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Star Wars: Episode VII: Twilight of the Final Force

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Aug 16, 2023.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Twilight of the Final Force

    Things Changed.

    The clone army of the Republic was the mastermind of a Sith; not Palpatine.

    Indeed, Palpatine never became the Senator of Naboo; reports had it that he was murdered by his father. And in the years before the Battle of not Naboo but Kamino, the head of Damask Holdings vanished.

    The war between the Republic and then Confederacy went as expected; but the clones turned on the Jedi when the droid army advanced on Coruscant.


    The Confederacy won.

    The Separatist Alliance settled on Coruscant and the Parliament relocated from Raxus for the Core.


    When peace settled, when the nonhumans of the Outer Rim disenfranchised the humans of the Core, Senators were requested from all major worlds. Duros, Caamasi, Drall, and Selonians were among those who profited from the change in events, though still considered second-class citizens as they had supported the Republic, much like the Bothans and Mon Calamari.

    Humans were nothing more than third class citizens in the Confederation. Human Senators? Rarer than spice.

    History was rewritten to reflect on the tyrannies of the Republic and Jedi, and the endless struggle by independent nations against their duality. The ancient Alsakan Conflicts were elevated to seventeen great wars for freedom; Corellian and Hapan Separatism lauded.

    It has been nineteen years since the Liberation of Coruscant. Since Order 66. The Sith, remade by their Emperor, face many of the challenges, a timeline away, that Palpatine did.

    And they have the same solutions.

    Today is the day they are resolved.

    And after this galaxy is completely subjugated?

    Other timelines, perhaps?


    Extracted from the Holocron of Heresy
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
  2. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The New Timeline

    Circa 60 BBY - Darth Plagueis is killed; Darth Sidious dies in a speeder accident.

    Pre-32 BBY - Kamino joins the Republic

    32 BBY - The Battle of Kamino begins the era of Separatism

    22 BBY - The Clone Wars break out

    19 BBY - In the midst of the Battle of Coruscant, Order 66 is called and the Separatist Alliance win the war

    17 BBY - the Separatist Alliance secured the galaxy; Coruscant as the secular capital, and Kamino as the spiritual one of Emperor Darth Cocytus

    0 BBY - the Alliance to Restore the Republic was declared and hid on Yavin 4, an open secret to the Emperor
  3. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Welcome to the Changed galaxy.

    The Father of Balance discovered their coming death and the disaster to follow; the Apocalypse, the End of Time, the consolidation of timelines into One by the tyranny of the Sages of Dwartii.


    Opposing the future, the Father selected Darth Cocytus to Change the future, much as Jacen Solo became Darth Caedus to stop the fall of his daughter to the dark side. But this Change is one sponsored by the Celestials… in a Temporal War.

    But how did your stories change with Order 66 being called to benefit the Separatists?

    In the Separatist Parliament, who are you?

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Character Sheet

    Personal Effects:
    Rank: (If applicable)
    Short Bio:

    I would note that absolutely no knowledge of any other game is required.

    None whatsoever. That’s half the fun!
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    This is a continuation in the Epitaph of Twilight series. The Sages of Dwartii, lead by the Master of Many Names, have sought to manipulate time across Twilight of the Force, the Dark Reach Saga, and other games. The Celestials have decided enough it enough, and with their powers created a timeline of their own…

    While it has yet to go Temporal, the Emperor has to overcome the coming of the New Hope, a fixed point that occurs no matter what. Can he? Can you survive? Can you rise to take advantage?

    Open invitation to all players of the Epitaph arc.

    @HanSolo29, @Lady_Belligerent, @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael, @darthhelinith, @CosmoHender, @JediMasterAnne, @Adalia-Durron, @TheAdmiral, @TheSilentInfluence
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Dramatis Personae

    Ahsoka Tano by Sinrebirth
    Aryan Graul by @HanSolo29
    Darth Alecto by Sinrebirth
    Darth Cocytus by @Darth Cocytus
    Lylithe Kya by Sinrebirth
    Marana Sukarr by @darthbernael
    Mika'sai'Jeisel by @Mitth_Fisto
    Pedric Cuf by Sinrebirth
    Sybelle by @Lady_Belligerent
    Tagg Sivrak by Mitth_Fisto
    Tarkin by darthbernael
    Traer Lin by Sinrebirth
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
  7. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Character Sheet GM Approved

    Name: Tagg Sivrak
    : 39
    Species: Shistavanen
    Planet of Birth: Uvena Prime
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Tagg is 1.7meters approximately, with dark brown fur with black highlights giving him a rough shadowy appearance that is only enhanced by his large black eyes. His clothing of dark brown, with tan vest, plenty of pockets and equipment storage spots. With a muscular build offsetting his slightly shorter size gives him somewhat of a stout over muscled look, glistening yellow teeth, and long black claws, he is not exactly the image one would dream at night and still feel well rested by mornings light.

    Allegiance: Separatist Alliance/Himself
    Rank: Scout/Sniper
    Personal Effects: Palandrix Stun Gauntlet (For those needed alive), Rodian Repulsor Throwing Razors x2, grenades, and the Xerrol Night-stinger rifle (with expensive gas can create invisible beam). Has various functional clothing and armor options, most include some eye towards being able to blend into different situations.

    Bio: Born on Uvena Prime he excelled at his training, working for his people as law enforcement and a wilderness trainer. At the age of twenty-four he used his life savings to leave and go to Coruscant where he enlisted in the Grand Army of the Republic. After some brief training and working alongside of training troopers on the moons of Coruscant he was cleared to work alongside the Clone Army and even given a scout squad at times under his command. Though command was not something he enjoyed he endured such hardships to do his part in making sure the war did not spread to his people, and that he hunted well those that would bring it upon them if they succeeded.

    When Order Sixty-six was given he, as well as his clone scouts were in no position to aid as they were merely scouting a small outpost prior to the invasion force, although he did see action again on Kessel where he finally got his Jedi kill as a sniper. A kill truly worthy of note, and prey more than deserving of his fangs and skill, especially after how many attempts and adjustments to timing with other troops interference to get it just right to slay a couple. After Kessel he continued to serve the now Separatist Alliance, not really affected at having to kill those that used to be generals or prior allies, he never liked them anyway. Although he served now for different reasons, his service and those like him now aided the Separatist Alliance to keep any occupying forces from their home system, even if trade was reduced. Freedom for the most was goal, and he would serve to aid in that end however he could.
  8. Darth Cocytus

    Darth Cocytus Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2016
    Name: Darth Cocytus
    Age: 75. His lifespan, however, has long ago been genetically altered to a near halt at the age of 30.
    Species: Kaminoan
    Height: 8 ft
    Weight: 275 lbs
    Personal Effects: A pair of curved crimson lightsabers, one identical but newer than the other. Often wears Sith Armour under black robes.
    Rank: Sith Emperor
    Allegiance: To himself and his ambitions.
    Short bio: A survivor of a long destroyed timeline by a Dark God, the Kaminoan Sith Lord, Darth Cocytus has traveled across time and space to a timeline free for him to rewrite in his image, fighting and manipulating his way to Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and later Emperor of his own openly Sith Empire. With the backing of the Ones of Mortis, he has slain Darth Plagueis in one on one combat and changed the very fate of an entire galaxy as he sought fit to
    his heart's desire to advance a further agenda of his ambitions. The Confederacy has won the Clone Wars in the Battle of Coruscant, during which he revealed his true Sith Identity to the entire galaxy and took direct control of both the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatist Droid Army. With General Grievous at his side, and a union of clone troopers and battle droids, he personally led an all out extermination of the Jedi through Order 66 in which Anakin, Yoda, and Kenobi were among the countless slaughtered. The children of Skywalker were raised into his Dark Side agents and inquisitors within his Imperial Cult of Dark Jedi, the Order of the Black Hand, led by the now Lord Grievous. Inspired by the knowledge of an ever infinite multiverse, he has long ago begun to seek the conquest of infinity and eternity themselves. With his apprentice and Prime Minister of Kamino, Darth Alecto at his side, the largest military in Galactic History under his command, as well as almost all of his main threats either vanquished or subjugated under his power, Darth Cocytus cautiously sees very little that can stand in the way of him carrying out his ambitions, but remains cautious nonetheless.

    (Image, saberstaff not included)

    Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  10. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    Sheet GM Approved

    Marana Sukarr

    Age: 54
    Species: Human
    Personal Effects: Golden Jensaarai armor, Dark, silk like clothes when not in battle, Golden bladed lightsaber, a brace of daggers in various locations, a blaster
    Rank: Saarai’kaar
    Allegiance: The Empire, Jen’saarai at Susevfi, Most Senior of Emperor Cocytus’ Dark Jedi Lords

    Short Bio:

    The period after the death of Darth Plagueis saw a void that needed filling. That need caused Cocytus to spend the time to encourage Nikkos Tyris to create the Jensaarai Order. In the period before the Battle of Kamino the Jensaarai grew, taking those that the Jedi would not into their ranks, training and developing them on Susevfi.

    After that battle, the Jensaarai began to assist the Separatists, usually behind the scenes, until the Clone Wars began. At that point, they came out of the shadows, as much for their own reasons as because of ‘suggestions’ by Cocytus. Those reasons being that the Jedi had suspected them of that assistance to the Separatists, attacking them where found and actually attacking Susevfi itself.

    Over the next four years the Force battles that accompanied the purely physical battles became more between the Jensaarai and the Jedi. In that period, in a battle with several Jedi Masters, Nikkos Tyris fell, the mantle of command and title of Saarai’kaar passing to Marana Sukarr.

    When Order 66 was enacted, the Jensaarai took the opportunity to act alongside the clones, wiping the Jedi, all that were known, from the galaxy. Which left them as some of the heroes of the galaxy, having protected it from the oppressive hand of the Jedi.

    As the galaxy reorganized and Cocytus took his place as Emperor, the main Temple of the Jensaarai, now recognized as the Dark Jedi Lords of his Empire, was built at Kamino. Marana, leading the Order, spent most of her days there, whether guiding the Jensaarai or in communion with the Emperor to enact his will.
  11. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Character Sheet GM Approved!

    Name: Mika'sai'Jeisel

    Age: 33
    Species: Devaronian
    Personal Effects: Black Jensaarai armor modeled after a Quarra, with gold and metallic dark red accents around the eyes, teeth, claws, and joints. Dark, leather like clothes when not in battle, Yellow bladed dual lightsabers/lightsaber staff (when linked together), a brace of daggers in various locations, a blaster with thermal targeting, stun and electrical gear, and traveling gear.
    Rank: Defender
    Allegiance: The Emperor, Jen’saarai at Susevfi

    Short Bio:
    A Researcher, a Defender. These are the twin aspects that a small child fascinated by what she read in the back wilds of nowhere latched onto before her family came to be under the protection of small band of Force warriors. She would grow up dreaming of joining them, and by dedication and hard work she was granted that chance. One she did not waste, so that she would never need protected again and also could protect others. To be what had not been.

    She strove to unlock the secrets of the ancient races and their technologies. Studying the Qwa, the Gree, and the Rakata as her primary foci. Which all had implications for celestial technology as well, something she could only dream of ever getting to work on. That was her ambition, for with these she could protect all that the Jensaarai wished to protect without risking any other lives. Her trusty droid companion Q9-X8, an annoying floating library and bank of scanner arrays was her chief asset in her research. It's sturdy frame and electrical elements inspired by Bao from ancient times to add strength where others saw mere weakness.


    With both halves she serves the Saarai’kaar, and her Emperor.
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  12. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    GM Approved Sheet

    Character Sheet

    Name: Tarkin
    Age: 85
    Species: Eriaduan human
    Personal Effects: A mix of dress suits and uniforms, depending on the situation. A personal blaster kept in a holster on one hip and a dagger on the other. As well, his wedding band, something he unconsciously spins on his finger when thinking, reminding him of his wife, Jori
    Rank: Head of the Eriaduan Quintad
    Allegiance: Empire, Governor of the sector Eriadu is in

    Short Bio:

    Over the years, from the time in the Program and the beginnings of what developed with the Kuat of Kuat, Jori Atreus, Tarkin rose to higher and higher prominence. The Battle of Kamino saw the further rise of both Eriadu and Kuat; was a boon to both Eriadu and the Tarkin family as they ensured the military forces were well equipped with ships and craft that came from the Eriadu Manufacturing Corporation and the Kuat Drive Yards. What added to that prominence and the Tarkin family wielding the control in the Quintad was his marriage to the Kuat of Kuat as well as his nephews, Gideon and Wilhuff rising high in the ranks of the military.

    When the war ended and the Empire rose, both Kuat and Eriadu, with their now prominent positions in the Corporate Alliance, were a power couple, many lesser planets and planetary rulers deferring to them, especially among the Corporate Alliance planets. There was strife, of course, as the other ruling spheres tried to increase their power but the pair of Jori and Tarkin had created something that the Emperor valued.
    HanSolo29 likes this.
  13. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    GM Approved


    Name: Aryan Graul
    Age: 36
    Species: Human
    Personal Effects: Small hold-out blaster and a vibroblade sheathed to the inside of his boot; wrist comlink and personal datapad; pewter wedding band; hoverchair, crutches, or substandard leg prosthetic, depending on what he considers appropriate for the occasion
    Rank: Senator
    Allegiance: Separatist Alliance (outwardly)/The Human Resistance
    Short Bio: Aryan Graul is an anomaly in a system predisposed to discrimination. When the Separatist Alliance won the Clone Wars, their anti-human policies should have regulated him to a labor camp or some desolate backwoods world to live out his days in poverty and disease. Instead, he defied the odds and rose above adversity to become one of the few humans in the Separatist Parliament. He serves his homeworld of Nubia as their elected representative.

    However, there is another side to Aryan that remains out of the public eye. Among his own people, he is known as a revolutionary leader and one of the founding members of the Human Resistance. With the help of the brave men and women from Corellia, Alderaan, Nubia, Chandrila, and other Core Worlds, he began clandestinely putting together resistance groups to fight the fascist government. His hope is to one day defeat the Separatists and restore the Republic, liberating humans and bringing equality to all.

    Aryan Graul; Human Resistance Leader

    But despite Aryan’s altruistic approach, there is an ulterior motive behind his commitment; it’s a way to enact revenge on the Separatists for a personal affront against his dignity.

    During the waning days of the Clone Wars, where he served as a pilot in the Republic Navy, he suffered extensive injuries to his legs when his starfighter lost its landing gear and crashed into a hangar bulkhead. By that point, the Separatists had already begun to exert their control over several military and civilian operations. This included medical facilities that had the capability to treat his injuries. As a human, they denied him access, resulting in a botched field operation that cost him his right leg. The Separatist Alliance had robbed him of his mobility and reduced him to a cripple.

    He now relies on the combination of a hoverchair and crutches in his daily life to get around—however, he will not display his vulnerability in public. For such occasions, which typically involve his political duties, he resorts to a painful leg prosthetic to project a strong persona to his constituents. In other cases, he requests that he remain seated at a table with his legs cleverly concealed from view.

    Despite the hardships he has endured, one constant remains in Aryan’s life; his wife Sybelle. A human/Chiss hybrid, their union was an unorthodox one, yet that did not diminish their love for each other. In many respects, Aryan regards her as the key to his success. She has risked her life and career to assist in the cause, volunteering in the Human Resistance by setting up a network of clinics and safehouses for those who need medical assistance. Along with their daughter Arabella, they are truly the source of his inspiration.
  14. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    GM Approved

    Character Sheet


    Name: Sybelle Graul
    Age: 36
    Species: Chiss
    Personal Effects: 6 - 12 cm Aurodium hair pins with needlepoint ends laced with poison.
    Her sapphire and diamond wedding ring.
    A gold locket containing a holo of Aryan from the day he left to join the Republic Navy.
    Rank: n/a
    Allegiance: In public Sybelle would keep up an act of being supportive of Aryan’s politics, but behind the scenes she was deeply involved in the human resistance.

    Short Bio:

    As a child, Sybelle was taken in and raised by Ashaiya Graul. They met when Ashaiya found Sybelle asleep in one of the gardens on the Graul Estate. The young orphan had a passion for botany and she had read about Mrs. Graul’s gardens on the holonet. She’d climbed a security fence one night and snuck onto the property.

    Ashaiya was able to gain Sybelle’s trust, and later her affection when she helped her remember witnessing the traumatic deaths of her parents. Mrs. Graul made sure Sybelle’s emotional wounds were cared for, and gave her a safe and loving home.

    Ashaiya knew Sybelle was Force sensitive, and she encouraged the girl’s skills, but convinced her that they must keep it a secret.

    Later Ashaiya was overjoyed when Sybelle and Aryan confided in her that they were in love and planned to elope.

    Sybelle was in her final semester of medical school when Aryan was injured. She dropped everything and fought to be at his side.

    Finally resorting to using her Force skills, Sybelle illegally gained access to the so called “clinic”. Her reaction was strong and swift when she found Aryan, she vowed to get him out of that hell immediately.

    Unfortunately she was discovered and locked in detention. Sybelle convinced a sympathetic guard to get a message to Aryan’s family, and they were able to use diplomatic and monetary influence to have Aryan and Sybelle released.

    Ashaiya and Sybelle supervised Aryan’s recovery on the estate. One year later Sybelle and Aryan welcomed their only child, Arabella.

    Sybelle didn’t go back to complete that last semester of medical school, instead she focused on their little family, spending time with Aryan watching their daughter thrive. When Arabella was older, Sybelle began amassing a network of beings among the medical community who were sympathetic to her cause of better medical care for humans. Her underground network has established pop up clinics to provide care to any human regardless of their circumstances.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2023
  15. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It is Independence Day.

    The day where the Separatist Alliance liberated the galaxy from the tyranny of the Galactic Republic.

    The machinations of the Chancellor brought the Senate to its knees, and the clone army decimated the true manipulators of the war.

    The Jedi.

    Order 66 was even more successful in the middle of the Battle of Coruscant.

    The deaths of Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi were the true end of the Clone Wars.

    Nineteen years have passed since that day.

    The Galactic Confederacy now rules.

    The nonhuman members of the Separatist Alliance, the nonhuman traitors of the Republic, and enslaved humanity.

    For all those years, galactic history had been retaught.

    The tale of how Coruscanti humanity fought against the Hutts, the species of the Outer Rim, the Alsakani and Corellian reformists, and genocided the Red Sith species, Ubese and many other aliens in their twenty-five thousand years reign.

    About how the galaxy has been saved.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
  16. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Supreme Commander Grievous

    The inner council was meeting.

    Most were present from innumerable locations.

    Some were observers, rather than advisors.

    The Emperor, Cocytus, presided from his Throne on Kamino.

    Supreme Commander Grievous, ornate in his black armour, just not inspired by the Krath but embodying the terror droid, he turned his mask upon those present.

    Grand Admiral Thrawn, aged Viceroy Nute Gunray, Grand Vizier Amedda.

    The rest present were the humans Vice Chancellor Leia Skywalker and Grand General Luke Skywalker. Leia was on Coruscant, overseeing the Parliament.

    They were discussing the rebellion declared against them by rogue Senators. Mainly human Senators, of course, though a few Twi'lek, Lasat and even other species had been evident in the corpses at Atollon and later Lothal.

    Yavin 4 was the object of their attention.

    "We believe the Mon Calamari Star Cruisers that escaped the blockade have ended up here," Thrawn was saying. "Those ships are superior to our Providence-class Star Destroyers." He was speaking from the Invisible Hand, Grievous' former flagship. "But we have numbers on our side, as ever."


    "Is not the Ultimate Weapon ready? If this the collection of all of the remaining Rebel cells, would it not inspire worlds to desist in committing to this wasteful cause?" Amedda opined.

    The Ultimate Weapon - the Death Star, in another time - was simply a orbital battle station, but it did not possess a superlaser. It was wasteful, according to Emperor Cocytus, and its tens of thousands of turbolasers was more than sufficient to destroy any one threat. The Battles of Atollon and Lothal had been tremendous victories, Thrawn equipped with Emperor Cocytus' intelligence about the Mandalorian intervention and thus thwarting it.

    "We could," Chancellor Darth Alecto replied. "But the war may not even end here. Nor is the ending of the conflict useful. There is nothing wrong with a pathetic enemy to keep to hand so we may justify our continued expansion." Speaking from the Subjugator-class battlecruiser Defiance's Banner, the Kaminoan apprentice was in the middle of capturing Bakura, one of the most distant systems in the Old Republic.


    Thrawn had buttoned up the Gordian Reach with numerous blockades of Lucrehulk-class battleships and fighter swarms at key hyperspace junctions, while he deployed numerous Providence-class Star Destroyers to secure more and more systems as he worked his way towards Yavin 4.


    The Inner Council paused to listen to Emperor Cocytus.

    He had demonstrated many times before now his precognition. The Stenax and Yevetha had been defanged before being a threat; the Nightsisters had been scattered; the Chiss and other Unknown Region powers had been bought into the Separatist Alliance, while the Grysk, Vagaari and forces of Nuvo Evsa had been decimated.

    His counsel was key to the Galactic Confederacy's rule.

    TAG: @Darth Cocytus (combo)
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
  17. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Senator Borsk Fey'lya
    Coruscant, the Separatist Parliament


    The wily Bothan was in his element.

    The fall of the Galactic Republic had completely benefited Bothan Space, in politics, in economy, in military growth.

    They solidly committed to the Separatists the moment the Battle of Coruscant was lost.

    They had no desire to assist humanity in retaining its power.

    The Bothans and their spynet had completely undermined humanity and any attempts to recover. They had divided the Kuati directorate, assassinated Tapani Lords, and aided with the movement of humans from Coruscant to the Outer Rim.

    Where they belonged.

    Worlds such as Antemerdias, Serenno, Bastion, Desevro, Trulalis, Asmeru, Bonadon and Kathol were not overpopulated by those humans driven from the Core. Save for Alsakan and Corellia, given a special place in the Galactic Confederacy for their repeat struggles with Coruscant, humanity had been undone.

    He glowered at the few humans that remained in the Separatist Parliament.

    Borsk Fey'lya couldn't wait for the day there were no humans left in his sight.


    Except maybe indentured slaves. He could accept that, probably. Maybe.

    His eyes took them in, Tarkin, of Eriadu, who had somehow managed to survive the purges of Republic Moffs that had taken members of his family. Aryan Graul, the cripple that represented the Corellian Sector from Nubia. He was present by hologram, however, not in person, but many Senators were.

    Borsk simply snorted.

    They were discussing the Alliance to Restore the Republic; now holding at Yavin 4 in the Gordian Reach. Declared by the Senator turncoats of Garm Bel Iblis and Mon Mothma, it had managed to survive the Battles of Atollon and Lothal to consolidate. Even though among the rolls of the dead were Rebels like Jan Dodonna, Kanan Jarrus, Zeb, Hera Syndulla and others,


    The armed contingent of the 'Rebel Alliance' was making a final stand on Yavin, being methodically isolated by Grand Admiral Thrawn. There were many ways out of the Gordian Reach, and the Chiss was deploying ships slowly but surely, isolating and securing escape routes, star systems, and generally tightening a net that was incredibly thorough.

    There was a motion on the table to offer a surrender to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. To allow them to take eight sectors in the Outer Rim, between Serenno and the Corporate Sector, and be allowed to co-exist, albeit in a weakened, pathetic state. Borsk liked the idea of humanity cowering in the Rim, but at the same time he wasn't sure that the 'Emperor' would even allow it.

    It was advisory, after all, the Parliament - the Senators could be overruled if need be.

    They could die if they crossed the invisible line. The Dark Acolytes continued to hunt the Jedi, but it took very little for them to divert towards Separatist Senators. Bail Organa was said to be dead on that basis.

    "So," the speaker summed up.


    Vice Chancellor Leia Skywalker.

    "Final speeches in favour of allowing a Republic Remnant to exist in the Outer Rim, subject to the agreement of the Emperor?"

    Borsk's eyes took in the human Senators.

    "Or those against?"

    From his office on Eriadu, and from theirs in Nubia, Tarkin, Aryan, and by extension Sybelle, who was standing off-screen in the same room as her husband, watched the galaxy debate the end of the short-lived Galactic Civil War.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @HanSolo29, @Lady_Belligerent (combo)
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: An'ya Kuro
    Corphrigin V

    A terrestrial planet, Cophrigin V was a planet of forested mountains and grassy plains. Isolated in its star system, Separatist Intelligence confirmed that the the world had attracted Jedi Master An'ya Kuro - formerly the Dark Woman - due to its peaceful vistas and quiet retreats. Sporting no notable colony or civilization, the planet had remained out of galactic affairs and played little part in the many wars and conflicts which engulfed the galaxy.

    While home to no notable sentient races, Cophrigin V was inhabited by a species of simian-like and goat-like beasts which inhabited the forested hills and grassy plains respectively, ones which had paid no heed to Mika'sai'Jeisel and Marana Sukarr. The world also was home to a rare species of flower on the verge of extinction.

    The Force led them the rest of the way.

    To the Cave.

    "So you found me."

    She stepped forward through the cave, filled with nature. An almost unlikely location for a woman of her background to remain.

    It matched what she was.

    "A Jedi."


    "One of the last of its kind."

    The two Dark Jedi had found one of the very last Jedi Masters.

    "Let us discuss extinction and evolution," she tilted her chin up.

    "I am, nonetheless, ready to die."

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @darthbernael (combo)
  19. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Bodhi Rook

    The Alliance to Restore the Republic was the threat, but it was hardly the only opposition party to the Galactic Confederacy.

    It was not always, too, that the trumpet of Thrawn's Navy, or Skywalker's 501st, was needed.

    Sometimes more subtlety was required, and then the arrival of more muscle.

    Here, a Jedha City, a tinderbox of religions, species and so forth, was such an instance.


    A Separatist Supply pilot had vanished after making a delivery to a top secret weapons project, apparently favoured by the High Command.

    But rather than deploy a naval force to pursue the man, one Bodhi Rook, the Confederates had opted to dispatch an assassin.


    Tagg Sivrak.

    He would have tracked the man down to a world known for its resistance.

    The latest location of the anarchist terrorist Saw Gerrera.

    Above the holy city now hung a Lucrehulk-class battleship, one of some twenty-five thousand such vessels in the Navy.


    The Fortressa had been present to remind the citizens to behave, and to clip the wings of Saw Gerrera's motley crew.

    Now skinny B-1 battle droids made their way around the city keeping the peace, quadrillions of the annoying things in service to the Galactic Confederacy.

    Several ships were heading into Jedha right now, each with permissions, each civilian craft. Intelligence was certain the three about to land included, off the books, Bodhi Rook.

    Tagg was to kill him before he connected with the Rebels.

    At the spaceport, in the City, either, or.

    High Command didn't care.

    TAG: Mitth_Fisto (combo)
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Poggle the Greater, formerly Poggle the Lesser


    The Ultimate Weapon was ready.



    The Galactic Civil War had begun, yes, before the weapon was finished.

    Two years of minor engagements had seen Grand Admiral Thrawn ruthlessly bring an end to most resistance, which was very frustrating. But Poggle had spent two decades on this weapon, initially building it for that fool Krennic and his Republic, before the Separatists took the battle station skeleton for themselves.

    There were still worlds that could be a threat to the Separatist Navy, in-theory. Those Core Worlds with planetary shields, for example, like Anaxes, Corellia, Alderaan, or Brentaal. Though a squad of Dark Acolytes were just as capable as turning up and murdering a planetary government. So it was mostly irrelevant.

    Perhaps the Ultimate Weapon would be cast into what remained of the Unknown Regions to occupy, or perhaps a satellite galaxy.

    There was a debate about using the weapon to devastate the Yavin system as an object lesson, but the Separatist Navy could handle that, in-theory. Resistance at Kashyyyk, Mon Calamari and other nonhuman worlds could provide a useful example... Poggle clacked his mandibles but didn't overly care either way.

    The Ultimate Weapon was invincible.

    Even though the colossal project had partial schematics at Toprawa, Danuta, and a host of other worlds, assembling them all would be a colossal task and there was no exhaust port in this design; because there was no superlaser; and no Galen Erso to ruin the weapon. Even capturing the whole plans from Scarif would achieve very little.

    The Emperor's weapon was perfect.

    The Dark Jedi were the very tip of the Confederate Spear.

    The Parliament was a defanged tool.

    The Rebellion was doomed.

    Poggle relaxed.

    TAG: No-One

    Mentions for @HanSolo29, @Lady_Belligerent, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @Darth Cocytus
  21. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  22. Darth Cocytus

    Darth Cocytus Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2023
    darthbernael likes this.
  23. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004

    Character Sheet


    Name: Jori I Atreus
    Age: 80
    Species: Kuati human
    Personal Effects: A myriad of dresses and other pieces of clothing as well as jewelry. An ancient heirloom that makes her feel strange.
    Rank: Kuat of Kuat
    Allegiance: Empire

    Short Bio:

    After graduating from the Program and in the subsequent years she rose to the position of Kuat of Kuat. Her ambitions for her world grew stronger, especially during the Separatist Crisis when the Republic became more dependent on worlds like hers. The fact that she loved Tarkin sweetened the deal when they married and had their worlds join together.

    This partnership and the union between Kuat and Eriadu were the perfect opportunity for Jori to start realizing her ambitions. The only people she cared about were her family and their respective homeworlds. She believed that the Quintad could play a bigger role in shaping the future of the Galaxy, so she worked tirelessly to achieve that end.

    Character Sheet


    Name: Jori II Atreus
    Age: 30
    Species: Kuati human
    Personal Effects: A myriad of dresses and other pieces of clothing as well as jewelry. An ancient heirloom that makes her feel strange.
    Rank: heir to Kuat of Kuat
    Allegiance: Empire

    Short Bio:

    From a young age Jori II was destined to follow in her grandmother’s footsteps. She received the best tutors and the best education that money could buy. She needed to be ready to take over the House of Atreus, since her parents did not show that much interest in doing that. So her childhood was not the regular type - reading, studying, debating, researching, playing violin. She needed to be ready.

    Once she grew up it was visible that she was her grandmother’s spitting image from the time the elder Jori was her age. That made them both proud and both knew the burden they must carry for if they were to succeed they would have to take upon themselves a monumental task, but their ambitions were strong enough to carry it.
    darthbernael likes this.
  24. Darth Cocytus

    Darth Cocytus Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2016
    (A combo between myself and Sinrebirth)

    Emperor Cocytus, Chancellor Alecto, Vice Chancellor Leia and General Luke Skywalker, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Grand Vizer Amedda
    Inner Council Meeting

    Darth Cocytus, for he still made 'Darth' well known as his title, being a title of power, along with that of 'Emperor', listened well to his counselors and advisors. He smiled thinly, musing over the fact that the Rebel Alliance was now his to challenge across the stars. Yet another conflict to reshape into his own image and take advantage over to further his ambitions.

    "I share in Chancellor Darth Alecto's wisdom." He commented, looking to his most loyal and faithful companion as well as apprentice, "Let those fools play their games against us, as long as we keep them in the outer reaches of the Empire and push back against any serious attempts to interfere in our plans. She is correct that they will only give us further justification in our military expansion. However, I still would find it beneficial to us if the rebels were at least scared and driven off of Yavin 4 for us to take over. I have an interest in that world, particularly its Sith History…"

    His yellow eyes glowed in thought at the irony that the Rebels in both timelines chose such a world that was once a core of the Old Sith Empires as their base of operations... and home to the spirit of an ancient devotee of the Order.

    "As for our 'Ultimate Weapon'... Are we really just going to be calling it that without a proper name?" Cocytus asked, surprised that it's all that they have been calling their new battle station, "I, for one, name it The Crucible for with it, through fire, we shall further reshape the Universe into our image…"

    "Crucible it is," Thrawn duly noted. "But what of the wider confrontation? The Rebels will likely flee to the Senate's proposed 'Republic Remnant' if we allow it."

    "I don't think we should, per se," Amedda said. "The Emperor's veto should be used against them."

    "But the war is immaterial," Leia said, drily. At nineteen she was especially young to be so prominent in the Senate, but she was the child of Anakin Skywalker, killed during the Clone Wars and then ripped from Senator Amidala. It was an open secret, but Luke and Leia Skywalker had become instrumental in the dark side for it.

    But not Sith.

    Alecto narrowed her eyes. "How so?"

    "The Force is the issue," Luke explained. "Our Father was birthed by the Force to oppose the Sith. Instead, things have played into our masters expert hands." He gestured to the Emperor, and bowed slightly. "Inevitably the Force will strike back."

    "And my Master will destroy the threat," Alecto said, with special emphasis on my."

    "And veto, I will." Cocytus agreed with Amedda, "In fact, something ought to happen to our troublesome rebel senators... An 'accident', perhaps, carefully and discreetly arranged."

    The Emperor nodded and gestured towards Luke's concerns, smiling thinly at his wisdom. As a source of power, the Force, even the Dark Side, is an utmost fickle thing. Just as, in another timeline, Anakin was born in response to Plagueis and Sidious's scehemes, so too in this timeline, was Anakin born in response to his own schemes. Despite his counterattack against the Force, there is always the possibility of the Force trying again to thwart him.

    Cocytus glanced at Alecto and nodded thoughtfully. "That may be, but only if we use caution and beware of arrogance and overconfidence." He replied, noticing the hint of rivalry between her and Luke, but making no comment, "The Chosen One is dead, his children on my side, and the Rebels are without a jedi for now, but there is one major threat that we are still hunting..."

    His eyes looked to Luke and Leia.

    "Your father's former padawan, Ahsoka Tano..."

    They both hesitated. "We don't have any leads on her location," Luke replied.

    "Nor is one Jedi that grievous a threat," Amedda opined.

    "You severely underestimate Jedi," Thrawn replied. His eyes calculated. "A suggestion, my Lord?"

    Alecto sneered. "You best."

    Thrawn ignored them. "Why not use the Crucible as bait? Or even select a world to ransom unless she appears?"

    "After we spent decades constructing the battle platform?" Amedda objected.

    A hand curled to silence Amedda with a Force choke. Luke smiled, darkly, at the act.

    "My Master can speak for himself." Alecto confirmed.

    Cocytus's yellow eyes glowed, and, for but a brief second, he, too, smiled twistedly Amedda's suffering. However, there was a time and place for this sort of thing. Not in the throne room and not during an Inner Council meeting.

    "Chancellor Alecto, please release my Grand Vizier." He asked - No. Commanded. - with a firm voice, "I can perfectly stand up for myself, thank you, and this is a place where ideas ought to be shared freely without fear."

    Nonetheless, the Emperor puckered his lips slightly in thought of Thrawn's suggestion. Being the year of what-still-could-be the Battle of Yavin, this was a perilous period. Especially for a battle station that was once destined to be destroyed at this time.

    "I agree with Thrawn." He finally stated, "Under the condition that the Crucible avoids direct combat unless absolutely necessary for a time. A year, at least. I also agree with Amedda and would hate to lose such an expensive weapon so soon. I suggest a bait and switch tactic. When our jedi arrives, the Crucible retreats, with an ambush fleet to take its place."

    Alecto did as instructed, and was silent, suitably rebuffed. But she smiled when the Emperor agreed with Thrawn.

    "I shall personally command the Crucible, my Emperor," the Grand Admiral said, tightly. "There is no need to expose the station to anything but the smallest risk of a Jedi."

    Amedda didn't say a thing.

    "But what world should we target," wondered Luke aloud.

    Emperor Cocytus simply smiled as his apprentice did as instructed.

    "Apologies, Grand Vizier. Chancellor Alecto ought to know better by now." He commented to him, "Hopefully, such incidents won't happen in the future."

    He gestured to Thrawn with a nod. "That I will put my utmost trust into your command, Grand Admiral." The Emperor replied to his most trusted advisor and war counselor. "Do as your military wisdom sees fit."

    His eyes narrowed at Luke's question and gave a smirk. May as well play a little close to would-have-been events.

    "Why the planet Alderaan, of course."

    Of course, this time, that world won't be needlessly turned to dust.

    "A Core World, and there is a degree of circumstantial evidence that they have been supporting the Rebels..." Amedda said, drily.

    "Even the appearance of disloyalty must be disabused," Thrawn replied.

    Luke sniffed. "An overzealous response may be counter-productive."

    "Rebellion is not to be tolerated," Alecto snapped.

    Thrawn cleared his throat. "Will the Emperor be joining us at Alderaan?"

    "Indeed." The Emperor agreed with Amedda and Thrawn before looking to Luke with assurance. "Worry not, General. We shall only terrorize the population with the mere appearance of the Crucible and the threat of its power. The real target is Ahsoka Tano, after all. The rebels are merely secondary for now."

    He mused over Thrawn's proposal of overseeing the operation. There was risk, but luckily, Cocytus knows caution, unlike Palpatine.

    "Yes. I would very much like to be there to greet the Jedi when we capture her."

    Thrawn nodded. "Excellent. I shall make the preparations, and meet you at Geonosis." All but next door to Kamino, after all.

    He cut the channel.

    Mas Amedda bowed, and cut the line also.

    Leia Skywalker was focusing on the Senate and their vote for a Republic Remnant.

    Luke spoke up. "The Inquisitors located An'ya Kuro, my Lord, I imagine they will be reporting the good news shortly."

    Alecto sniffed. "Is that not the last Jedi on the list?"

    "Save for Ahsoka Tano, yes."

    In the intervening years, Order 66 survivors such as Shaak Ti, Bultar Swan, K'Kruhk and others had been hunted down and killed.

    "I shall meet you there as soon as possible. Grand Admiral." The Emperor replied before Thrawn cut the channel.

    He sent out a message to ready his personal flag ship, the new Subjugator II-class heavy cruiser indomitable, for his arrival to take him to Geonosis.


    His eyes glowed at the news of a located Jedi Master.

    "I am sure they will bring excellent news." He commented in reply, "In the form of her corpse and lightsaber, no doubt."

    Emperor Cocytus had cut no corners in the utter extermination of the Jedi Order. When he wanted them dead, he made sure of it with no cost of assumption. On numerous occasions, he personally faced even more than one jedi in combat, striking them down with either the blade or the Force itself.

    Shaak Ti and K'kruhk were the most pleasant of dance partners.

    Over the past sixty years since his duel against Plagueis, whether as Prime Minister, Senator, Supreme Chancellor, or Emperor, he never allowed his martial prowess and Force mastery to ever waver, keeping his body and mind in perfect fit.

    No doubt he would have to prove such once again against an opponent such as Ahsoka Tano.

    "Ahsoka will prove much more troublesome." Cocytus noted with folded fingers, "She was trained by the Chosen One and is certainly no ordinary jedi…"

    Luke stood up, broad. "Should we accompany you?"

    Alecto seethed. "I will, if anyone."

    Leia ignored them again.

    "Do as you will." Cocytus replied to the both of them with spread out arms as he stood up. There was only so much one needed explicit permission from the Emperor to do unless explicitly stated otherwise. "Come and witness the further extinction of the Jedi Order."

    From behind, once as still as statues surrounding the throne room, several IG-200 Shadowguards, the Emperor's personal bodyguard, and successor of the old Clone War Era IG-100 Magnaguard, sprang into movement to accompany him.

    Despite their own fearsome reputation, the shadowguards only existed out of the ad hoc of appearance, for it was well known that he was more than capable of defending himself.


    A message came that a shuttle was now ready to take them aboard the Indomitable.

    The Subjugator-class line inspired dread during the war, with five of the six constructed then targeted by the Republic.

    The sixth survived, the Defiance's Banner, and thereafter Lord Cocytus had two dozen more constructed, and improved upon.

    The ion cannon, the crystal superlaser (merely strong enough to blow apart a planetary shield) and the TriHexalon weapons. Built upon from the Malevolence, Devastation and Subjugator respectively. It was a true power house.

    A trio of Saboath-class Star Destroyers acted as escorts to the flagship, mercenary designs taken by the Confederacy, with a pair of Providence-class Star Destroyers also positioned. Enough firepower to take on almost any world, even without the Ultimate Weapon.

    The clones manned the Saboath-class ships, the droids the Providence-class, and the flagship was an evenly mixed crew, though hierarchies of course existed with the droids above the clones.

    As was his want, Mand'alor Jango Fett stood in the hangar, the famed warrior now a commander in Cocytus' forces, payment for the price of destroying the Jedi; all the man wanted after the slaughter of Galidraan.

    The might of the old Confederate warships of the Clone Wars devastated the Galaxy and the Subjugator-Class was no different to the point that two dozen more have been built since.

    However, with the start of construction of the Indomitable, the Emperor began a project to revamp the Navy into the new Imperial age, starting with a new class of warships altogether to surpass the old, the Subjugator II-Class.

    The Indomitable was the twin of the first two of their kind, the other being the New Malevolence, that served as Supreme Commander Grievous's flagship for the Order of the Black Hand. A third Subjugator II-Class, Chimaera, has just been freshly launched, soon to be a gift to the Grand Admiral, with three others still under construction.

    Complete with a suped up Ion-cannon capable of not just tearing through a planetary shield, but taking out almost all planetary systems and weaponry in the sky and on the surface except for standard blasters. Capable of being operated by eighteen hundred droids and clones alike. The Subjugator II-Class were the true new terrors of the Confederate Navy with other new powerful classes of warships in the works for the reformation.

    The Crucible, despite its arrogant fame as the "Ultimate Weapon", was really, in the Emperor's mind, nothing more than an overglorified battlestation that served as the HQ of the ever growing Navy, never meant for true military combat, unlike the warships.

    Nonetheless, the Indomitable was waiting above the skies of Kamino, and soon enough, the Emperor's shuttle arrived in its hangar, ready to meet up at Geonosis.

    "Inform the Grand Admiral that we shall be arriving shortly." Cocytus spoke to the greeting Clone Captain as he left his shuttle for the Indomitable's throne room, "Have the Chimaera fleet follow us to be given to him. That would brighten his day, I believe."


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  25. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Years Gone By

    The Ones died during the Clone Wars.

    That was their destiny.

    The imbalance caused by the return of the Sith poisoned the Father.

    He reached out to Anakin Skywalker, who refused the role.

    Thereafter the Son killed the Daughter, and the Father sacrificed himself to defeat the Son.

    Very poetic.

    But the Mother existed too.

    And Darth Cocytus knew all about her.

    That a Change would release her from her prison in the Maw.

    Let alone whatever would happen to Peridea.

    However, the Mother was a great enough issue.

    Darth Cocytus would have to resolve her.


    So, before, or after, his Change?

    Did he?

    TAG: @Darth Cocytus (combo)