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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Findswoman likes this.
  2. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Planets in the Kiffu sector

    * My Fanon post about the Kiffars should probably also be read to get everything mentioned here.

    Falchis – An old world with a near solid core and a mostly dry surface environment. Huge sunken cities are built around deep ‘shaft-oasis’, titanic shafts in the crust reaching deep into the planet’s bowls, at which bottom water collects. The cities surround the walls of the shaft-oasis, built into the rock. Traveling downward in a shaft-oasis city is considered an experience of wonder since nearly every building in the cities have hanging or wall gardens, making the shafts appear more like some kind of vertical park instead of the urbane environment it is.


    "The smaller sister planet of Kiffu in the Azurbani system [...]. It had rich soil, giving Kiffex the potential to become a major agriculture producing planet.
    It contained prison colonies for Kiffu's sector, overseen by the Kiffu Guardians, having served as a Republic prison world since at least 3000 BBY."
    The prisoners from outside of the Kiffu sector are hold for a fee, thus generating substantial revenue for the twin planets. The prisoners also often act as penal labour.
    * part of Kiffar space


    The homeworld of the Kiffar, and the sector capital of the Kiffu Sector.
    "Kiffu was the larger sister world of Kiffex. When the two worlds' elliptical orbits would bring them close together, large electrical storms would be generated in Kiffu's atmosphere. The Kiffar harnessed the lightning to provide electrical energy"
    * part of Kiffar space [duh]


    Molnar – a lightning-storm wracked ocean planet dotted with chains of archipelagos and two small continents (ca. Australia in size and with similar environment, if with much stormier weather). The water has an extremely high mineral content and is not regarded as fit for consumption by many species (including humans and zabraks) without purification and filtration. When the Kiffar came to Molnar had the two continents already been settled by zabraks - who was living in waring tribal kingdoms and city-states and had, beside their water filtration systems, an advanced Iron Age level of technology. The Kiffar established bases on the unpopulated archipelagos and made diplomatic contact with the largest tribal kingdoms and city-states.

    The Kiffar was interested in Molnar because of the often occurring lightning-storms and mineral riches. By establishing themselves on the unpopulated islands and only mining there and underwater have they been able to keep clear of any laws protecting natives and earlier-wave-colonisers. All this was centuries ago.

    Now a-days so are most of the archipelagos covered in mega-structures that also go into the water, while the continents are still sparkly populated even if some high-tech cities can be found there also. The native zabraks have calmed down and while many of them live much similar to how their ancestors did (most natives take pride in that they can survive of the land using only the tools their community create) do they now use communicators, speeders when needed and can call upon modern medicine. Thanks to the Kiffu Guardians acting as neutral judges and lawmen in conflicts between groups so has much fighting stopped (at least after the Guardians made it very clear that they don’t take lightly on anybody going against any judgment they have taken part of) and while many of the zebraks still carry blades so are most of them trained in sword dance and other showmanship way of the blade than being real warriors - even if there still exist some real (and deadly) blademasters on Molnar.

    Beside the kiffar and the zabraks (who can also be found in the archipelago mega-cities) do there also exist communities of iyras and patrolians who has been working in Molnar’s underwater mining and construction business for generations.

    While in theory a two chamber parliamentary democracy (one chamber made up by representatives of the different political parties, the other made up by representatives of all the different realms/states on the continents), Molnar is in practice a police state with the leader of the Kiffu Guardians in the system, the system-chief, who is also the boss over all other aspects of Molnar’s law-enforcement, as the person who carries the last and final word on any decision. Thankfully so has most of the system-chiefs only used this power when it has been absolutely been needed, this has also hidden how much influence the Guardians have over Molnar from the Republic.

    The Molnar zabraks don’t have a unified culture but they all respect honour (personal- and group-honour), handicraft, well-crafted blades and knowledge how to use it (even if it just showmanship skills). Their way of dress differ depending on from where they come from but I suggest looking at the clothing from pre-Qin-dynasty China, pre-colonial south-of-Sahara Africa and the Aino people for inspiration. Their swords, daggers and polearms are straight bladed. The kiffars on Molnar dress and act similar to their homeworld kin. [I have no ideas about the culture/fashion of the iyras nor the patrolians]
    * part of Kiffar space


    Ogden's Rock
    A smaller airless planetoid without a star of its own, throughout its history have been covered in space port structure and caverns have been dug out, air-filled and made habitable. The reason for this is that Ogden’s Rock lay in a the middle of one of the Voss Sector’s hyperspace routs, making the planetoid perfect for stopover.

    Has a large minority of ithorians who take care of the great gardens and farms that can be found in all the caverns to provide food and oxygen.


    A backwater rock in the Kiffar sector with only one continent that is mostly made up by dessert and dry steps even if there exist many different kinds of forests and swamps near the coast and were rain fall with regularity. There are also a larger amount of islands all over the planet of different size and hospitality.

    The population is mostly human with groups of myke existing and is known for their laconic and strange way of speaking (many outsider have been more then confused by oradongian basic). Most of the myke, who have dark brown skin with a red tint, live as a hunter-gatherers and half nomadic farmers.

    Oradongia main produce, export and consumption is beer, which is by many beer-lovers considered among the best in the galaxy and it is known for it’s rather unfriendly animal life, the native have learned to live with it and usually just find it funny when outsiders return from the bush swearing to never return.


    Pseuvoss – a planet with low air pressure: at sea level the air pressure is similar to the one at 7 km on Earth (for information so do the Death Zone begin at 8 km over Earth’s sea level), making only the lover areas of Pseuvoss live able for most immigrant species. The native land flora is similar to the one find on Mount Roraima while the fauna mostly resemble crabs and mantis shrimp, with highly colourful shells.

    Pseuvoss is mostly colonized by Patrolians in the sea and Givin on land, with minorities of other species (mostly humans and, in slightly smaller numbers, vratix) living at the sea level. The humans are usually dark haired, with tan to dark brown skinned, and brown, grey or yellow eyes.

    The planet lacks a unified culture but has some returning points all over the planet: a respect for mathematic knowledge and understanding; and a intolerance for lawbreakers

    The a majority of the members of the Kiffar clan Vekslé lives on Pseuvoss.
    * part of Kiffar space


    A waterworld in the Kiffar sector with a landmass of around 10% split around many archipelagos, it's over all warm and humid (no permanent polar ice). When the expanding Kiffar people first come to Rokovoko they found it already colonised by humans and nautolan, who had lost contact with the wider galaxy and were divided into tribes and had a rather advanced stone-age technology.

    Now a-days so have the kiffars and Rokovoko people fully merged with the kiffar culture coming on top, even if part of the old Rokovoko culture exist. Rokovoko kiffars have overall tan to brown skin with a slight red tint and are seen as a bit more laidback and casual then most other kiffars. Beside the qukuuf so do many Rokovoko kiffars also tattoo their bodies with the traditional Rokovoko patterns (resembling Scandinavian petroglyphs), this tradition is shared with the nautolan.

    The Kiffu Guardians on Rokovoko are specialised on keeping order on and under water and unlike most other branches of the Kiffu Guardians so do they accept non-kiffars into their ranks but only the Rokovoko nautolan, who themselves have adopted many kiffar ways. When it comes to the nautolan Guardians so was my idea that they begun to recruit them because there was just to hard for the kiffars to uphold the law below the sea, it was a decision of necessity. The nautolan are ritually adopted into one of the clans on Rokovoko and even given an qukuuf.

    The non Rokovoko kiffars have an tendency to distrust and look down on the nautolan Guardians, something that often makes the few nautolan guardians who leave Rokovoko return rather quickly.
    Many of the guardians customise their uniforms with wooden talismans, dried sea-animals, “shark” teeth necklace and similar items. The human Guardians are all equipped with self-expanding lifejackets and aquata breathers.

    Lesser crimes that don’t send you to Kiffex is usually punished with community service at any of the fishing ships, seaweed-, clam farms, or similar.

    Rokovoko main exports are sea-foodstuff and seaweed-oil and it is known for its handmade wood-, coral- and boneworks.
    * part of Kiffar space


    A world in the Kiffar sector whose axial tilt create extreme seasons and those extreme seasons create extreme weather, weather that all to often end in lightning storms. Earlier explorers had found Tashtego unfit for colonising because of this, not the kiffar, to them they had finally found a planet that felt like home.
    Tashtego have six continent, covered in tundra in the areas where the seasons create continual sun in the summer and darkness in the winter, in the areas between so are mostly thick forests and swamps covering the land.

    The cities on Tashtego are built on, and in, primary rock, often at the mountain side or in areas that often is blessed by lightning storms. Where it is possible so are the cities connected by underground bullet-trains.

    There exist a larger population of non-kiffars (mostly humans, sullustans and svivreni) who are mostly farmers, workers and lower middleclass.

    The last decades the Tashtego government have had problem with an religious cult who worship an pantheon of gods, the highest being the fertility goddess known, at least by the non-members, as the Black Mother which is also is the reason they are called ‘the Black Church’. The cult was declared illegal after showing subversive tendencies and one too many “accidental” deaths happened at their bacchanalian holy rites.

    After being declared illegal so did the member go into hiding, either in the cities or in the wilderness. What makes the Black Church more then a minor threat is that they seem able to control the shibacks – a treelike monster with branch like tentacles (or is it tentacle like branches?), its roots ending in hooves, and trunk have numerous drooling maws – who usually live in the deepest forest and swamps and seldom wander into open land. The Guardians have come to the conclusion that it is most likely that the Black Church have Force users among their ranks but as of yet [yet can be anytime before the Jedi purge or after the creation of Luke’s order if any of you want to use it in a story] have not contacted the Jedi since that would mean that they admit that they can not do their job.

    Tashtego main exports are woodstuff and minerals (most which are mined in the areas who have periods of eternal darkness/sun) and have of lately become well-known in food circles for its flamboyant chefs who cock the meals fully visible for the guests and with much showmanship
    * part of Kiffar space


    Voyn's Reach – a cold word with glaciers covering most of both the northern and southern hemispheres with a city encircling the whole equator. Between the city and the glaciers lays taiga and tundra.

    The city is mostly made up by four to ten storied buildings, with some clusters of skyscrapers. The streets are more often than not labyrinthal in construction. The architecture resemble Italian and French renascence cities, if built for colder climate.

    Large mustelidae-like animals are used as mounts and pack animals.

    The people often dress in tricorne hats, and inverness or ulster coats over tunics with vests - people carry items in their vest pockets and in satchels.


    On the surface, a featureless rock, but is riddled right down to its core by crystalline caves. Most of the native life is crystal based but there exist caverns filled with nutrient lakes where small, isopoda-like species have evolved. The combination of groups of naturally phosphorus algae and crystals and the reflective nature of the crystals caverns create an eternal twilight more or less all over the underground realm of Yarri.

    Have been colonized by of Melitto how have created numerus of lake-towns among the caverns, most that are self-sufficient regarding foodstuff.

    Export crystals of many the kind and technology and items based on the more exotic crystals, like the Yarri crystal blaster, crystal batteries, and crystal blades.

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2019
    Findswoman likes this.
  3. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hey, everybody, new fanon challenge time! And this is a very special one indeed—it gives me great pleasure to announce

    [face_dancing] THE GAMIEL GAMES! [face_dancing]

    Most of us who frequent this thread know @Gamiel—the one, the only, the fanonista and fanon-question-asker par excellence, author of at least a third of the fanon posts in this thread, and avid participant in fanon challenges and discussions. He has done so much to make the Fanon Thread the place that it is that I thought it was high time to show him some appreciation. And what better way to do that than... a challenge dedicated exclusively to Gamiel's fanon creations!

    It'll be the usual roulette deal: pick a number from one (1) to fifteen (15) (which you can do here in the thread), and Gamiel will assign you one of his fanon elements, with a link to the appropriate post, and I'll add those things to the index below. (I may be a bit slow in doing so, however, as I'll be on vacation August 5–15.)

    You may use your assigned fanon elements in the story in any way you choose, so long as they're clearly and recognizably present. In longer posts with numerous fanon elements, you by no means have to use every single thing—feel free to pick and choose.

    Stories will be due in a little over four months, on December 6 (Gamiel's birthday!), at 11:59 PM PST. As usual, there will be two weeks of voting to follow, with one special little difference: as the honoree of this challenge, Gamiel's vote will count as two (2) votes. You won't know which story he voted for (that will be kept confidential, as always), but know that the voting will be a wee bit weighted in favor of that story, whatever it is.

    And finally, the mods have generously agreed to offer the winner(s) 48 hours of colors! (Thank you so much, mods! :) )

    2. Findswoman: Nightworlds
    4. devilinthedetails: Planets in the Mandalorian Sector
    5. Kahara: Worrites
    8. Raissa Baiard: Bounty Hunter SyndicatesAn (Adjective) Profession
    9. Sith-I-5: Criminal Organizations
    10. Viridian-Maiden: CorporationsSentient Assets
    13. TheRynJedi: Pirates (Various Pirate Organizations)

    And now...
    [face_dancing] LET THE GAMIEL GAMES BEGIN! [face_dancing]
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
  4. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    What a cool challenge and a fun tribute to Fanon's most prolific contributor: :D Okay, the Random Fate Generator has given me---number 8.
    Kahara, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  5. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Woohoo, this is going to be fun! [face_dancing] has given me #2—let's see what that gets me....
    Kahara and Gamiel like this.
  6. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Behind number 8 we find: Bounty Hunter Syndicates
    Behind number 2 we find: Nightworlds

    Good luck with the writing :D
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  7. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Well done, Gamiel.

    Random Number Generator, gave me, 9
    Kahara, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  8. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Behind number 9 we find: Criminal Organizations
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  9. TheRynJedi

    TheRynJedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 20, 2018
    Lucky 13!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Kahara, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  10. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Behind number 13 we find: Pirates (various pirate organizations)

    EDIT reason: I saw wrong number and originally gave a wrong fanonpost
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    Kahara and TheRynJedi like this.
  11. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Hardly worth mentioning, three words added to my The Panic Vollock / TPV article, to base that vehicle on an Ansion' transport craft called a LAM.

    Edit: Sorry, just noticed, my OTP challenge entry has been started, not this one.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  12. TheRynJedi

    TheRynJedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 20, 2018
    Ooh, I could do something with those, hopefully before the due date
    Kahara, Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  13. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    All right, the index should now be up to date! Just by way of warning, I’m leaving to go on vacation tomorrow, so I may not be able to update the index with great punctuality in the two weeks when I’m away—but @Gamiel will continue to hand out numbers and fanon elements. :)

    And @Sith-I-5, thanks for letting us know about your update two posts up. If it’s all right, given all the RL busyness I’ve got at present, I’m just going to let your post stand in lieu of a regular updates post by me. Naturally anyone is still welcome to PM this sock about updates, new posts, etc.—just know that I won’t be able to respond quickly.

    Thanks, and as always, have fun! :D
    Kahara and Gamiel like this.
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  15. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    I'll try lucky # 5. :p
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  16. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Behind number 5 we find: my post about the Worrite species, their tech and their worlds.
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  17. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I'll give number 4 a try if nobody minds.
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  18. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Behind number 4 we find: Planets in the Mandalorian Sector
  19. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Findswoman likes this.
  20. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    By Ryn trade, are you referring to the species, or something else?
    Findswoman likes this.
  21. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Ops, it's supposed to say ryll not ryn

    Have fixed that now
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2019
    Findswoman and Sith-I-5 like this.
  22. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    This is not really fanon but it’s something I have made and thought others might have use for.

    Swedish/old Swedish words to make your culture Swedish/Scandinavian/Viking-ish
    One of the way to show how a culture is different is by having them use different titles or words for some occupation, items and/or similar. I was thinking about making a culture appear a bit Swedish/Scandinavian/Viking-ish by having them using titles and words from the Swedish language, mostly older words, some from the Viking-age. The original idea never went anywhere but I still made the list.

    Priest/priestess = gode/gydja (modern spelling of the old Viking titles)
    Chief = hövding (a village chief is called byhövding (can be used for mayor); the provincial governor = landshövding; bandit chief = rövarhövding (can also be used for pirate chief if you use rymdrövare for pirate, see below))
    Rifle = bössa, can also be used as a collective term for longer guns, like: rifles and shotguns, even small canons.
    Rifleman = bösseskytt, plural is in Swedish bösseskyttar.
    Space pirate = rymdrövare used for both singular and plural.
    Caff = Kaffe
    Daylaberer = fordelskarl

    Seer/shaman = völva or vala. Is traditionally only female. Could also be used for any mystic whose powers are not mainly of a religious nature. The mystical art practised by völva/vala was known as sejd.
    Witch = häxa. Has traditionally a negative connection, if you use völva/vala could häxa be used for any mystic that uses her powers for selfish gain and/or in ways that hurt other
    Witchcraft = häxkonster, definite form: häxkonst

    Jarl is used in many works the same way you use king or other highest-leader-titles, this is to my understanding wrong: the title of jarl is more along the line of meaning second-in-command (of a noble) or viceroy. I can see it being used instead of CEO among companies. A jarl who is the kings second-in-command is called riksjarl (= ca. jarl of the realm) and could possibly be used for the prime/state minister role if you want.

    Sejd is the mystical art practised by völva/vala. To my understanding it usually involves the völva/vala performing a spellsong known as galder.

    Settlement suffixes
    -by = village/town
    -torp = croft, can also be used as suffix for small villages
    -hult = village/town
    -stad = city
    -borg = castle/bastion, many settlements build around a castle/bastion have -borg as an suffix
    -köping = market town

    Worth to mention is that many settlements begin as something smaller and than sometime keep the suffix they ones had as a village or town, even after becoming a city.

    If people want any kind of words not listed here just ask and I will provide
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
    Findswoman likes this.
  23. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    So, how are things coming along with the Gamiel Games, everyone? Any thoughts/ideas/plot bunnies at this stage? And as always, if there are any questions that either @Gamiel or I can answer for you, just say the word. :)

    Incidentally, the Gamiel Games index should now be up to date. If I’ve accidentally left you out or mislinked something, just let me know, and I’ll do my best to fix it.

    And finally, while I’m here, a couple new updates for you all:
    Gamiel likes this.
  24. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    A question: I have an idea in my mind of an evil* species that could function as: the not-one-bit-noble barbarian in the uncivilized land; minions for the main bad guy; depraved pirates/gangs and similar kind of people heroes don't need to feel bad about fighting and killing off. And I was wondering if people would be interested in my actually writing down this idea as a fanon post?
    * as in murderous, sadistic and cannibalistic


    @Sith-I-5 some suggestions regarding your Fanon - Foodstuffs and Drink post
    Suggest that you make Ansion a link and that you maybe change the sentence to " Fruit native to the planet Ansion, in the Churnis sector; north-west* Mid Rim," since saying a planet lay in the Mid-Rim is like saying a town is in Asia.
    * or whatever the space terminology is
    you should make all those into links

    Becouse the First Order's weapon testing crews eat up all the Tico Pies? ;)

    What kind of pancakes? Thick pancakes? Oven pancake? Thin pancakes? Other kind of pancakes?
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
    Findswoman likes this.
  25. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    @Gamiel - Mostly good suggestions...that I shall probably follow.

    The Tico Pies observation was intended to represent the POV of consumers not on Hays Minor, and no desire to go there to see what cut the supply off.
    So I'm happy with the existing statement.

    Edit: The lancake one will require me to find which fic or RP featured them, and determine from the context, what kind they would have been. If I had to guess, I would say the stuff you pour syrup over. Actually, I might just say that, and forego the investigation.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
    Findswoman and Gamiel like this.