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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    I think that by now, ANGRY MACE™ is legit a text meme. So what the hey, let's make ANGRY MACE™ everything. Right, EP? [face_laugh]
    Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  2. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Fanon - Foodstuffs and Drink

    (Thanks to @Ewok Poet and @Gamiel , for helping me work out how to do my random list)


    Dipao Juice - Fruit native to the Mid-Rim Ansion agri-world, and exported to grow on plenty of other worlds across the galaxy. Used in soft drinks, and popular on Imperial bases and starships, as well as in civilian markets and holiday resorts. The sweet, orange-coloured juice is textured like peach juice, and very refreshing when chilled.

    Crown Worlds spring water - Spring water from the collection of star systems that make up the Induparan Crown Worlds.
    To my knowledge, exports of the water has never gone beyond the borders of this collective, in any major way.

    Klapneicie - Pronounced "Clap Nee Cee". Clear alcoholic beverage, flavoured with fruit. Created by fermenting fruit juice along with the base liquor.
    Dipao klapneicie is a popular variety, with one bottled brand kept in a TIE pilot lounge aboard the Darkest Night star destroyer, being D-K. Frosted glass bottle.

    Athosian Coffeine - Equivalent of an "Americana", a coffee with milk. Lord Nelf's preferred ratio is 80% coffeine, and 20% bantha milk (hot).

    Sunstrike - Alcohol popular with humans, and some Near Humans. GFFA equivalent of rum. Also, a similar, though non-alcoholic, ice cream flavour.

    B'Halkazar Fire - Very spicy, so as to burn the throat and mouth, cocktail served in shot glasses.
    The taste and name is intended to be reminiscent of the fiery-breath of the three-headed rancor god, B'Halkazar. The labels on the bottles seen behind bartenders, shows the deity's image, and can be recognisable to those who frequent the sort of low end dives, where this drink is served.

    During the New Republic, adventurers returning from Dromund Kaas in Sith space, have reported that a containment shield company appears to use the same name and logo.



    Crunchy Nut Rhylcate - Based on and similar to Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, this tasty cookie-like food can be eaten dry, or drenched in milk as a breakfast cereal. Sweet enough not to need sugar sprinkled on.

    Rafa Delights - Pyramid-shaped chocolates designed to look like the famous Sharu structures on the planets of the Centrality' Rafa System.
    One of my OC's Mum used to include them in care packages, when her daughter was an Imperial pilot.

    Tico Pies - Purveyor of tasty meat pies. Most popular on the planet, Hays Minor. Not really seen that much by interstellar consumers, since the First Order began testing weapons on that world.

    Gleetabix, Sheetabix - Breakfast cereals where dried flakes of a cereal plant, are compressed into oval-shaped biscuits in the manner of Real Life' Weetabix. 1, 2, or 3 biscuits are placed in a bowl, then milk of various temperatures, are poured over them, with a sweetener added.
    Popularly known for providing energy and vitamins.
    The Sheetabix variant, specifically uses Shorn Grain.

    Lancakes - Direct equivalent of pancakes, served either hot or cold, with syrup. Now that I have been reminded that there are multiple types of pancakes - thank you, @Gamiel - the lancakes that you pour syrup on, are based on the pancakes that you pour syrup on.

    More to come, as I think of them.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    Gamiel, Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  3. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I could totally see it as some snobbish product elsewhere, like that Fiji water.

    Sith-I-5 and Findswoman like this.
  4. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Nar Shaddaa

    There only exist two laws on Nar Shaddaa: 1) Don’t damage the hutts profit margin; 2) There is no more laws, just guidelines, traditions and whatever rules people are able to enforce (until they can’t).

    There is no justice on Nar Shaddaa, at best there is vengeance; there is no order but the one enforced by the krime clans; since there is no laws preventing it so is most of the food, water and even air, full of dangerous chemicals and substances. If you don’t want to ingest poison you better grow your own food and purify your own water – nothing stops that the bar where they proclaim to filtrate their water from lying – or buy from the few overpriced dealers who take pride in their non-poisonous food.


    Snow Town: a part of Nar Shaddaa where the temperature is between 5° to -30° Celsius, populated by species that likes the cold and people with cold related businesses.



    Ziippa Hut
    As earlier stated that if you don’t want to ingest poison on Nar Shaddaa you either have to grow your own food and purify your own water or buy from the few overpriced dealers who take pride in their non-poisonous food.

    One of the overpriced dealers that sell good food is Ziippa Hut, who also offer home delivery and if the order is not there within 30 minutes, not only is the order free but the grand owner of Ziippa Hut himself, ‘Uncle’ Ziippa the Hutt, will personally call you from his palace on Nal Hutta and apologizing profusely. The next day, Uncle Ziippa will take his personal shuttle and visit the customer to apologize some more and give him a free trip to any of Ziippa’s grand properties – all he has to do is sign a bunch of releases that make him a public figure and spokesperson for Ziippa Hut and basically end his private life as he knows it. He will come away from the whole thing feeling that, somehow, be owes Ziippa the Hutt a favour.

    What ever happened to the deliverer who failed with his job is not known but they are never seen again. Because of this the Ziippa deliverers on Nar Shaddaa drives military speeders with boosted engines and are known drive right through flimsier constructions to make their delivery in time, not carrying about any lives they take.
    Ziippa Hut (Interstellar) would like to point out that while Ziippa Hut (Hutt Space) may share the same name (and produce very similar products) as the previous mentioned Ziippa Hut (Interstellar), it is a different company and any damage inflicted by a Ziippa Hut (Hutt Space) deliverer has theoretically and practically nothing to do with Ziippa Hut (Interstellar).

    Nerfherder’s Rest
    This chain of diners is owned by the Nerfherders krim clan and can be found on most places they have an interest in. Nerfherder’s Rest serves a mix of Spacer and Corellian-style food [often as Corellian as Taco Bell is Mexican], that’s just non-poisonous enough that it could be served in Republic space. The diner-chain was originally created by the Nerfherders for their clansmen to have a place where they could eat without having to worry about what they put in their mouth

    Krim Clans
    [Authors comment: ‘Krim’ is slang for criminal]

    Dead Rangers
    Their ‘uniform’ are Antarian Ranger & Jedi like clothing with death/undead markings, like ribcages or skulls painted on the jackets. Many of them also paint, or even tattoo parts of their body (usually the face) to appear skeleton or corpse like; mon is a skull with a ‘ranger cap. Control a large share of Snow Town. Specialize in items and technology for cold environments, from cold environments or sought after by people in cold environments.

    Control most of the Corellian Quarters on Nar Shaddaa and are among the main players (often The Main Player) when it comes to transporting goods (open or hidden) between Nar Shaddaa and the main worlds of the Corellian Sector. Beside smuggling and being the secret partner of many honest (more or less) trade companies, both in Hutt Space and outside it, do they mainly deal in piracy, raiding lesser settlements, drug & slave trafficking, protection rackets, counterfeiting of products, prostitution, contract killings, labour racketeering, etc.. They usually don’t do industrial espionage, counterfeiting of more advanced products (like droids) or anything that would make the hutts turn against them.
    Their ‘uniform’ is a red scarf around the neck, many of them also have red sashes, most of them dress like spacers, space-dockworkers, in traditional corellian style, or a combination of them all.

    Two Spears
    Their ‘uniform’ is a blue turban and sashes; mon is two crossed spears in blue. Control a large share of Snow Town and is in secret controlled by a clan of purple eyes chiss.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
  5. K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku

    K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Apr 18, 2000
    The M’Ban and the Tal’shari


    Homeworld: Kress on the border of the Al’Nasrl and Albanin sectors, Outer Rim

    Lifespan: ~130 Standard years

    Sexes: Two, male and female

    Language(s): M’bantu and Standard

    Species characteristics: The M’Ban are a humanoid species native to Kress. There are two sexes, female and male. By appearance, they are indistinguishable from other humans. However, they age at a slower rate. The life expectancy of a M’Ban is about 130 standard years. As a species, they are innately more aware of the emotional states of other beings. Empathy, telepathy, and Force-sensitivity are more common in the M’Ban population compared to other humanoid species, although still relatively rare. M’Ban go through an extended period of adolescence culminating in Tal’Noor, a transition to full maturity. For those exhibiting either extra-sensory or Force abilities, this period is marked by abrupt changes in control and strength of their gifts. The M’Ban have developed a series of rituals during this period to help M’Ban adolescents managed their talents.

    Socio-political structure: The M’Ban are matrilineal and matriarchal with a clan structure that forms the basis for planetary politics. Some clans, such as Asla and Thren, are conservative. They still enforce the separation of the genders, prevent men from holding any sort of political power or wealth, and follow a technologically simple life style grounded in a strict interpretation of the scriptures of Gaeia, The Creative Force and Mother of All. Others like Letta, Beden, and Tanku are more progressive, allowing men to hold political positions and own property. The tension between the old ways and the move of most of the clans towards a more equitable society for both genders has created a society where certain clans, by virtue of being more open-minded, have benefitted disproportionately from the M’Ban’s dealing with the galaxy at large. This has led to resentment among the clans that feel left behind and a brewing unrest.

    Cultural Conventions: Surnames reveal clan allegiance and immediate familial ties. The naming convention for girls is first name, followed by either qel or desa, the Clan to which they are aligned, a hyphen, and the other Clan from which they trace direct descent . The inclusion of qel or desa depends on whether the girl has aligned with her mother’s clan or her paternal grandmother’s clan, respectively, when she reaches the Age of Allegiance (about 12 standard years old). For example, a girl that aligns with her mother’s clan will be first name qel maternal clan – paternal grandmother’s clan. Usually, the first born girl will align with her mother’s clan. Subsequent sisters generally align with the clan in which they will have the highest standing. Boys have no choice in clan alignment and belong to their mother’s clan. Boy naming conventions mirror girls that have aligned with their maternal Clan. When a couple marries, the woman adds “abn” and her husband’s maternal clan to her last name to indicate the alliance of clans through marriage. Men do not modify their names upon marriage.

    Most M’Ban enter into marriage for combination of socio-economic, political, and romantic reasons. Even though the society is matriarchial, courting and betrothal is initiated by males with permission from the girl’s mother. The suitability of a match depends on the status of the boy’s maternal lineage. It is not unusual for girls to be betrothed by the time they are 16 if they come from a politically powerful or high-status clan. Marriage generally waits until the girls is at least 18 but preferably until after both partners have completed Tal’Noor. Betrothals are considered to be unbreakable without losing honor, except for rare occasions. These include the incapacitation of one member of the couple, the discovery of infertility among either partner, demands on a partner’s life that preclude a devotion to family, and the discovery of a life-bond with another. Marriage ceremonies are characterized by a blessing of the union by the Clans, the taking of vows, and then a celebration with family and friends.

    Life-bonds are rare and highly valued. They are seen as a direct manifestation of the will of Gaeia among most M’Ban. Couple who share a life-bond are called sesench’ain. A life-bond can be suppressed prior to the Joining Ceremony. The suppression remains in place until the couple touches physically. After the Joining Ceremony, the life-bond becomes permanent and can, in some instances, extend beyond death.

    Most M’Ban are tattooed on the back of their neck with their maternal clan symbol as young children. When girls reach the Age of Allegiance, the tattoo is expanded to include the clan to which they have aligned. In the case of girls aligning with their maternal clan, the original tattoo is embellished. For those girls aligning with their paternal grandmother’s clan, that clan symbol is incorporated into the existing tattoo. The tattoos are leftover from a period of time when Kress was often subject to pirate raids. The tattoos allowed the M’Ban to identify children years after they were taken in a raid, as well as provided the children with some means of identifying other M’Ban while they lived off-world.

    Additional political and economic considerations: Beyond the clan structure, M’Ban are ruled by a Royal Family and the Council of Clans with input from the Tal’shari Council of Elders. The Royal Family serve as the figure heads/ heads of state for the M’Ban, interfacing with the wider galaxy. Kress’ economy is driven by primarily by tourism and skilled artisans making a variety of “folk crafts” such as textiles, ceramics, and ornamental metal work. Kress’s primary natural resources are its natural wonders. While the M’Ban do engage in mining, it is not at the scale that makes the trade of raw goods a strong component of the economy. The M’Ban maintain colonies and outposts throughout the Outer Rim, always anchored by at least one Tal’shari House of Healing. Many of these colonies represent former slave enclaves. Militarily, most security is provided by local Guard forces and may include professional soldiers as well as members of the House Guard for the local House of Healing. Kress does field a small naval fleet whose primary mission is to prevent pirate raids.


    The Tal’shari are a sect of Force-users headquartered on Kress. Their sect is unusual because, unlike the Jedi, almost all Tal’shari are healers and the vast majority are M’Ban. They are not insular, per se, but they do not recruit outside of Kress and the M’Ban settlements through out the galaxy.

    The Tal’shari split from the Jedi just prior to the founding of the Order, inheriting their beliefs in balance as the proper representation of the Force from the notion of Bendu of the Je’daii Order of Tython. They perceive the Force as not Light and Dark but a balanced whole, which they refer to as Unity. Unlike Jedi or Sith, they draw on both Light and Dark simultaneously when using the Force. This makes them particularly powerful Force-users whose use of the Force temporarily alters the flow of the Force for those in the vicinity. The Tal’shari are governed by the Council of Elders, master healers and scholars of Unity who preside over the Houses of Healing on Kress and off-world. There are three basic ranks of Tal’shari: Initiate, Healer, and Adept.

    Tal’shari are revered in M’Ban culture as healers and bringers of balance and peace. To have a child selected to train as a Tal’shari is considered a great honor and bestows status on the trainee’s clan. Generally, the Council of Elders is seen not only as the ruling body of the Tal’shari, but as the guardians of the spiritual life of the M’Ban. As such, they are often asked to investigate reports of life-bonds, resolve disputes between clans if the Council of Clans is not able to mediate a solution, and advise the Royal Family in its dealings with the wider galaxy. Some of the clans attribute more religious significance to the Tal’shari, seeing them as emissaries from Gaeia. For these clans, the Tal’shari hold as much influence and authority as the Royal Family and Council of Clans, if not more.

    Beyond their understanding of the Force as a unified entity, the Tal’shari also differ from the Jedi in their beliefs about the role of attachment in their lives. The goal of a Tal’shari is to master the art of ches'sheniachan, or being of the moment. It is a fundamental acceptance of change and the transitory nature of all aspects of life. Attachment simply is. As such, romantic love and families are not discouraged, but seen as temporary nevertheless. Mastering ches’sheniachan allows a Tal’shari to set all emotion aside when it is time to act and respond from a place of centered clarity provided by Unity. Duty to the greater good of the M’Ban as a people comes above all else. A Tal’shari’s duty to the situation at hand supersedes any other responsibility that might be imposed on them by familial or clan relationships.

    As mentioned, the Tal’shari are primarily healers, a trait that is rare among the Jedi. Individuals who have only a limited capacity for healing or additional gifts are trained both as healers and in their specific area of expertise. These individuals are often assigned to either the House Guard, as Court advisors for the Royal Family, or to service in the naval fleet. All Tal’shari learn basic defense skills that are focused on hand-to-hand combat. While the Tal’shari are aware of weapons like lightsabers and do learn to use weapons like the quarter-staff, they do not use weapons as a general rule. The House Guard are trained in more advanced techniques that center around using Unity to directly disarm or engage their opponent. House Guards are also trained in techniques of stealth and mental manipulation. One such technique is sim’shadan, the ability to mask one’s Force signature by mimicking the signature of another creature, often a ysalamiri.

    Tal’shari healing focuses extensively on helping the patient regain balance. Caregivers are assigned to patients after consultation with Unity. Technology is used, but healing through Unity is heavily favored. The use of healing gardens, spaces that are cultivated to restore balance by creating or enhancing natural currents in Unity, are a ubiquitous among the Houses of Healing. Healing gardens often have what are called Focusing Stones. These slabs of granite from a mountainous region of Kress, have the effect of focusing the Force in such a way to make it easier to touch Unity. Jedi find that they enable them to feel both the Living and Unifying Force as distinct manifestations of the Force but with equal weight and intensity. Tal’shari healers also rely heavily on physical contact to affect healing. It is not uncommon to find a healer lying next to a patient, bodies touching along their length, to enhance the effects of a healing trance.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
  6. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    @Gamiel would your criminal organization, 87, have been active before the Rebellion, say 10 BBY?
  7. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Yes but they are much smaller and bow to Black Sun. It's after the death of prince Xizor (and with him much of Black Sun's knowledge), during the fragmentation of Black Sun that followed, that 87 grow big and strong.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
    Raissa Baiard likes this.
  8. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    @Gamiel , please can you clarify what a mon is?
  9. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Sorry, I like to use terminology from other languages then just English, mon is Japanese and more or less mean 'emblem'/'symbol'. I guess I read a bit to much cyberpunk and other Japan inspired fiction/RPG:s so I sometime forget that Japanese terms that are common there are not as well know all over fan-culture.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
    Sith-I-5 likes this.
  10. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Can I just pop in for a moment to say a HUGE yes yes yes yes and thank you to @K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku for her wonderful new post on the M'Ban and the Tal'shari! This is one fanon post I've personally been waiting for for years now, and it's just amazing to have all your incredible lore together in one place. Thanks once again, and bravissima! =D=

    I know I need to do an update of the index soon—it'll be coming, probably later this weekend or early in the coming week. This last week or so of RL has just been a really super hectic one for me.
  11. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013
    You know what? I'll allow it. I've been suffering from some major writer's block due to college and video games. You have my permission to describe the habitable moons. My only constraint is make it diverse.
    Ewok Poet, Gamiel and Sith-I-5 like this.
  12. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Some updates and announcements for this month:

    @Ewok Poet has added a new post on Popular Culture in the GFFA!, featuring musical groups, holoshows and holotoons, ANGRY MACE™ products, memes, and more. This post is a work in progress that will have more added to it with time.

    @Sith-I-5 has added a new post on Foodstuffs and Drink. This post is also a work in progress that will have more added to it with time.

    @K'Tai qel Letta-Tanku has added a new post on an original species/culture and an original Force discipline closely connected with that species: The M'Ban and the Tal'shari.

    I welcome ideas for the next discussion topic, too, since it's been a little while. Feel free to throw them out there!

    And finally, just a friendly note that the Fanon Planet Plus One Challenge is still running, and that several planets are still available for the taking! Hope things are going well, too, for those who have already signed up for the challenge. :)
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  13. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I have transcribed from hardcopy into my home PC, the beginnings of @Flyboy240 's Lucky Star-based short; and referenced.@Ewok Poet 's ANGRY MACE Sad Bland Soup.
  14. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    Pizza was being discussed a few pages back, here's my take on it.

    Tepasi flatbread

    A dish only served at expensive restaurants (similar to real world Neapolitan pizza) topped with from topato sauce and cheese made from Tepasi bantha milk. In this setting, it would not be eaten with the hands, but a fork and knife.

    The fast food version (what we would consider "New York style pizza"), is only found on Tepasi and its neighboring worlds on the Commenor Run, such as Brentaal, Caamas, and Alderaan. Beings who travel to Tepasi for "authentic Tepasi flatbread" are inevitably disappointed by the cheap, local version, often made with substandard ingredients and cooked used nanowave as opposed to an actual fire-based oven. Ironically, you are less likely to get real Tepasi bantha cheese on your flatbread if you are actually on Tepasi, as it is prohibitively expensive for the local flatbread parlors.
    Gamiel, Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  15. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    I get what you're going for, but it might confuse some people, as topato is GFFA for potato.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  16. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    So, now we have four names for the same thing? Fun! :D
    Findswoman likes this.
  17. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hey, why ever not? The Galaxy’s a very big place! :D
    Daneira, Ewok Poet and Gamiel like this.
  18. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    That was my reasoning, too...hence having a character 'splain another about it. ;)
  19. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    Is it? I scoured Wookiepedia looking for a tomato analogue. Specifically, I was looking for the name of the food in TCW that looks exactly liked sliced tomatoes. I couldn't find that, but the topato is definitely used as a tomato in Coruscant sliders, for instance. The picture on the Legends page makes them look like carrots, and the Canon picture and description is "a large spherical fruit that could be green."

    Simply in the Mediterranean/Middle East region, we have hummus, revithosalta, and mussabha, which are all chickpea dips with slight variation. Or shakshouka/tagine/ouova in purgatorio/menemen all being similar egg/tomato dishes from different countries.

    And even in SW, they have caf, coffee, stimcaf, vine-coffeine, etc, for the same beverage.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  20. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Of course I'm not an expert, but all the context I've ever seen it in gave me the impression of potato.

    If it helps, I made up the pomato as a GFFA tomato. Feel free to use that if you want.
    Sith-I-5 likes this.
  21. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    What is the policy for linking to fics where our fanon appear?
  22. Gahmah Raan

    Gahmah Raan Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 2, 2015
    @Gamiel In what time period would the Two Spears be active?
  23. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I have a plan to use them for a story that take place sometime in post-JAT pre-NJO era and that the group of the purple-eyed chiss has been using it as a front for generations. Beside that I have no real idea, it is possible that Two Spears have been around for centuries.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
    Gahmah Raan likes this.
  24. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Per the rules in the OP:

    In short, the current policy is that fics may be linked to in Resource threads, so it's fine to do so in the Fanon Thread too, as long as it's for a relevant reason and not just for self-promotion. (Not that I think you would do that, though! :) )
    Ewok Poet and Gamiel like this.
  25. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    So, to make certain, it's okej that I link to another author's story where my fanon have apperead?