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Star Wars Science Fiction Unclassifiable CLOSED The Crystal Principles **An Exclusive GOL Training Experience**

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by ConservativeJedi321, Feb 3, 2022.

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  1. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    The Crystal Principles

    The Old Jedi sat quietly before the burning fire at dusk. Contemplatively he poked one of the embered logs back into place to keep the flame ablaze.
    His face remained stoic even as the intruders he sensed approaching long ago came into focus.
    “You should be in bed.”
    He called to the trio of youngsters that stood behind him now.
    The oldest of them stepped forward.
    “W….we know, b..b.but….”
    “Oh, I’m well aware of why you are here.”
    The Master spoke in a placid tone.
    For a moment the air became still, as the young apprentices went wide eyed at his clairvoyance.
    "I know why you are here, and I know where you are going.”
    He sat there mutely for a moment, staring into fire as if he was trying to take the warmth of the flames into himself.
    “You want to know what to expect when you get there.”

    “Freezing Winds”

    “Ferocious beasts"

    “Evil beyond words.”

    “And Tests from the Force Itself.”

    The Hooded Man chuckled when one of his young guests stepped back as if he was reconsidering taking the journey already laid out before them.
    “Buckle up young Jedi, you’re in for an adventure.”

    “Illum awaits”

    1. Follow the rules of the Forum.
    2. Respect the Mods.
    3. This is a Guardians of Light exclusive experience. Only post if you are part of the order and/or have the permission of the Jedi Council.
    4. If you don’t already have a formal Character Sheet, please create one and have it okayed by the Council or another Master before posting.
    5. Have fun! This is not a story driven game but rather a resource of character development for Jedi.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  2. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    Standing on the presipice of a cliff face, Adalia gazed out into the night, her focus seemingly not on the here and now but those who knew her knew it was right where it needed to be. Having sent a message to her Padawan @Hawke to meet her she awaited his arrival.

    Post your Character Sheet please @Hawke so we all know who you are ;)
    Jedi_Goulden_25 likes this.
  3. Hawke

    Hawke Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 4, 2021
    Name: Hawke
    Sex: Male
    Age: 21
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Coruscant

    Height: 175 cm
    Weight: 180
    Physical Attributes: Average Height, Medium Build, Light Skinned, Brown Eyes, Brown short hair. brown beard.
    Abilities: Determination, Leader, Adaptability, Motivation
    Weapons/Tools: work in progress
    Occupation/Title: Mechanic
    Family: Mechanics
    Associates: Guardians of Light

    Hawke was born to caring parents who were hard working mechanics. At the age of 16, while it was another day at work, The Empire came to his parents workstation and accused them of being traitors and rebels. While in the shadows, Hawke witnessed Imperial Storm Troopers kill his parents. Realizing that there was nothing left in Coruscant, Hawke fled the planet. Going from world to world exchanging his services as a mechanic for money. After arriving in Dangarnon, he met a man who needed work on his ship. Hawke was tired of moving town to town and was offered a place to stay for his services. At the age of 21 and living in Dangarnon for 5 years, Hawke became a well known mechanic. As Adalia was passing through the town, she saw Hawke and remembered him from a picture she saw. Being a well known mechanic, Adalia recruited him to the Guardians of Light on Saridona Prime to be a mechanic. Not knowing the gift he had inside who whole life, the young man saw more in him and he began his training into becoming a Jedi.
  4. Hawke

    Hawke Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 4, 2021
    After receiving the message, Hawke walks up to @Adalia-Durron, gazes Into the night and says yes master?
    Adalia-Durron likes this.
  5. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia Tehanis

    She felt his approach, his curiosity at her call for his presence. "Are you rested? I do hope you have been doing so. Soon we will embark on a mission with others, other Padawan's and Masters, you will tested, you will learn from not only myself but others and team work will become important. Are you ready for this?" She regarded him carefully, eager and hardworking the lesson of patience had been his only weak spot so far that she'd noticed. "We must await the others, so please, take a seat, meditate, consider what you might need."
  6. Hawke

    Hawke Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 4, 2021
    Yes master I am ready!
  7. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep

    The Ongree pulled his hood over his triangular head as he stepped off the shuttle. Of course, he knew the force could provide all he needed in the most extreme conditions, but he learned a long time ago that a more practical approach was all encompassing. By being prepared for the cold weather he could focus more on the things that really mattered.
    In the distance he saw Master Addie and her apprentice meditating by the cliff's ledge. Turning back, he called to his own Padawan Learner. “We have a long journey ahead of us, only take what you must. The force will provide the rest!”

    OOC: Feel free to post your Character Sheet here as well.

    Tags: @Jedi_Goulden_25
  8. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Here is my new charatcer sheet. Feel free to post yours as well in this thread. @Force of Light

    Name: Mira Grau (born Sukhova)
    Sex: Female
    Age: 26
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Eriadu
    Height: 185 cm
    Weight: Never ask a lady about her weight
    Physical Attributes: Tall for a woman, Muscular Build, Light Skinned, Boderning on pale, Blue Eyes, Black short hair
    Clothing: Usually dark pants, tank tops and leather jackets. Rarely Jedi Robes, even rarer fancy dresses
    Abilities: lying, infilration, hand to hand combat, charisma
    Weapons/Tools: Blue Lightsaber, blaster carbine, combat knive
    Occupation/Title: Jedi/Noble
    Family: Both parents are servants in noble households, one of her great aunts was raised to nobility when she married the younger son of her clients.
    Associates: Guardians of Light, ORSF, several Eriaduan noble houses
    Personal Starship: Eriduan Erlking (lighter, faster than the heavy Valkyrie)

    Biography: Mira was born in a long line of servants on Eriadu, many of her family members serving in various noble households as maids, deliverymen, janitors, bodyguards, medics, advisors and adjutants. Something that might have also been Mira´s fate if things hadn´t been different. As a young girl she grew very close to her 'aunt' Ulrika Grau (technically Ulrika is her mothers cousin, not sister but she still considers Mira her niece). Eventually Ulrika and her wife Elena, who had no children of their own, choose to adopt the spirited young girl, thus makeing her a noble. Her parents allowing it as it would allow their daughter a better life. She spent several years living with her adopted parents, learning much of them. Eventually, during a meeting with Ulrika´s old aquitance Jaina Solo, Mira was discovered being force sensetive and offered to join the Jedi order. Being gratefull for all the good that had happened to her in her life Mira decided to join the order so she could repay her debth. Though while she is generally more composed and calm than her favorite aunt, Mira is still an unconventional Jedi who often follows her own head. Often using infilration and deception as her weapons. In the order she became close friends with fellow rebels Adalia Durron and Titus Fenton. The later would eventually nominate Mira to take over his seat in the council as he left on a journey of self discovery....
    Hawke likes this.
  9. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Mira Grau

    Mira slung her arms around her body as she stepped into the cold of Illum. Even with the heavy winter cloak she had brought she could feel the cold. My first travel as a council member and of course it had to be this ice block... why couldn´t we have gone to the beaches of Naboo for once? She adjusted the heavy Ushanka her aunts had gifted her before fully walking down the ramp of the ship. "Maybe I should look for a crystal myself," she muttered. She had been using Titus´s blade as of late, as he had left it to her along with his council seat, but she felt that maybe it was time to get a lightsaber of her own again.

    She turned back around to her padawan, "don´t worry Jira, you will get used to the cold." She said giving her student a smile.

    Tag: Anyone, @Force of Light
    Adalia-Durron and Hawke like this.
  10. Force of Light

    Force of Light Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 5, 2016
    Name: Jira Elnath
    Age: About 35
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Deyer
    Affiliation: Jedi Padawan, Guardians of Light
    Description: Long curly light brown hair, blue eyes, about 5'7 in height
    Personal Weapon: a blaster she confiscated from one of her captors before she was rescued
    Bio: Jira was captured and taken prisoner to Corellia to work in the mines when she was in her mid teens. Adventurous teen that she was (for reasons that she still doesn't quite understand), she was often caught trying to come up with crazy scenarios on how to escape and go back to her homeworld, even though her homelife wasn't that much different than it was as a prisoner on Corellia. Jira finally got her chance at freedom when one Han Solo and a wookie by the name of Chewbacca (or Chewie for short) also got themselves captured and forced to work in the same mines as Jira.

    She never thought that she would seek out the life of a Jedi if one of her captors didn't do what she thought was a joke at the time and accuse her of being force sensitive. "Me? Force Sensitive?" Jira mocked, "You must be running a foul of Jedi Knights, and you think that anyone that's a little different of having these 'divine' powers, because I can tell you right now, that someone is not me. I come from a world with very little gravity, no moons, and swamps and lakes for crying out loud!" Even as she was saying this, it made Jira curious enough about the Jedi and their ways that she was often intrigued by the idea, but was unsure if she had the potential. For starters, wasn't she too old? But then again, so were both Anakin and Luke Skywalker, and though she wasn't planning on going down the same path as Anakin (didn't he turn into Darth Vader or something), but what about Luke? she often wondered.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
    Hawke and Anedon like this.
  11. Force of Light

    Force of Light Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 5, 2016
    IC: Jira Elnath

    Her master had been right about one thing: Jira wasn't used to the cold. She was originally from the world of Deyer, which was a cool, terrestrial world, but she couldn't remember her homeworld being quite this cold, so this was one of the things she would have to put up with on her path to become a Jedi. "And to think that I thought that captor was just mocking me! Perhaps he had some Force Sensitivity of his own to recognize that I had some in me as well." the young Padawan continued to convince herself, but where did he get it from?

    "Can't these kyber crystals be mined on a warmer world?" she asked her master, since Jira herself wished she was on some desert planet like Naboo or Tatooine, since then she wouldn't have to continue to brave the elements of a world she wasn't that familiar with. How did the natives (if there were any) continue to thrive in such conditions, but then again, they were used to it, whereas former Deyer adventurer Jira Elnath was not.

    TAG: @Anedon
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
    Sarge , Hawke and Anedon like this.
  12. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC: Mira Grau

    "I wish that were the case," Mira admitted to her student. Their relationship was unsual to say the least as her Padawan was nearly ten years older than her, causing Mira to wonder how often this had happened in the history of the Jedi before, probably extremly rarely. "Eriaduan winters can get quite cold but this pile of ice its a whole different league. Yet that is part of the challenge. A Jedi isn´t just given her crystal, she needs to earn it." Which inlcudes me as well... she added in her thoughts. She had decided she would go look for a crystal as well, but didn´t want to worry the padawans by talking about her own search.

    "Also the cold keeps potential thieves away," she added with a smile. "Even the Empire didn´t manage to garrison this world. So they instead chose to just blockade it. A word too hardy for even Palpatine to crack is the best place to prove our worth as Jedi."

    Tag: @Force of Light
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
    Hawke likes this.
  13. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
    Name: Diric Goulden
    Sex: Male
    Age: 14
    Species: Human
    Homeworld: Lothal
    Pets: Loth-cat-Sparky
    Languages: Galactic basic, Standard, Droidspeak Jawaese

    Height: 165cm
    Weight: 37kg (77lbs)
    Physical Attributes: average height, light-skinned, deep blue eyes, a small scar running across the cheek, short and messy hair.
    Clothing: traditional Jedi Padawan robes
    Abilities: Determination, perseverance, loyalty, lying
    Weapons/Tools: small throwing knife concealed in the sleeve
    Occupation/Title: moisture farmer/ Jedi Padawan
    Family: Farmers
    Associates: Jedi padawan Guardians of Light

    Biography: Born to a poor family of farmers Diric was bound to pick up the trade. At the time of his birth, the empire had worn out its welcome and had retreated from Lothal. The planet free from the tyranny of the empire prospered and became a lively world with many different species. His parents wanted the better for Diric so they worked up enough credits from work to send him off-world to explore and to make a name for himself and to allow himself to explore and to see so much more of the galaxy.

    He never knew of his gift, yes he was academically ahead of his peers however he never thought of himself to be special and have a unique gift. Whilst on Tatooine he worked at a small moisture farm outside of mos espa. When he was 13 a male Ongree walked up to Dirics place of residence and explained his gift and that he has destined to be a Jedi. Feeling shocked grateful and buzzing with excitement the Ongree took him back to The Temple. He was welcomed in warmly by all of the masters and soon learnt the ways of the force and the Jedi. He proved himself to be a willing learner spending multiple hours in the archives and meditating in his quarters.

    Tags: @ConservativeJedi321
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2022
    Sarge , Hawke and ConservativeJedi321 like this.
  14. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia Tehanis

    Moving away from the precipice Adalia rubbed her hands together, they were in a cold climate after all. "Do you know what we are here for? If so, tell me." She stated simply to her Padwan hoping for an answer the showed her how import this place was and how dedicated he was.

    TAG @Hawke
    Jedi_Goulden_25 likes this.
  15. Hawke

    Hawke Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 4, 2021
    IC Hawke

    Standing at the cliff and blowing in his hands to keep them warm, we sure are in the cold weather, turning to look at his master Hawke says IIUM, isn’t this the place where the crystals are to craft lightsabers?

    Tag: @Adalia-Durron
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
    Jedi_Goulden_25 likes this.
  16. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia

    "Well done my apprentice.........guess what we are doing here?" She smiled as she walked away from the cliff edge. "Come with me, I know somewhere warmer, and a good place for you to learn 'internal' body temperature control maybe?" She teased, "hope you brought more warm clothes."
    Jedi_Goulden_25 and Hawke like this.
  17. Hawke

    Hawke Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 4, 2021

    Hawke joking said who’s idea was it to put these crystals on this planet. Turning away from the cliff, Hawke follows his master are we going to craft a lightsaber?

    Tag: @Adalia-Durron
    Jedi_Goulden_25 likes this.
  18. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC Mira

    "Mind us coming along master Durron?" Mira said, gesturing to herself and Jira... "If you know a place of warmth I would gladly share it."

    Tag: @Adalia-Durron, @Hawke, @Force of Light
    Jedi_Goulden_25 and Hawke like this.
  19. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia

    "That's the plan @Hawke." Glancing sideways as she senses the approach and question. "Of course, I was hoping we'd all meet there, much to discuss......we have." Smirks at her speech pattern.

    TAG @Force of Light @Hawke @Anedon @ConservativeJedi321
    Jedi_Goulden_25 and Anedon like this.
  20. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC Mira

    "Hidden a little Yoda under your robes?" Mira smiles. "Guess that makes me... well if I could choose: Aayla Secura." She twinkles.

    Tag: @Force of Light, @Hawke, @Adalia-Durron
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
    Jedi_Goulden_25 likes this.
  21. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj

    As his apprentice finished his preparation, the Ongree walked to where Master Addie was sitting at the Cliffs edge. "It's a long and perilous journey to the Temple."
    He spoke it an almost chipper tone. "If we leave within the hour we should arrive just before sunrise in two days' time. Even after camping for the first night."

    Tags: @Jedi_Goulden_25, @Adalia-Durron, @Hawke
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
  22. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
    IC: Diric


    Dressed head to toe Diric stepped out of the cruiser shyly and gingerly afraid he would turn into an ice cube the moment he left the safe sanctuary of the ship. The planet was frozen through right down to the core, he was not used to cold climates nor the frigid wind that cut into him like little pinpricks.
    "Master, I am ready. Sorry for taking a while, it is hard to move with 34 layers of clothing on" Diric joked in-between shivers.

    He raced up to his master who was standing on the edge of a cliff next to Master Adalia and her apprentice. A smile shone on his face, he was like a kid in a sweet shop. "Shall we embark on our journey Masters"

    Tags: @ConservativeJedi321 @Adalia-Durron @Hawke
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
  23. Force of Light

    Force of Light Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 5, 2016
    IC: Jira Elnath

    Jira joined the others in an attempt to find a place that was a little warmer when she remembered that she brought along her thermal blanket with her that her rescuer had given her. When she was rescued, she was given a small contingent of survival gear: med kit, thermal blanket, bottled water, grappling hooks and the like. She only managed to grab the thermal blanket as well as some rations and bottled water, but wasn't sure if she had enough for everybody, but she did manage to go back to the ship and get her thermal blanket at least.

    "Will I be needing my blaster on this mission?" Jira asked, since it was the only weapon she brought with her. After she learned how to construct her own lightsaber, she wondered if she would be needing it much. Though it was true that some Jedi had more than one weapon, most relied with their skill with a lightsaber, so the former young adventurer hoped it wasn't too hard to learn how to construct and use on a regular basis.

    "If I never ventured into parts of Deyer where my captors were looking for more slaves, I wouldn't be here freezing my extremities off, but luckily, I remembered to bring along a few provisions, so at least the thermal blanket helps." Jira thought to herself as she joined the others and hoped that she didn't get in over her head...

    TAG: @Anedon
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
    Anedon, Jedi_Goulden_25 and Sarge like this.
  24. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia


    Traipsing through the landscape, Adalia looked up knowing the night was approaching fast. Night time on Ilum was cold, well the planet was cold already but the night was deadly, she was aware of this and had made preparations in advance through directives to droids. Walking in silence she could feel the three young Padawan's inability to stave off the cold, unable to move their own blood to extremities and keep it warm, they'd learn, of that she was sure.

    Rounding a particularly large rocky outcrop, their destination came into view as three droids stood watch. "Here we will camp the night, here we will talk, eat and meditate for tomorrow the fun begins." Around the camp were six swags placed near to the fire, but not too close and to the side a large pot steamed near two large logs, large enough for three people on each.

    [​IMG] upload_2022-2-8_12-26-5.png

    @TAG @Anedon @ConservativeJedi321 @Force of Light @Hawke @Jedi_Goulden_25

  25. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj.

    While the first part of the journey was long and arduous, the Ongree knew the greatest challenge was yet to come. It had taken them the better part of the afternoon to reach the camp site, even as the only way to tell day and night at this time was by the harshness of the winds. By the master's recollection the sun only actually rose here every seventeen days. Nevertheless, when the rotation of the planet faced away from its distant solar body things could get deadly quickly. Even for one as suited up as Padawan Goulden had been.

    He smiled at the teen's enthusiasm, as he himself was dressed in a bulky blue feathered coat. He knew better than to stay out for long into the night either way.
    "Here we will camp the night, here we will talk, eat and meditate for tomorrow the fun begins." Master Addie spoke up as they finally rounded the last major obstacle in their path.

    Frankly Semajj was thrilled, despite being a Master, he still never much enjoyed such extensive cardio activity. Though he had long since adapted to the constant rigor of his lifelong training. At least this leg of the journey had been a relatively uneventful straight line from the ship to where they were now.

    As he took a seat and rested his feet, he looked between the gathered Masters. "As sentients we are part of the Force, all connected to a greater whole in our own unique way." He signaled for the apprentices to take a log, as they still had some time before the worst winds took hold of them. "To survive the coming trials, you will need to rely on each other, to trust in your fellow Jedi."

    Tags: @Adalia-Durron, @Anedon, @Jedi_Goulden_25, @Hawke, @Force of Light
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
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