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The VIP Code of Conduct

Discussion in 'Rules & Announcements' started by rhonderoo, Jul 17, 2007.

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  1. rhonderoo

    rhonderoo Former Head Admin star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 7, 2002
    First of all, congratulations on becoming a VIP at the Jedi Council forums. Whether you've won a game, hosted a game, designed a banner, stepped down from moderating, or you are an official person of some description, it's obvious that we appreciate you.

    Becoming a VIP means you stand out that little bit more, and you don't have to deal with the one-post-per-minute rule. That said, it also comes with some responsibility. Be sure to read the following VIP Code of Conduct carefully, as failure to comply with the rules laid out below may result in the loss of VIPship, or worse.

    1. All VIPs must follow the Terms of Service (TOS) strictly. Please remember that as a VIP, you are representing both the Jedi Council Forums and Other members of the forums may be looking at you as an example of how to behave and post.

    Please err on the side of caution. If you are worried that you may be breaking the TOS with a post, do not post it. If you are uncertain, feel free to contact a mod of the forum you want to post in. They will be more than happy to assist.

    2. As a VIP, you have the ability to post in several read-only forums. These include many inactive forums, and Census & Games. In most cases, you are strictly not allowed to post in any read-only forum. Any VIP caught taking advantage of their status to post in such a forum will be reprimanded, and will most likely have the offending posts removed. In the case of Census & Games, a VIP may post a poll if they wish, however strictly only with the permission of the C&G managers (currently NYCitygurl and The_Loyal_Imperial).

    3. Certain colors are restricted. The following is the official MS policy:
    • VIPs (Artists, writers, LFL people, TFN staff and game hosts) are red, though text decoration, such as strike-throughs, is allowed.
    • JC ex-mods can use borders and any text color they want, though there are some restrictions. The border color must match the text color, the background must be transparent and you cannot choose the specific options of Green, which is the moderator away color, or Blue, which is the CR color. You can use the various shades of those colors, but not the exact color. Text decorations are allowed.

    Game winners may have whatever colors they choose, but if they opt for just text colors without background colors, the green and blue are off-limits. Any other color is fine.

    Continued violation of the above Code of Conduct may result in reprimands, banning, and temporary or permanent loss of VIP status.
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