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Discussion in 'Costuming and Props' started by Obi Anne , Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    I'm not planning on doing a Rey costume for myself, so I haven't researched it. I have seen a lot of questions asked about the costume in my little part of the costuming/cosplay world though, so I figured I could make a master list of resources that I can link to.

    First of all this is aobut the main Rey costume, not the one she wears in the end scene. Secondly I'm sure that there are great tutorials out there, and builds that show how to make a decent Rey costume, I'm going to focus on the research and threads from The Replica Prop Forum and Rebel Legion.


    Rebel Legion Image Reference and standards discussion - This is the best thread for reference images. It has a lot of very detailed photos in the first posts. These are the photos you should use for references when doing the costume. Also a good tutorial for the wrist leather strap.

    Rey tutorial - Dawn had the first RL approved Rey, and in this thread she and Lisa has a lot of discussions on choice of fabric and construction. Lisa is a great source, since she actually worked with the effects for the films and had access to images long before they were public.

    Rey WIP thread - Puck who made this thread is from the Netherlands, so she's using materials that you can get hold of in Europe. In this thread you can also at least find patterns for the headwrap and the belt.

    Rey at - The Replica Prop Forum has a monster thread about Rey, it's 76 pages long as of today. There is a lot of information there, but some of it is wrong. Make sure that you read all of the thread, as well as the other ones in order to make correct choices.


    The costume was exhibited at Celebration Anaheim and at the display there was a list of materials used

    Wrap dress - viscose
    Head wrap - cotton
    Top - hemp and cotton jersey
    Trousers - silk
    Backpack - leather
    Wrist cuff and belt - leather
    Pouch - canvas
    Arm wraps - cotton
    Gloves - leather
    Boots - wool and leather
    Staff - 3D print

    The boots have been identified and are: the "Piper V Dark Brown" boots by Po-Zu. (a UK Company)
    I'm also pretty sure that the pouch has been identified as military surplus, but I can't say exactly what model or nationality.
  2. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Thanks for posting that Obi-Ann!
    I've got a bunch of images from the Celebration display, but the RL has a lot of other good images. Now I just have to decide if I want to make this one, or tackle trying to make The Jedi Steps Rey.
  3. Padme501st

    Padme501st Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2006
    Thanks for this thread! I'm thinking of doing a quick but still nice version for May the 4th