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Art Archive Rocie's art - Finally updated again 5/25! Check it out!

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Rocie, Dec 9, 2004.

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  1. FalconFan

    FalconFan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2004
    Yes!! Exactly! That looks wonderful, Rocie! "Home" now has more roundness and volume, and occupies space out there. As to it being "done"--that's your decision, actually (but I think it's wonderful, just like this!)! Good job (and boy, do I hear you on the colored pencil "lament!" The one piece I did burned up most of my black pencil, and oh-my-yes, it's hard to keep it "opaque!" lol!)!

  2. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    I agree with what FF said on just about everything - the dedication to your work, the sense of emotion you managed to capture. I think adding the extreme blacks really did it. You should be very proud of yourself and your accomplishments - especially this piece of art. Well, I don't really have much more to offer in the way of critique. It's more your call now whether you want to try and go for more or just call it complete. ;)
  3. Jediloren

    Jediloren Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 30, 2002
    Yes, it is hard to keep black looking black at times with how microscopic particals flake off of pictures.
  4. Rocie

    Rocie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 15, 2003
    Well, that's it. I'm officially calling it done!

    I was thinking about doing a slight coloring of black over the reflection of her face, but I don't want to risk ruining it.
  5. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    It's very, very difficult to get a deep looking black with coloured pencils. It must have taken quite a bit of work (and a lot of pencil sharpening, I imagine).

    Very emotive work, with a lot of expression. I'm interested to hear more backstory on this character.

    My only suggestion would be on the reflection; the reflection has nearly the same amount of opaqueness as the planet behind it. It makes it a little hard to tell whether this is a window or a mirror or some sort. Generally with reflections in windows, either the reflection or the objects on the other side of the window will be opaque, while the other one will be mostly translucent and without a lot of contrast.

    Anyway, I hope to see more art from you soon!
  6. Rocie

    Rocie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 15, 2003
    Perhaps I will try coloring a bit of black over her after all. :)

    I'll gladly share some of her story. It's completely based on a role play I ran under a different user name. I'll sum up her story as much as I can without doing it too long.

    A few generations before Inyan's time, a Jedi and his apprentice were chasing a Dark Jedi and they all were stranded on Inyan's primitive planet. The Jedi ended out with Inyan's people, the Dark Jedi, with the rival clan on a different island. Both groups teach the native people their ways, they battle, the Dark Jedi gets killed, and the Jedi, who are stranded, join Inyan's people. The apprentice marries, and ends out being Inyan's great, great grandfather.

    Well, by the time Inyan is old enough to be a sucessful huntress, a ship crashes on her planet. She ends out being captured by the Dar-jay clan and turns to the Dark Side while she is with them. She also gets her eyes damaged to a point that they're sensitive to light. She gets rescued, but does something to cause for her to be banished. A ship had come to rescue the group that had crashed, and Inyan leaves with them. She had been given a pair of goggles to protect her eyes from the light, and a Jedi promises to help turn her back.

    This picture is of Inyan looking at her planet as the ship is getting ready to jump to hyperspace. She's wearing her goggles so her eyes don't hurt her, but if she wasn't wearing them, you'd be able to see the tears in her eyes.

    Hope that wasn't too long and making you think this post belongs in the Fan Fic Forum. You asked for it. ;)
  7. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    Not too long at all. Reading the backstory really helps the interpretation of your drawing. Thanks!
  8. Rocie

    Rocie Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 15, 2003
    Well, I took the advice and decided to try coloring black over it. Just scanned it in, though it was done a week ago...I've been busy.

    Here it is!

    Any more opinions?
  9. wicktone

    wicktone Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 2003
    I think it definitely looks a lot more like a reflection. You lost a little bit of detail, but you gained a lot in composition.
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