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Characters Discussion The ABCs of our OCs

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Kit', Dec 8, 2022.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Word Race Champion star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    W is for Mees Widu and Marce Wirdau, two of the W-disasters giving crèche-master Rian Solma a lot of work when they were initates. Qui-Gon Jinn, Benno Perion and Mees Widu were famous with their disastrous adventures. Rian was very pleased that Mace Windu joined another clan. But he had to deal with JPW disasters in the form of cats and pitin
  2. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    X is for Xova, a Zabrak pawadan created by @Vek Talis for his Kessel Run series Victory. Xova came to be as the result of a prompt to create a new OC, but she quickly grew beyond her initial vignette and now she's a fully fleshed-out character, complete with backstory and growth arc. She's the star of the show in Vek's Kessel Run long vignette and she then reappears in Loss.

    (Fair warning, I have one more OC whose name starts with X for the next round, but then someone will have to pick up the slack :p )
  3. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Y is for Yuli Orestes, the protagonist-turned-antagonist of @arkham618 ’s Enantiodromia. He starts out as a Jedi padawan on a mission with his master, and the transformation—which I won’t go into detail on so as not to spoil this horror gem—happens when he is attacked by a terentatek. It is a huge understatement to say that he is quite literally never the same after that!
  4. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Z for Zia-Ri Marakesh from the Wife of Deceit series. Introduced as a Padawan, she and her master, Amia, were assigned as Jedi protectors and liaisons to the wife of Chancellor Palpatine during the invasion of Naboo. After that was resolved and Lady Amne Palpatine had settled into her role, they became friends in a less formal setting. The partnership of Zia and Amia ended when Zia was knighted and took a Twi’lek Padawan, Uli. Zia was known for her healing abilities and these came in handy when Lady Palpatine was abducted by separatist extremists before the outbreak of the clone wars. Amne nearly died in the rescue and Amia attributed her survival to the combined efforts of the medics and Zia. When the senator from Naboo was attacked and it became clear that there were multiple dangers to people associated with the chancellor, Zia, Amia, and Uli were assigned to Lady Palpatine once more. Amia and Zia were assigned to intervene at Geonosis. Zia was one of the Jedi slaughtered by battle droids in the arena. Amia suffered a traumatic brain injury and was unable to continue field work, which is why she took Uli as her Padawan in memory of Zia.
  5. Pandora

    Pandora Word Race Champion star 4 VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 13, 2005
    A is for Amilia Kergher-Thane, a young Naboo woman who (encouraged via tough love by her lawyer father) was a champion debater in college. While she focused her studies on drama at that point, she would go on to the "political track" (the political science program that was the usual prerequisite for governmental jobs) in university. In her second year there, her debate coach assigned her a new partner, Florian Waterhouse, believing they would compliment each other well as a team.

    As it would turn out, she was right in more ways than just that one...

    Amilia appears [so far] in The Song of Experience and Night and Night.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2023
  6. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    B is for Bryer Ducat or Bryerntan-la'darius Montrain Ducat who comes from a noble family on one of the smaller planets on the inner rim. He is falls madly in love with and eventually married Nicco D'ladame. Even though he is now part of the Family, Bryer still maintains his family homes, estates and businesses which means he has to tread a very fine line between being a part of the Family's regular activities and breaking the law...
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Word Race Champion star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    C is for Bret Chedokin who is a police inspector in Noranan on the planet Moniron. He is married to Imara and has a young daughter Mari who is a teacher. He is a Dunai elder who often helps in cases and cares for all under his command. He appears in many of my stories taking place on Moniron
  8. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    D is for Davin Fel, second son of Jagged and Jaina and unlike his older brother Anakin Fel force sensetive. Davin is a hrash and serious young man with a considerable temper who inherited his fathers looks but his personality is closer to his mother. Despite outwardly appearing as a huge jerk he does have a strong sense of honor and justice. After his brother gets murdered he becomes the Crown Prince of the Empire. Eventually he will be the father of Roan Fel.
  9. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    E is for the fabulous Eliskandro Fasolia Faké, Hutt groomer and fashion trendsetter of galactic reputation, and occasional detective and righter of wrongs in his spare time. You are guaranteed to come out of his salon in CoCo Town with the most chahming haircut, and if you have a problem he may well solve it for you. He also has a long-standing crush on @Findswoman's mahvelous Bonvika, and together they make for a Hutt power couple if there ever was one (or a disruption of the space-time continuum, I'm not entirely sure which). He has his own story thread: The Detective Eliskandro Stories.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
  10. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Word Race Champion star 4 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 23, 2023
    F is for Ferryl, a mutated lump of Zygerrian muscle who broke away from the Zygerrian Slave Empire in order to start his own reprehensible enterprise. Often underestimated by those who see his hulking size and assume stupidity, Ferryl struck a deal with the greedy Trade Federation in 32 BBY, syphoning prisoners from their concentration camps during the occupation of Naboo. As a slaver, he is brutal, short-tempered and ruthless; a terrifying being of few redeeming qualities (if any).

    Ferryl is the primary antagonist of Star Wars: Episode I - The Steadfast Wreckage.
  11. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    J is for Jaxon "Jazz" My-ran, a felicatian Jedi Healer who always manages to look good in any situation.

    Jazz (because using his real name of Jaxon will mean your untimely death) is an apprentice Healer in the Jedi Temple, although many argue that he should have been guided more towards the Jedi Consular role given his natural ability to charm the pants off nearly everyone. Jazz is half-human and half-felicatian, having inherited the felicatian eyes and sharp teeth, but lacking their normal slight covering of fur. This also means that he struggles to control his shape change between humanoid and felicatian, much to his eternal embarrassment when it catches him unaware in stressful situations. Jazz's dislike of water is something he says that he inherited from his felicatian side, but his friends maintain it because getting wet may destroy the carefully created look that Jazz spends his time perfecting. Jazz is a natural born charmer and often uses this to his advantage to get out of trouble.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2023
  12. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    K is for Kchak Pr'ollerg, a Zygerrian slaver that I had the pleasure of killing off twice [face_skull] : once in the prime!verse of Ἀνάγκη, and a second time (much earlier) in the happy-end Ἀνάγκη/Song!verse crossover. A senior member of the Zygerrian Slavers' Guild in the waning years of the Republic, Kchak comes to own the Eskari family when they are kidnapped by his henchmen. After the Eskari parents die and Ayesha escapes from his clutches during the Clone Wars, he rises to the top position in the Guild and is hell-bent on re-establishing the Slave Empire – which he will do with a modicum of success in the Legends-compliant version of the story, since he has the support of Sheevy Sheev, but will fail to achieve in the Song!verse. In both scenarios though, he fails to understand that Ayesha has committed allies and friends, and that's how he meets a sticky end every time. I hate him so much that I might come up with another AU, just for the sake of killing him off again.
  13. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    L is for Lirahy.

    Named for a friend whose name is an anagram, Lirahy is a guard assigned to Amne Palpatine’s protection detail just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. She is no-nonsense and efficient, but seems loyal to a fault until the moment when she’s responsible for the First Lady’s abduction by the separatist splinter group she has joined. She never participates directly in the brutality of her fellows, but is the one to bring word of a successful bombing of a pediatric hospital on coruscant. She later attempts to coerce Lady Palpatine into cooperating with them and beats her with a datapad when she is unwilling to do so. Her fate is not revealed in-story because her prisoner is rescued by others and she goes into hiding. Off-page, she is killed as a liability by their leader.

    From Wife of Deceit, book 2. (I have other fics, but I’m using characters with the needed letters and I don’t have a lot of L characters.)
  14. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Word Race Champion star 4 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 23, 2023
    @Chyntuck Just wanted to say a huge thanks for your entry about Kchak Pr'ollerg up there. It helped me realise that I'd made a mistake in my own story, but then, after freaking out about how to fix everything, I ended up managing to incorporate it as an extra layer of character detail (one I really like)!

    It's the kind of moment that perfectly illustrates what I love about a good fan fiction community!


    M is for Mylo Lloyd, a young Human starfighter pilot from Naboo.

    As a member of Bravo Squadron in 32 BBY, Lt. Lloyd participated in the orbital attack on the Trade Federation's Droid Control Ship, but was shot down during the battle and incapacitated after [redacted - unknown]. Thanks to the loyalty of his astromech droid, R2-J0 (a.k.a. 'Jayo'), the wreckage of Lt. Lloyd's N-1 Starfighter was recovered. It took four rotations of bacta therapy for Lt. Lloyd to regain consciousness. He was last reported [redacted - classified] and [redacted - access denied - records sealed by order of Captain Panaka, Royal Naboo Security Forces].

    Mylo is the primary protagonist of Star Wars: Episode I - The Steadfast Wreckage.
  15. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Word Race Champion star 4 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 9, 2002
    N is for Nidia Skywalker, the oldest child of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker, born in a happier reality where her grandfather Anakin didn’t turn to the dark side. A soft-spoken and unassuming young woman who prefers the more meditative and creative aspects of her Jedi upbringing, Nidia is happiest out in nature, where she enjoys reading, painting, and communing with the life around her. She appears in The Great Temple Lightsaber Tournament and Week Six of Enter the Drabble.
  16. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    O is for Otila Ng’xvi-Ta’al-Lhúd, the mother of a very particular Gand that I'll not spoil in @Findswoman's amazingly epic The Book of Gand. Otila is a Findswoman and the chief keeper of the archives and library at the Great Temple on Gand. Her dedication to the Scared Trade and fine deeds as a Findswoman granted her the honor of janwuine - being able to refer to herself in first-person singular rather than third-person, as is customary amongst most Gand. Clever, devout, and kind-hearted, she is supportive of her son when he starts down his own path as a Findsman - but, for more than that, you'll have to read the story. [face_mischief]
  17. Gahmah Raan

    Gahmah Raan Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 2, 2015
    P is for Patcher, the combat medic of Besh Squad. Having vast knowledge of many sentient species' physiology, this usually-optimistic Nautolan has kept his squad alive in many difficult situations throughout the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Valkoran War and Forceless War, and saved the lives of many high-profile figures. While he's one of the more normal members of Besh Squad, his use of "bacta bombs" (a bacta-spreading grenade he co-developed with Besh Squad's technologist Boltz) in tricky situations has made other field medics question his competence, as the bombs aren't reliable for direct treatments and sound more like an attempt to apply holo-game healing logic to reality. However, they have worked in a pinch and kept the squad alive until Patcher could apply proper medical treatment. Some suspect his seemingly-perpetual optimism is actually a mask he puts up to cope with the fact that not only can he not save everyone's lives, his role as an armed medic means he's taken lives too.

    He and the rest of Besh Squad are recurring minor characters in the Paranormalities trilogy. As far as I remember, I've only got two characters (one introduced in the most recent chapter) with names that start with "P".
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2023
  18. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Since this thread has been silent since 16 September, I'm assuming that we've all run out of OCs whose names begin with Q, so I'm skipping to R.

    R is for Raav Otna from @Mira_Jade 's Theirs to Live and Thrive drabble set in her Kessel Run thread Antigravity. She may be a mention-only OC so far, but make no mistake, there will be riots if Mira doesn't tell us more about the Gamorrean First Matron of Kartooine who appears on Sentient Holozine’s Top Hundred Sexiest Consorts ahead of Commander Fox, who is featured on that list for being married to Riyo Chuchi in this 'verse. Apparently, it's all about her pink skin...
  19. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    S is for Sillen from my own fanfiction Tides of Darkness. She's a Quarren female who's employed at the Mon Calamari Institute of Science and has thus far only appeared in two scenes out of five chapters. This thread, interestingly enough, caused me to re-think more about this character and the scene I'm working on will feature her and possibly her yet-to-be-introduced husband and introduced only in dialogue daughter as characters.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
  20. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    T is for the Gand Findswoman Telfien Viurraanvi, one of my very first Star Wars OCs and still one of my main OCs today! (That’s her in my icon!) She comes from humble origins on Gand, being the daughter of poor, one-named gardeners, but her strong Mist talent led to her apprenticeship as a Findswoman. One of her guides and fellow students in the Sacred Trade was none other than the famous Zuckuss, with whom she developed a close bond. Later, after the Empire made inroads on her homeworld, she became one of the crew members of the Rose Evergreen. Her origin story is told in The Book of Gand (part 4 still in progress as of this writing), and she is in almost every story of mine that features the Rose Evergreen crew. @};-
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  21. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Word Race Champion star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    U is for Lindie Uroha, a Jedi-padawan and survivor of order 66 and on New Holstice where her master Assa Olinde is killed. She ends up on Varanko where she becomes a disgruntled lady only coming to terms with her loss when Jason Guyet tells her about the redemption of Anakin Skywalker
  22. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    V is for Valara, an OC created by @JadeLotus for her fic Red Five. Valara is the eponymous Red Five, meaning, the pilot that had the callsign Red Five before it was attributed to Luke for the Battle of Yavin. She's a complicated woman with a complicated past, and JadeLotus did a fantastic job of developing the character but also her vision of the ST and the Rogue One cast before those movies were released. A great character and a highly recommended read!
  23. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Word Race Champion star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    W is for Wren Ronius, one of my OC's serving in the Jeditemple as a spy. He assisted Shh-Kirr and Chenbi Junno in my story Revenge of the syndicate
  24. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Oh, is it the time to find an OC whose name starts with X? I've got one left!

    X is for Major Xanth, the quartermaster of the ISD Admonitor. He's a competent, efficient, no-nonsense officer of the Empire of the Hand who is hiding his heart of gold under an exterior of gruffness, and he has a friendship of sorts with my not-quite-OC Doctor Cottle, who likes him because he's not talkative under normal circumstances. However, in my one-shot Transland Day, which is the only story where he appears, he talks a bit more than usual because he's trying to make sense of equipment requests by a certain group of stormtroopers who he suspects are up to no good.
  25. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Word Race Champion star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    Y is for Lanna Yanda, a nurse educated on Rhinnal and serving in the Jeditemple. She appears in my story 'Aaquilin and Darrin'. Yanda is deceived by master healer Anka Dynarsk who has become Darth Dynonychus studying under Darth Plagueis and killed. And enabling Dynarsk to fake her death. Anka becomes the spouse of Ren Dooku and is the mother of Renolfo and Vlad Dooku. Vlad is given by her to the Jedi. He will become Darth Tyrannus.