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Classics Star Wars: Ewoks (1985-1986) discussion, rewatch, information & analysis thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Ewok Poet, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    I tried watching it for a second time and it's good not as enjoyable as droids but still good.
  2. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    He does not hate it and he also watched it first before any other starwars and I agree on most of his points
  3. Kassius Konstantine

    Kassius Konstantine Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 1, 2015
    Hello there,

    Doug Walker (The Nostalgia Critic) did a balanced review of the Ewoks:

    He does bash it a bit, but that is the concept of the show. And he also gives praise where it is due. I think it is a fair, if sometimes a critical appreciation.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  4. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Kassius Konstantine - welcome to our thread, please have some dangleberry juice. :)

    With so many people repeatedly posting this link, well, yeah, I finally took a look.

    As many people on here say, it's not as brutal as his other reviews, buuut....

    - This is USA-centric. A lot of us from other countries had completely different television watching habits (Side note: log onto YouTube at 9PM CEST on Saturday for proof of that).

    - The whole canon-Nazi thing is always annoying.

    - He didn't check the Wook, the Sunstar is destroyed eight months before the Battle of Endor.

    - He thinks the second season looks better than the first and the phrase he used for the first season (not TOS-compilant) implies that he does not see the difference. While the second season is fun in terms of comedy, the first season is superior.

    - bumbling klutz calls my favourite bumbling klutz a dildo. :( Not to mention that he is not a bumbling klutz in the first season.

    On the other hand, I too saw Ewoks before the OT (and Droids before Ewoks), so that made me smile. The random montage where Latara speaks like a man and the one with Wicket's multiple dengars made me giggle.

    I have this domain name purchased, perhaps this could prompt me to start a proper website...the trouble is, I am already an archivist on a far more demanding project.
  5. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Droids and Ewoks are dated, but they're products of their time.Reminded me of that old Dungeons and Dragons toon. I appreciate the lighthearted approach of those toons back then. Clone Wars and Rebels tries to keep that, some of the class too, along with having morality lessons like those old toons had intertwined and all that kinda thing. There is probably an over abundance of violence and hypersexuality where it is normalizing anti-social behavior in many of the programming for kids and even adults today. If I ever have kids, I wouldnt let them watch much of the programming today, but have them watch toons from the 30's-mid 90's and stuff like that.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  6. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    This is pretty much my opinion (and I'm an atheist, liberal and an European). Some of the stuff on TV today gets a lot of praise for no particular reason.

    The certain popular "medieval" show comes to mind first: incest, sodomy, violence and morals skewed beyond what would have been shocking in, say, Scarface or some other violent film. No character is good, but it's not like they're likeable in any way other than being physically attractive. They're all downright psychopaths, not even children are innocent in that. That stuff freaks me out. While the concept of ars gratia artis makes sense and some things such as, say, David Lynch's short films or oldest works by Bergman or Jarmush are going to be odd to most people, while Marina Abramović and Yoko Ono may leave a person confused; all of that actually has substance - violence and sex for the sake of violence and sex DON'T. Those things, just like tabloids and reality shows, exist to wake up the basic instict in the worst way possible and it's probably damaging to one's perception of reality.

    As far as children's shows go, apart from a couple of notable examples, most have no substance. Or point. HELP.

    The Ewoks cartoon gets everything surprisingly right. The characters care about each other. There are different personalities, different energies and different goals. Not everything always goes well, either. Sexuality is balanced as well (hence moral guardians' issues).

    While not everything from the time period you mentioned should be watched without supervision (I assume one has to explain non-censored racist stuff in oldschool Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry to a child at some point); this is probably how I plan to help my children shape their taste, if I ever have them.

    While I want to explore that scenario in a story, from a certain point of view, that rulebook did a lot of damage.

    Speaking of the Topps card app, it mentions the Sacred Horn of the Soul Trees as well...while casually referencing the ROTJ novelisation instead of the film. Does this mean the horn is now recanonized (even if the rest of Shadows of Endor isn't? [face_thinking]

    Iron_lord and Vorax like this.
  7. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    I still can't make up my mind on this show

    One day I like it the next it's Meh

    I think it's when I think to much about the magic is where it gets the meh from.
  8. The Positive Fan

    The Positive Fan Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 19, 2015
    I completely missed that reference on Teebo's card, probably due to not being all that familiar with Shadows of Endor (I did read it, but it was a while ago now). Yes, that's exactly right -- the Sacred Horn itself is recanonized, but the Shadows of Endor story as a whole remains part of the Legends continuity.
  9. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    If it was ever recanonized, they would have to explain a lot.

    And they should have done their research right. Not that the stuff from the ROTJ novelisation which implies that the horn was used isn't on the legends page; but where did they get the drum thing? The other two drum on helmets.
  10. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    After a bit of a catch-up - I'm half-way through Season 2. Teebo's clumsiness does seem exaggerated - though his magic does get them out of slightly more trouble than it gets them into.

    Paploo's absence does stand out - as well as Latara basically taking his place in the group.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I read the second sentence before I was properly awake (as in, before I crawled to the fridge and found Pepsi Max :p), but it made more sense than it does now.

    Perhaps because with all that "über feminine" stuff tossed aside, Latara IS a lot like Paploo. Crazy self-obsession, the Leeroy Jeeenkins! approach to almost any strategy, overall vanity. And as opposed to "lust" (LOL @ moral guardians), she's basically a PuA of some sorts.

    With nothing else to add at the moment, here is another character concept drawing that apparently suggests how they came up with her name. Great pose, too.

    glitteryboots and Iron_lord like this.
  12. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Wicket seems a lot like that in Season 2 as well - obsessed with getting trophies for his belt of honor and with becoming a full warrior - and rushing to attack almost any adversary.
    Jedi Knight Fett and Ewok Poet like this.
  13. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Yup, the two of them somehow balance the other two, who were kinder by definition to begin with, but it's like Paploo turned into two new people. Kinda ironic, since Paploo himself is a composite character, a last-minute mashup of original Wicket and original Teebo from the original Revenge of the Jedi script.
    Iron_lord likes this.
  14. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    My "fanart" from late 1990 - just in case people were not scared of me yet.


    If anybody recognises all characters present, you're my hero or something.
  15. The Positive Fan

    The Positive Fan Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 19, 2015
    How awesome is it that you held on to that!!
    I definitely recognize Kneesaa. And that's clearly Captain Jack Sparrow there on the far left :) I drew so many pictures of TIE fighters and X-wings blasting away at each other over the Death Star it's not even funny. Sadly, all lost to the ravages of time, but there were some masterpieces in that early artwork!
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  16. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Left to right - Latara, Asha, Malani, Chirita, Shodu, Kneesaa?
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  17. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    Would love to see that if you ever find any (I thought this was lost, too). We can make a cause for "older fans posting their childhood fan art" thread.

    And since two characters look like Kneesaa here and I am not sure which exact one is Kneesaa and which one is Latara's mother Zephee (who is there for no particular reason), I guess you could be right. :D

    The first and third are correct, the last may be correct. The others are not, because the second season wasn't shown here when I was a child.

    I guess the boys look pretty bad here, then. :p
  18. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Asha was in the last episode of Season 1 - but I'm guessing from that, that it's actually Teebo that's one of the two rope-swingers.

    Main reason I thought Asha, was the bright red-brown fur.
    Jedi Knight Fett and Ewok Poet like this.
  19. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I know she was, but Chirita wasn't and Shodu's first season form looks nothing like any of these. Form can't sentence today.

    And yup, Teebo is the second one from the left (always close to Latara in my old drawings, hehe) and Wicket is the other one who's swinging. What I like most, though, is that these vines are hanging from practically nowhere. :)
  20. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    So who's on the ground beneath Wicket- Logray? He is grey-ish - and I suppose that could be a beard on his chin.

    Now that I've seen all the way through to the end of Season 2 - I liked the finale with Doctor Raygar. Makes a good tie-in to the rest of the Star Wars setting.

    The idea that the Sunstar-Shadowstone is powerful enough that the Emperor might make a personal visit to Endor to investigate it, interests me.
    Jedi Knight Fett and Ewok Poet like this.
  21. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I finally figured it out - THAT one is Kneesaa, it's her feather necklace thing! The far right one is Zephee, then.

    I plan to cover some of that in my next story, since the year or so the Empire spent on Endor intrigues me, a lot. Sure the story takes place AFTER the gem has been destroyed, but that doesn't mean it cannot make its way into the plot.
  22. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    If you go by more recent works (Brian Wood's Star Wars comic, The Essential Guide to Warfare, and Zahn's Choices of One novel) the Empire was already building the DS2 as of ANH, 4 years before ROTJ.

    Raising questions about why they're sending exploratory missions in The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. (also, why it's never seen in the sky in the Shadows of Endor comic).

    I would suggest that it was originally built on the far side of the Forest Moon - but something went wrong, they were forced to relocate it and rebuild the shield generator near Bright Tree Village, and that's why all the interesting activity post-Hoth.

    You've got Sergeant Jhorn and his group, experiencing all the hazards of the Ewoks movies (Gorax, rearing spiders, and the Marauders).
    Then you've got Shadows of Endor.
    Then you've got Caravan of Courage and Battle For Endor (maybe the Towani family are explorers hired by the Empire?)
    Jedi Knight Fett and Ewok Poet like this.
  23. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    You're spoilering the things I have on my mind and presenting me with some others; so at this point: [face_whistling] and basically, I came to some of these conclusions without reading certain sources; but not the detail that it was there all along. Sorry for being this vague, you'll see how cool it is once, well, you see it. And you'll get credits for...something. :D

    If the above paragraph even made sense, I'm a duck. O_O
  24. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 45x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    I could see the events of Shadows of Endor, being at least part of the reason for The Battle for Endor - something like "Charal, having sensed the destruction of the Sunstar, now thinks the Ewoks are easy pickings, and starts plotting with Terak to launch an attack" - with the arrival of the Towani family being the catalyst to something that had been in the works for a while.

    Especially after capturing (and then losing) Sergeant Jhorn's group.
    Jedi Knight Fett and Ewok Poet like this.
  25. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    The way I see it, the ground huts were some sort of an outpost, an it may have been a test attack.