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Characters The OC Revolution | NEW! 4Q 2024 Challenge: OCs Inside Out (9/27, #1856, p. 75)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by OCDatabaseSock, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Just over 5 weeks left. Write about your OC and OOC for her or him or it
    Findswoman and Kahara like this.
  2. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And now one (1) month! Stories are due November 27. Looking forward to seeing what we get! :)
    Kahara likes this.
  3. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    I love this challenge idea, but the plot bunnies aren't co-operating :(
  4. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Just over 17 days to go. Looking forward. What will we get for our nice challenge?
    Kit' and Kahara like this.
  5. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    10 days to go for the challenge
    Kahara and Kit' like this.
  6. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    I'm getting! I'm getting! But the mod challenge is stumping me :( I bit off more angst than I can chew.
  7. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And now one more week to go! What’ll we get? :D
    Kahara likes this.
  8. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And now three (3) days until stories are due, on the 27th!
    Kahara likes this.
  9. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999

    Imposters with Jedi Master Kithera Rinani, Padawan Kei D'ladame, Adhi and Persé
  10. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Our first entry, hooray! Got it in the index now. Thanks! :)
    Kahara likes this.
  11. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Last day of the challenge, everyone! There’s a little over 18 hours left to get entries in before voting time!
    Kahara likes this.
  12. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    It's monday 11-28 and so with only one entry we have no voting to do.
    Congrats to @Kit' with her great story and her OC's
  13. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    Congratulations, @Kit' !
  14. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Thanks Thumper! It was a great challenge too - lots of fun to play with the idea of 'what could have been'.
  15. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    The countdown to the deadline in here is stressful to read, even after it is all over.
  16. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    But the anticipation! It's only stressful when I'm the one writing... :p

    Congrats, @Kit'! =D=
  17. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And we have a new challenge. @Kit' gave this:
    I figured this one should be simple and fit with the end/beginning of the year concept. I suck at titles...I mean I really suck at titles.

    When a door closes... Challenge (Or the Janus Challenge after the Roman God of the new year who looked both forward and back).

    The end of the year brings the opportunity to reflect on what has been and look forward to what may soon come. Your OC feels the same. Write a story in which something in their life either comes to an end* or something new begins. How will your OC react to this upheaval?

    * Endings don't need to be massive dramatic (please don't kill characters!), just something in their life finishes or changes.

    Thanks @Kit'

    And it will be a long running challenge because of all those festivities coming. You will have three months to write an entry. Februari 28 23.59 Pacific time will be the deadline

    Challenge Index
    The High Clouds of Palsaang by Chyntuck
    A Sick One With a Smile by ViariSkywalker
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2023
  18. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Love that this was in you can see by the Title of this challenge....I really do suck at Titles.
  19. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    @OCDatabaseSock @Kit' Just to clarify for the challenge, this doesn't have to be a story where something happens at the end or the beginning of the year, right? It can happen at any time of the year, as long as it's a major change in the OC's life, is that correct?
  20. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Yes, I believe so—I’ll just double-check with @Kit', as she was the proposer of the challenge. Is that right, Kit’?
    Kahara and UltramassiveUbersue like this.
  21. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    It's all about the change in their life, so no it doesn't need to happen at the start or end of the year :D [face_love]

    That's right [face_love]
  22. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Thanks @Kit' :) I think I will have an entry for this challenge. That is, if my brain accepts to cooperate and finds that particular writing groove, because in the post-lockdown era I'm finding it difficult to focus on more than one story at a time. (Or maybe I'm just growing old :p )
  23. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Just a reminder. In a few hours it's februari and that's one month to go to write something for this challenge:
    When a door closes... Challenge (Or the Janus Challenge after the Roman God of the new year who looked both forward and back).
    UltramassiveUbersue and Kahara like this.
  24. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner; Word Race Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    My entry for the "When a door closes" Challenge is up: The High Clouds of Palsaang. Fair warning, I ignored the sock's advice and made it about a character death.

    This is also a belated entry for the "introspection" prompt of last year's Kessel Run Challenge
  25. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    Thank goodness it's not just me! [face_laugh] [face_mischief] (Mine is almost done, I've just been distracted; I'll be back with that soon. :p)