  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE


Discussion in 'Archive: Mojave Desert, CA' started by LazloToth, Sep 15, 2004.

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  1. LazloToth

    LazloToth Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 1, 2003
    Look forward to meeting you guys Sat. I'll be the guy with the motorcycle helmet...
  2. Stridarious

    Stridarious Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2002
    LazloToth: "Look forward to meeting you guys Sat. I'll be the guy with the motorcycle helmet..."

    Sadly LT, I have not heard anything from the other member. Thus, another failed attempt to meet... :( If you happen to know of a way, which, we could all meet for just a few minutes, even if, 15...that all would be helpful. I am thinking that this FanForce may just die. Which, I do not wish to other responses have come in. And, our time is running slim...any and ALL help would be grateful! ;)

    Sorry again, and please, get word out about us. As we attempt to plan another meeting...
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