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TOR The Smuggler v The Bounty Hunter!

Discussion in 'Archive: Games' started by Lexotic, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Lexotic

    Lexotic Jedi Padawan

    Dec 31, 2014
    Ive recently got into SWTOR again aaaand.. Im going to pick either the Smuggler or the Bounty Hunter, i dont care about the playstyle cuz i know and like both of them. It`s more because of the lore i cant choose.
    So id like to hear some things from both sides why i should pick a Smuggler or a Bounty Hunter (''lore-wise")

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Octavian Dibar

    Octavian Dibar Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 6, 2015
    Lexotic I've played through both storylines multiple times. I found the Smuggler's storyline to be less concise and connected than the Bounty Hunter's, but far more entertaining and light-hearted. The Bounty Hunter story is a solid, linear,but uninspired story. Whereas the Smuggler's story is a bit random at times...but not necessarily in a bad way.

    I prefer the BH playstyle, but the Smuggler's story is just loads of fun. I ended up playing my first smuggler as the morally-gray, infinitely smooth, and stupidly heroic space entrepreneur and never regretted it. And the random WTF moments are priceless.

    To this day, my favorite line in the game goes something like:

    Person in charge: "Captain, you mind telling me what happened down there?"
    Smuggler (me): "Well, let's just say it involved a beautiful alien princess, a backwards child, and a Weequay with a trapdoor fetish."
    Person in charge: "Ugh...I'm not going to even ask...."

    Second favorite:

    "Is there a special 'Guilt' power in the Force? Jedi always make me feel like I'm talking to my mom."

    Hope this helps. Feel free to ask me any questions.
  3. Lexotic

    Lexotic Jedi Padawan

    Dec 31, 2014
    Octavian Dibar Which of the two do you think got a more exotic and interesting lore besides the one of the game? So like in the expanded universe

    PS: sorry for my english.. im dutch
  4. Octavian Dibar

    Octavian Dibar Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 6, 2015
    The smuggler probably has more lore references overall, but it's kind of random stuff. Ancient relics, random references to past events and locations...etc. There's less of it with the Bounty Hunter storyline, but it's mainly focused on Mandalorian stuff.
  5. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004
    See, I have both a level 60 Bounty Hunter (Merc) and a level 60 Smuggler (Scoundrel), and I really like both stories. I think a lot of it is what you want to get out of the storyline and lore. The Hunter's story is definitely more rigid and straightforward; you start as a small-time gun-for-hire and have to work up to be a big name. The Smuggler story isn't so straightforward, and it often leaves you guessing a bit. But it's definitely entertaining, especially when the Smuggler pulls off some wisecrack that makes someone in the room roll their eyes.