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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. MartyAvidianus

    MartyAvidianus Jedi Padawan star 3

    May 14, 2017
    K'uthel midrim system courtship and Marriage customs in the GFFA

    Inhabitants of K'uthel includes humans immigrants (51 percent), Native K'us humanoid species (49 percent).


    Marriages are mandatory at human age 24.

    Courtship Gifts: Model Space ship from the groom to bride.

    Courtship etiquette: The one with the XY chromosome (groom) will need to initiate the engagement with the ones with XX chromosome (bride)

    Betrothal customs: Groom will give the bride) a model space ship made of local wood (size is determined by the groom, the larger the model spaceship, the quicker the wedding must be scheduled). This initiate the marriage ritual.

    Those with mutations who does not have either XY or XX chromosome (due to mutation or other reasons) must marry each other. A holy woman with XX chromosome will cut a holy tree from the forest of Ga'ku randomly. The couple will stand on either side of the holy woman as she does this. She will count the year rings. If the year rings on the tree is even, the one who stand by the left side of the holy woman will be considered the groom. If the year rings is odd however, the one who stand by the right side of the holy woman will be considered the groom. Then the wedding etiquette will be the same as normal XX and XY couples.

    Upon receiving the model spaceship, the bride will bring the model space ship home, where every single member of her extended family must be present (absentee means dishonor and the whole family is executed) each bring a can of accelerant fuel. The model ship must be burnt within 20 galactic standard hours in a pit dug in the bride's backyard. This signals that the bride accept the groom. The bride does not have to give the groom any material gift except willingness to burn the model spaceship on time. If the bride is unable/unwilling to burn the model spaceship given to her, this means the bride refuses the marriage. The groom and bride will then need to fight eachother to the death in a ten minute duel. By the end of ten minutes, one party must die to preserve the family honor. If by ten minutes the couple both survive, then they must die themselves or choose a person who is younger than them to die in their place from their respective family. This is all tradition to preserve honor and because of overpopulation.

    Arranged marriages: by law no arranged marriage is allowed. However, every five years the interested parties can petition the holy woman for special consideration. Only twenty arranged marriages per five years.

    Prohibited Marriages: The XX and XY chromosome must marry each other. If for whatevear reason XX want to marry XX or XY want to marry XY, then they can, but then they need to become the holy woman's handmaid/servants.

    The holy woman will then be chosen from one member of such XX couples. Prospective holy women will need to battle each other by growing a Mu plant (local fauna) and whichever one whose grow a fruit, the woman will then bake a pie made of such fruit. The current holy woman will eat both pies, and decide which one is her heiress. The failure is exiled. This is done before the current holy woman's death.

    Wedding ceremonies: After the last ember of the burnt model spaceship is no more, the couple will drink the alcoholic beverage prepared by the groom's family. A barrel of such beverage is sent by a single member of the groom's family who must be XX. The barrel must be cylindrical shape and contain 3 L of 58 proof alcohol. This alcohol percentage is determined and tested by the holy woman. If for whatever reason the beverage is not 58 proof, it means dishonor and death for the groom's family, only the groom is survives to marry the bride, but this means disfavour from the gods and their marriage is considered curse.

    Now that the alcohol is 58 percent, the couple must drink! from a certain small cup. Rotating drinking from such a cup until one party is unconscious. By this point everyone will go home except the holy woman and her sevants. The one who is still awake will now write a poem on a huge white blanket/towel with a brush with gold ink (all provided by the holy woman and her sevants). Once the ink is dry, the awake party will sing the poem at the top of his/her voice, the unconscious one must remain unconscious during this time or face dishonor. Then the awake one will wrap the unconscious one with the poem towel and carry him/her into their new house provided by the holy woman (free). This conclude the marriage ceremony.

    Wedding attire: Every color is fine except white, red, or black. The groom must wear gloves made of Gahmu (local animal) fur. The bride must be wearing the traditional battle armor, but without helmet. Her hair must be wore long (at least two feet), and no braiding is allowed. Everything else is okay. Thier own choice.

    K'us customs

    The K'us are autosexual and therefore there is no courtship. When the K'us mature, they will clone themselves one time at 27 K'uthel year, and the old version dies immediately after 33 K'uthel years. The K'uthels can prolong their lifetime by kidnapping an unmarried member of the human population and take their pituitary glands. This will allow the K'uthel to extend their life time up to 50 K'uthel years, and allow 2 clones instead of one. The old one dies immediately after cloning such second clone and the kidnapped human is sent back. Such human is considered cursed and if found by humans drowned at the special lake.

    This means the Kus and the humans are in a state of permanent war.
    Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  2. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012

    Mok: Cathar musician, fill a similar niche in SW to David Bowie’s and Iggy Pop’s in our world. If your character would listen to Bowie or Iggy they likely listen to Mok. Among his supermegahits are: My name is Mok; Thanks a Lot; Ring of Power; Rock n’ Rule.

    Vaingloria: Human musician, known for her use of holograms and illusions in her stage shows. Fill a similar niche in SW to 90’s Madonna’s in our world. Among her supermegahits are: Behind the Mirror; Phantom; 20 40; Painted Doll.

    Speed Coma: A semi-underground band whose music that can best be described as techno-grunge-punk. Among their wellknown songs are: Shadow Runner; Korg; If Found; 879-3596.

    (Never say that I'm subtle with what I’m making references to :p )

    Have updated my post on corporations

    And I am joining in the ...the FANON "YOURS 'N' MINE" CHALLENGE! with my fic 'Watering the Jade Lotus'
  3. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Sorry about my mixup about Chommell Minor, Daneira! I appreciate your letting me know.

    The discussion on marriage and courtship customs looks like it's going great so far! And it's technically still running, so anyone may still free to chime in. :)

    Hope those celebrating national holidays in the earlier part of this month had a wonderful time and enjoyed their celebrations! Now that the dust from those has settled a tad, here are a few updates:

    MartyAvidianus (DARTH_MU) has contributed a new post on K'uthel Marriage Customs.

    Gamiel has contributed a new post on various GFFA musicians.

    It looks too as though we have our first entry in the Fanon Yours 'n' Mine Challenge, also from Gamiel; I've added it to the challenge index. Just as a heads-up, there are about 2 1/2 weeks left to get entries in; the due date is July 24. As always, I'm glad to offer assistance and answer questions. :)

    Ewok Poet and Gamiel like this.
  4. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Ewok Wedding Traditions

    Pre-wedding customs vary from village to village. The well-known procedure of females leaving gifts to males in order to appeal to them that are known Galaxy-wide are, in reality, not as common as it may seem. They are actually more likely to be seen in more backwards villages, predominantly Gondula ones. In the well-developed, mostly Panshee villages, couples are expect to meet and date the usual way.

    In the most primitive villages, such as the Hanging Moss and the Twin Lakes Village, there are customs similar to droit du seigneur. The bride is left with the village chieftain for the night before she is allowed to marry the groom that was picked for her/that she picked. This is an extreme and very, very uncommon.

    In some villages, such as the Green Haze village, the bride is expected not to have consummated her relationship with the groom. If this has been done, the village elders question the couple and the bride is then expected to take a ritual bath of purification. She goes to the nearest lake, river or hot springs with other females, takes off her hood and the trinkets and bathes in presence of the village medicine man/woman. Only then is she allowed to marry.

    These traditions are not present in the Bright Tree Village under the rule of Chief Chirpa and Master Logray. The bride and the groom may be the subject of gossip of the local busybodies, but that's pretty much it.

    In some villages, couples may be unofficially engaged and they wear various trinkets to signify it - anything from leather bands to hood ornaments.

    During the wedding preparations, the male is expected to start building the hut. If any is available, old, abandoned huts may be re-purposed. The female helps him in most cases, as well as their family members and close friends.

    Once the hut has been completed or renovated, the wedding can take place. The whole village except those on the guard duty and those hunting is invited to the celebration.

    A Typical Wedding in the Bright Tree Village

    Around noon on their wedding day, both the bride and the groom, accompanied by witnesses, walk to their Soul Trees and each of them cuts off a small branch. This branch must not be touching the ground, because that would be taken as a bad sign, as it matches some funeral customs.

    These branches are taken to the main fire pit in the village, where the crowd is waiting. There is music, food and dancers.

    The bride and the groom approach the fire pit.

    The leaves off the branches are then thrown in the fire by the medicine man/woman and their apprentice. The couple then repeats the following text:

    "The leaves from these branches represent our youth. The colour of green represents our union with each other and the nature."

    Following this, the branches are lit as well and the groom and the bride have to hold them crossed, until the moment they burn together. They repeat the following text:

    "These branches burn for our love. The ashes from these branches represent the union of those before us."

    Once the branches are burning together, they're thrown in the fire, too. The medicine man/woman then chants to the Great Tree and the Soul Trees, informing them that the two young Ewoks are now married.

    The celebrations take place during the rest of the day and when the night falls.

    However, the newlyweds retreat to their hut when the Ibleam go down. While they are not explicitly expected to procreate, the props brought to the hut earlier in the day strongly hint it. Hay is stuffed under the hammock, the bed or spread on the floor and two ceremonial mugs are placed nearby. These mugs contain the kapia juice, which is a potent aphrodisiac and tends to attract small animals such as munyips, if accidentally spilled.

    There is no proof necessary that the marriage has been consummated in most villages.
    Exeter, Kahara, divapilot and 3 others like this.
  5. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Again, I've been meaning to weigh in on this for a while. First of all, though, let me say how much I love how active this discussion has been so far, and that it's even led to the generation of a few new fanon posts on the topic of engagements and marriage! Do keep it coming, all.

    The short answer is, yes, I have come up with a tiny bit of lore on this topic, though just a tiny bit, and not in any systematic way—also it's not yet in any of my stories. Some of it you can see above in the Lasat post Raissa and I collaborated on. I also have a few tidbits in mind for the Gand, which are as follows:

    I think it likely that Gand wedding ceremonies would involve the forging of some kind of mental/quasi-telepathic bond by way of various arcane and intricate rituals that probably take a long time—particularly if the marriage is between two members of the Findsmen order. (I've used the term "joined" in reference to married couples in a few of my Gand stories, meaning this sort of thing.)

    I also think it likely that most Gand marriages take place within more or less the same caste (I guess one could call it): for example, Findsmen to marry others in their order, or closely connected to it (e.g., healers), rather than Seculars, i.e., non-Findsmen; those groups always seem pretty heavily separated in what lore there is on the species so far.

    One piece of Gand marriage lore that was established in the Michael Stackpole's X-Wing books is that Gands who have attained the honor of janwuine have a spouse chosen for them (presumably by the ruetsavii who conferred that honor to begin with). I personally, fanonically understand that to refer specifically to Gands who aren't already married who become janwuine (as Ooryl was in the books). Janwuine isn't a commonly received honor by any means, and if only Gands in that category received mates, methinks the species would die out! :p

    And of course a word or two about clothing. At their wedding, the bride and groom each wear the color of their eyes. If they're Findsmen, what they wear is essentially a more formal, ornate version of the traditional Findsman's or Findswoman's robes (which of course would be worn for other formal occasions too—just not necessarily in the person's eye color). For Seculars, it would be more like a formal long tunic and loose pants in the spouses' respective eye colors. (Cloaks/robes/skirts reaching below the knee are reserved for Findsmen, as they symbolize that that person is completely surrounded by the Mists.)
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  6. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Most postings so far seem to involve one couple. There must be some societies in GFFA which are polygamous... multiple spouses? Jane Jinn had an Ossar character in an old, traditional 'one husband, multiple wives' marriage (which made for a lot of humor). In Legends, they listed the Sullustans as living in clans run by a woman with multiple husbands. And Selonians have breeding males and females who didn't appear in public, but if the Corellian trilogy is followed (technically Legends), the non-fertile females pretty much run the rest of the society.

    How about a few Fanon entries for non traditional marriages?

    I'm thinking of Sullustans as welcoming a prospective new husband to the household a month before the wedding, so they can all get to know each other. This sets off a prank war, where the family members play practical jokes on him and he is expected to retaliate creatively. At the end of the month, if the family express their approval to the head wife/mother and if the groom is still willing, there is a large banquet where the marriage contract is signed, there is lot of drinking, dancing, and one final practical joke which is usually the most elaborate and carefully thought out of all. The bride wears something new and flashy, the groom wears something elegant and washable.
    Kahara, Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  7. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014

    Viridian-Maiden has established some interesting polygamous/contractual marriage/mating practices for her original species, the Tilasa—who, interestingly enough, are a species related to the Sullustans. Gahmah Raan 's Krishari have a fairly intricate system of polygamy, where majority and minority genders are allowed different numbers of mates. Kuati culture is effectively polyandrous with its system of telbuns (see Pandora 's fanon post). And I know that the Cereans (Ki-Adi-Mundi's species) are established in Legends lore to be polygamous by necessity, in order to repopulate their underpopulated species: a man may have one principal "bond wife" and up to ten "honor wives."

    I admit that this is one area where I personally have a bit of trouble "thinking outside the box" and separating my RL values from my fanon creativity. Though I guess I also find it likely that lots of other sentient species out there would value monogamy too, just for the same reason(s) that so many RL human civilizations do.
  8. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    I have a few ideas about marriage customs on Serenity, but they need some work.
    Findswoman likes this.
  9. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Kahara, Ewok Poet and Gamiel like this.
  10. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Anedon a question about the Teris sector: you only mention humans and athenar in your post, are there any other species present in enough large group/s to be worth mentioning?
  11. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    There are several species present in the Teris sector, while most of the original colonists were infact humans though.
    Many of these aliens are escaped slaves from the Hutt space who feld to the Teris Sector as the Terians tend to take care and protect any escaped slaves they come across.
    Thus there are some small communities in the Teris sector made up out of members of frequently enslaved species like the Twi´Leks, while others have integrated themselves into the main Terian society. In reverse species who tend to practice slavery, like Hutts or Trandosians are quite rare in the Teris sector as many inhabitats view them with prejudices.
    Also on a sidenote the Athenar don´t live within the Teris sector anymore but beyond it, closer to the edge of the galaxy.
    Kahara and Gamiel like this.
  12. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002

    What is an average population count for Ibrix, please?
    Anedon likes this.
  13. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Do you need a hard number?

    Edit: I mean would a description about population density work
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I am making reference to a vote on the planetary name.

    Would 1.3 million voters be more than the average population on your planet at any one time?
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Aha, okey. Ibrix is a relatively sparsely populated planet but at the same time it is a planet and there are people living both on the dry land, in and on the ocean and on the highest mountain tops where the water can’t reach. I would say that around the population of USA lives there, so a bit over 323 millions
    Sith-I-5 likes this.
  16. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    1. What happens when and if a Secular wants to marry a Findsman or Findswoman? Does it ever happen?

    2. How large would be the percentage of Findsfolk already married before reaching the status of janwuine?

    Love, love the idea with the robes of the colour of their eyes. [face_love]


    Love the pranks. :)
  17. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Many thanks, Gamiel.

    Holy ****. I am going to need a bigger boat.
  18. DARTH_MU

    DARTH_MU Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 9, 2005
    Well what about voter apathy?
    Out of 323 million people, who is actually going to vote?
    Or is voting mandatory?
  19. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Those are both good questions that I admit I haven't really thought about in a well-defined way yet, but I'll try to now. :)

    1. It certainly could happen, and there's no out-and-out rule against it, but I imagine as being fairly uncommon because Findsmen and Seculars simply don't move in the same circles most of the time—they just belong to very different socio-cultural sectors that don't mix much. That's not to say that there aren't some Seculars who work in the same circles as Findsfolk—there are some who work as healers, servants, support staff, etc. at the Findsman temples, so that's one place the two castes (for lack of a better word) could come into contact and conceivably form that kind of relationship.

    2. Probably most of them—the way I've always understood it, it's not particularly common for anyone, Findsfolk or no, to reach the status of janwuine at all, and it's not a status that people particularly wait for or expect, so it just seems likely probabilities-wise that marriage would be more likely to happen first. If that answers the question.

    Why, thank you. I rather do, too—seems a poetic touch, sort of a personalized "color of light" that way. [face_love]
    Kahara, Ewok Poet and Mistress_Renata like this.
  20. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Those answers are exactly what I was looking for, thank you. :)
    Findswoman likes this.
  21. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Okay, kinda (super actually) late to the topic (as usual) but I wanted to do a quick fandom post on Alderaani marriage (and I know I have to do a fandom post on medical conditions… eventually). Not really going to go into gender roles as I covered that previously. Anyways! I kinda wrote these up, then saw the specific questions. Sorry if I didn't get everything.

    There were no major traditions for courtship on Alderaan. Noble families typically dated within other noble families, but there were no laws. Even members of the royal family could date and marry anyone, though it was frowned upon for an heir to marry a commoner since their spouse would eventually either be First Chairman of Alderaan OR Queen, so any potential spouse needed to have the education and upbringing to fulfil that role.

    When a couple had discussed marriage and have agreed to it, the male had to ask the female’s family for permission since he would be joining her family (with the exception of the royal family - females married into that family - in that case the marriage was typically arranged by the queen and female heads of the bride's family). In same-sex couples of two Alderaanians, the lower status person would ask to join the higher status family (and typically have the male role throughout wedding customs). Males - or the lower status person in SSR - would then ask the female marry him, typically with a gift in a bag that dissolves in a the heat of a person’s hands. Typically the gift is a ring or some other jewelry.

    Engagements usually lasted about a year, during which the couple plans their wedding. During the engagement period the couple were required to have their “First Night”. Traditionally this was when the engaged couple would sleep together to see if they were physically/sexually compatible. Ideally this would have been the night when both people lost their virginity, but wasn’t always the case, particularly near the end of the planet. Either could break off the engagement after the first night and go onto future engagements with not stigma, but most couples went ahead with the engagement. Traditionally the couple could not sleep together again until their wedding night (but again, this was largely abandoned as time went on).

    Weddings were preformed by a member of government (even low level government employees could officiate weddings) and the couple needed a witness to speak on their behalf of their devotion and love to each other. Brides and grooms could wear what they pleased - typically a colourful gowns for brides and suits with any governmental regalia for grooms.

    Grooms would walk into the ceremony with his mother and the mother of the bride and the bride would walk with the fathers. Grooms would bring a cup, glass, or goblet of some sort and brides would bring a bowl of water. As part of the ceremony, after vows and before being announced husband and wife, the ancient water ceremony would take place. The groom would dip the cup into the water, let the bride drink first, then drink the rest himself. This represented the producing and the giving of life between two people that love each other. The two were then announced to be wed.
    Ewok Poet, Gamiel, Kahara and 3 others like this.
  22. DARTH_MU

    DARTH_MU Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 9, 2005
  23. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010

    Yes Alderannians have sex. They aren't like protocol droids, you know :p
  24. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I don't get the relevance of the picture.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  25. DARTH_MU

    DARTH_MU Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 9, 2005
    I was trying to find a picture of a guy sputtering and spilling coffee on keyboard. Then a guy with of bulging eyes, but can't find any. So the picture is what I ended up using.

    Bri said:
    " During the engagement period the couple were required to have their “First Night”.

    note: underline and bolding by Mu.