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FF:NSW summer tv

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by TheOzhaggis, Nov 24, 2005.

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  1. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    news about Veronica Mars was derailing the Serenity thread, and there's more shows on the way, so i figured it was worth a new thread devoted to the new tv shows bound to pop up in the summer hols ...

    next week we have (at least):

    * Veronica Mars, Ch10
    * Surface, Ch10

    Surface is a new scifi that just started in the US a month or so back (which makes me think its not so good if we're getting it already). It's basically about some mutant sea animal / alien that suddenly pops up in the water all over the world.

    I've seen half the first episode and it looks kinda cheesy. More Flipper than X-Files. (And like I said, the speed that we're getting it doesn't bode well, either).

  2. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    You forgot about the show that started the main cause of the derailing! :p

    • Smallville, next Sunday on Ch10

    From looks it appears to be season 3, although I couldn't say for sure. Nine previously showed season 1 and about half of 2 so it's hard to tell from the ads. We'll just have to wait and see. ;)
  3. eclips

    eclips Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 6, 2004
    Yes, Channel 10 is going off with the off season shows. To add more details to The Ozhaggis post, here are the days and times:

    • Veronica Mars, Ch10, Monday 7:30pm

    • Surface, Ch10, Tuesday, 7:30pm

    I am skeptical if they will remain at this time, or if it's just for the first ep to get people in and then they will bump it to a later time.
  4. Scoot

    Scoot Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 30, 2002
    I can see it now.

    "Catch Veronica Mars, next week at the new time of 3.30am Wednesday. Seriously Ten"
  5. eclips

    eclips Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 6, 2004
    Well, they putting the AFI Awards at 11pm after Harry potter this weekend, so I would not be suprised! :(
  6. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    VM is up against Mythbusters on SBS and That 70s Show on Ch7 ...

    Some other new shows starting next week :

    * Ghost Whisperer, Tue 8.30, Ch7.
    Apparently what the 1001 other tv shows about mediums are lacking is a medium that looks like jennifer love hewitt ... looks like all the other "I see dead people" shows on atm, imho.

    And after that we have the return of one of my faves : Boston Legal, against Numb3rs (but at least its not on at 11.30 anymore). But then BL has been axed, despite all its emmy awards, so enjoy it while it lasts.

    * Empire, Wed 9.30, Ch7
    "In 44 BC Rome, conqueror Julius Caesar returns from his triumph in Spain to a neglected republic in poverty and a senate corrupted by power. As the Ides of March draw near, blood will be spilled and the fate of the Roman Empire will fall on the shoulders of one man. Witness this epic true story about Caesar's nephew, Octavius, who successfully battled general Marc Antony for the imperial throne and revolutionised the Roman Empire."

    Dunno if this is the BBC series "Rome," which is not too shabby (but far too sexy for free-to-air).

    * Blind Justice, Wed 9.30, Ch10
    "After Jim Dunbar loses his eyesight during a gunfight, the rehabilitated homicide detective tries to return to active duty at a new precinct. Facing opposition and doubt from his coworkers and lieutenant, he is relegated to handling a car theft case."


    And they're both up against Amelie! What were they thinking ?!?!


    * Baywatch Hawaaiian Wedding, Fri 12 noon, ch7

    Just kidding.

    * Flatly Stacked, Fri 8.30, Ch7
    "A beautiful and free-spirited woman takes a job at a small bookshop in the hope of finding stability in her wild life."

    Hmmmm. Might be another Black Books, might not...

    * Tommy Lee Goes to College, Fri 9pm, Ch7
    "The University of Nebraska at Lincoln welcomes a motley new student to its campus, notorious rocker Tommy Lee. Lee flounders in this fish-out-of-water situation as he faces quintessential collegiate challenges such as finding his room-mate, trying out for the marching band and cramming for the finals in true Tommy Lee fashion with his hot tutor, Natalie, in tow. Follow Lee as he experiences the trials and tribulations of campus life."

    Not my cup of tea, but I'm sure it will fancy the tickle of some.

  7. Rebel_Padawan

    Rebel_Padawan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 11, 2003
    and also for some reason channel 10 are reviving Futurama.

    Channel 7 eventually made their way through all the episodes, at 11:30pm of course, so it surprises me that channel 10 think they can grab new viewers when the dvd sales have gone ok.

    and on a persoanl guitly pleasure note, here's to hoping that channel 9 brings back Joan of Arcadia from where they stopped it last summer. [face_blush] [face_praying]

    Oh and didn't channel 10 also advertise new eps of One Tree Hill [face_sick]
  8. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    Mythbusters would win out for me in that timeslot.... ;)

    Now that you mention it R_P, they did advertise One Tree Hill. That's the one with Jesse McCartney right? [face_tired] Oh dear....

    Oz, is Empire a tv series or some one-off mini thing?

    As eclips embellished, I will as well. :p Smallville is on at 7:30pm Sunday and is actually a double episode. And you're right, it's simply to kick it off, the regular timeslot will be Thursday.
  9. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    Veronica Mars is great. Ive seen bits and pieces andhave some friends in the states who love it. Apparently Season2 is on over there now.

    Smallville season 3 is the best of the seasons aired so far, and Im so psyched for 4.

    Lois is chloes Cousin in Smallville, and is introduced in 4.
  10. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    Ok, EMPIRE is a 6-part american mini-series about the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of Emperor Augustus (ie ROTS BC). Reviews seemed to be mixed.

    Real shame its not the british series ROME...

  11. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    Ah-ha! I didn't know that?at least it sure throws some plot into it. ;)

    Cheers, Oz. Just checked it myself, I see what you mean with mixed....
  12. Aztek

    Aztek Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2001
    Thats actually the British/American series Rome, a joint effort between the BBC and HBO. I would love to see this show, sounds great.
  13. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    The US may be involved, but the cast and crew are predominantly from the UK, and it has a definite UK rather than US aesthetic, so I like to think of it as a UK production more than a US production. Patriotic bias, I guess.

    It's kinda like Gladiator ... with sex. There's not lots of sex, but when its shown its fairly explicit, so it's definitely a late-night timeslot if its shown uncensored. More likely to show up on pay-tv if at all.

  14. Darth_Punk

    Darth_Punk Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    It will be the same as "The Extras"
    This was written and starred in by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (who wrote and starred in the Office). It set in the UK, its got a UK cast, besides cameos by people like Ben Stiller and Sam Jackson, but on the end credits it says its made by a joint effort of the BBC and HBO.
    A few of the cameos and even Jokes are aimed at the British audience. The American Audience (and Australian) would not understand who they were.
    So that proves to me that this is a way for the BBC to get extra money by joining forces with a US TV company, without any interference and in return, that company gets the rights to show it in the US.

  15. Rebel_Padawan

    Rebel_Padawan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 11, 2003
    Sorry for dragging on about this comment, but I thought Lana had Lane as the surname, not Chloe?? (i realise cousins dont have to have the same last name:p )
  16. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    Lanas surname is Lang. Chloes surname is sullivan. In season 2 (I think) chloe mentions she has written an article for the daily planet, using her cousin Lois's name as a pen name. At the end of three, Chloe... disappears (Im trying to be vague) and Lois comes to smallville to see what happened to her cousion. She then stays.
  17. Rebel_Padawan

    Rebel_Padawan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 11, 2003
    ah makes sense it does, thank you i do!
  18. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    tonights ep was definitely a season 2 one. It looks like they're starting from where channel 9 finished.
  19. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    I agree with that statement?you actually beat me in saying it. :p

    It very much looks like they've started off directly where Ch9 dropped it. As far as my memory serves it is. So no season 3 yet. :(
  20. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    not far away. 10-12 episodes at most
  21. Diva_Shaliqua

    Diva_Shaliqua Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 16, 2002
    I actually watched Smallville last night (had never seen it before) - I liked it, but I work Thurs nights :(
  22. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    i can lend u seasons 1 and 2
  23. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    ...or you could use a thing called a VCR and the record button. Ancient technology I know, but it still works. ;)

    Although, watching it without ads is a much more tempting offer.... :p

    So have you already seen all of Season 2, Scream?
  24. Sith Magician

    Sith Magician Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 14, 1999
    But to see seasons 1 and 2 would also require a time machine ;)
  25. Diva_Shaliqua

    Diva_Shaliqua Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 16, 2002
    I don't own a VCR :p

    Thanks Craig, maybe - we'll see. That's a lot of watching.. I want to watch Lost first (Do you think video stores would have this for rent?)
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