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Beyond - Legends "Three Promises" One-Shot for the MMM 10,Ti

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Title: Three Promises (Luke, Leia, Han, Mara) for MMM 10, I Promise

    A/N: This is for the Promise Made and Kept, and there's one that was (fortunately) broken [face_laugh]


    1. Promise Made & Kept, between Siblings

    Leia had begged Luke not to push her on the whole biological Dad thing. That was a Gundark den she didn't want to stroll into any time soon.

    He understood her feelings and didn't. He knew that eventually she would work her way around to finding closure.

    When she named her youngest child "Anakin," Luke rejoiced.


    2. Promise between Friends

    Han had noticed Luke's bemusement and preoccupation with Mara since day 1. He had asked Luke to promise not to go making a fool over himself over a lady who didn't want to give him the time of day.

    "You can talk," Luke said. "after all Leia put you through! I cannot guarantee that, Han."

    "OK," Han grinned, "then I can be sure you won't settle for second best."

    "That I can promise!" Luke said. And that was a vow he had been able to keep, despite the attractive female Jedi Academy students and instructors whom he worked alongside.

    His heart and soul stayed unwaveringly fixed on Mara Jade--she was too luminous...


    3. Promise Between Friends, but this one was broken.

    Luke had promised Mara he would not by any stretch pressure her to take up Jedi training, although it was tempting to do so when she abruptly left after only a couple months. When she periodically returned on an errand to deliver information or supplies, it was all he could do to remain casual, although he could not disguise, nor did he want to, the sincere pleasure he had in seeing her again in any context.

    "Promise me you won't get into a bind where I'll have to rescue you," Mara snarked on one occasion.

    "I promise," he said, and subsequently ran afoul of the Crimson Dawn pirates.

    She happened to be onworld gathering information on that very group, so when Luke was whisked away under suspicious circumstances, Mara had to intervene as only she could, with rappelling cables and a glowing lightsaber. It was fortunate that she had the element of surprise as well.

    "You're a trouble magnet, Skywalker." She said crisply.

    He hugged her in relief and ... something more.

    "I guess you cannot expect me to stay out of dangerous situations." He said wryly.

    "Looks like it."

    "I can at least buy you lunch in thanks," Luke offered.

    "Fine," Mara agreed.

    Over lunch, they talked about the recent uptick in pirate activity and the need to squelch it.

    "I was pleased my infiltration skills hadn't gone to rust," Mara said.

    Luke answered with admiration: "I cannot imagine any skill set of yours doing that, Mara. I do miss sparring with you, though."

    "I have to admit I miss the spars too. Not much chance of it on the Wild Karrde." Mara said with an ironic tone. "Don't get any ideas about me hanging around your Academy." Mara warned before LUke could say anything on the subject.

    "Your training wouldn't be the only thing I'd want you around more often for," Luke admitted before he could think twice.

    "That so? What possible other reason ..." Mara asked when he cut her off with an impulsive kiss.

    "I've been wanting to do that for ever," he said, with a soft flush to his cheeks.

    Mara was surprised, and to her own amazement, not displeased.

    When they broke apart for air, she said,
    "Yeah well, now that you have, don't let me stop you from doing it again."

    Luke was so thrilled by Mara's reaction that he obliged, squeezing her breathless, kissing first her jade eyes then her eager lips.


    Bel505 and mayo_durron_666 like this.
  2. mayo_durron_666

    mayo_durron_666 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Nov 26, 2005
    Aww to all! [face_love]=D=
    Leia naming Anakin, Luke never wavering from Mara and finally Luke needing to be saved despite what he said! [face_laugh]
    Loved the L/M smooch at the end, I'm a sucker for them. Nice post!
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    loved the trio with the EU.
    Anakin is a nice name and Luke knows that Anakin was redeemed
    Luke and Mara always together