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Should Ep3 have 70's style haircuts to help bridge the PT with the OT?

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by MadMardigan, Jun 6, 2002.


Should Ep3 have 70's style haircuts to help bridge the PT with the OT?

Poll closed Mar 23, 2012.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Especially a 'Fro for Mace

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  1. 5darth2maul1

    5darth2maul1 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 3, 2002
    Qui-Gon had long hair in TPM, so what would be so special about Anakin having long hair?

    Oh, I get it! Qui-Gon was rebellious as is Anakin! OK, everyone can just not read this post and pretend that I'm not an idiot. 8-}

  2. rich_meister

    rich_meister Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 22, 2002
    Mace is dying for a fro. In EpIII he will be known as "Jedi Master Shaft".

    Can you dig it?
  3. Luke_Clone

    Luke_Clone Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 15, 2002
    Uggghhh how could you guys vote anything but option number two. The lame hairstyles in ANH is the only thing which makes ESB the better movie. Well apart from that little green muppet guy and the "I am your father" bit. ;)
  4. MadMardigan

    MadMardigan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2001
    Wait a minute, ESB STILL had 70's style haircuts. From Luke's feathery mane to Lando's Gheri Curl
  5. Luke_Clone

    Luke_Clone Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 15, 2002
    "Wait a minute, ESB STILL had 70's style haircuts. From Luke's feathery mane to Lando's Gheri Curl"

    To tell you the truth, I couldn't recognize a 70's haircut if I saw one. ;) Well, besides the blatant ones in ANH.

    However, my answer remains no.
  6. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro!
  7. freaky_styley

    freaky_styley Jedi Youngling

    Jun 7, 2002
    it was the style 20years ago...
    there is a 20 year gap between episode 3 and episode 4....its a natural fashion progression..
  8. Darth_Tarsh

    Darth_Tarsh Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 25, 2002
    Not only should EpIII have 70's style haircuts; it should also feature the comeback of the hairy chest (in the best tradition of Han Solo)!! :D
  9. Luke_Clone

    Luke_Clone Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 15, 2002
    "Not only should EpIII have 70's style haircuts; it should also feature the comeback of the hairy chest (in the best tradition of Han Solo)!!"

    No thank you. Let's keep Mike Myers put in his Austin Powers films... he does enough damage there already. ;)
  10. TK_Four_Two_One

    TK_Four_Two_One Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 17, 2002
    Should Ep3 have 70's style haircuts to help bridge the PT with the OT?

  11. Standard_Procedures_

    Standard_Procedures_ Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 10, 2002
    they should all shave their heads.

    my goodness, i think i'm going insane.
  12. There_IS_no_Conflict

    There_IS_no_Conflict Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 6, 2001
    BiGBoss said it right..
    Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! Fro! :))
    It will be great!!!!!
    Great post!!!
  13. IronParrot

    IronParrot Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 2, 1999
    I'd like to see Anakin with ANH-Luke-length hair.
  14. Jedi_Suzuran

    Jedi_Suzuran Jedi Knight star 5

    May 22, 2002
    Hey, I'm all for continuity and all, but no! The ANH haircuts are enough for *my* lifetime!
    Still though, the thought of Mace with a 'fro... LMAO
    Fros in SW!
    If he gets it, it'd better be big and huge, then we'd have Link from the Mod Squad wielding a lightsaber!
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]
  15. Harlowe Thrombey

    Harlowe Thrombey Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 19, 1999
    First of all, let's get this straight: the entire prequels should have been 70's style. Not for continuity-sake, just because of the phatness-factor.

    The only way that Mace could be any cooler than he was in AOTC is if he has a Fro. Or maybe if he recites his Ezekial lines from Pulp Fiction before offing some Sith.
  16. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Gotta love that phatness-factor.
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