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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Comradette Pandora,

    I am extremely delighted that your progressive piece of writing has won all the deserved honours. I shall do my best to continue my critique of it. BUY SAYGO.

    - Comradette Ewok Poet
    Kahara , divapilot and Findswoman like this.
  2. Pandora

    Pandora Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    Thanks for the congratulations, everyone.

    Ewok Poet: It is, of course, progressive to be modest about one's successes--and to celebrate them by buying another SAYGO.
    Kahara , Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  3. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Ah, but is such conspicuous consumption progressive? That's the question. Though a point could perhaps be stretched where Saygos are concerned, of course... :D
    Kahara , Sith-I-5 and Ewok Poet like this.
  4. Pandora

    Pandora Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    "Buy local. Buy progressive. Buy Sacorrian. Buy Saygo."

    (And I should stop here before the thread falls any further off the track.)
  5. Kahara

    Kahara Reader Extraordinaire star 4 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 3, 2001
    Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  6. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016

    Some companies I made up to exist in the GFFA.

    R’rayne Gehlor – Manufacturer of quality j’ihns. (Inspired by RL Wrangler)
    Glorri Heivaan-Dhiirbel – Manufacturer of designer j’ihns for women. (Inspired by RL Gloria Vanderbilt)
    Lev Istrahssa – The original j’ihns company. (Inspired by RL Levi Strauss)
    Harlida V’dhiisan – Manufacturer of fine rollerbikes and rollerbiking gear. (Inspired by RL Harley Davidson)
    Torrd & Laylor’s – A manufacturer of fine clothing, best known for their suits. (Inspired by RL Lord &Taylor’s)
    Ziippa Hut – A very large and very popular chain of ziippa restaurants. (Inspired by RL Pizza Hut, and a comment by Mistress_Renata)
    Joss Aerospace -- The company that manufactures all makes of Firefly cargo transports.

    The following are not companies as such but technically are because legal stuff.

    Spacebook – A social networking site that is so popular that it is almost ubiquitous. (Inspired by RL Facebook)
    MyFace – The predecessor of Spacebook. Still quite popular. (Inspired by RL MySpace)
    Chirpee – Another wildly popular social networking site. (Inspired by RL Twitter)
    YouVid -- A social networking site created specifically for the sharing of homemade holovids. (Inspired by RL YouTube)
  7. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    A bit of catching up here...

    Yes, that's all right, but that means you just get one more for March, and that's it. :p

    Also, I'm pleased to announce Cowgirl Jedi 1701 's new post on Companies (directly above this one, which has been added to the index. She also has made a few updates to her posts on Food and Drink and the planet Serenity.

    And I'm starting to think it's time for a new discussion question. I brainstormed up a little list of them, but it's unfortunately in my Other Notebook at home, so I welcome suggestions from the floor. :)
    Kahara , Gamiel and Ewok Poet like this.
  8. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    What things inspire you to create fanon elements? Examples are desired, but not required. :)
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  9. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I second this proposal.
    Kahara likes this.
  10. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Okej, any reason to why there don’t seem to be any colonists from Hutt space in the sector?

    Aha, you should probobly ad that information about Gronx to Darvin ;)
    When it comes to the larger transports the nomads use, I can't help but visualise them as looking similar to Jabba's sail barge



    True but I was thinking if they have been doing their stuff for so long so could one or two tricks (like maybe Animal friendship; Healing care, Instinctive diagnose or Weather sense) gone from just being instinctive to being taught

    Some more questions regarding the Teris sector [face_devil]
    * Are there any interstellar organisations (like merchant groups, crime organisations, interplanetary chain stores, etc) of note active in the sector?
    * You mentioned that Serian is named after a Core world, is Core Serian your own invention because I can not find it on the wook'?
    * While we are talking about Serian: How do it bear "more resemblance with a typical core world than the rest of the Teris sector"?
    * If you have any ideas about fashion, architecture or similar regarding any of your planets would I love to hear it :)
    * I get an overall “wild west”/”wild north” kind of feeling regarding the Teris sector, is that what you are going for?

    Okey, I was confused by the way you answered. Also I forgot to say earlier that I am impressed by your use of the stuff you wikipedia linked to. I think I may use some of the stuff myself in the future [face_thinking]
    Anedon and Ewok Poet like this.
  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    You said something nice. I...didn't expect that, because you kind of rarely do. Thanks. <3
  12. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I don't? Huh, maybe you're right, I might have a tendency to forget to ad niceness (is that a word) to my comments.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  13. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016

    Okej, any reason to why there don’t seem to be any colonists from Hutt space in the sector?
    There are a few of them as I mentioned some of the later colonists had a criminal background and there are also a few escaped slaves. But for many beings the sector isn´t atractive enough to settle there. Also the Terians hated slavers so they would not be very welcoming to races like Hutts or Trandosians.

    Aha, you should probobly ad that information about Gronx to Darvin
    I might do that later on.

    When it comes to the larger transports the nomads use, I can't help but visualise them as looking similar to Jabba's sail barge
    They go in that direction but are usually smaller than Jabbas ship. They also posses the ability to drive stakes into the ground which gives them hold during the massive storms.

    True but I was thinking if they have been doing their stuff for so long so could one or two tricks (like maybe Animal friendship; Healing care, Instinctive diagnose or Weather sense) gone from just being instinctive to being taught
    I could imagine them having something in that direction but its not direct. They do not know they are using the force.

    * Are there any interstellar organisations (like merchant groups, crime organisations, interplanetary chain stores, etc) of note active in the sector?
    There are a few, the miners guild has a few outposts in the sector but its mostly smaller, lesser known companies who work outside any governmental control. A few crimes organizations came there over the decades but as the Terians are not very fond of them they couldn´t hold themselves there for long.

    * You mentioned that Serian is named after a Core world, is Core Serian your own invention because I can not find it on the wook'?
    Yeah I came up with the name.

    * While we are talking about Serian: How do it bear "more resemblance with a typical core world than the rest of the Teris sector"?
    Well the inhabitants follow a lifestyle that is similar to many worlds in the galactic core. They wear elegant core clothing instead of the more useful outfits of the Terians. They don´t believe in the Terian gods and value high culture far more than tradition. As they hail from nobles they kinda decadent, at least compared to the more humble Terians.

    * If you have any ideas about fashion, architecture or similar regarding any of your planets would I love to hear it
    The fashion of most Terian´s is fairly simple, it´s clothing made for work that don´t hinders the wearer in any way. Although more traditional outfits bear a slight similarity to typical Athenar clothing. Mostly simple but elegant tunics and pants in darker colors. In battle they usually wear a collection of old armor above their clothing. This ranges from mercenary gear, over storm trooper armor to full suits of mandalorian armor. Which were left behind by the invaders during the mandalorian wars and bounty hunters of more recent times. As mentioned above the people on Serian tend to dress in the bright colors and complex outfits from the core.

    The architecture is a collection of simple colonist durasteel houses and houses build from the natural recourse of the planets. On Asterian the villages in the forests are build mostly out of wood while the people on while on Caren the houses are carved into the stone with runes carved into them. On Learan most people tend to build their houses out of the common black stone while respected persons and leaders tend to life in houses made out of a much rarer pure white marble.

    * I get an overall “wild west”/”wild north” kind of feeling regarding the Teris sector, is that what you are going for?
    Yeah, their religion is partially based on northern paganism with their ancestral worship and their druid like priests. In the Nordic mythology elves (Alben) play a major role as the Athenar do for the Terians. And of course the parallels to the wild west are there as well with the sector being a pretty lawless place.
    Did you meant that?
    Gamiel likes this.
  14. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Have filled in my February post: Slugthrowers and Sorcery an inuniverse genre

    You find it here

    Okey. [face_thinking] you know I can actually see people escaping from slavery in Huttspace being interested in moving to the Teris sector.

    You don't really need to do that to actively use it, just look at the witches of Dathomir.

    OK, will you give us any information about Core Serian in the future?

    Any speciall kind of clothing, style and/or architectur that you picture Serian to have?

    Thanks :)

    A bit surprised that they still have the colonist durasteel houses, I expected them to have been overbuilt or recycled a long time ago

    I had actually completely missed the Nordic influences but fun that you use that :), what I meant with "wild north" is that kind of pioneer environment we see in stories like Hatful 8, Breakheart Pass and King of the Klondike
    Anedon likes this.
  15. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016

    OK, will you give us any information about Core Serian in the future?
    Maybe, but I´ve no clear plans in that direction.

    Any speciall kind of clothing, style and/or architectur that you picture Serian to have?
    Hm, as I mentioned fancy dresses and robes in bright colors opposed to the simple outfits of the Terians. The Serian´s essentialy still follow the core lifestyle they speak more complicated and nuanced for example. They architecture is quite fancy as well with pillars, domes and great halls.I think if one would transport someone who has seen many different worlds to Serian without telling him were he is he would believe himself in the core.
    Of course everything is a little smaler there, the Serian´s are the decendants of a few noble families and their loyalists their are not many.

    Thanks :)
    Your Welcome. :)

    A bit surprised that they still have the colonist durasteel houses, I expected them to have been overbuilt or recycled a long time ago
    A lot of it has been recicled yes, but a lot still remains as many Terian´s are proud of their colonists heritage. Of course many of these buildings have been extendet over the years, with their owners adding new building parts and renovating the interior.

    I had actually completely missed the Nordic influences but fun that you use that :), what I meant with "wild north" is that kind of pioneer environment we see in stories like Hatful 8, Breakheart Pass and King of the Klondike
    A I see, there is defenetly an influence of this as well in the Teris sector.
    Gamiel likes this.
  16. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    How about North To Alaska?
  17. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    I too very much like the sound of Cowgirl Jedi 1701 's proposed discussion topic above, so let's make that our official current discussion topic:

    Are you inspired by things from real life? From your own life? From other fandoms? From any combination of those? Do you have different sources of inspiration for different kinds of fanon elements? Etc., etc. Do discuss, and yes, examples are definitely welcome! :)
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  18. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Anedon your description of the common fashion style in Terian together with that you mentioned that you have some Nordic influences have made it so I have begun to image the people in the Terian sector as looking similar to Viking merchants and farmers.
    This movie?

    Yes; yes; yes; absolutly.
    My examples are everything I get my hands on, right now that's a lot of Game Workshop stuff. I have begun to make lists of ideas and concepts I steal or come up with, as you can see in the 'World building Bunny Index and Donation Thread' (b.t.w. please post your world building idea there or my bunnies will begin to inbred).
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  19. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
  20. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I have not seen it but now I want to.
  21. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014

    I'll weigh in. :) My usual process with fanon has been to borrow from real-life cultures, products, elements, etc. and try to alter them or "alienize" them to fit better with the GFFA, whatever that may mean (it means something different for, say, my Gand fanon than for my Four-Mern office supplies—and yes, the RL inspiration of the latter is probably painfully obvious :p ). In the case of my Gand fanon, I've borrowed from various Earth religious traditions for some of the mystical and spiritual elements of the Findsman tradition; at one point I had a document or notebook page or similar listing page references in Gershom Scholem's Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism that could be potentially useful for Gand fanon, but I would need some of those Findsman rituals to find out what became of it. :p For teaching and apprenticeship process in that tradition, I've consulted existing lore on the Jedi as a guide (and occasionally Harry Potter lore, given how that fandom is centered around a school), both from official sources and fanfic authors (and there are some wonderful accounts of Jedi trials to be find right here on these boards)—though I do try to change things up in such a way that the Findsmen's teaching process is different enough from that of the Jedi. And then there's a recent batch of my fanon creations (Mayno-Mayzee, Khorassan, and the Kanson-Wiss Sector, which I know I have to do a fanon post on at some point) that have been partly based on some elements of small-town culture in the Midwestern US.

    So those are some of my sources of inspiration. Anyone else? I'm sure there are as many answers to this question as there are fanoneers! :D
    Kahara , Ewok Poet and Gamiel like this.
  22. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I just go by feel. I have a vivid imagination and sometimes, I do come up with something that ends up based IRL. But it's coincidental.

    For scientific and tech stuff, I consult people who are experts in the given fields and do research.
    Gamiel, Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  23. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005

    For me, fanon arises when there is a vacuum that needs to be filled. My character needs a legal system. I'll make one. My other character needs a religion. Whomp, there ya go. This character needs a holiday that will bring all the family back home from whatever part of the galaxy they are in. Well, here's one for ya. As wide and broad as the GFFA is, there will always be details that need to be addressed that you won't find on the Wook.

    When I start to create a fanon element (let's say for the sake of discussion, a civil ceremony like a christening or a coming-of-age ceremony), I start with what I already know. I am familiar with how we do things here in our own society, like with baptisms or Bar Mitzvahs. Obviously I can't just transfer those ceremonies into the GFFA intact, so I take something of that ceremony and incorporate it so that the reader has some hook that they recognize. For example, if I am writing a fanon wedding, I might still have a clergy person and a reception, but the rest is complete fabrication. I might nick some detail from another culture (at the risk of sounding like I am appropriating the culture - I do try not to do that). Maybe instead of a bridal veil, both members of the wedding wear floral wreaths reminiscent of a Greek wedding.

    I'm also inspired by my own surroundings. Chyntuck was obviously inspired by her visits to Paris in one of her more recent works, and one of my more recent works is clearly inspired by my visit last summer to the shores of Brittany, France. If I want to get across the idea of a pastoral society that lives a very communal, peaceful life, I think about what I remember from my childhood in Vermont and all the farms and church suppers we knew back there.That sets up a framework that is familiar to the reader; it's the details that deviate from the original. A story might have a setting in a farm orchard but it isn't Vermont anymore because there are droids tending the trees, zapping the large wild blue lizards that keep trying to climb up the trees at night to eat all the gorka fruit before they ripen.
  24. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    That goes in the same direction as my imagination. :)
    Kahara , Ewok Poet and Gamiel like this.
  25. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Ok, per the conversation in the World Building Thread, I'll link to my Force faction/order/culture here. Please forgive what will certainly appear to be shameless plugging, but I am actually quite curious to see if anyone would like my group, the Shado Varmiri, enough to write about them in their own fics. Always interesting to see other takes!

    Best way to see it without dumping way too much info at once is links. So here you are. The Main Thread which will show some info, especially their recent past per the storyline I'm using them in right now.

    The bigger info treasure trove is my resource thread. Here:

    For this thread's purposes, you'll mainly want to look at 'The Beginning' and 'Class' section as they showcase the best what they are all about. I can also answer any questions anyone has in PM.

    Anywho, there's my contribution for the moment, now let me see what people have done already. The stores created by Cowgirl Jedi 1701 look intriguing... [face_thinking]
    Kahara , Findswoman and Gamiel like this.