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Saga - PT The Lost Study Session. (GiftFic for @earlybird-obi-wan)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by ConservativeJedi321, Dec 24, 2024.

  1. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    The Prompt I chose is as follows:
    2. a story with Siri Tachi and Obi-Wan exploring the archives with their padawans
    Gift for @EarlyBirdObiwan
    The Lost Study Session.
    Author: ConservativeJed321
    Time Frame: Post TPM
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenbi, Siri Tachi, Ferus Olin, Jocasta Nu
    Key Words: Exploration, Jedi Culture, Lost Twenty, Holocron Vault.
    Genre: Gift Fic
    Summary: Anakin needs to write an essay but gets distracted along the way.
    Typical Disclaimer: I don’t own Star Wars, obviously. All this is the intellectual property of Lucasfilm and Disney.

    “No less than two pages.” Obi-Wan raised a finger pointedly at his apprentice, who was seated at the table in the Archives grumbling to himself. “I thought being a Jedi was about saving the galaxy.” Anakin Skywalker complained.

    “School work now, save the galaxy later.” the Jedi Knight offered a sardonic grin to his impatient student.

    Giving the teenager breathing room, Obi-Wan found his way to the central Rotunda of the archives where all data storage was distributed to the relevant sectors of the library. There he see’s Chief Librarian Madame Jocasta Nu speaking to a very familiar blond Jedi Knight.

    “This disc contains copies of all our files on the Sugi People.” The elder woman was speaking with a stale cadence, her hands folded before her, and nose turned high. “Including the Arms Dealership?” Siri Tachi tested cautiously.

    “As I said, all our files on the Sugi People.” Madame Jocasta restated curtly, before dismissing herself.

    “One of these days we will learn not to question her.” Obi-Wan remarked from his station across the room. Tachi’s blue gaze turned towards him for the first time. “Well, you might.” she smirked.

    “The Sugi?” Obi-Wan enquired. “Still playing in the underworld?”

    “Apparently it's what the Council thinks I'm best at.” Siri moved towards him, pocketing the information disc as she did so. “Has to be better than Krayns gang.” He responded.

    She raised one eyebrow at that but chose to change the topic.

    “Surprised to see you on Coruscant.” His companion observed, glancing down to his boots, before scanning up towards his eyes. “The Council has kept us busy.” Obi-Wan confessed. “But even heroes need a break every once in a while.”

    “Is that Skywalker's grandiloquence I sense in your words?” She folded her arms in teasing admonishment.

    “A serious accusation.” he responded, placing one hand on his heart and feigning insult.

    After a short chuckle, Obi-Wan took a moment to think about her statement some more.

    “I suppose they teach us as much as we teach them.”

    “Yoda wouldn’t have it any other way.” She responded.

    This prompted Kenobi to consider how that may not necessarily be the case in his own partnership, though Yoda had certainly taken a particular interest in Anakin’s case.
    “I trust your apprentice is around here somewhere?” Obi-Wan prodded.
    “I sent him to retrieve Master Gallia.” Siri confirmed. “I’d like access to the holocron of Thame Cerulian, I have heard he had encounters with the weapons traders I’m being sent to investigate and she can grant access to the vault.” The other Knight glanced around the circular chamber briefly, as if to expect her apprentice back at any moment. Siri smiled, the curve of her lips betraying the confidence she had in her apprentice and causing an odd flutter in Obi-Wan’s heart.

    Ferus was very efficient as well as task oriented and the thought of an early return on his part spoiling their reunion was all too possible.

    “And your apprentice?” she redirected.

    “Writing a report on Revan for History class.” Obi-Wan admitted.

    “That…. is a cruel assignment.” She frowned theatrically, remembering all too well when they had a similar exam many years ago. “Perhaps, but I found it interesting, and it should keep him out of trouble for a few hours.”

    “Oh, Obi-Wan. Do you really believe that?”


    Whose idea of a history report was this? Anakin questioned relentlessly.
    ‘Two pages on the Jedi Civil War and its conclusion.’- was that even possible?

    It seemed every source on the topic he found contradicted the previous, after finding a fourth inconsistent report on Revan’s duel with Darth Malak he had given up, laid his head in his arms and screamed out with frustration.

    “That’s a unique way to study.” a voice interjected.

    Oh no, not him.

    Anakin picked himself up and turned to face the speaker. Only a couple years older than Anakin, slightly taller, with dark hair that contained a light streak.

    Ferus Olin, Mr. perfect himself.

    “What are you doing here?” The older boy cocked an eyebrow at Anakin’s question.

    “Jedi Temple.” He gestured to the room around them, before pointing at the lightsaber at his hip. “Jedi.”

    Anakin rolled his eyes. “No, I mean what are you doing here, in the archives, at this moment.”

    Ferus offered a shrug. “My Master is doing some research on our latest mission.” He pulled the baggy sleeves of his brown robe together to hide his hands before him, an image many would say gave him a serene look, but to Anakin just made him look cocky. “She’s asked me to get some records to help her. Nothing for you to concern yourself with.”

    Anakin pulled himself out of his seat and pushed past Ferus. “So maybe you should get on that, I’m going for a walk.”

    “I thought you had an essay to write?” his companion interrupted.

    “And how do you know that?” Anakin glared back, clear annoyance in his voice.

    “You’ve been stuck on that opening sentence for the last few minutes at least.”

    Unbelievable. “Not just eavesdropping anymore.” He responded in accusation. “You’ve been spying on me.” Anakin threw his arms in the air, he couldn’t even get a moment of undisturbed peace while trying to do classwork.

    “I thought I made it clear after Radnor I was going to keep an eye on you.”

    “I don’t need a babysitter.” Anakin scoffed, moving forward without a second thought or even a glance back. Ferus, however, was quick on his heels.

    “If you feel the need to break the rules I will get the Masters.” The buzzkill stated bluntly.

    “I’m just going for a walk!” Anakin responded. “I think better on my feet.”

    “Somehow I doubt it.” the older apprentice offered with a blank expression.

    “Fine, Know it all.” Anakin allowed a forced smirk, a pretense of cordiality. “If you’re along for the ride, how about teaching me something. What are those?” He pointed at a line of bronze sculptures behind the computer terminals. Ferus glanced at them, his eye’s half closed giving him a mournful look, he pulled one hand up to his chin thoughtfully in a gesture that made it seem he was trying too hard to appear older than his years. “The Memorial of the Lost Twenty, the only Jedi Masters to ever leave the order willingly, due to ideological differences.” Ferus gave Anakin a puzzled expression. “Surely your master has already taught you this.”

    “Probably.” he answered with a yawn. “I don’t learn well with lectures.” Moving forward, Skywalker considered for a moment as he leaned on one of the pedestals. “What's the big deal?” he tilted his head while observing this bust of a bearded human male with regal features. “People don’t just leave the Jedi Order Anakin.” Ferus exclaimed, looking more than a little annoyed at Anakin's irreverence. “We were raised from birth, selected by the force itself to be guardians of the light. Most of us know no other way. ‘The shield of peace, and the sword of justice the Jedi are.’”

    “Ok Yoda Jr.” Anakin snickered, and Ferus seemed put off by that exclamation. “Master Y..”

    “Oh look at that!” the younger boy interrupted, far more eager to bypass another lecture from his companion than he was finding another object of interest to distract him.

    Releasing the bronze face Skywalker passed through a line of computer mainframes towards a mystery door back in the shadows. “Where does this lead?” He pressed a button, only for the light to flash red and chirp a buzzing noise that implied a denial of entry.

    “That is the core mainframe.” Ferus gave no reaction whatsoever to Anakin’s failed attempt to enter that locked room. “Only Masters are allowed access, it’s where all the Archive data is inputted upon discovery.” Could he be any more full of himself?

    “And how do you know that?” Skywalker moved past the dead end, trying to find another prospective escape from his shadow.

    “I overheard Madame Jocasta explaining it after an information retrieval mission.” Ferus wasn’t far behind, seemingly not realizing how Anakin didn’t care. “That's where any new sources are downloaded and cataloged before copies are sent to the central rotunda to be assigned to the appropriate wings. It contains every single piece of data the Jedi Temple has to offer.” There was a distinct aura of awe in his voice. How could he be so impressed by a door he likely would never see the other side of?

    By this point Anakin had stopped paying attention, how in the world could any teenager be so boring? Any one of the younger boys' friends back on Tatooine would be jumping up the walls to explore this labyrinth, not for the musty scrolls and treatises but for the secrets it held. When he had first arrived here Master Kenobi had only offered the barest hints at the depths of the library's reservoir of knowledge, promising a bottomless fount of mysteries and riddles nobody else could know the answer to.

    At the same time, his master had left Anakin isolated and weary, studying a 4,000-year-old conflict that had no correct conclusion. There HAD to be more interesting things hidden in the nooks and crannies of this temple.

    It took a second for the older boy to catch up with Anakin as he had dashed quite far ahead by this point: peeking around corners, and opening odd doors, sure that there was something more to be uncovered.

    “Come on Ferus, this place has more information than any place in the galaxy, aren’t you even a little curious what hidden treasures it holds?” the cheeky boy turned and waved his hands around, signalling to every startling sight or point of interest. Still amazed by the massive columns and halls even all these years into his training.

    “I can get all the information I need at a terminal, anything I can’t find there I don’t need to know.”

    Ugh, so dull. Was it even possible for someone their age not to have the faintest wisp of rebellion within him? “Then why don’t you do that?” Anakin proposed once again. “You said your Master trusted you with a task, you don’t want to keep her waiting, do you?”

    “She would agree with me that keeping you in line is more urgent.” Ferus insisted, but as he said the words he was no longer looking at Anakin but past him. “Wait here.” the more studious apprentice told his colleague.

    This naturally piqued Anakin's interest.

    “Why? What's that? What are you doing?”

    “It’s the Holocron vault.” Ferus gestured towards the large, circular safe secured against the back wall of the archives. “Only Masters of the Jedi Council are allowed access, so don’t even bother trying to break in.” He froze briefly, seemingly having realized he had just issued a challenge to Anakin Skywalker, one the younger boy was all too eager to take on.

    “Please just stay out of trouble. I just saw Master Adi Gallia. She can get a holocron from the vault Master Tachi requested I retrieve on her behalf. I will be right back.”

    Anakin however was already thinking three steps ahead.


    “You do remember what it was like at his age, right?” Siri Tachi suggested.

    This line of thought unconsciously drew Obi-Wan Kenobi forward towards her, only a couple steps but with a clear message in mind. “All too well.” He beamed.

    Siri seemed startled by this briefly, and for the barest moment Kenobi thought he may have flustered her, an all too uncommon sight these days, in his humble opinion.

    “That is not what I meant.” She stated a matter-a-factly, leaving him feeling somewhat let down.

    “Oh, I know what you mean.” He looked intensely at her for a moment, before returning his focus to the ornate ceiling decorations above them, trying to relieve some tension.

    “I still like to think that on those rare occasions I stepped out of line, I was more discreet about it than Anakin is.” A bold proclamation perhaps, one that caused his fellow Knight to place her hands on her hips and tilt her head in a clearly skeptical gesture. “Or maybe our master's just let us think that.”

    A kind action on her part, to pretend she ever stepped out of line. Siri Tachi was always the ideal student; of the kind Obi-Wan Kenobi was always trying to be. It was however a fascinating question, one Obi-Wan regretted he may never get the proper answers to. It wasn’t inconceivable to him Qui-Gon Jinn may have turned a blind eye to his childish lapses in judgement from time to time.

    “You know.” She stepped forward. “In my last encounter with Quinlan Vos he told me an interesting story.” Looking back to her, Obi-Wan folded his arms and prepared for the worst.

    “Oh really?”

    She placed an analytical hand on her chin while giving him a mischievous look. “Something about you and him joking around on the side of a river and falling in, almost drowning.”

    “Oh.” Obi-Wan wondered where and in what context this conversation was brought up.

    “I’m sure Quinlan exaggerates...” He started after a moment.

    “So, Qui-Gon didn’t need to save you two?” She mocked lightly, one more step, and there was barely one degree of separation between them. For a moment Obi-wan forgot what exactly they had agreed their relationship would be.

    “I didn’t say that…” He offered a weak smile, knowing too well things were beginning to spiral.


    This cry both saved and annoyed Obi-Wan as the distraction drew both their attention to the not so serene apprentice sprinting in their direction. “Yes Ferus?” Siri Tachi responded on cue.

    “I lost Skywalker!” The frantic boy looked like the world was crumbling under him.

    The two knights shared a look. “It was never your job to watch him.” Obi-Wan responded.

    "How about you catch us up?” Siri spoke calmly, as if nothing at all were out of the ordinary here.

    “He said he just wanted to stretch his legs.” Ferus threw his arms in the air and started pacing. “I knew he was up to something. I should never have taken my eyes off him!”

    Obi-Wan stepped forward, following his friend's example, he raised a soothing hand. “Where did you last see him?”

    “The Holocron Vault.” Ferus bowed his head in shame. “He was right next to me when Master Gallia went in, but when she came back out he had vanished.”

    Kenobi and Tachi shared a look, and he cocked one eyebrow. Was it really that much of a mystery? With a relaxed demeanor that understated Ferus’s earlier panic, the two Jedi approached a comm unit, and buzzed Madame Jocasta Nu.

    Upon her arrival they briefed her on their suspicions. “This is most unorthodox.” She grumbled.

    “We don’t want to touch anything.” Obi-Wan clarified. “We just want to check if my apprentice snuck in.”

    “Perhaps we could ask a Councilor?” the librarian suggested. “I know Master Gallia was just around here somewhere.” The two Knights glanced at the lone apprentice waiting awkwardly behind them. Had he been thinking clearer he could have come up with that idea on his own while Gallia was still within earshot instead of rushing to their side.

    Kenobi simply nodded. “If you don’t mind leaving Anakin to his own devices in there for a couple more minutes, I’m sure we can…”

    The elderly woman's eyes shot open in a way that implied she had only just understood the implications of that line of thought. “Oh, very well.” She muttered. “But never again.” She offered a clear reprimand, pushing past them with distaste in her disposition. “You will need to keep a better eye on your student in the future.”

    There was a prickle of amusement in the air, and Obi-Wan wasn’t entirely sure if it was coming from Siri or Ferus, neither of which betrayed any judgement in their expression. It was actually unnerving how alike they could be at times, though Siri had at least lightened a little with age.

    Ultimately, the Knights followed Jocasta Nu to the vault and watched as she waved her hand before the magnetic lock, and the large door swung open.

    Sure enough, deep inside sat young Skywalker, his gaze transfixed on a moving holographic image of a young woman with dark hair, wearing an orange and red full body suit in the style of Jedi during the Old Republic. “The Rakatta held the secrets we were looking for.” She was saying. “An archaic space station capable of churning out massive fleets by the thousands. Their damaged star maps laid the path forward, and we put the pieces together, one by one, to discover those most ancient of secrets…”

    At last, the boy looked up to aknowledge the intruders.

    “Master! I finally figured out my opening paragraph.”

    Obi-wan felt all eyes on him, this was certainly a serious infraction and thus deserving of serious consequences. He did appreciate that Anakin was actually working on his essay, however.
    Perhaps he should double its size?

    “What?” Anakin Shrugged. “It’s not like I broke in like Ferus suggested. I just snuck in while he wasn’t looking.”
    “How? I nev…”
    “Not the time.” Siri placed a hand on her apprentice's shoulder, before waving them all out. “Madame Jocasta only allowed us to retrieve Anakin, not linger.”

    As the four Jedi passed the stiff librarian on the way out, Obi-Wan felt his fellow knight's delicate fingers pull him towards her briefly.

    “At least it wasn’t the Bogan Collection.” Siri whispered in his ear, only just barely audible.

    “THE WHAT!?!” Both boys shouted in completely different tones.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2024
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    BRAVO you nailed the characters perfectly in this amusing story. Thank you for showing the friendship between Obi-Wan and Siri Tachi in this way. And Anakin and Ferus, rivals. With Anakin and his bending of the rules. Jocasta Nu and her haughty manners.
    Thank you for this gift.=D=^:)^[:D]
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent characterizations. Anakin's restlessness and curiosity are evident as is Nu's haughtiness ;) Obi-Wan and Siri are bantering friends. Olin seems to be ultra-serious and rather condescending. [face_thinking]
  4. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hah! What fun! :D Absolutely adorable Obi-Siri banter, with a tasty sprinkling of romantic interest thrown in. [face_love] And I have to admit I smirked to see Anakin get one better on that goody-goody Ferus; I don't know Ferus that well, but he seems like quite the piece of work. I bet Siri has her hands as much full with him as Obi-Wan has with Anakin, though in a different way, and to be fair, "keep an eye on Anakin" is as impossible an assignment as "write a paper on the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War." Poor Master Nu being dragged into the middle of this; I'd feel stern and frustrated about it too if I were in her place! :p But fortunately everything resolves happily, at least until those two mischievous padawans get their hands on the Bogan Vault! :p Very nice job on this very fun and sweet read; thank you so much for being part of the gift exchange. =D=
  5. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    [face_laugh] This was perfect! Perfect for the contrast between Anakin and Ferus, the banter between Obi-Wan and Siri, and the parallels between the two master/padawan pairs. Obi-Wan used to be the unruly one, and now he's saddled with an equally unruly padawan, whereas Siri was the conscientious one, and now she has "Mr. Perfect", "Know It All", "Yoda Jr." as her padawan. Of course, Ferus has Anakin's number – he might be the only person who really does at this point, and while Anakin is a nice, mischievous kid at this time of his life, Ferus has noticed how some of his character traits might evolve the wrong way... which makes him insufferable, if full of good intentions. It's telling that Siri doesn't find it bizarre that he was "keeping an eye on Skywalker"; she must trust his instincts on the matter, or at the very least indulge him for this minor obsession. But speaking the words "Bogan collection" within earshot of Anakin? That's definitely something you should never do!
  6. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    I have to echo the other commenters in saying you got the characters down perfectly! :D

    This is so relatable - I'm betting everyone who's ever been a student has reached this point at least once. :p

    I really liked this line because, to me at least, it captures a big part of what makes libraries so special. There's always something to discover or explore. [face_love]

    Oops! [face_laugh]

    This is one of those lines I can hear. Obi-Wan's voice comes through so clearly all through this fic. I really liked the banter between him and Siri, too.

    This was such a fun read! Awesome job! =D=
  7. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Finally getting around to responding to the comments and I appreciate every single one!
    I'm happy you think I got the characters right! I confess most of my experience with Ferus is much later in the timeline, so I needed a little refresher on his youthful character. I actually ended up getting the first Jedi Quest book for additional insight and really enjoyed it!

    I was afraid I may have overdone Olin, though seeing as those sections from Anakin's POV I suspect he's not a perfect narrator.

    It was a blast writing Obi and Siri for sure, I didn't want to be too on the nose because they have agreed to be friends, but the tension is very much there and not so easy to suppress as some stories seem to forget. Ferus lightens with age for what it's worth, and in fact leaves the Jedi Order before Knighthood (Another high point of irony I added with him discussing the Lost Twenty). Jocasta may be a little haughty from time to time, but I can imagine how stressful it is for her running the Archives, dealing with younglings and Padawans running amuck every day and definitely sympathize with her here. She's in a no-win situation when it comes to letting Anakin do his thing or breaking the rules to let Obi retrieve him.

    I'm an academic myself, and while Anakin may not appreciate the niceties of studying, I liked giving him an admiration for the secrets and Knowledge the Temple holds.

    Obi-Wan's voice must always maintain the right amount of sass and exasperation, it's a tough balance but always an enjoyable one. :p
  8. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I'm a huge fan of the PT era and of the Jedi Apprentice and Jed Quest books, and this story was a great illustration of why I love that era and those character so much! In particular, I enjoyed:

    I can totally picture Obi-Wan doing this.

    I can just hear Anakin grumbling this.

    This is Obi-Wan's dry tone exactly.

    Yep, that is the Jocasta Nu we meet in AOTC.

    Classic Siri and Obi-Wan banter always makes me chuckle[face_laugh]

    Yoda would indeed not have it any other way. So true that is:yoda:

    I loved the Thame reference. Just made me all nostalgic for my days reading the Jedi Quest and Jedi Apprentice books as a youngling.

    That is just such a Ferus comment.

    And that captures exactly how Anakin would think about Fetus both in general and in this particular situation.

    Well done with this story that put such a smile on my face as I was reading!
  9. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Sorry I missed this one in my last response! Too many quotes and divided responses left me confused with the formatting by the end. :p
    Thank you for the review, Obi-Wan's fun because he definitely sees himself as a rule follower but would later admit to Yoda in ESB that he was a little reckless from time to time. The lake story is taken directly from the Dreadnaughts of Rednelli comic so he can deny it all he wants, but it happened!

    Ferus definitely see's Anakin clearer than most. I do think Siri's reaction is very much a product of her previous comment to Obi-Wan that "Our Masters know more about us than they care to admit." She may not necessarily approve of Ferus getting distracted, but she would rather teach him in a constructive way rather than chastising him in front of Obi-Wan and Ani in a way that would only serve to embarrass him.

    Glad to see someone picked up on my Thame reference! I mostly know him from the Jedi Path and Yoda's Dark Rendezvous, but when looking for a character to fill this one-shot role I felt he fit the bill the best.

    I really need to catch up on the large swathe of prequel EU I've been missing! This project really has opened a lot of doors for me, and I'm glad you think I got all the voices just right. Film characters are easy enough, but book characters can be a challenge sometimes because there is a lot to account for.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
  10. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I didn’t know how much I needed a student!anakin story until now. Ferus really doesn’t get the way anakin’s mind works at times. :)
  11. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    A lot of people don't seem to understand Anakin. :p
    It's actually funny to think Anakin Skywalker had to face all the same challenges as any other student.
  12. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    I have to echo all of the above comments that said that this brought back so many good JA and JQ memories. This was such a fun read, and a perfect gift for @earlybird-obi-wan with the Temple shenanigans. [face_love]

    In particular, I enjoyed . . .

    It says something that, if you put this quote in a dark room, it could apply to so many of our favorite master and apprentice duos over the ages. And I love how you continued that theme of the cycle repeating itself from apprentice to master over the years in several ways throughout the story. :D

    You know, I didn't entirely catch on as to why Obi-Wan and Siri commiserated over this at first beyond the general commiseration over one's school days, but now it makes perfect sense. It was really clever to give a sort of meta tribute to the KotOR games, too, with there being not only one version of the story.

    The funny thing is that Anakin really does. Yet I can understand why that would be something that doesn't even begin to register with Ferus. [face_whistling] (In all honestly, I always found him to be a bit of a buzzkill, too, bless his heart, he means so well. :p)

    My inner nerd felt this on a spiritual level - little as I can imagine going to such extremes as Anakin, of course. :oops:

    All of Siri and Obi-Wan's interaction was enjoyable to read, and this passage most of all. [face_love]


    Quinlan may be very prone to exaggeration, but it's even funnier when there's absolutely no need to exaggerate in the first place.

    [face_laugh] Madame Nu is having A Day, to be sure. :p


    I can just imagine Anakin's earnest, lovable disaster face here - and Obi-Wan's long-suffering expression in reply. 8-} [face_love]

    Thank you for participating in the Fic Gift Exchange! This was a wonderfully enjoyable answer to the challenge. =D=
  13. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Thank you for the review!
    Oh the impudence of youth. :p

    Glad you noticed this! I felt, especially as a gift fic, it wasn't my place to legitimize one story over another (Even the canon one).
    In my original concept Anakin actually found the Noetikon of secrets in the Vault, but I pulled back a little and kept it a vaguer in the name of making it enjoyable to all. It's still pretty obvious who I intended the woman to be though.

    When someone gets their mind set on something all other possibilities go out the window. Plus he's not entirely wrong. [face_laugh]

    Same. If I could only spend an hour exploring the Jedi archives....

    I'm pretty sure she is always having a Day. I don't know how she keeps up with her job with all the grief us writers put her through. [face_batting]

    Honestly that was my favorite line to write, it reminded me so much of me when I was little and didn't seem to realize I had done something wrong.
    (Of course Anakin as a teenager is being a little cheekier than I was. He Know's he's in trouble, and is trying to soften the blow)
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025