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Beyond - Legends Before - Legends Special ops. 2023 Summer Olympic decathlon

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, May 31, 2023.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Special ops
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: 455 BBY - 139 ABY
    Character:Tarhin Engaron
    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm belongs to Disney.

    Special ops

    1. 110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 words in which the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned.
    A new goal 455 BBY
    2. 100 Word Sprint: A 100 word drabble about your character, family, friendship or couple using any theme.
    What's up 414 BBY
    3. Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.
    Graduation ceremony 375 BBY
    4. 200 Freestyle: An exactly 200 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with a free choice of any theme.
    New ideas 256 BBY
    5. Water Polo Poetry: Water Polo Poetry has no word limit. The rules are that it must be a piece of poetry written about your character, couple, family, friendship, etc.
    Jedi! No way! 236 BBY
    6. 400 Word Cross Country: Exactly 400 words about your character, couple, family or friendship with any theme.
    To the rescue 176 BBY
    7. Judo: In Japanese the word "ju-do" means "the way of suppleness", referring to the story of the tree branch "bending" under the weight of the snow and not breaking. Write a story of 100 or more words where your character shows "the way of suppleness."
    Comfort 176 BBY
    8. High Dive: Write a story of 500 or more words of dialogue-free introspection.
    On the beach 166 BBY
    9. Equestrian Cross-Country: Jump the following hurdles by writing a story of 400 or more words. You must include the story element of a chasm to cross; the words Reined, Fence, Hunter; and include or take inspiration from the line of dialogue, "Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation."- Katie Taylor, Irish boxer and 2012 gold medalist
    A memorable trip
    10. Marathon Swimming: Write a story of at least 10k words to honor the epic test of endurance that is a 10km swim! Remember if you choose this event, it counts for two events, not just one. For an optional bonus challenge, include the elements: a test or trial that requires endurance; the words oxbow, quiver, deluge, current, and adamant; and include or take inspiration from the line of dialogue, "Are you going to stand or are you going to crumble? In the face of everything, stand still." - Gabby Douglas, American gymnast and three-time gold medalist
    Holocrons of evil
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
    Chyntuck and UltramassiveUbersue like this.
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    1. 110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 words in which the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned.

    A new goal 455 BBY

    He was 34 and one of the 23 officers recently graduated from the Monir police academy.

    He was a Dunai elder and returning to his birthplace Noranan to become one of the inspectors at the Noranan station number one. He had seen more during his study, going with his teachers to the training for the special ops officers. That was his new goal. Becoming a special ops officer because in the growing city Noranan that kind of work would be needed. He was sure about that and would contact his superior officer commander Oronel immediately after he had settled in the home where he was born on South Beachroad 9.
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    2. 100 Word Sprint: A 100 word drabble about your character, family, friendship or couple using any theme.

    What's up 414 BBY

    “Pat, you look rested but there is something.”

    “Yes Tarhin, my hiking trip ended with me and sleeping-bag and tent in a creek because an earthquake had destroyed the village Rhivinna. With my things I rushed to that village to help and found a group of strangers led by a green gnome who wanted to take Fay Ere-Dun to Coruscant. She had lost her family except for her brother Jasir. He gave his permission after touching the hand of the gnome. With Ghari Adin and Jesin Er-Mun signing the document Fay was gone to be living with the Jedi-knights.”
  4. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    [face_rofl] I'm guessing that the Dunai elders were a bit puzzled by that motley crew of Jedi!

    It's neat to see this culture you created segue into the High Republic era. If Tarhin has indeed become a special ops officer, I'm assuming we'll see him interact with more Jedi in the course of his adventures.
  5. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    This is material I now need to read more about because I’m interested already. Love the sleeping bag in a creek element.
  6. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    That last one is certainly one interesting report. I'm amazed with how relatively insane this sounds in real life but how mundane it is in this universe. Great work!
  7. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    @earlybird-obi-wan, do you have a list of other stories featuring these characters (as well as the ones appearing in your Investigators thread? I will need to play catch-up for these folks.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    He sure will interact with Jedi
    Jedi taking away a sister but Jasir Ere-Dun agrees and the elders too. Way back in 2006 Fay was the first character that I gave more depth when I saw her in the comic saving Obi-Wan on Queyta. It gave me the Dunai and Dunai elder and their culture.
    Almost all my stories are about the Dunai elder. Tarhin Engaron had his first story in 'Shields' and in 'Second time around' and the 'Investigators' had their beginning in the Kessel-run with Jarin Keana

    And now part 3 and 4

    3. Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.

    Graduation ceremony 375 BBY

    Inspector Tarhin Engaron was invited to the graduation ceremony in the police academy in Monir and he was very pleased when he saw Nuran Rimac, one of the Noranan residents coming on the dais before the director to receive his officer-stripe.

    4. 200 Freestyle: An exactly 200 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with a free choice of any theme.

    New ideas 256 BBY

    Tarhin Engaron was almost ready to go home when officer Huling entered. “Pat, you are sure that this is a case for me?”

    “Yes Tarhin. Majeski was quite sure when he was rescued that his speeder had been alright. Fire-fighter Arvedai voiced his doubts about the accident.”

    “Alright. Can Majeski have visitors tomorrow?”

    “Sure. He is awake.”

    “I will visit him tomorrow but first.”

    “A visit to the fish-shack and home. I will join you.”

    - - -

    “I am here to see patient Majeski.”

    “Dispatch has announced your visit.” The receptionist said. “He is in room 7 surgery wing.”

    “Thank you.” Tarhin headed to the surgery wing.

    “I am officer Engaron.”

    “Halfir Majeski. And I can tell you all about my speeder.” Halfir began and had told all about his life when his friend Ivano Arvedai entered. “Ivano, you rescued me and see this is officer Engaron and he is now convinced. He will investigate the crash.”

    “I will and your tale about exploring was quite entertaining. It has given me ideas too to leave Moniron for a trip to see if I can get more different views about special operations.”
  9. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    5. Water Polo Poetry: Water Polo Poetry has no word limit. The rules are that it must be a piece of poetry written about your character, couple, family, friendship, etc.

    Jedi! No way! 236 BBY

    Jedi, Jedi, Jedi
    Wanting that holocron
    It's evil Jedi
    Jedi! No.
    No way Jedi
    I am strong
    I am holding on Jedi
    My shields are strong
    Don't you dare Jedi
    Yes, I am a being of light
    Listen to that Jedi
    Master Fay a Jedi?

    Jedi, Jedi, Jedi
    Don't get the holocron Jedi
    It's evidence Jedi
    Harm me? Jedi
    No way!
    You are hurting me Jedi

    Jedi, Jedi, Jedi
    Now you have it
    Now you need your powers Jedi
    Now my chief is angry
    Now I am sent away

    Jedi, Jedi, Jedi
    Never get involved with Jedi.
    No way!
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Nice use of all the event prompts for this action packed series.
  11. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    This sets the scene for a matured cop-rookie cop series.

    more evidence of a character who's seen more of life than the other one.

    Eeee, I was hoping 'Fay' was that Fay! Excellent springboard for fic! And just look at that span of time for this series. *rubs hands gleefully*

    True, Jedi exist to stir the pot, so to speak. Best leave them alone. Who needs excitement in life?[face_party] Me, that's who.[face_cow]
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  12. UltramassiveUbersue

    UltramassiveUbersue Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2022
    Look at you, running circles around us with your decathlon halfway done so soon! :D

    These guys make a great team! :D

    And I love that your poem is also an action scene. Fun stuff as always!
    Kahara and earlybird-obi-wan like this.
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    And more action to follow in the next part
    It was Master Fay, helping Obi-Wan. Sure. And the Jedi are there again in the next part

    And big action to follow in the Cross country.
    The Marathon is final piece of the decathlon

    6. 400 Word Cross Country: Exactly 400 words about your character, couple, family or friendship with any theme.

    To the rescue 176 BBY

    “Tarhin, come with me.”

    “What's up?”

    “We need you because Han Halcyon is involved in a case in Cor Sanol.”

    “I have been there once with him and his son Elmar.”

    “And they don't know your real age and why you are allergic to bacta.” Reno said. “You have told me after I sensed something when we were involved in that traffic-accident. You have something that Han and I and more of our Corellian Jedi share and are an excellent instructor.”

    “I know.” Tarhin donned a vest and a helmet with com-system, reached for his blaster and hurried after the major to a waiting transport with an assault crew.

    “Treasure ship row trouble?”

    “A hostage situation in the sky-lobby restaurant of the Silver nugget hotel that has been escalating.” Reno grumbled. “District 78 asked us to come and we have this plan. He began to tell more.

    Tarhin nodded. He knew where to enter the hotel without being spotted. Descending by rope as the last member of the group he was at the back-door of the restaurant, waiting for the team.


    His signal. He opened the door walking to the kitchen, giving signals to the cooks to get out before going to the next door. Opening it he was satisfied with what he saw. Everyone was down on the floor. Some were subdued by the members of the assault crew. But then his danger sense kicked in. One of the subdued men was reaching for a blaster. He took a jump and landed on the man grabbing the blaster with his left hand.

    “CorSec scum.” The man began to wrestle.

    “Give up.” Tarhin felt his grip on the blaster slipping.

    A discharge.


    “Got him instructor Engaron. But you are in trouble.”

    “Get me to Coronet city university hospital. My friend Jack Markin will dig it out. It's a particle slug.”

    “And I know about your allergies.” Reno bent down. “Let's get you to your friend. But first.” A tourniquet was wrapped around the left thigh. “You are circulating all over the place. Stretcher!”

    Tarhin felt himself lifted on the stretcher by four men.

    “Parking deck.”

    Tarhin saw moving ceilings until he saw the CorSec transport.


    Tarhin felt a pinprick in his left hand and began to drift.

    “Stay with us Tarhin.”

    To be continued in the angst challenge. Bringing comfort
  14. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    One thing I love about these long-lives species you have created is that we get to see them evolve over the centuries. Tarhin has come a long way, from his original police academy graduation to participating in adventurous commando-style operations!

    I also note that you have a Han Halcyon in this last entry. Someday you need to give us a family tree of the Halcyon family!
  15. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    Great poem. It has a great lyrical flow to it.
  16. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    He knows the drill, or, if this is his first wounding, he'll learn the drill.=((
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Riveting action. Sounds like a serious injury but not critical and overall a success.
  18. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    And that is coming with more triathlons I am now writing
    he sure has an aversion to Jedi
    Not his first but his first on Corellia
    and he is saved in 'Bringing comfort' and will be concluded in 'Comfort'

    7. Judo: In Japanese the word "ju-do" means "the way of suppleness", referring to the story of the tree branch "bending" under the weight of the snow and not breaking. Write a story of 100 or more words where your character shows "the way of suppleness."

    Comfort 176 BBY

    'And I will stay.' Tarhin had spoken these four words three days ago. For one day and night he had given all his strength supporting Elsi Keana and her husband Jarin, silently, holding the bond between Jarin and Elsi together. Guiding Elsi to the eternity. Helping Jarin to release her. Grieving with Jarin and his family. Invited by Jarin to come to the funeral ceremony.

    “You can go Tarhin but I will be with you. You aren't released from our care.” Jack Markin was guiding Tarhin in his hoverchair out of the medical transport to the shores of Firwood lake, where the ceremony for Elsi Keana was beginning. “And helping Elsi and Jarin with your powers had you exhausted and needing this.” He pointed at the IV-stand with the bag. He saw the right leg slipping from the hoverchair to come in contact with the grass. “You are not allowed to stand patient Engaron.”

    “I won't break, standing for one moment at attention.” Tarhin tried to stand when he saw Jarin Keana looking his way for a moment and shaking his head. He settled down on the hoverchair. “Alright. Doctors orders.”
  19. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Wonderful update. @};- Tarhin is a true friend.
  20. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    :( This was a sad entry... but as Ny said, Tarhin is a true friend. I'm sure Jarin is finding solace in his presence.
  21. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    and he has fond memories of Corellia
    Jarin did and his grandson will be working with Tarhin in another case
    But now he is back on his home-planet and has some musings in

    8. High Dive: Write a story of 500 or more words of dialogue-free introspection.

    On the beach 166 BBY

    Sand was coursing through his hands. He was sitting on the beach in Noranan.

    He remembered the sand, found on a beach on Serindan. It was soft and white and before his cottage, recommended by his chief when he applied for the job after coming to the capital of the planet. He had to study to get his grade for special ops on Serindan. He remembered the sand, sitting on it when he was studying and getting that grade. His stay on that planet to learn more about special ops had been nice.

    His next planet to visit had been Boreas.

    Sand on Boreas had been dusty red. He remembered it when he was coming back from a ride on Arana, his meari and covered by the sand.

    Boreas. He had to go to school to get his grades because that planet being near to Coruscant required republic grades. He had earned excellent grades and became an inspector with chief Gulian as his superior.

    Sand. It was in the blanket, stuffed by chief Gulian in the bag that had been his since he had left Moniron. She had fired him after a Jedi-knight named Stellan Gios had tried to break his shields and another Jedi-knight Avar Kriss had told her that he wasn't a human at all. She had been afraid of his powers. She had put him on the first available transport. It had brought him to Varanko.

    Sand on Varanko was soft. He smiled. Ceitans and Varankonin had been very helpful when he had left the transport. They had comforted him, bringing relief to the headache, helping him to restore the midi-chlorians. Even getting him a job and a cottage on the beach of Kiran city.

    Sand on Varanko was wet. That was when he was visiting his Ceitan colleagues, staying in caves under the ocean. He had to use gear and a suit to swim with the Ceitans to emerge through a moon-pool into the cave. He had stayed on Varanko for 60 years, gaining more knowledge.

    Sand on Corellia was grainy, muddy, wet, yellow, white, brown, red, depending on where you were at that moment.

    In Coronet City the sand was mainly in the suburbs where beautiful parks and large houses and universities were situated. He had come there to work as an instructor at CorSec, meeting Major Reno Bel Hana a nice chief who didn't mind that he was not a human. The major had even helped him to get a house in the suburbs. That it was near the place where Han Halcyon and his son Elmar were living in their estate didn't bother him. Shielding to keep his real species a secret had been easy. The two were Corellian Jedi but didn't probe.

    In Cor Sanol the sand was white and often wet when the ocean flooded the beach. He had been there to help inspector Han Zeus with a case and receiving a puzzle box as a gift from the culprit King Hadesolo.

    The sand had been wet when he had been instructing his students to build a raft. Teamwork proved to be the key and one student quit. Special ops wasn't her thing.

    He had worked with Jake Keana, the grandson of Jarin.

    Sand was slipping through his fingers. He stood up and walked to his cottage.

    Sand would be everywhere. In his boots, socks, underwear and hair. He didn't mind. Sand had him with mostly nice memories.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
  22. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Wonderful musings and reminiscings. The variations in experiences combined with different colors and textures of sand. ;)
  23. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Fantastic use of sand to illustrate the varying planets and moods of his life. Well done!:-B
  24. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    This was a beautiful meditation earlybird, and like pronker said the way you used sand to illustrate the various moments of Tarhin's life was fantastic. I also really enjoyed seeing Varanko and its fanon species reappear in this story. Very nicely done!
  25. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    as a sand collector I have memories too about every place I have been to and it was nice to write about Tarhin having his memories
    Tarhin and his memories with more to come
    Sand yes and Varanko was a nice stay for him. Corellia too and now he has another nice place to visit in Mitrinna before the big piece in the Marathon Swimming

    9. Equestrian Cross-Country: Jump the following hurdles by writing a story of 400 or more words. You must include the story element of a chasm to cross; the words Reined, Fence, Hunter; and include or take inspiration from the line of dialogue, "Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation."- Katie Taylor, Irish boxer and 2012 gold medalist

    A memorable trip

    Sand was on his clothes and in his boots, socks, underwear and hair. Tarhin was enjoying the trip through the mountains immensely. But he was getting tired and appreciated the view of a village coming nearer. He recognised it immediately.

    It was Mitrinna. One of the trials for the special ops training had ended there when he had guided his raft to the landing site of the Nelvin river. There was the meadow where they had pitched their tents and there were the Molonin sheep, grazing peacefully and watched by a young man. He walked towards the man. “I am Tarhin Engaron.” He asked “can I pitch my tent somewhere?”

    “I am Marc Tilliani. And by the looks of you...” Marc observed the drawn and dirty face and clothes. “You can stay in one of our guest-rooms if you like. It's in that big house. My friends Jullio and Tosh should be busy making dinner and caring for our very old former Jedi-spies.” 'Jedi-spies' got him with a reaction on his visitor's face and he said with a big smile. “I was before I could escape with our crèche-master from Aladea towards this planet a Jedi-initiate. You have met Jedi I presume?”

    “I did. Very long ago I had a run in on Boreas with Stellan Gios who tried to break my shield when he was requesting that I gave the evidence to him. It was an evil holocron.”

    “Stellan Gios? Never heard about him.” Marc began to walk towards the house with Tarhin. “Maybe Ken Zamay or Hems Oilosse knows. They are old and have been educated as Jedi-knights.”

    Tarhin entered the house after Marc and came to the kitchen. “I am Tarhin Engaron.”

    “Tosh Gailan and I don't shake hands. I am busy with a pie.”

    “Jullio Arenda and the same for me.”

    “Follow me to the living room. I will show you your guest room.”

    Tarhin followed Marc and saw two men in comfortable chairs. He put down his back-pack.

    One was sleeping but the other opened his clear green brown eyes set in a freckled and creased face with grey hair showing still some ginger strands. “I am Ken Zamay.”

    “Tarhin Engaron.”

    Marc asked “Master Zamay, have you known a Jedi named Stellan Gios?”

    “Gios, Gios, yes he was friends with Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann.” Ken rummaged through his hair. “They were great Jedi-masters from very long ago and as a padawan of a spy we had to learn about them. Kriss and Mann didn't mind that Corellian Jedi were married and were themselves also having a relation. They were the ones to give a different view on affection.”

    “That was 115 years before I came to the Jedi.” A man was standing in the entrance of the living room. He had heard some of the conversation. “I am Rian Solma, former crèche master and now visiting you. I know Marc. Four days and it is your 28th birthday and for that I have brought something special. You must have heard the soft snorts of my husans because I was following you and you. You have met Stellan Gios in person?”

    “Yes. I am Tarhin Engaron, a Dunai elder and 494 years old. My meeting with Gios had me telling Ivano Arvedai to stay clear of Jedi ...”

    “Ivano Arvedai.” Rian got a knowing look on his face. “He was in the healers' ward during the clone-wars after saving a padawan and wanted to leave despite his injury. But he got convinced by Kaagi Adin that the Jedi were just helpful. He left with a group of initiates for a training on Lingala. I met him when he was guided by Kaagi to the garden.”

    “Ivano returned after watching a ceremony on Lingala for Siri Tachi and swimming with the Lingalans. I met him when he was released from the hospital after his second surgery to start his work at Noranan central.”

    “Siri Tachi, friends with Obi-Wan Kenobi.” Rian mused. “Obi-Wan escaped too. Master Yoda too. They were essential for the defeat of Darth Sidious. Obi-Wan watched Luke; Anakin Skywalkers son. Yoda trained Luke. Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation. I saw them as Force-ghosts at...”

    “Marc, Master Solma has brought two husans.”Jullio walked into the room waving his flour covered hands. “Tosh is guiding them to the stable.” The two left.

    “That's the something special. Marc wanted to ride one of the stallions from Eled-Hir on his birthday and I have brought him and his brother. You want to see them?”

    “Sure.” Tarhin followed Rian and was awed when he saw the two husans. He went to the one that turned its head snorting softly. The other one was with his soft nose inhaling the fragrance of Marc's hair with the man stroking his forehead.

    “This is Madheen and his brother Orion.” Rian saw the connection forming between the two. “Do you want to ride him tomorrow?”

    “Yes.” Tarhin was stroking the soft nose of Madheen. “He likes me.”

    “He sure does.” Tosh said. “But now we have to go back. “My pie must be ready.”

    - - -

    Dinner followed with Tarhin becoming very silent and sleepy. He was shown one of the guestrooms where as soon as he had visited the fresher and put his head on the soft pillow he was sleeping. And he dreamt of riding Madheen or was it his child? Jaran?

    - - -

    “You know how to ride.” Rian Solma saw Tarhin jumping lightly on the back of Madheen after grabbing the rein around the neck and the long manes of the husan.

    “I do. No bridle or saddle. Just this rein. Enjoying the connection between him and me.” Tarhin waited for Rian to settle on Orion's back. “A ride before breakfast?”

    “Yes. To the Nelvin river through those woods.” Rian had the rein and manes in his hands and guided Orion in a canter. He heard Tarhin on Madheen following him.

    The first part through the forrest went without trouble. Orion was a bit frisky and not as reined in as Madheen.

    But a konjy, a small rodent, did it. It scurried across the trail.

    Orion bolted and began to run. A fallen tree, blocking his way. Remembering how to jump a fence, being trained as a hunter by his master and friend Tarmenel Eled-Hir.

    “Left! Rian!” Tarhin was guiding Madheen after the running Orion. Yesterday he had been on the trail leading to a chasm, had turned back to take the trail towards the river and the village.

    Orion took the right.

    Tarhin followed, urging Madheen along and getting worried.

    But Rian saw the trees making way for open terrain and knew. “Orion jump!”

    Orion did and sailed with Rian across the chasm, snorting lightly when he came to a stop.

    Tarhin and Madheen were at the other side.

    “Orion...” Rian began when Orion began to canter, turned and ran and flew again across the chasm.

    Tarhin just smiled.

    “Impressive.” Rian patted the neck of Orion. “And now back? Or do you want to see the river?”

    “To the river.” Tarhin guided Madheen and knew that Rian and Orion were following.

    - - -

    Tarhin rode Madheen again that day and the days after that memorable morning ride. And he was there when Marc and Orion came back from their ride with Rian on Madheen.

    “Marc,” Rian jumped from Madheen. “You have been with Orion since I came here 4 days ago and it has been Tarmenel Eled-Hir's wish to give him to the one forming a bond. He is yours Marc. Your birthday gift.”

    Marc was silent but the joy shining on his face said all.

    “I will go back tomorrow.” Rian guided Madheen to the stable.

    “And I will continue my trip tomorrow.” Tarhin followed Rian.

    - - -

    Tarhin was back in Noranan. Sand was in his hair and on his body. It was wet sand and dry sand. He had been swimming in the ocean.