korkie. His hair was a mess and his face held numerous abrasions, bruises and spots of what she assumed was dried blood. There were about ten images and her tears welled up again as she scanned through them. His clothing was tattered and torn. His left arm appeared to be broken. It was held in a dirty piece of cloth which was tied and secured around his neck. His right eye was swollen shut and a small piece of his left earlobe was missing.

    But he was alive. He’d never looked more beautiful to her.

    Satine reached into her travel bag and discovered a handwritten note on a piece of flimsi. She didn’t recognize the writing, but as soon as she saw the message, she knew who had left it for her.

    “Bail,” she whispered to herself as she read.

    My friend, my sources tell me your…nephew is being held prisoner on Mandalore by those still loyal to Pre Vizsla. I have been in contact with your sister, Bo-Katan and you need to be aware that she is close to mounting a rescue. Your sister is aware of your destination. As soon as she is able, she will make certain he is returned to you.

    Safe travels, my friend.

    Satine was gratified to learn that her sister was also still alive. Mandalore had fallen and she knew she could never go back, but to know that Bo was still fighting to restore their home gave her hope that at some point in the future, a return just might be possible.

    She quickly put away the datapad and the note and leaned her head back against her seat. Her destination was to a planet in the outer rim where Bail believed she could blend in with the locals. He had even been able to give her a significant amount of credits so she would be able to secure lodging and have enough left over until she was able to earn her own.

    It would certainly be a departure from the life she was accustomed to, but she was determined to make the adjustment and if one day she was able to reunite with Obi-Wan, she would.

    As the transport lifted off, Satine cast her eyes towards the Jedi Temple. She hoped with her whole heart that Obi-Wan was safe, that he would come through the war intact; physically if not emotionally and psychologically. A few tears again escaped and covered her cheeks.

    “My heart is with you, my love,” she whispered as the temple faded from view.


    Three Days Later
    Polis Massa

    Obi-Wan was exhausted. He hadn’t slept in what felt like weeks and everything he had ever known was now gone. As far as he knew, he and Yoda were the only two Jedi in the galaxy still alive. His clothing was littered with burn holes from his fight with his apprentice; his apprentice who was responsible for the destruction at the temple and the slaughter of so many Jedi.

    “How are you holding up, my friend?” Bail asked him as he approached.

    Obi-Wan shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t…I don’t really know. Everything is gone. I am not certain where to go from here. Where do you go when there is nothing left?”

    Bail was somewhat in the same situation as Obi-Wan. He had witnessed a young Jedi padawan being murdered by the clones. He did not understand what had gone so wrong. He was also having a difficult time processing the losses they’d suffered, especially the loss of his friend Padme.

    “I wish I had some profound words of wisdom for you,” he began softly. “But I…I have no words for this.”

    Obi-Wan shifted his gaze to the crib which held two newborn twins. He had no idea what would happen to the children now that both their parents were dead.

    “Where is she?” he questioned softly then. “I need to know. I know she would have come to you if she needed help and I…and I wasn’t there.”

    Bail sighed deeply. “I can’t reveal that information, my friend. She asked me to tell no one of her whereabouts.”

    “Including me,” he said, a statement rather than a question. “Oh, Satine, what were you thinking?”

    Bail rested a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “She is safe, Obi-Wan. You have my word of honor on that.”

    Obi-Wan just nodded. His mind and body were both in shock and words had abandoned him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he turned and walked away.

    Bail watched him go and wondered to himself if his friend would ever recover from the loss of everything, everyone he had ever held dear. His eyes drifted to Padme’s twins and he felt a sharp stab of pain in his heart that she would never truly know her children. He sighed again as she ran a hand through his hair as he followed Obi-Wan’s path.

    Yoda had said the three of them needed to sit down and discuss what would be done with Luke and Leia. Bail had a few ideas and he was not going to be shy about putting forth his opinions.

    The time for beating around the proverbial bush had come and gone with the Republic.


    Satine had settled into her new life relatively easily. The credits Bail had given her went a long way. She quickly found a place to live and the old woman she rented her apartment from also gave her a job in her market. It was a far cry from the life she used to live and she certainly missed things and people from her past, but she had adjusted.

    Her first surprise came nearly five months after she’d arrived. Her door chime sounded just as she was getting ready to head to bed and she activated the external camera and nearly screamed out in joy when she saw her nephew standing there, looking a little worse for wear, but certainly better than he had on the holos Bail had sent to her.

    She pushed the activation stud and the door slid open and for the first time in longer than she remembered, she was staring at Korkie. His hair was shoulder length and longer than she ever remembered it being as he’d grown up. His skin was tanned, and he wore clean clothing. She was a bit dismayed to see a blaster at his side, but she knew he had to have a way to defend himself.

    But it was his eyes that drew her in. The clear blue of his eyes, so like his father’s, now held a haunted look she immediately feared he would never lose.

    “Are you gonna let me in, Mother?”

    Satine gasped, shaken from her musings when he called her mother. She nodded and a huge smile crossed her face as Korkie stepped across the threshold and into her arms. He pulled her against him in a tight hug and that was when he noticed her belly.

    He pulled back and his eyes widened and his jaw dropped open. “You…you’re pregnant.”

    Satine smiled sadly. “Yes, I am. I’m…there’s a lot for me to tell you and I’m sure a lot for you to tell me as well. Come, I’ll make us some tea and we can chat.”

    Korkie followed his mother and sat down at the table while she made the tea. Within moments, she placed a hot cup in front of him.

    “Now, tell me what happened after we were separated on Mandalore,” she demanded.

    Korkie chuckled as he ran his fingers through his messy hair.

    “So like your father,” she muttered to herself.

    Korkie looked up, tears having gathered in his eyes. “Is he…did he survive? Is he alive?”

    She couldn’t stop her own tears as she locked eyes with her son.

    “I don’t……I don’t know, Korkie,” she began. “I don’t know if your father survived or not.”
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
  14. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Title: Wings of a Dream
    Co-Author(s): N/A
    Timeframe: 18 BBY
    Genre: Romance, Angst
    Canonicity: AU
    Type: Oneshot
    Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Korkie Kryze, Jathan Kenobi (OC)
    Summary: Satine and Obi-Wan share a dream as they live separately
    Last Updated: July 2023
    Status: Complete
    Other Relevant Information: For Wings of a Dream, I chose the AU Archery, which was to write a story of at least 100 words set in an alternate universe with your character, family, friendship or couple. I figured since this story was already set in an AU, it would have been fine to begin with. But, just for fun, it’s partly an AU of an AU. Weird, right?


    Satine was sleeping peacefully when a severe pain in her abdomen woke her up. She tried in vain to keep the moan of pain from escaping and waking Ben but was unsuccessful. He turned over and rested a hand on her belly.

    “Is this little one ready to come out?”

    Satine nodded and Ben quickly called for the midwife to come. They had decided in the beginning that having a home birth would be their best option to forgo having to give names and supply identification papers which would be required in a medical facility.

    Korkie burst into the room, hair wild and eyes bleary. “I felt pain. Are you okay, Mother?”

    Another contraction hit just as she was about to answer. Korkie, though an adult, was terrified for his mother. He understood the birthing process and knew the pain was normal, but…

    “What can I do to help?” he questioned his parents.

    Obi-Wan grasped his elbow and shooed him out into the hallway. “You can wait for the midwife to arrive. Let her in and show her to the room. I’m going to stay with your mother.”

    Korkie did as instructed while Obi-Wan went back to his wife.

    He sat behind her on the bed and had her lean her back against his chest. His rested his hands on her belly and began murmuring into her ear as he sent waves of love and healing energy to her through the force.

    “You’re doing so well, cyar’ika,” he whispered to her ashe felt her belly clench beneath his hand. “I love you.”

    Satine leaned her head back against his shoulder. “I love you, too.”

    Moments later, Korkie led the midwife into the room and she went right to work getting Satine hooked up to the monitoring equipment. She checked numbers and fiddd=led with dials and gauges.

    She smiled at Satine after a few minutes. “I think we’re going to have a baby very soon.”

    Obi-Wan continued to rub her belly as the contractions intensified and came much closer together. Her breathing hitched and she squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand so tightly he was certains he had broken some bones.

    “It’s almost time to push, Milady,” the midwife told them.

    Satine let loose a blaring scream with the first push.


    Hours later, Satine was peacefully sleeping and Obi-Wan sat in the rocking chair across the room with his brand-new son nestled against his bare chest. The boy had his same dark blonde hair with auburn highlights running through it.

    Korkie peaked into the room from the hallway and smiled. “Can I come in, Buir?”

    Obi-Wan nodded. “Of course. Come meet your new brother.”

    Korkie walked over and sat down on the floor next to his father’s feet and took a good look at his baby brother.

    “What’s his name?”

    Obi-Wan smiled brightly. “Korkie, meet Jathan.”

    Korkie reached out and rubbed his finger across the baby’s clenched fist. When his fingers opened, Korkie slipped his little finger into the closing fist.

    Obi-Wan basked in the glory of his family so close to him. His beautiful wife had borne two of his sons and both were remarkable.

    “Fantastic,” Korkie said softly.

    “Fantastic,” Obi-Wan agreed.


    Obi-Wan and Satine awakened at the same time on two different worlds. Both were breathing heavily and sweating.

    Satine’s eyes were wet with tears as she tried to erase the dream from her mind. For that’s all it was; a wonderful dream.

    Obi-Wan sat up on his makeshift bed in his cave on Tatooine. He ran his hands through his hair and tried to calm his erratic heartbeat.

    Was it just a dream? A vision? A manifestation of his own wants and desires? Or was she out there somewhere?

    He laid back down and closed his eyes. A return to sleep would not come easily, but he was suddenly desperate to see her again and he knew that it was only possible in his dreams.

    He eventually fell into a restless sleep.

    “Satine,” fell softly from his lips as he drifted off.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
  15. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Seperated and both safe but still dreaming about their relation.
    A great AU
    Kahara likes this.
  16. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Oh, @JediMasterJen !! I wasn't expecting that! =D= When Korkie was joyously reunited with Satine and at the beginning of the final entry when Satine was about to give birth, I thought we'd get a flashback in the final scene showing how she and Obi-Wan got together after Bail said he promised not to tell anyone where she was... A breathtakingly poignant twist at the end. =D=
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  17. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    It's difficult to comprehend the enormity of the loss; the Force would help ease the pain, yet how difficult to lose fellow Force-sensitives who instinctively know what you're talking about. These are emotional big beats for him, and so many others for Korkie, Bail and Satine.=((
  18. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    I see that you haven't titled your final entry yet, but since the first one is titled "Heartbreaking Beginning" it seems to me that "Heartbreaking Conclusion" would be appropriate here.

    I absolutely loved your Spring Bingo story, and it was wonderful to see the chain of events that led to that point. Two elements that particularly stood out to me:
    Now this is very, very interesting. It sounds like Satine had some sort of premonition that things were about to go terribly wrong – possibly due to carrying a Force-sensitive child – and she knew that she had to leave Obi-Wan behind to keep Jathan safe. Which, all things considered, was obviously the right choice, but there again the theme of heartbreak is very present in the story.

    And the second element I ab-so-lu-te-ly loved was Bail as the man pulling the strings in the shadows! It just makes sense to me that he would be the one keeping everyone's secrets and lending a helping hand wherever possible; as viceroy of Alderaan and senator, he's so well-placed to be in this role.

    I also loved the conversation during Satine and Korkie's reunion, and in particular the fact that she doesn't know if Obi-Wan is alive. It gives a whole other dimension to her quest for him in The Light Will Burn Again.

    Congrats on completing this pentathlon! I'm sorry I couldn't review while you were posting; this has been a wonderful read.
  19. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Thank you! :D They are never far from each other's minds.

    Well, you know how I love to throw people off the trail. LOL. :p It's actually a very specific choice because there is more to this story, which will be coming soon. :) Thanks for reading. I always appreciate your feedback.

    Absolutely huge losses all within a short time and he no longer has the emotional wherewithal to be able to deal with any of it in the best way. :( The other, while not affected directly, are deeply affected due to their connection to Obi-Wan; Satine and Korkie the most becasue of their not knowing if he has survived.

    Thank you for reading! :D

    Yeah, titles were escaping me at the time of writing. :( But you're right-Heartbreaking Conclusion would be appropriate--if it were the end. :p There is more to come, both right after the last story in this series which will bring us right up to the beginning of The Light Will Burn Again and after. :D

    Without giving anything away before the next stories are posted, I will say you might be onto something with your theory about Satine and the Force-sensitive baby she's carrying. ;) Leaving was the only choice she saw as a viable way of protecting her child. Add to that her reasoning that she owed it to Obi-Wan to protect his child since he wasn't there with her to help.

    Bail is definitely the man with his fingers in all the different pies. :D Perfect for a (the) leader of the rebellion. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. It means a lot to me. :D

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023