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Star Wars Science Fiction Unclassifiable CLOSED The Crystal Principles **An Exclusive GOL Training Experience**

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by ConservativeJedi321, Feb 3, 2022.

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  1. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
    IC: Diric


    Dripping wet and freezing cold, Diric stood on top of the little dock where he had spent most of his time in the caves. He went to change into his PJs however they were in his bag, 10m below the surface. "Great, Now I'll get hyperthermia, I sure hope Samejj has put out the heaters." Now, all Diric had to do was find a way out of the eternal winding labyrinth to the Temple where all of the Masters were. Diric traced his footprints back to the small opening. His fear of tight spaces conjoined with his body temp dropping rapidly after his 'little swim' made it nearly impossible for him to muster the Strength and Courage to squeeze through that small opening. Yes, he had done it before yet he was bone dry and he didn't have to wait for the chastisement his Master would give him for losing his bag. His hands broke through the gap and he struggled to shut them to grip the ice. Finally, he managed to wiggle through the path.
    All he had to do now was to follow his footsteps back to the large room of doors and then get to the temple.

    With each step. With each thought, his mind slowly started to drift away. He was losing temperature and if he didn't heat up soon he would surely die before reaching the Temple. With each mile. Each minute his mind was slowly fading away, he looked Zombified in the manner in which he walked, If he just kept on walking, he would survive. He Would Survive.

    Within a short time, his lips started to turn multiple shades of blue. He didn't care about his skin turning blue, he just needed to get back to the temple, back to safety. After many lone minutes of limping around, Diric finally reached his final challenge: a 5m crack in the ice. It had been the same crack he had attempted to cross earlier however the crack had widened.​

    The stim was wearing off and now he couldn't feel his fingers. if he wanted to get across, he would have to do it now. He took a few paces back and started to run quicker until he was in full sprint. Jolts of pain shot up his legs with each step, with each move his ribs ached, he had to block out the pain and the frigid feeling if he wanted to survive. Survive. That's all he had to do. Just jump! jump and he'd be there. His right foot left the ground just before his left pushed off. Diric soared over the gap, landing on the other side. He stumbled forwards, towards the room of doors towards the Temple. He unzipped his pocket and tuck out his Crystal. he held it in his hand as he stumbled out of the room, into the Temple. He was there, he made it. He moved down the steps to find his Master and the heaters however on the last step, his mind started to drift off. His vision became blurry. He fell down whacking the ground with an audible thump. Dirics crystal flew out of his hand, landing on a rock and splitting it in two. Broken. He lay there unconscious and unresponsive ​

  2. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia - Jedi Master
    Location: Illum

    Adalia noted her own padawan exiting and starting his own fire, being impressed by his efforts but still considering other issues. Checking her friend again to ensure she was stable she looked up as Mira approached. The question was asked and she smiled, "yellow or orange I am guessing. This is my friend Edo, she is a Jedi and it concerns me that despite her cries for help, no one attended except myself." She looked to her friend, "she is hurt and I feel she is in a Jedi Healing trace right now, just needing to be kept warm." She looked out, "something is out there, I can feel it, its dark and .......I can't quite put my finger on it. We await Diric and Nosrep now....." She looked out, what ever or who ever it was, she could feel it.

    TAG @Anedon @Hawke @ConservativeJedi321 @Jedi_Goulden_25 @BookExogorth @Force of Light
    Sarge and greyjedi125 like this.
  3. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
    IC: Diric


    Diric lay unconscious for over an hour and when he finally started to awake, he noticed 2 figures around a small campfire. He tried to move but his legs and arms felt disconnected from his body, he was temporarily paralyzed but that would not stop him from trying. He lifted his arms and started to crawl. Suddenly, Dirics legs started to work in tandem with his arms, the perfect team! He groped at the crates searching for something to help him. He pulled with all his strength and slowly his body began to rise up. He was up! Diric searched for a small object he could use as a make shift cane however there was nothing of aid to him. He stumbled over to the 'Campfire Duo' and sat down with a large flump!

    "Hawke! Hey master Adalia, does anyone know where Samejj is?"

    Diric and Hawke were a bundle of happiness, Today, they got to make their own lightsabres and start their journey towards becoming a Jedi Knight. They sat around the campfire drinking hot beverages, roasting, marshmallows and telling jokes. Diric searched around in his pockets for his crystal, It wasn't there! Had he lost it during the swim? Did it fall from his pocket after he fell unconscious? He turned from happy to mortified in seconds. How had he been so clueless and wreck less that he'd lost his crystal?

    Diric searched and searched and searched. He clambered on top of the benches set out, much to Adalia's dismay, he moved objects until he found it. Two small lights were emanating from a small rock. Two? He ruched over to inspect it for damage and what he saw terrified him. He picked up the pieces and ruched over to the Master with wet eyes. "Master Adalia, what should I do, It cracked!"Samejj taught Diric how to construct and destruct a Lightsaber in his early times at the temple and he thought of himself as a ‘BladeSmith’ but Diric didn't know what to do with a Cracked Crystal. He was devastated, there's no way to make a lightsaber with a Cracked Crystal!

    He rushed over to the work bench to try to fix the crystal but nothing worked. He tried glue, metal, and even welding but nothing made it stick together. Diric slumped down in a broken pile next to the fire. "what should I do?"

    Diric sauntered over to the bench, his eyes wet and puffy, and he started to gather all of the parts to make a lightsaber:
    1.Diatium Power cells
    2. emitter vortexes
    3.Cycling Field energisers
    4.Crystal mounts
    8.Switches etc..

    Diric had done this a Thousand times before, with a normal crystal, but this was going to be a challenge. He knew where every wire went and where all of the parts go. He assembled the chassis with little trouble however now would be the hard part. Joining it to make one Lightsaber. He rushed over to the couple with joy in his eyes, 5 ore minuets and he would have a working lightsaber for himself. He placed all of the parts down next to him in front to the fire and he sat down. His eyes shut. His mind focused on the force and the Saber rose gently from the soft snow. He held out his hands and the Crystals flew and sat perfectly where they should go. The sleeve and emitter fitted with no argument. Diric felt a cold metallic object fall onto his hand. He opened his eyes and what he saw amazed him!

    Tags: @ConservativeJedi321 @Adalia-Durron @Hawke @BookExogorth @Force of Light @Anedon
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2022
  4. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    Agent of Darkness

    Ensconced in shadows, eyes like burning embers watched it crawl and claw its way, watched it as it struggled against the cold- it wanted to live, or so it seemed.

    However…It called out for help. A sure sign of weakness, which caused a reflexive pang of disappointment.

    Still, the eyes burned as they watched, how it first attempted to craft itself a tool, a weapon, to make itself seem strong. Was it all for naught? Was this nothing more than an affront to strength, a mockery?

    A heresy to be utterly snuffed out?

    Black lips curled, snarling at the very thought of what had to be done.

    'Weakness must be purged'

    The Force stirred then.

    A fiery gaze narrowed.

    Within moments, a weapon was crafted. But did it confer strength? Did it make it worthy?

    Would it survive the 'Test' ? Would it live?

    Well, IF it could craft a weapon, then it could use it. IF it could use a weapon, then maybe…just maybe….

    There was only one way to answer that burning question.

    Only one.

    He moved swiftly out of the shadows, as he rushed straight towards his target.

    The only warning would be the sound of his own weapon igniting, like a shaft of vengeful fire, bathing him in crimson light. In that moment, the darkness would be revealed - in all its glorious fury!


    "No room for weakness...!!"

    Tag: @Jedi_Goulden_25 , @ConservativeJedi321 , @Adalia-Durron , @BookExogorth , @Hawke , @Anedon, @Force of Light
  5. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia

    Adalia felt it instantly, looking up with every sense alert as she slowly stood. Glancing at her unconscious friend, she had a choice to make, did she go to help the Padawan who she felt clearly was under threat or did she stay and care for her friend? She looked to her own Padawan who now sat in front of small fire. "Hawke, do you feel that? Can you help?" She asked urgently.

    TAG @Hawke @Jedi_Goulden_25 @ConservativeJedi321 @Anedon.
    Jedi_Goulden_25 and greyjedi125 like this.
  6. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
  7. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
    IC: Diric

    Diric was filled with newfound joy after completing his lightsaber however just as he was adding some extra greblies, he stopped. He felt a presence. A shadow lurking in the black depths of the temple. His eyes darted around scanning the room for other people. Could this just be Samejj playing a trick? Or could the young Jedi be under threat from a powerful enemy.

    Seconds later, crimson red illuminated the shadows, a figure stood there, dressed in black. His face was obscured by the crimson hue however Diric knew it was a face he would never forget.

    The figure deactivated his lightsaber and shifted around, moving in the shadows. Diric immediately ignited his lightsaber and ran over to the pair at the campfire asking what to do! Diric would have to face the figure alone until Hawke finished his lightsaber,”Hey Hawke, you finished your saber yet?” Hawkes reply was less satisfactory, Diric had to defend both himself and his friend before he finished his Lightsaber.

    The crimson blade ignited again and started to move, with pace, towards the young Jedi. The figure leaped and swung his blade down at Diric. The young Jedi rolled out of the way and swung his saber at the figure’s right side.

    Ooc: A, sorry for not posting for a while, DRL has taken its toll on me however im back:cool:
    B, should we continue this in another Duelling thread or stay here?

    Tags: @ConservativeJedi321 @Adalia-Durron @Hawke @Anedon
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2022
    Sarge and ConservativeJedi321 like this.
  8. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    IC: Darth Manticore
    Trial by Fire, Illum

    The dark figure blocked the Jedi’s attack to his side with contemptuous ease, at which he chuckled derisively.

    “I can smell the stink of fear on you, youngling…” the figure rasped in accusation, his red blade holding the block, allowing a glimpse at his face, which was branded by Sith tattoos of crimson and black.

    “You are alone. No one is coming to help you. Not your master, not your friends. You will die alone, slowly, painfully…..” A wicked leer came over the face of the dark figure.

    “One less false light in the galaxy….” He taunted.

    Tag: @Jedi_Goulden_25 , @ConservativeJedi321 , @Adalia-Durron
  9. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
  10. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
  11. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
    IC: Diric

    The crimson blade blocked Diric’s attack with contemptuous ease.

    The figure lifted his blade up towards his face allowing a glimpse of his head, which was plastered with red and black tattoos. He was a Zabrak, a strong and tough warrior, a ring of horns haloed his head. Defeating the Zabrak would prove a challenge.

    The Zabrak taunted him, Diric knew this tactic, the only way to combat it was to taunt the enemy. This proved easy with Diric’s wit, “ Hey, if you’re done talking to yourself how about we pick up from where we left of huh?” Diric waited, for his attack to work he needs to find the element of suprise. He scanned around searching for an advantage point for where his attack would commence. Bingo! Diric would leap onto the workbenches and gain a height advantage over the Sith. He waited and waited until the figure looked away. The figures eyes drifted of Diric. The Padawan jumped up onto the workbench and ignited his Saber casting a blue light onto the workbench “Lesson 1, never loose focus on your opponent” Dirc searched the Zabrak’s defence for any week spots, nothing. Diric steadied his breathing, in and out, in and out. There! If he attacked there then the Sith could not combat it. Diric leapt over the Zabrak and landed behind him. Before he had a chance to retaliate, Diric dropped down ,deactivating his lightsaber, and hooked the Sith’s legs with his feet. The Zabrak came down with a large crash. Diric ignited his Saber and pointed it at his neck, “I don’t think this ‘false light will be going down any time soon.”

    Tags; @ConservativeJedi321 @Adalia-Durron @greyjedi125 @Hawke @Anedon @Force of Light
  12. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    greyjedi125 and Jedi_Goulden_25 like this.
  13. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    greyjedi125 and Jedi_Goulden_25 like this.
  14. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
  15. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep

    The Ongree huffed a sigh of relief has he finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel and quickened his pace as he sensed his Padawan had entered a great trial of will.
    Squinting his eye's, Semajj saw a two-meter-wide gap in the ceiling of the chamber he had entered. Sparing not even a second the Master leaped and grasped at the jagged ice formation, his hands clawed at the slippery surface, but strengthened by the force they did not release. Finally, he pulled himself out into the open, and a cold breeze nipped at his eye stalks. Quickly onto his feet, he made a mad dash to the camp where his fellow Jedi had retreated, ready to intervene on his apprentice's behalf.

    @Tags: @Jedi_Goulden_25, @Adalia-Durron, @greyjedi125, @Hawke, @Force of Light, @Anedon
    Jedi_Goulden_25 and greyjedi125 like this.
  16. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    Observation: A critical RPing lesson for your padawan would be not to control another player's character to facilitate their own success. :-B


    IC: Darth Manticore

    allowed the jedi padawan his moment, as he was testing to see if he was at all skilled. Would he give in to anger, or fear? No, the answer was overconfidence.

    Skill and overconfidence often went hand in hand. This was something he could easily exploit.

    The zabrak Sith Lord looked up at the Jedi Padawan, a wicked sneer painted on his face, he cared not that there was lightsaber pointed at his neck, for he was in no danger from it. However, the padawan who stood above him didn’t seem to notice the Sith Lord’s own crimson lightsaber, poised to penetrate the boy’s diaphragm.


    Manticore was about to retort with a spat of venomous words, to incite the overconfident young pup, to slowly begin to corrupt his thinking, when suddenly he stopped- then frowned.

    He could sense them, stirring, moving, focusing on the moment; The other Jedi: The Light!

    A growl escaped his lips as a blast of Force Repulse suddenly exploded from him, sending everything near him careening for several meters.

    The game was over.

    Corrupting a young Jedi, turning him from the light was good for amusement, but taking on several Jedi Masters was not part of the plan. Besides, the droids had already reported collecting the necessary crystals he needed to depart the planet unseen.

    In the moment of confusion that followed, Manticore called on Force Speed and Force Stealth to disappear from the jedi’s ‘radar’ as it were, seemingly 'losing' himself inside the icy caves. He'd tamped down on his frustration. For once again, he’d taken too long, once again, he'd been playing with his ‘food’.

    Now, who was being ‘overconfident’?

    Bah! No matter. There would be more jedi to tempt and corrupt in the near future, of that he was certain.

    **Exit Manticore**
    Tag: @Jedi_Goulden_25 , @ConservativeJedi321 , @Adalia-Durron , @Anedon, @Force of Light , @Hawke

    OOC: Many thanks to the Guardians of Light leadership for allowing my brief participation. May the Force be with you.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  17. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    OOC As Sith Lord @greyjedi125 said, play your own character, don't move someone else to react well or badly. ;) Learning curve.

    Now good Sir, we thank you for participating, I have utterly enjoyed your input and character.

    24 hours to wrap this up, then those being assessed will be done so! ;)
  18. Jedi_Goulden_25

    Jedi_Goulden_25 Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 3, 2021
    IC: Diric

    The Sith Lord sneared at the young Padawans insolence and ignited his own blade, pointing it directly at Diric‘s diaphragm. Diric gazed over at the slowly approaching Jedi. He lost focus once more and this time he would pay for it. The Zabrak growled as he released an explosive Force Repulse which shot Diric halfway across the room. The Padawan smashed into one of the heaters, singeing and burning his skin. He immediately jumped up and ran over to where the Zabrak once layed however he disappeared. How could a Sith disappear so quickly. The Caves!

    OOC: thanks @greyjedi125, I’ve enjoyed sparring with you. May the force be with you

    Tags: @ConservativeJedi321 @Adalia-Durron @greyjedi125 @Hawke @Anedon @Force of Light
    darthbernael and greyjedi125 like this.
  19. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Adalia

    She sensed the explosive push and stopping held her hands up to shield herself against the blast. Her stance in a lunge she closed her eyes to focus as the Force energy flowed around her. Once done she looked up to see the Sith disappearing, a glance saw the Padawan recovering and jumping to his feet seemingly in pursuit. "Stop!!! Diric!!! Let it go!" She urged, the young one could not face a Sith as the dark one had retreated, it made sense to leave him as they were about to depart themselves.

    TAG @Hawke @Jedi_Goulden_25 @greyjedi125 @ConservativeJedi321 @Anedon @Force of Light
  20. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC Mira

    Mira had advanced a bit further on the trail on the Sith, just to be sure his retreat wasn`t just a feint for them to let down their guard. But it was clear he wasn`t coming back, at least not today. After keeping her vigil for a few more moments she turned around and returned to the others. "Cowards gone, but I doubt that´s the last we will ever see of him..." She streched herself a bit. "Maybe I now finally find some time to build my new lightsaber..." She said, touching the golden crystal in her pocket.

    Tag: @Hawke @Jedi_Goulden_25 @greyjedi125 @ConservativeJedi321 @Force of Light @Adalia-Durron
  21. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 3, 2003
    OK, We're Done.


    Stand by in the GoL thread for Points and discussion. ;)
    Jedi_Goulden_25 and greyjedi125 like this.
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