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MidWest STARWOIDS Screens at Waterfront Film Festival

Discussion in 'MidWest Regional Discussion' started by TheHuntressDiana, Jun 4, 2002.

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  1. TheHuntressDiana

    TheHuntressDiana Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 4, 2001
    I stumbled across this info this morning and thought I could post it here...since I have no idea where Saugatuck is in Michigan...

    STARWOIDS SCREENS AT Waterfront Film Festival!

    The award winning documentary, "Starwoids" will play at this years Waterfront Film Festival in Saugatuck, Mi. This Saturday at 4:00PM and Sunday at 9:00PM!! Please go to or for more info.

    Starwoids is the stranger than fiction documentary about Star Wars fans (A.K.A. Starwoids) and their six week-line-waiting quest to see Episode I - The Phantom Menace on opening day. On April 7th 1999, two lines formed at the Mann's Village and Chinese theatres, each building their own rules, laws, and even government while waiting to see the first Star Wars film in 16 years. Meet the fans behind the phenomenon from a Boba Fett musician, a production of Star Wars: The Musical, to a woman who drives an X-Wing automobile. Looking at fans past and present, Starwoids is a firsthand look at the fans, the frenzy, and the pursuit to see one of the most anticipated films in cinema history.
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