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****The Leias Buns Public House****

Discussion in 'Archive: London UK' started by Jedi_Jimbo, Oct 12, 2005.

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  1. Darth-Jedi-Master

    Darth-Jedi-Master Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 2, 2005
    ok Jim you only get hugs if you wear the Batman outfit ;) :p
  2. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    What can I say Amber, the lure of the darkside is all to powerful for me.
    I love the Darkside!!!!
    It gets you ladies.
    Lightside gets your hand cut off and a sister for a girlfriend!

    See, the ladies LOVE the Batman outfit.
    This is why I wear it!
  3. ForceGhostOfCozmic

    ForceGhostOfCozmic Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 25, 2005
  4. Darth-Jedi-Master

    Darth-Jedi-Master Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 2, 2005
    I have to go see you all later [:D]
  5. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    See ya DJM.

    Cozmic, thanks for coming, please pop by whenever you want.
    You will be my guest!
  6. ForceGhostOfCozmic

    ForceGhostOfCozmic Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 25, 2005
    Bye Monica....again :p
  7. lukesgirlie

    lukesgirlie Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 30, 2005
    I refrain from commenting
  8. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    Well MOST ladies love it!
  9. ForceGhostOfCozmic

    ForceGhostOfCozmic Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 25, 2005
    And I thought the CCC was quiet tonight :p

    Ah this is too quiet for me, cya [face_peace]
  10. lukesgirlie

    lukesgirlie Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 30, 2005 just hit me...LADIES love it.

    What am I doing [face_worried]
  11. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    No one ever knows what you are doing Serena!
  12. gaiatha

    gaiatha Jedi Knight star 5

    May 25, 2002
    What a wonderfull 5 hour night.
    I feel like I already had one or two drinks too much. :p

    I'm wondering if anyone here at the office would notice when my head lies on the table for a few minutes... hours...

  13. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    I have spent both my breaks today sleeping.
    I only got about 5 hours last night too.

    Superstrong coffee?
  14. gaiatha

    gaiatha Jedi Knight star 5

    May 25, 2002
    What kept you from sleeping? Been working on your Batman costume? ;) :p

    I'm normaly not so much into coffee, but I think I can risk a virtual one. So yes please :) ;)
  15. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    *Hands Gaiatha a coffee*

    I just couldn't sleep then was up at 3 am for work!
  16. gaiatha

    gaiatha Jedi Knight star 5

    May 25, 2002

    I was up till 3am because of "work" :p
    oh well sleep is overrated.
  17. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    No way!
    I love my sleep.
    In fact I love my bed, it is where all the stuff I enjoy happens.
  18. gaiatha

    gaiatha Jedi Knight star 5

    May 25, 2002
    But no details okay :p

    So this is bar talk isn't it :p

  19. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    Yes it is.

    And by stuff I enjoy I meant sleeping, watching movvies and having midnight snacks.

    What were you thinking?
  20. gaiatha

    gaiatha Jedi Knight star 5

    May 25, 2002
    midnight snack :eek:
    gosh... that's just wrong.


    Hopefully I can get some sleep at the car... It's convention weekend for me and we have a 4 hour drive. Maybe the only chance this weekend to get some sleep...
  21. AmberStarbright

    AmberStarbright Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Dec 20, 2002
    Sure, sure :p
  22. Lord-Tice

    Lord-Tice Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 20, 2001
    I think it's now traditional to stay up until the early hours making costumes just before a convention Jule ;)
    Even though C4 is two years away, I still bet all the money in the world you'll be up unti 3-4:00 am making costumes for it in the final week :p
    As long as it's going according to plan, and hopefully you will get some sleep in the car....I've heard that there's not much to see in Belgium anyway ;)
    And tell Flo to drive carefully!! :p
    Are you leaving tonight or very early tomorrow??

    I met someone at Collectormania who's making a Batman costume. It's getting there slowly, I'll ask Ant if he has any web links for it :D
  23. gaiatha

    gaiatha Jedi Knight star 5

    May 25, 2002
    I only work good under pressure :p
    But serious I have to work on my time management. ;)

    Flo is going to pick me up any minute actually :D

    So I'll say bye now just in case. ;)
    Have a good weekend all! :D
  24. Lord-Tice

    Lord-Tice Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 20, 2001
    There's nothing like a bit of pressure to get the best long as you can have a cup of tea afterwards ;)

    Well, have a Wicked Weekend Jule :D
    Photos on my desk by Monday morning, please :p

    I'll be dinning out this weekend to celebrate my Mum's b'day and my parents wedding anniversary. So, drinks are on me everyone!!!! ;), did I just type wicked?? [face_worried] :p
  25. Jedi_Jimbo

    Jedi_Jimbo Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2004
    Lord_Tice that would be awesome.
    I really want to make a Sith outfit and a batman one.
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