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Saga Viridian Meditations:: Short-fics/Misc: updated 02.06

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Viridian-Maiden, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Author: Viridian Maiden
    Genre: Drabbles/One-shots/Other/Misc.
    Time Period: Generally Saga (but not always)
  2. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Title: Sweat and Mud
    Genre: Drama, one-shot, songfic
    Characters: Pala Kwi’teksa +
    Rating: PG-13

    Sweat and Mud

    It was close to first sunrise on Tatooine when Pala Kwi’teksa slipped onto the floor of her tiny hut on the outskirts of Mos Espa.

    Careful not to disturb the semi-stillness of the desert dawn, Pala slid her hand underneath the braided bantha-weave cot searching for the small blade she always carried bandaged to the shoulder of her back, just underneath her tchun.

    She paused for a moment as she knelt next to the bed; neither a scowl nor a smile on her face, merely watching the sometimes settled, othertimes unsteady breath of the sleeper in front of her.

    Pala marked a small break in his throat, a twitch in his lips, before tying the knife loosely to her thigh for the moment and moving out into the outdoor fresher at the site of her dwelling.

    Darkness subsided over the minutes she rubbed herself down with a portion of sand; it was all she had, and the only mud on hand she reserved for her face and the lower ends of her tchin-tchun – still smelling slightly of pheromones and a mix of the prior night’s sweat.

    Pala considered the twitching face sleeping on the cot inside as she went through the motions of her familiar routine. The face was familiar, but only in some senses. Boy oldered into a man, he was still brilliant and quick-witted, the special sensitivities he had honed every day since he’d left making his touch more subtle than any of the other human men she had requisite experience to really judge.

    “How long was I sleeping?”

    The voice broke her silence, and Pala turned around to see the young man standing in the doorway as unconcerned as he always was – though the lack of concern had only come their second time, since the first had been something much more complex – about what only the night had been there to see happen between them.

    “An hour?” he inquired, seemingly uninterested in the answer she might give him as he uselessly brushed a dung creature off the wall.

    “Less, Master Jedi,” Pala remarked, smirking some on the inside without needing to work to maintain the façade that was her outward composure.

    Mere words had passed, but as the young man fidgeted she sensed that he was already bored with their conversation, and Pala felt her tchin-tchun move slightly into a more defensive position. She was un-anxious to replay the moment she knew was coming. She didn’t need to be reminded of things that were irrelevant – things like just what, exactly, she was to him.

    It wasn’t that Pala cared per se. That was why it was so irrelevant – because she should have cared but didn’t. The daughter of Ryloth wanted to care, but the slave whose only home was Tatooine and whose experience was defined by servitude of more than one kind of pleasure did not.

    She wanted to care about the lies she told him, about her activities in Mos Espa and with the human-born sandtribes in the surrounding desert…to care about the secrets she always went back on her word to sell but never back on her word to extract…to care that his heart went openly to someone else…to care that she wasted her time with a human male who insisted every time he came that he not only loved someone else completely, but that he had no intention of ever coming back to the double-light of his – and her – home planet.

    “Padme says I never really do sleep – never more than minutes,” he said.

    His eyes met Pala’s when he said it.

    Pala nodded, but stood stoically without any embarrassment over the mudspecks she still had to wipe off her green-toned skin.

    She would allow him to see her with mud on her lekku. But she had no intention of allowing him to see all her little thoughts, like how much she wished she had never met him for jawa the first time he contacted her since leaving to become an Order member.

    She wished that almost as much as she wished that she could follow him to Coruscant…as much as she wished she weren’t looking for ways to exploit his sleeping signs of post-traumatic stress…as much as she wished that he were not a master Jedi and she were not the cunning spy and increasingly artful assassin.

    In fact, there was only one thing Pala Kwi’teksa wished more, and that was that she had just been good enough for more…good enough to be the one fighting with him in the war against the Separatists...good enough to be more of a lover, or maybe just less of a manipulative whore...good enough to have been the one standing next to him on the sandswept plain as he said goodbye…on the day he buried the tortured soul of his noble-hearted, freed-slave of a mother.
    Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  3. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Can somebody tell me if I'm breaking the rules of the forum...I was a little confused about the rules about interspecies romance...I think it's okay because it's a species pairing that's highly present in canon/legends -- is that right? Interspecies pairing wouldn't usually be my thing anyway but this was there somewhere and it got me writing so it happened.
  4. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yes, this specific kind of pairing seems to be fine. I've read Human/Twi'lek in other fics, brilliantly done, as is this! =D= =D=

    Stoked to have you back, Viridian!
    Viridian-Maiden and divapilot like this.
  5. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Wonderful to see you back, Viridian-Maiden! =D= Missed you.

    Very cool work here—you have a real talent for these intense, sparkling one-shots that are heady in the same way that rugosa rose fragrance is. This is definitely a diferent picture of Anakin than most I've seen before, but you make it feel very plausible. Ditto Pala's unspoken wishes for a closer attachment to this mysterious man who thus far has (presumably) mainly only been a "client," and her comparison of herself to that woman who had been standing next to him on the plain that time. And very intriguing, this idea that she has been spying on him (for whom?) or possibly for him (to what end?). Any more stories with her forthcoming? [face_batting]
  6. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    I love it when I have to consult the Wook because your writing is so good I'm not sure if this is canon or not. Fascinating look into this character. I love how steely she is, how her life circumstances have allowed her a glimpse, a touch, of what love and commitment and family might be, then she is denied it.

    Anakin either ignores her anger or dismisses it as inconsequential. He loves Padme but uses Pala. His words are all about him.

    I too would love to see this continued!
  7. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Thank you so much, everyone! @Nyota'sHeart Findswoman divapilot You are all really too kind.

    I've been throwing around the idea of Anakin being a cheater for a while now. I've just never had a reason or impulse to pull anything out and actually make something of that. Strictly speaking this is songfic in the sense that it was brought on by a particular song. I will not be secretive if anyone really wants to know but I don't know if it's terribly important to say which one and anyone who cares will have to ask first.

    And finally, I was so excited about this yesterday that I went ahead and posted it without really doing much editing, but I've replaced it with a fresher draft. Also -- a title! [face_good_luck]
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  8. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    W-WHAT DID I JUST READ? O_O Holy.bantha.poodoo!

    For a shock story, this is so poetic that the combination of the shock and the style it's written in is what makes it special. Reminds me of Cade Skywalker and Darth Talon in Legacy a bit, these two are, in some way, the less "corrupted" Human/Twi'lek pairing.

    Hope this made sense. It's been a long day.
  9. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Viridian-Maiden, I'd be interested to know what song inspired this story. :)

    The draft I originally read was fantastic, but I love the extra details this one adds, especially about Pala's own thoughts and background: love the contrast between the "daughter of Ryloth" and the "slave whore." That's just the kind of thing that makes me curious to read more about her.
    Viridian-Maiden and Ewok Poet like this.
  10. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Ewok Poet Thank you so much! I love pulling the reader along until "that" moment when things all become clear. :)

    I'm not sure I can say they're really "less corrupted" of a pairing in any sense, but I'm not familiar with EU/Legacy, so...

    Findswoman Ask and ye shall receive! This one:

    You're welcome.[face_good_luck]
    Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  11. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Viridian-Maiden I didn't read much of the EU myself, but those comics are captivating, so I recommend them. :)
  12. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Title: NA
    Genre: Letter
    Subject: A Tilasan writes to a human friend upon the Tantive's disappearance

    Alderaan Crevasse Starstar Lx2, KS:

    : Certain she wearies in my prolonged absence.

    Dearest K-,

    I message, hoping the years have not burdened your heart. Last I wrote, Un-Sister, was after the completion of my third and expectedly fulfilling contract. I fear the holonets - we have so many troubles with the Empire. I will not say more but Kessel becomes overrun. I was just appointed to a committee, even more individual we must deal with each party, and we raise passage prices but still we cannot deal with the defense of the space. I've been working hard to negotiate, until last week.

    I finally rest only from the news I take time here to tell you. Firstly I want to announce to you, my near-kin, the birth of a male child into the Si clan.

    I nurse him as I compose now - my left arm cradling while I tap on a side console with the fingers of my right. My mate and the father of this one sits nearby in my quarters on a chair. I wish to galaxy's end that you could meet him someday here with my other family, Katya!

    My other gives pride with his charisma, but Chigi' is much more quiet. His skills are in all technical things. He's the quietest of all three, in fact. I do not boast but I talk most when he comes around - imagine that if you can! But I do not help myself, I am listened to so much by him.

    Perhaps I oughtn't, you believe, but I surprise how my attraction grows even more that we have given each other a young one to grow and raise and teach between us. I can only admit to a human because to you the admission will surely not appear in any way base, but I secret that I am glad I kept his child first. Chigi' is quiet, but I know the son he gave me will be of Si among the most intelligent and strong.

    But I write to you also because of the time - for the day the littling was born, I found myself thinking of you so strongly.

    I am surprised and puzzled, after the day blurred in my mind like hyperspace that I found such room to consider you. This does not say that I do not remember, only that we do not allow the mother time to rest among us. Sometimes I wish our births were much more a the human event. There are simply too many people to see and I was always planning to message earliest I could but as for that day, I could not expect to think of you so much until I was feeling I was in normal color again.

    I felt so elated, Un-sister, when it was all over and Chigi' came to embrace me!. His forehead against mine...and our littling between us...all I wanted was to fall onto a pillow next to them and sleep forever! They allowed me to lie down, of course, but after my minutes with Chigi' and Summa bringing me biscuits to give me strength I had visitors all day - relatives coming to respect and each of my mates came to see that I was in health after the long process, their interest in my welfare and joys even through Chigi' most naturally extends.

    But my concern grows with this daybreak's news about the Senator from House Alderaan's disappearance and what the spacers say was the fate of the Tantive.

    I can more than now imagine how you must worry about this after everything. My anxiety has lodged despite contentment in my rest this week and only seems to contract for me the vastness of the galaxy. I wish more detailed news as soon as possible to be sent!

    Bearing my son has brought many things to my mind I wish I could speak with you.

    Do not, dearest Un-sister, please ever, pretend to believe I don't know that even when we were close on Naboo there were things only seen and done - and surely felt - in privacy away from my knowledge.

    Just as when you attended the Winter Theater in Aldera with the male you mentioned - do you think I could not read between the words and know without any question where he ended up afterwards? Yet nothing else came, and I do not hear in years whether he became your true mate as is the human way for your people.

    I cannot understand this force they used to talk about - perhaps this is what it means to you - but I do know my friend and fellow handmaiden and this past week it has seemed quite instinctive to me. I hear inflexions without any speech behind them and even without the benefits of holos to see. I feel the weight of things I cannot know, so sure I am that you never spoke openly of so many things that make up the reality of your existence.

    Please tell me why I find grief there, Katya… It seems you always brush aside the thought, and perhaps there is news I have not heard, but something sorrows me as I cradle my son that you have not been bonded to another through the energy aura of a new life.

    Lilyyli is still on Naboo with Ashera'. The Senate hammers on the Mid-Rim with no mercy. I am safe here but more able to help the clan.

    I wish my children to know the universe, K-. Fear of others is not Tilasa. But my son must be clear from the political pull of the most dangerous planets and so must the littlings I expect to bear my other matches. They will be the most loyal Tilasa. The golden galaxy, if it ever existed, seems simply to never be again.

    Reply to me please... My words are stretched. I fear and I wonder. I move forward, forever touched by a presence prismatic.

    : The densest, blackest matter of dark propel you towards the brightest beam.

    Omni-charged and at the ready :


    P.s. & Greetings from Si Chigi'. He brings me such abundance.
    Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    What a warm, caring letter, Viridian. You can tell there is a wealth of true friendship and shared things and she wishes to share the current concerns and personal joys. =D=
    Ewok Poet and Viridian-Maiden like this.
  14. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Great to see you back, Viridian-Maiden —and Tilasa Si Nhala and Katya too! =D=

    I love how you've managed to make whole tone and viewpoint here really and truly alien. The way Nhala talks so effusively about her baby boy and about her mate Chigi' (and other mates) and being "bonded to another through the energy aura of a new life" is the sort of thing that might sound fulsome from the mouth of an Earth Human, but it fits with what you've established about the Tilasa and their family and mating structure; we have a glance here of just how different that is from ours. It's so interesting the way this new phase of Nhala's life (this "littling" seems to be her first—right?) gives rise to thoughts and speculations about her friend and Un-Sister's own secret, private feelings. And I admit that I too am now curious about this man Katya went home from the theater with and what, if anything, may or may not have come from that relationship (and, of course, whether there might be more about it in any other Viridian story!).

    I also think it's cool that you made the form of the letter itself very alien. I'm curious about the portions that start with colons at the beginning and the end: the one at the end seems very much like a regular letter closing, but the one at the beginning is definitely not a salutation in the traditional Earth sense, and indeed it's in the third person, making it seems something like... I guess the letter-writer's own thoughts and guesses about her recipient's feelings? In any case, it seems we're being introduced here to some uniquely Tilasa letter-writing conventions, which is just so neat! (Wow, "epistolary conventions in the GFFA" could be one heck of a fanon thread theme!)
    Again, it's wonderful to see you and your characters again, and I hope we will see more of you in the year ahead—don't be a stranger! :)
    Viridian-Maiden likes this.
  15. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    What gives this letter a special kind of charm is the slang your character is using. From the very first paragraph, I am intrigued by "holonets", as I cannot tell if it's something more casual, like when we say "interwebz" and whatever "Kessel becomes overrun" means here, I ...I dunno, I would like a list of all these expressions, somewhere, somehow.

    Given when the letter itself was sent and to which planet it's being sent to, can it be safe to assume that this is what will save Katya's life? Like, she goes to visit her friend and see this baby and then Alderaan is destroyed?

    Then, one can see how the Tilasa's natural wanderlust - as far as I can remember they're nomads, right - is repressed by the Empire and making life hell for non-Humans. :( Sure, it seems to be kind of downplayed, almost censored here, but it's obvious.

    And this paragraph stands out:

    I cannot understand this force they used to talk about - perhaps this is what it means to you - but I do know my friend and fellow handmaiden and this past week it has seemed quite instinctive to me. I hear inflexions without any speech behind them and even without the benefits of holos to see. I feel the weight of things I cannot know, so sure I am that you never spoke openly of so many things that make up the reality of your existence.

    I'm sure that there are many little details here that I should be noticing, but I need to re-read your longfic first. From what I have seen in this tidbit, I can tell that I'll be wanting more once I'm done with it. :)
  16. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Thank you all for reading and commenting! I won't wax long, but I will say...

    ...that of course this thread is NSA. ;)

    But on that note, almost every tidbit does...whether I've been obviously open about it or not...connect in some way to my main fic.

    And I guess I better actually start posting, then.
    Ewok Poet and Findswoman like this.
  17. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    May I ask what you mean by NSA? And could you please remind me of the title of your longer story so I can finally go give it a proper read? :D
  18. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    That is what I assumed, because I do the same and I'm generally into the concept of these microuniverses. :)

    Findswoman - this is the story:

    Oh, wait, there are two and I never saw the other.
    Findswoman likes this.
  19. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Of course. NSA - No Spoilers Allowed. ;)

    Yes, the original story / main fic to which everything else ties is The Legacy of the Last Starstar. I'd hesitate to call it a "longfic" at this point considering how little I have posted and how prolific so many of the writers here. This is the one I keep trying to get myself back to and finish.

    The Commander's Holo-Com really just started with me playing around for an OC Revolution challenge. What I've intended (but also yet to really get to) was to write that one bit-by-bit entirely from OC Revolution challenges. I still want to do that...I'm just...just now starting to feel ready to invest in The Last Starstar (and its emotions) again.
    Findswoman and Ewok Poet like this.
  20. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Sentient Assets

    (This was written as an entry to the fanon challenge "Gamiel's Games". I reserve the right to make changes later. :) )


    Vos Ryn Vu of Jovian Mining Corporation. Greetings. For the benefit of corporate decision-making, the Viceroy of Sentient Assets offers the following briefing. Since commencement of the Battle of Endor, calculation of strategic percentages have been performed by droid models Kyr-23 and c-2P.

    Odds were run on multiple scenarios across possible timelines in 10, 20, and 50 galactic standard year projections. Scenario 1 entailed total Alliance victory with control of galactic space and takeover of all Imperial governing bodies. Scenario 2: Empire resolve and resurgence with breakup of the Alliance fleet. Scenario 3: Galactic fragmentation. Current odds calculations were also based on publicized and clandestine locations of Rebel forces, Imperial fleets, and current planetary auto-anarchistic indices.

    Projections by both droids showed no significant chance of Rebel or Empire victory over the 10-year timeline. indicated 50 years projections indicated a negligible chance of full Alliance victory while c-2P forecasted a possible rise of a secondary autarchic galactic government. At the 30-year timeline Kyr-23 marginally favored Alliance victory, while c-2P indicated rebel ideological differences and the breakup up Empire infrastructure would heavily lead to fragmentation. Based on these calculations, the Viceroy of Sentient Assets recommends the following immediate actions:

    1) Classify each asset according to its cumulative output and ideological value to the Rebel and Empire fleets (respectively).

    2) Immediately remove the top 15% of all those classified to JMC-associated facilities in the Outer Rim and/or one of JMC’s asteroid belt rigs.

    3) Re-negotiate contracts with all assets of Empire-opposed and/or Rebel-allied species, planets, or families, including an immediate apology and possible indemnification based on continued employment and the 5-year non-disclosure of JMC trade activities.

    4) Maintain strict corporate neutrality on all matters of galactic leadership, with continued monitoring for ideological shifts as pertains to the compensation and movement of sentient assets through Rebel and/or non-aligned galactic space.

    The Office of Sentient Assets considers shifts in galactic leadership an opportunity for JMC to improve its relations with numerous species who have been unwilling to cooperate with JMC due to its perceived imperial ties and associations. Re-negotiation will be critical to this operation. At the same time, OSA recognizes the need to protect JMC's best (sentient) assets in the case of either Rebel victory or galactic fragmentation. To this end, OSA remains at the service of JMC, its shareholders, and leadership at this critical time.

    (Happy Birthday @Gamiel !)
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] What a fun entry and definitely looks official and full of legalese =D= Very well done and welcome back @Viridian-Maiden @};-
  22. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Ooh, really neat approach with this! You did a great job with the corporate report talk, and I love how this corporation is 100% ready to turn the current galactic upheaval toward its own purposes—and is so sanguine about it! Though it's encouraging that they are going to be making inroads toward improving relations with "species who have been unwilling to cooperate with JMC due to its perceived imperial ties and associations"... riiight? Great work here—you took the prompt and ran with it, and thank you so much for being part of the Gamiel Games Challenge! =D=