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Star Wars OPEN War of the Galaxies: Fist of Fire - an Episode XII Story

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Dec 30, 2022.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Orom Malvern
    The Battle of Serenno

    Political niceties made for curious bedfellows.

    The Serenno Conclave, as it would become known, for the Treaty of Serenno was interrupted before it was signed, involved the Adumari Union, New Republic, Tof League, Echani Sisters, Imperial Remnant and Confederation of Independent Systems. Even two Hapan Battle Dragons turned up, joining the event quietly.

    A hitherto impossible collection of former enemies and lost allies, the Serenno system itself was represented by the D’Astan-Dooku family, hosting the affair. However, the Counts of Serenno were as divided as the nobles of Hapes, Tof, Fondor or the Senex… and so, former Count Malvern reached out to Suarl Getelles with both a plan and a marriage proposal.

    His private guard seized the control center for the droid forces that the D’Asta family had in orbit ten minutes before the allotted time for Moff Getelles’ forces to arrive.

    As such, the five Separatist-design capital ships of the local Serenno government fired on the vessels in orbit even as twenty Star Destroyers arrived from Antemeridias. Interdiction wells activated, the Star Destroyers began churning out mines, and 1500 droid fighters formed up on entry points.

    The orbiting Bothan cruisers, Star Destroyers, Echani capital ships, and so on - each was hulled even before they had knowledge of what was happening. It was an ambush that sought to cripple every ship present in short order, terrifyingly quickly.

    At Serenno, Vincent Mikaru's flagship the Ascendant Pride moves into a defensive position along side her sister ship, that had dedicated themselves to the defense of the world and proceedings. As their fighters deploy, the Echani Ambassador orders tactical operations to link in directly with those of the Planet, it is their world to defend, the Echani will be their sword and shield to wield as needed where needed on this day. (Paragraph contributed by Kahn_Iceay)

    The actual meeting itself was suddenly surrounded with the sound of clanking. Droid feet. A thousand B-1 battle droids and two hundred B-2 Super battle droids were promptly deployed and Count Malvern addressed the orbiting commander of the Sun Guard forces and the diplomats simultaneously. “Welcome, Antemeridian Sun Guard forces. To all crews of orbiting ships and those on the Dooku Estate… Your surrender, please, and then I shall return you to your respective governments with concessions, payment, or prisoner exchanges.”


    A sneer. “Let us not have any unnecessary bloodshed. I shall commit Serenno to the Sun Guard, and we shall expand the reach of profit and conquest across the Outer Rim!”

    Miat Temm, present on the surface with the Countess, produced a lightsaber and ignited a white blade. “The Emperor won’t stand for this.” She worried about the diplomats present, or in orbit, moreso than those on comms. The Antemeridian-Sun Guqrd forces didn’t seem to be concerned by the risk of communication.

    For her part, Suarl Getelles had placed command of the twenty Destroyers in orbit in the hands of whomever the Sun Guard sent to lead the fleet. Why not? She didn’t have experienced commanders.

    TAG: @Kahn_Iceay, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83, @Kev-Mas_Colcha (combo)
  2. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Natasi Daala-Vorn
    Pedducis Chorios

    The Antemeridian Sector had been a thorn in the Meridian Sector ever since it seceded and declared itself independent. The entire region was full of nation states, commanding dozens of sectors. But when the definition of a sector was changed for there were merely a 1024 instead of millions, the Meridian and Antemeridian Sectors had just became one of a thousand factors, and backwater factors at that.

    But the Meridian Sector was home, and the Moffs that had commanded Antemeridias for some sixty years now were perennial annoyances to Chorios systems inside the Meridian Sector. One, Nam Chorios, held the Death Seed Plague in place, and the other, Pedducis Chorios, had been settled by Imperials who were simply disgusted by the state of the Empire after the Coruscant Accords.

    Admiral Natasi Daala had sponsored that colony, and even when she returned to the Deep Core to fight against the New Republic, they had never forgotten her and she had not forgotten them. Daala never abandoned an ally, and she stepped up to save the sector during the Yuuzhan Vong War, and earned the permanent respect of the denizens. Sitting independently with the protection of her remaining forces, Daala fought Darth Caedus, Jagged Fel and Snoke, refusing to countenance Imperial excesses.

    Having a son, losing a husband to the Moffs, and even having grandchildren, Natasi defended what was hers and what sought her defence. Even if she was an Imperial, and ruthless to boot, her ability to get back up and fight back from even the most devastating defeats meant Natasi had a wellspring of respect. Alliances with the Mandalorians and Bothans meant her sector survived - until her forces were lured to Jakku and trapped.

    Moff Suarl Getelles, with Sun Guard backing, moved into the sector her family had always wanted, and expended the Greater Antemeridian Sector to Roche, Lianna, Garos IV and other systems. With the Ktilac Region committing to the Sun Guard and the capture of Mandalorian space, let alone the loyalty of the Centrality to Darth Mascon, the region was locked down. It was unlikely the Meridian Sector with its lack of discernible resources would even warrant attention.

    But Natasi had made a condition of her continued cooperation at Jakku the liberation of her home sector. Her granddaughter, Natasi Daala-Vorn led the uprising against Getelles’s bespoke Stormtroopers even as the Sun Guard overextended themselves at Serenno and most of its fleet vanished into the Core.

    Suddenly the sector was mined by First Order designs, and Getelles would be forgiven for assuming treason. In short order an enemy Imperial Star Destroyer, the Aggregator, arrived at Pedducis Chorios to burn the planet to the ground, even as an allied ship, the Mon Mothma, arrived.

    The commander, Tycho Celchu commed the surface - commed Natasi’s Granddaughter. “If you have any weapons, now would be the time.” His voice sounded grim. No doubt because in the space battle, the two sides were evenly matched and he didn’t have reinforcements to spare. The mining would slow down Getelles, but they were still much closer than friendly forces at Ord Mantell, Halmad and Taris. Indeed, he had XJ3 fighters that were somewhat outdated now, whereas the Sun Guard destroyer would have more advanced fighters, and Tycho wasn’t sure what Adumari forces were to hand to assist, if any, as so many had gone to Serenno or Mon Calamari -

    He’d already taken a risk inserting at Pedducis Chorios at all -

    But Connix had given her word to Natasi Daala, and Tycho wasn’t going to make a liar out of the acting Chancellor.


    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83 @Lady_Belligerent (combo)
  3. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Admiral For’o
    Mon Calamari system

    The place where, six months ago, Snoke’s master campaign truly began, had suffered. Liberation of it had been the primary goal of many a coalition, and Admiral For’o intended to reap as much political goodwill as possible.

    Sending Eriaduan forces to free Kinooine of Sun Guard mining and win over the Tof, and then sending a hundred Bothan Assault Cruisers to Mon Calamari, that would mean a swift liberation and his vast commitment would draw all manner of support. Trusting the allies to save his people at Serenno would also engage with the new galactic community shaping up.

    He knew the New Republic would send ships, probably from Lexrul or maybe even Anzat, but For’o wanted to commit the most. Maybe the Mon Calamari would join the Confederation! The Quarren would certainly want to.

    Expecting a fight, For’o had his cruisers ready to immediately launch A-9 Vigilance’s and prepare missile solutions for sharing to the fleet. They would be prepared, and with hundreds of medium frigates interspersed along the Bothan fleet, they had plenty of escorts and protections.


    He would bring the fleet out at Mon Calamari, relying on its own gravity well to make sure they were as on top of the planet as possible -

    Aggression and speed was the name of the game. Whatever the Sun Guard planned, he wanted to get the jump on them.

    The New Republic compliment could be more staid and slow if they wished. He would publicly state his tactics merely showed that he could not allow the Mon Calamari and Quarren to suffer another minute.

    What would he run into?

    TAG: @darthbernael, @adaml83, @Kev-Mas_Colcha (Kev-Mas starts the combo and goes first)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Darth Nihl
    Saijo and then Kinooine

    The defences of Saijo had grown stronger and stronger. A hundred battle stations, with minimal fleet assets, but planetary shields, mines and weapons made up for it. It was a fortress, second only to Bastion and Coruscant. The entire system was fortified, pushing back any attempt at spies directly in system, but the various Intelligence agencies merely setup in nearby systems or the space closest.

    So when Confederate ships moved on Kinooine from Eriadu, it was a surprise when twenty Star Destroyers of an unknown type emerged from Saijo space and headed straight to Kinooine. They arrived, shut down communications to Kinooine, and the Confederate ships did not return home.

    Suffuce to say, the entire southern quadrant was suddenly exposed, at least in Confederate space. The Bothan fleet had just headed straight to Mon Calamari, and reports were Fondor was under assault, so there was only the Commenori fleet to defend…

    Calls were made by the Sullustan, Eriaduan and Sluissi government for assistance from the Adumari Union, Tof League - that had only now a workable hyperlane to Kinoone - and Bakurans and Ssi-Ruuvi.

    But at very least, there were no Sun Guard survivors at Kinooine.

    A brief communique was merely a single image of a young Nagai Sith.



    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: President Vadde


    The Fondor shipyards had been active for centuries, and for the Empire, New Republic, Galactic Alliance, Confederation and First Order. Usually constructing Star Destroyers - Imperial-class and Nebula-class, but mainly the former - but rarely holding many for their own defence.

    Ten Star Destroyers were usually all the shipyards maintained for defence, relying upon the sector’s noble houses to make up the rest, or the galactic government to protect them. Grand Admiral Grant and Imperial Tenth Fleet, under the New Republic, the First Fleet commanded by General Garm Bel Iblis, and within the Confederation there had been a multi-national force present, but not by the time Darth Caedus attacked the system. Thereafter Daala and Niathal’s motley fleet defended Fondor, until them rejoining the Alliance… and then thereafter the First Order simply oppressed them when the New Republic was decapitated by the Hosnian Cataclysm.

    So when Fondor declared for the Confederation as the First Order withdrew, they took the Golan stations with them to the Deep Core, and there was briefly only those ten Imperial-class Star Destroyers in-system…

    … and then the Sun Guard came.

    They staggered their arrival and then micro-jumped in, coming from the distant Centrality and the closer Thyrsus -

    15 Charon Bio Cruisers from Centrality
    5 Yevethan T Types from Centrality
    5 Vagaari Cruisers from Centrality
    1 Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnaught from Thyrsus
    2 Duellator-class Star Destroyers from Thyrsus
    3 TwiSuns-class Battle Carriers from Thyrsus
    4 Sun Guard Interdictor-class Cruisers from Thyrsud
    6 Durame-class Star Destroyers from Thyrsus
    3 ShaShore-class Heavy Frigates from Thyrsus
    10 Wraith-class Corvettes from Thyrsus

    The President of Fondor Vadde reached out for help from anyone -

    If he could.

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha (combo), mentions for @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kahn_Iceay, @adaml83
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Kuat of Kuat
    Kuat City


    The woman was an Atreus by lineage, a bloodline that could traced back to Nouane, and the Twilight Wars, and she had contacted the Echani before the abrupt withdrawal of the First Order from Kuat.

    Long a supporter of the winning side of Imperialism - the Empire, the Yuuzhan Vong secretly at one point, and then the Centrists and First Order, it had been appalled by the military restrictions placed on the worlds construction, and isolation even from the Kuat Sector. The yards were simply abandoned, left intact, but unlike Fondor, the Kuati didn’t have defences. They needed them.

    So Kuat of Kuat chose Eshan to ally with, to inure itself against New Republic and Adumari reprisals. The Megador-class Capitol, the Eclipse Fleet, and so many other than weapons the First Order had created came from Kuat… they would be struck at inevitably.

    And so the Echani arrived… and the Sun Guard came for them too.

    Forces arrived.

    Large forces.

    This would be a brawl.

    From the distant Centrality and more from Ktilac, recently announced to the Sun Guard, came many capital ships -

    15 Charon Bio Cruisers from Centrality
    5 Yevethan T Types from Centrality
    5 Vagaari Cruisers from Centrality
    1 Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnaught from Ktil
    5 Duellator-class Star Destroyers from Ktil
    6 Sun Guard Interdictor-class Cruisers from Ktil
    7 ShaShore-class Heavy Frigates from Ktil
    20 Wraith-class Corvettes from Ktil

    And then…

    At the industrial powerhouse that is Kuat a ghost of the past appears. Over two dozen capital ships and their escorts bearing the old New Republic emblem of the 5th fleet, along side that of the Echani Confederation decant in system, and immediately begin taking up policing duties. Along side this the remnants of the Anaxes Warfleet arrive, limping but still capable, destined for repair and re-armament.

    In this new alliance the Echani also commission a new warfleet. Kuat in design, Echani in concept. Soon a battlegroup of new weapons of war will move out into the Galaxy under the Echani Flag.

    If the Echani won.

    TAG: @Kahn_Iceay, @Kev-Mas_Colcha (combo)
  7. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Bossk

    When Kashyyyk declared itself in alliance with the Tof League, it was simple enough for the Trandoshans to reach out to the opposite side. The Tofs seemed to be working with the Confederation, Remnant and New Republic, so it was clear that Bossk, the old and wily ex-bounty hunter turned planetary leader, would pick the opposing faction - the First Order, the Sith, the Charon, and of course the Sun Guard.

    He ordered his dozens of Marauder-class light cruisers to advance on Alaris Prime. He would take out the outer planet of the Kashyyyk system, and then block the way to Kashyyyk itself. His allies would join them, and it would begin.

    It may not be at their timeline, but who cared. Bossk had gotten word of the Wookiee defeat at Sebaddon, and the destruction of the hyperlane meant the Tof at Mimban were now cut off. The Wookiees had picked the wrong bantha to back, and while they were weakened, Bossk would strike.

    Even if all that arrived was a single Reverie-class Assault Dropship, carrying Thychani Praetor Thusho Jeessk, from the Mandalorian front, command of the Autarch given to the now recovered Thychani Dictator Chanda Gossen. This was to discuss an invasion of Kashyyyk with the Trandoshans. Thusho Jeessk is a Trandoshan as well, which is why he was chosen for this task.


    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Mitth_Fisto (combo)
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Mines and mining

    The sheer tonnage of mines constructed at this phase of the war surpassed any one beforehand. Only Tsavong Lah had committed so much of his supply chain to mines, using them to create an invincible moat between his territory and the Core before he ultimately invaded the New Republic heartland.

    But in the last few months, the First Order, Sun Guard and now Tofs had committed a tremendous amount of resources to minefields. While the First Order one had been cheaply obtained by using Mortis to consume worlds such as Mimban, the Sun Guard had drawn deeply upon the natural wealth of the Centrality, Hutt Space and now the Ktilac Regions. The Tofs themselves had the whole of FireFist to use - and misuse - but needed to catch up.

    So the Adumari twist on the issue - seizing First Order mines and repurposing them - was a novel approach. Rapidly they turned minefields on worlds such as Moorja, Yag’Dhul, Bestine, Devaron and Thyferra - and the natives rapidly worked with them to reclaim their systems. Vratix uprisings, formerly exiled Givin Wavecrest frigates, and submersible cities rising up on Bestine, they all made short work of now-isolated First Order garrisons. Duro was well provisioned by the First Order for its baradium and cortosis supplies, so a harder fortress to crack - but it did lie between the Adumari frontline and the New Republic-Corellian fleet, so it was bound to fall. Giju MC80s and Diamalian NSDs also inserted themselves among the systems of Moorja, Yag’Dhul, Bestine, Devaron and Thyferra and removed clumps of enemy mines and TIEs.

    Less successful were the efforts to do the same to Loronar, Denon and other worlds that swore loyalty to Nubia. At those systems there weren’t natives poised to support revolution - no, these planets included staid, traditional, largely human populations. Retired veterans dusted off TIE Interceptors, Howlrunners and even V-wings to oppose the Adumari efforts, and Home Guard regiments sprang up in the millions, resurrecting AT-STs, AT-ATs and AT-TE walkers. Besides double layers of planetary shields and Golans from mark I through V, these systems simply didn’t want to leave the Empire. Majestic-class cruisers and ironically named Republic-class Star Destroyers were also poised to force the issue where need be, too.

    They did want rid of Snoke, though.

    Eight sectors of systems did. Loronar, Denon, Rendili, Exodeen, Quellor, Tinnel, Humbarine - and Nubia itself.

    They each requested a temporary truce, until the negotiations between Emperor Fel V and Chancellor Aryan Graul at Nubia bore fruit.

    Every other system that remained in the First Order, that was fair game. Including Duro, Coruscant, Anaxes and the Deep Core, seemingly.

    TAG: @adaml83, @Kev-Mas_Colcha
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
  10. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tof Liaison Ma'be, & Kamino Leadership - Combo with Sinre
    Location Kamino City

    Mech suit whirring Liaison Ma'be marched to the Kamino city terminal to view what the present state of affairs were. He was monitoring what he could on his suits heads up displays. The fact that the hex had taken a ship over and now a Golan was deeply concerning. The half fleet in orbit would need to reorient for this situation, but there was a command from the Supreme in this galaxy suggesting Tugs to move the station away from Kamino. As such it was being attempted.

    Liaison Ma'be did not like it though. Bursting into the room as soon as the iris opened he bellowed for a "Report!"

    Tugs began to move, latching onto the station, but Hex droids attempted to seize them too -

    The Golan for its part launched a trio of hex missiles at Kamino itself, reconditioned capital ship size proton torpedoes -

    “Repost! Fotia Fire and Ion cannons all targets mobile targets! All weapons free on any hostile action points! But do not engage main target, tugs disengage.” The Maccabree bellowed in response to the HUD.

    Stomping over to a Tof independent Comm station he began punching in a comm frequency to the rogue Golan. “Hex droids or droid of Cenzia. Any hostile action will be met in kind. According to the latest articles of sentience the Tof League recognizes your possible sentience and droid independence as pertains to that sentience as is the right of all sentience whether organic or artificial. We apologize as we believed we were merely taking corpses for study as we would any new race at any given opportunity. As such we can forgive your hostility to this point as your perspective would be as military prisoners. Continue attacking and we will respond accordingly.”

    Our corpses are our corpses.

    Fotia’s Fire bubbled into the missiles, exploding them in-front of the Golan. The tenders and tugs avoided harm, but there was ample activity around the Golan’s manoeuvring jets; sensors said they were being rebuilt into engines - hyperdrives even.

    Traditional turbolaser fire lanced out suddenly, blowing up a tug -

    Cinzia just wasn’t listening.

    "You were warned and peace was sought. Acceptable loses for our transgression have been exceeded." Ma'be declared over the comm to the thing. "All Ion Cannons fire upon the vessel, Fotia's Fire those engines and any weapons emplacements. Continue firing until either surrender or decimation. All parts to be considered maximum level hazmat materials and kept under dispersed self-destructive containment."

    The bombardment was hellish, and complete. Ten Tof bulk cruisers could deliver violent broadsides and the hex-Golan sought to take different shapes with every barrage, shrinking as it did, trying to escape, to fight, to flail like a wounded beast.

    In short order the entire Golan, and the whole hex complement, were reduced to atoms. Not a piece remained of the enemy. It was, frankly, the safest way to deal with the hex droids.

    Ma’be let out a held breath. “Begin emergency scans and sensor sweeps for any potential survivors.”

    There were none. The hex droids had made quick work of thousands of Tof crewers. It was a tragedy.

    And now Sebaddon was silent.

    Jamming, it was hoped, not death. A bulk cruiser had been left behind after all…

    Tilting this way and then that Ma’be took in the screens that seemed to say the danger had passed. Unfortunately without any gains beyond harsh experience. Trying to comm the Supreme to update the situation concerned him, but JT was a job he had to do. “Bring in the mineral tug for unloading and data analysis. Make sure hazmat protocol for the vessel, make sure nothing is overlooked for possible hex infiltration. Other tugs perform deep scans in space, then have crews perform manual inspection for any hex contamination. If found try to neutralize and capture for study.”

    There were no survivors. Minerals, yes, but it was difficult to discern unknown metals from background radiation and durasteel debris.

    A bloody lesson, perhaps.

    What of Sebaddon?

    Choosing a single Bulwark and it's tenders Ma'be dispatched it to Sebaddon to recon the situation and lack of communication. To drop out well away and come in slow to see what is happening and not to blindly stumble, also with the hope that if the situation needs they would be beyond any gravitational or comm jamming forces to call for reinforcements if needed.

    Sebaddon was a conflux of factions - the sole bulk cruiser, yes, but also Imperial Star Destroyers flying the Fel flag, Wookiee analogs of their own largest craft, Sun Guard warships and then transmogrified Yuuzhan Vong.

    Ma'be took in the information and sent four of his remaining ten Bulwarks and their tenders to join the one in reinforcing their position at Sebaddon. A quarter fleet, half of what he had. He dared not spread them any thinner than that as they might need that fleet to return to Kamino at a moments notice.

    TAG: None - A post on hold lost in the shuffle has been released! Rejoice! :p
  11. Kahn_Iceay

    Kahn_Iceay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 5, 2006
    The Echani

    The Echani were a spiritual people. They worshiped many gods, Eshan chief among them. As the spear of angry light shot across the skies of the Galaxy, the Echani people prayed. They prayed to a warrior Goddess to defend them. A Goddess to have guided them down the right path. The one they stood on now. Like their Goddess they had taken up the pike, they had defended those in need. Struck out at those who harmed the innocent. But like the Goddess, they had also taken up the Shield.

    As Starkiller's lance approached the system, the Force began to scream. Not a scream of anguish, nor that of pain. But that of defiance. Around the Echani home system, thousands of reactors roared to life, massive Kyber Crystals, encased in energy regulating Cortosis housings burned with the unrelenting energy of the Force made manifest. And Eshan's Star itself, like their Goddess of legend brought forth her own shield, the Aegis of Eshan. Faith, the Force, and mastery of the defensive arts head to head against the most vile weapon of an age.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
  12. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  13. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  14. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Tof Supreme Spar, Tof Liaison Ma'be, Rishi Council Combo with Sinre
    Rishi Maze, Kamino

    The Council convened as the threat of Sun Guard aggression seemed to drain away from their galaxy. Although it had been at a terrible cost and Cinzia was missing in the destruction. Without knoweldge of them, well that was either a good thing, or a terrible thing. First item to be handled of course was to be informing the Imperium of their losses. That would come after they itemized the present state of this galaxy under Tof League rule. "Let's hear the status reports." Supreme Spar stated as he sank into an awkward chair.

    The information was sobering.

    Save for Kamino, not a single world within the Rishi Maze was sufficiently populated or developed to do anything but yield resources, and a dribble at that. The Sebaddon hyperroute had been cut, and the Charon had appeared at the debris of Rothana only to withdraw. Not a single sighting had followed.

    The Wookiee fleet had been wrecked, and several bulk cruisers of the Tof fleet had been damaged or destroyed. They were reduced, in short. Otherwise, five Star Destroyers and the death of Jaalib Brandl was a sobering loss to report.

    Former High Inquisitor Adalric Cessius Brandl - his father - was requesting news.

    Supreme Spar cleared his throat. "We stand at three-quarters of a fleet to defend a galaxy. Even with the loss of star system that doesn't even allow a quarter fleet per star system - only the populated ones. Not exactly good odds." Blowing out a breath he tapped the table looking at the planetary Liaison. "I'm tempted to give the man broad strokes and let him mourn a son on a proving mission dying against the Sun Guard. Thoughts?"

    Liaison Ma'be tilted slightly. "If he finds we are less than truthful later, and we have no knowledge how much the son was relaying before he died - this could harm relations. Whatever strokes we use."

    Supreme Spar winced at those words, especially the stilted we that was obviously pointed pinning of this on his shoulders. "Fine, we be sending our deepest condolences that the group his son be leading fell against the Sun Guard during an evacuation battle due to their treachery with that. . .blobby thing and the black hole. As well we be sending our full comm and sensor logs for the battle up into the point we jumped, into hyperspace. Good enough?"

    The High Inquisitor took a moment to absorb the data, and then requested an open comm channel.

    The Supreme took a breath nodding at the Rishi Council before consenting for a connection to formed for him to have what would appear to be a private comm message with the grieving father, the other nearby he made sure would not be in the comms pickup field.


    The comms opened, and for a moment, the man was merely silent, grieving.

    Supreme Spar merely removed his hat and bowed his head in the silent solidarity of mourning a loss. He was not about to push anything nor any platitudes onto the situation. This was not his loss, and so not his guide nor govern.

    "Tell me what happened. Tell me who requires my blade through them."

    "Our lone Bulk Cruiser which I was aboard guarding the new hyperoute I had vessels inspecting was visited by the Wookiees and your Son's partial fleets. A Sun Guard fleet came in on their heels and attacked us telling your son to stay out of it. The Hex Droids who ruled that system that we had negotiated passage with threw a fit at the battle by destabilizing their planet, uprooting their society and fleeing. That set the system to collapsing to be no longer safe. We with reinforcements began fighting a retreating action, your son came in on the enemy rear at this time. The Sun Guard Vong ship launched something - weird. Your son warned us of it as we were calculating safe jumps to escape. That thing interacted with the black hole in ways I never thought possible - your son's fleet didn't make the last second jump to escape." Supreme Spar said with a heavy bow of his head.

    "A dovin basil," he said. "A miniature black hole generator. I don't understand the mechanics of it, honestly, and I don't want to." Brandl looked up from his hands. "Had you attempted to lie from me, the Protectorate would have declared war on the Tof League. Regardless of whatever treaties you have with Bastion." He released a sigh.

    "But I appreciate the truth, genuinely. I imagine the Sun Guard actions have depleted your already isolated forces in the Rishi Maze." He paused. "What do you have left in the Rishi Maze? What do you need of the Protectorate? Of Bastion? I shall speak to the Emperor myself."

    Nodding Supreme Spar took out a stylus and made some notes to the side. "Dovin Basil. Right. I had already sent a few to explore the new routes, yes. We are down a quarter fleet, a Golan, and frankly more lives then we had to spare - not that there is such a thing." He finished with a heavy sigh and shake of his head. "As for what we need, we need the Sun Guard to be a bloody corpse in a Kraken's Maw! Realistically? We need them to stop poking in here and leave us alone, and we need to re-establish a route back to Firefest. That fortunately or unfortunately is out of our hands. All we can do is barely see to ourselves until something changes."

    "Five Bulk Cruisers, is that?" Brandl visibly frowned. "They're hardier than an Imperial Star Destroyer, so that's concerning."

    "The Sun Guard are a problem for us all," he admitted. "But the only remaining hyperroute to Rishi Maze is at Rishi itself, and we shall move capital ships to screen it. I have five Star Destroyers left - shall I deploy two?"

    "If scout reports are true, that system is largely mines. If we both move on it it would slow and dangerous work. We both would be in prime positions for an ambush." Supreme Spar said with a shake of his head. "Save your ships and your vengeance or merely do a hit and fade on them. Protracted clearing of the mines merely will leave us exposed. If you want we can time it in shifts, each side chipping away but not staying anchored long enough for them to get the jump on us, and if they came we would be at opposite sides of the fields when they showed?"

    Brandl shook his head, a chop of a move. "Vengeance will be mine. Five Star Destroyers will assault Rishi, and take the world." A sniff. "You are welcome to join us, or not."

    At that, he cut the line.

    Banging a fist on the console of the now deactivated comm the Supreme let loose a string of curses at the situation. They were precarious and frankly likely only surviving because the Sun Guard weren't focused on them at the moment. They become too much a nuisance and that could change. While not prosperous they had at least a sense of security and ability to slowly develop something. Now it was a forced gamble - if they broke free they would be entirely reliant upon the Empire, the Confederation, and hope that the home Galaxy would be making the connection as well.

    "Ten Bulwarks to coordinate for the assault on Rishi. Minefield and defense platform clearing preparations. Kaminoans prepare ample medical supplies accordingly. Also if you can see about laborers to gather resources." In for a full ride to the lockers of the deep. If he was going down it seemed he had no choice but to do so swinging.

    There was a rush of movement, and almost hysterical panic, but they needed to do as he said.

    The Empire wanted revenge.

    Otherwise, the Supreme would have to appeal to the Empire for a more sane strategy.

    In the eastern quadrant of Skyriver, and the Rishi Maze, they were low on allies, and the galaxy was focused on galactic south and galactic north...

    Supreme Spar pulled up the Skyriver galactic map. "We have this faction of the Empire attacking. If we succeed we will have to apply to the Bothans as our closest allied people's for support. Immediately. Even if it is just a trade of medical supplies for building supplies." Shaking his head he looked away to the stormy skies of Kamino. "Let's pray we get lucky."

    "So we call on the Bothans, no?" A Tof captain commented. "I hear they have a hundred cruisers!"

    "We will call the home galaxy, share everything, and they can call them. They have all the diplomatic ties and other methods to try and coerce assistance. In that spirit what does Kamino or any of our worlds have to offer at this stage besides being in desperate need of development? Have we caught the Vong or found any valuables?" The Supreme asked eagerly leaning forward to see what they might have ready to parlay with.

    Not a single Vong had been captured; each had been infected, and the Wookiee ships had been seized by them. The crewers had burned the ships that escaped that may have been caught, and otherwise they just had ample data on craft they had never faced and didn't understand whatsoever.

    Dovin basils, magma missiles, grutchins, coral hulls. It put the alien in alien.

    Otherwise, a few mining gains were reported - rare isotopes, mainly, which could be refined into speedier ships. The Rishi Maze was really a dead galaxy, of sorts. Kamino was the only remaining prize, and the cloners needed another decade to contribute an army.

    "Very well." Supreme Spar stated with a nod. "What of the search for the old Vong among the surviving Rothanan's?"

    "Every Rothanan has been screened now, most volunteered to do so," replied the aide. "They're committed to rebuilding the shipyards, perhaps colonising a new world, and committing to the League." A slight pause. "I am conscious the Sun Guard could take this galaxy from us with minimal effort. Are not Lord Brandl's efforts not necessary to avoid this?"

    Supreme Spar growled as he shifted in his seat. "It's a gamble, one I could stomach better if we had reached the choice of it. Instead we are forced. Do or die, one way or another." Raising his hands he rubbed his face vigorously.

    Lowering them he revealed his ruddy complexion as he asked, "Before I do, anything else needs worked on or discussed here?"

    A shake of a head. "We are at your command, Supreme."

    Glum were the pirates of fate.

    Supreme spar reached forward and grabbed a heavy weight and banged it on the table. "Then let us not dally. Fates do not sweeten delayed. To war!"

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    darthbernael likes this.
  15. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Darth Mascon
    Sovereign-class Star Dreadnaught Avarice
    Empress Teta system

    At the other end of the Daragon Trail, Mascon’s fleet arrived, and though friendly to the current occupants of the system, it arrived suddenly in great numbers headed by a massive Dreadnaught, and likely caused a bit of a shock to whoever was there to greet them.

    “Lord Mascon,” said a hologram of a Sun Guard officer that came to life in front of his throne, “We are receiving a transmission from Empress Teta-”

    “Yes, yes,” interrupted Mascon, his hand fluttering dismissively, “That is to be expected. I'll take it in here, thank you.”

    Mascon flipped a switch, and the hologram changed over to the Tetan on the other end of the incoming transmission -

    The Empress Teta system was seven inhabitable planets, some merely orbiting gas giants, yes, but all entwined. Once known as the Koros system, and later renamed by the selfsame Empress who reunified it five millennia ago. It had its own share of Jedi and Sith influences, and carbonite mining had made the system wealthy.

    But today the Empress Teta was a fortress world. The First Order had held this system for fifteen years without interruption, as with much of the Deep Core. Forty Golan battle stations above Teta, with minefields smothering the other six worlds. Planetary shields, heavy weapons and automated TIE Dagger swarms were assigned to those, while Teta itself had immense freighters armed to the teeth - old Lucrehulk battleships primarily.

    And yes, the comms opened up.

    An armoured man in black appeared.

    “I am Darth Malleus of the Emperor’s Dark Council. Welcome to the Eternal Sith Empire, Darth Mascon.”

    Mascon eyed the other Sith Lord through the holo and pondered.

    It was so nice of Traya to gather all the Sith of the Galaxy for me. So convenient...

    "Ahh. Quite the different reception from what the last Sith to travel the Daragon Trail had to contend with.

    Thank you for your welcome, Malleus, but duty calls, and while I would love to stay and chat, this is but a pit stop on my way to my final destination. But I'm sure Traya has already briefed you on that."

    "Quite so," Malleus said, a smile heard behind his mask. "The Dark Council will be meeting when the Master so commands, so do please keep your Sentinel nearby."

    Mascon would have confirmation that a shuttle was requesting docking permission aboard his ship.

    "Otherwise, I have been instructed to dispatch twenty battlecruisers each to Coruscant and Anaxes to reinforce your position; the latter warships have arrived already and secured all communications to the system using a variation of the Galactic Jammer." A pause. "I assume your forces will be present to provide additional support?"

    The shuttle would be allowed to dock with the Avarice, and would be directed to the primary ventral docking bay.

    "My forces will be present at Anaxes, which is where I'm headed currently, though I will admit I was expecting to have to do this alone. It's good to know that I was wrong with that assumption."

    Malleus nodded. "The Sith Eternal Empire is replete. We have merely withdrawn to the Deep Core, and assembled at Relus, in anticipation of righting the wrongs of fifteen years ago. We shall retake the homeworld of the Sith Eternal, and then, the Galaxy, in the name of the Emperor."

    A comm from the hangar confirmed that there was a droid evident.

    It was standing at the bottom of the ramp, and requesting an audience with Darth Mascon.


    It ignored anyone else.

    The droid would be summoned to Mascon's kyber meditation chamber for its audience with him.

    "Come in," the Sith Lord gestured to the red robed automaton, eager to hear what it has to say.

    “You are Darth Mascon,” the droid state in robotic tones. It held out a hand. “Blood is the key. On receipt, I shall present the Master’s message. Then, I will depart, for you will know the truth of the Sith Eternal Empire; of the Dark Council.”

    "Very well. "

    Mascon removed a gauntlet, revealing a hand wrapped in thin stretched skin, evident signs of Dark Side Corruption far beyond his own ability to hide. He then took a ritual knife, one he sometimes used for Sith Alchemy and slit his palm, holding it over the droid's hand as it leaked a sanguine fluid.

    The droid accepted the blood, and sampled it, and the black visor upon his face coloured.


    “At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith.”

    It spoke with his voice. In the present tense.

    “Resistance. Rebellion. Defiance. These are concepts that cannot be allowed to persist. You are but one of many tools by which these ideas shall be burned away.”

    Its tone grew gloating.

    “In one day, the Dark Council shall meet on Exegol and my words shall crest the galaxy. The day after, the Sith Eternal Empire shall strike and end all resistance, as it would have done fifteen years ago.”

    A crooked smile.

    “Darth Mascon, you have done well. I shall bequeath upon you the knowledge of my resurrection today, as the Sith Armada is complete anew. Anaxes has been secured today; Exegol will be taken back tomorrow; the Galaxy will fall the day after. At Relus the fleet has been rebuild, and a thousand Destroyers stand ready. I bequeath twenty to you at Anaxes, and twenty more to you to seize the Six Sisters. The rest shall belong to Darth Nihl and Darth Rikis.”

    A dark chuckle.

    “The Five Sisters, I should say.”

    Mascon immediately began scheming with this new information; plotting his rise to power, in which he won't stop until he reaches the very top.

    "Good, very good. The Sith shall rise again, and order shall be restored."

    "Quite so," said the droid, and turned to leave.

    Data flowed, commanders names.

    Twenty Xyston-class battlecruisers were under Central Command at Anaxes.

    Another twenty were left to Darth Nihl to secure Kinooine, and keep the Tof cut off.

    Twenty were en route to Charon to serve Darth Rikis.

    Of course, twenty arrived at Empress Teta to follow his direction.

    A thousand remained ready to launch from Relus for Exegol.

    Names of the other Dark Councillors were passed over, too.

    Darth Malleus, yes, but also others - Darth Alkin Neret, a secret Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious; Darth Lumiya, whose true identity was obscured from him; Darth Sashal, a Keshiri High Lord; Darth Graush, the latest vessel of Dathka Graush, the seven millennia old Sith King; Darth Bataal Bandu, a descendent of the original Dark Jedi and Sith experiments, leader of the Massassi legions; Darth Valorum, from the Aquilae system; Darth Wyyrlok III, a young Chagrian and finally Darth Eranikus, a survivor of the Carbonite Sith Army...

    Twelve Dark Lord's of the Sith, with Darth Traya III.

    And one Eternal Sith Emperor atop them all.

    Mascon examined the information as it came in carefully.

    So much for the rule of two... He thought. He would have to adjust his contingencies for this. Just a little bit.

    "To Anaxes then. A perch from which we shall watch as we set the Galaxies aflame with righteous vengeance."

    The Rule of One was now espoused by the Sith Eternal Empire.

    The forces headed to Anaxes, yes, and there were twenty Xyston-class battlecruisers holding position, ready to be commanded, but directed by their Emperor to hold position - to hold the Defender of the Core.

    IC: Thychani Commander Dracus Gossen
    Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnaught Morningstar

    The freshly minted Thychani Commander Dracus Gossen straightened his officer’s cape and checked his side, sighing a slight sigh of relief when he realized his solar ionization pistol was still there.

    Dracus, the son of Thychani Dictator Chanda Gossen grew up groomed for this position. He was his mother's protegé, by his mother's design. He was ready for anything, and eager to impress his superiors in his first fleet command.

    The half human, half Thyrsian stood up straight, and began issuing orders.

    “All ships cease fire for now but prime ion cannons to disable and prepare drop pods on Duellators and the Morningstar. Duellators and the Morningstar, activate target interceptors. Launch all fighters and form a defensive screen against enemy smallcraft. Interdictors, activate gravity well generators.”

    He reached to a console to begin a transmission to the Fondorian Star Destroyers.

    “This planet, and its shipyards are now under the control of the Sun Guard Imperium, under contract by the First Order. You are outgunned, outmatched and have no hope against us. Surrender now and you will not be harmed. Resist and you shall surely die.”

    President Vadde opened the comms. He had a paucity of ships to the totals at Fondor. He had his Golans, his Star Destroyers, a planetary shield... but it had not been twenty years since Darth Caedus burned this world, and people remembered. Vadde remembered.

    "This is President Vadde. We are members of the Confederation of Independent Systems. Please leave us to our own devices. We have just left the First Order, and have no interest in the next best thing."

    "It is a shame you did not choose your allegiances better, President, for this one may have just cost you your life. The decision to leave the First Order is not one you, nor your planet can make freely."

    Dracus continued, directing his attention to his fleet.

    "All ion cannons, open fire. Launch drop pods and all fighters. Alastors, escort drop pods to seize the enemy ships, stations and if possible ground targets once large enough openings in their shields has been made. Spec Ops Solar Dragons and Petramars, begin attack runs on enemy shield generators and weapons. Solar Dragons, form up with point defense cannons to screen against incoming enemy fighters."

    The President had guns on the shipyards too, but nothing that could stand up to a Star Destroyer. E-wings launched, dozens of advanced fighters joining the fray. But the battle was one-sided. Golans began to take ion hits, and the fighters were swarmed. Planetary weapons were limited in use at this range, for fear of hitting their own ships.

    The Fondorian Nebula-class Star Destroyers hadn't yet fully formed up when a quarter of the Golan's were already blinking with damage or boarders. Vadde took a deep breath. They could hold the line, but at great cost, and reinforcements might take some time to reach them. Several of the Solar Dragons and Petramars and Alastors took hits, but the larger enemy Star Destroyers and that Dreadnought were untouched. After ten minutes of losses, he reopened comms.

    "We surrender."

    The surrender was accepted, and the Fondorian ships and stations would be commandeered by the Sun Guard to help them defend their new acquisition from an inevitable retaliatory strike.

    Vadde held on to the planetary defenses as he allowed Sun Guard troops to take the Golans and Star Destroyers and shipyards.

    The planetary shield was a thin line between the lost and the safe. "What assurances can you give me that Fondor won't be used up and abandoned, like Mon Calamari?"

    "I won't give you any, nor do I need to, for you have no choice in the matter. The shipyards will serve the Sun Guard and First Order with or without your cooperation."

    While the comms were exchanged, the Sun Guard directed the Star Destroyers to position themselves in between the planet and the shipyards, in case Vadde got any bright ideas.

    Vadde sighed. Perhaps someone would save the planet before the Sun Guard sundered it. He conceded, and then lowered the shields and directed the citizenry to cooperate.

    He had no chance.

    And no choice.

    Almost immediately after, work would begin preparing the shipyards to produce Sun Guard and First Order assets.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
    darthbernael likes this.
  16. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: King Nivic II, Barbosa, and GM Sinre as all others
    Tof League Council Chambers, Orbit of Tof

    The Council had gathered with Barbosa able to attend through secure comms from the progressively more controlled Yuth system. King Nivic II tapped the side of his throne, having arrived here well in advance to the meeting so that all others would find him waiting. Perusing reports and data spreads which would come and go with his adjuncts and advisors. A busy king seen to be busy was a sign of an active monarchy that did not have time for ribbon cuttings or breaking bottles to christen the latest vessels of war or trade.

    As soon as all were in attendance the King waved away the latest adjunct. "Members of the Tof League, today we not only can say we have reclaimed the former might of the Tof Empire, nor the former glory of the Nagai in Firefest. We have secured both, and now more besides either separate or together they had ever known of our galaxy. From Deep Core to the very extreme of Yuth, our galaxy has taken the first steps to secure our borders. In so doing, for the first since the days of it's creation and passed makers, we are a single galaxy made whole! With equality and respect fostering between it's peoples!" The King pumped his fists to the sides smiling as he looked at the members, it was best to start this meeting with a high note.

    Hitting a key he sent the meetings agenda's to those present. It was a nine point broad strokes agenda for the Council today, honestly it could of been twelve but it best to make sure they didn't fall asleep or throw a tantrum from the proceedings drawing on past their meal times.

    1. Status of Developing Worlds
    • Faruun Restoration
    • Irrom Retooling and Production
    • Nagi Restoration
    • General production
    2. Intergalactic Hyperlane Defense Networks
    3. Aggression from Sun Guard to Diplomats
    4. Aggression from Sith Nagai Terrorist Kinooine
    5. Aggression from Sun Guard Rishi
    6. Charon Aggression / Collaboration Nagai & Sun Guard
    7. Establishing Trade protocols intergalactically as well as connection to extragalactic holdings.
    8. Requests for Aid from non-member worlds
    9. Establishing cross species post secondary training facilities to foster Elite Supreme's and Leaders from all member races.​

    It would be better to focus on the home galaxy and homeworlds first. Figure out where things stood and everyone's concerns, from this they could see about moving forward. Then the slog of military needs and potentials, and finally finish with a non-issue to wrap up the meeting and hopefully remove the sour taste of combat realities from the political pallets.

    There was a cheer from the assembled Tof, Faruun, Macca and Bree.

    Reports flowed that Faruun's surface was inhabitable entirely again, and damage had been effectively brought to an end. It would take a time for a shipyard to be built in orbit, but the Maccabree were content to remain their primary shipyard and war forge. Irrom's shipyards were in a more depreciated state than expected, and the whirlwind investigation of the Deep Core by the Security Forces had delayed that restoration. But there was absolute certainty that 11-4D had done nothing more than work with the late King Nivic I.

    Nagi was a different story. There were reports of occasional Nagai bands, jumping into and out of hyperspace when detected, and occasional skirmishes but save for a handful of corvettes and freighters, there was no organized resistance, merely refugees. Many ships surrendered and were promptly taken back to Nagi for medical care and rehabilitation. Word was spreading of the treatment of the Nagai by the Tofs, and slowly but surely, attitudes were changing. There was even a discussion about requesting membership in the League - and a seat on the Council.

    Before the ails of the Production Ministry were brought to light, there was some ripple of discontent as the scribe read the report of representation. The Faruun, Macca and Bree had recent wounds thanks to the Nagai and also the Sun Guard, and the ancient treaties between the Nagai and them were sore points - even if those treaties had been against the Tof.

    There wasn't unanimity for acceptance of the Nagai in the League.

    King Nivic II submitted one simple formal statement, "The Tof Kingdom recuses itself from voting on whether to allow Nagai a seat upon this council. We have too much guilt and recent bad blood from Nagai terrorist actions to even humor being able to be objective on this case. Whether this council can be objective on this case with so many recent occurrences we would argue as a potential point. Nagai are the longest lived of us all, slow to breed, and usually united. If we do want change I would suggest an alternative to a firm no. Allow Nagai access to watch any portion of this council meetings not deemed to create a security risk, whether live or recorded, and a way for them to create and submit petitions that their voices might be heard directly by this council if we do not grant them membership at this time. If we grant them membership," The King gave a heavy frustrated sigh, "for the sake of moderation I would suggest a penalization period determined by their lifespan where their vote and influence is not given the same weight as others, and they would be bared from sensitive information about any other members homeworlds and homeworld security. For obvious reasons for the foreseeable future Nagai if granted membership and or travel privileges would be banned from Tof and Irrom due to mutual safety concerns. As for other points, I would be remiss not to state the obvious - this is their home galaxy, and we are working at their reforms as we have our own. We are not going anywhere and neither are they now. The Tof League was formed at the tip of a sword with the Maccabree and with outstretched hands of aid and acceptance at Faruun, welcoming arms to the lost water peoples, and with conscientious stewardship of the constructed. Never repeated yet has been the way a member has joined and never has a member once full enough to sit on this council been silenced. How then shall we see our paths forward with the Nagai?"

    There was a muted conversation. The King had summarised the discussion aptly. They demurred, but many of them ended up simply accepting that they weren’t ready for the Nagai to join the Council.

    They did present that the Nagai could be allowed more freedom inside the FireFist Galaxy, and a pardon issued for those who cease fighting within a certain timeframe - with warrants remaining for any Nagai who fought at Yuth and for Saijo now. Chief among those war criminals being Rem, Rom, Rikis and Nihl.

    The Ministry for Production was pensive, clearly, to speak. A cadaverous Tof woman, she was elderly but well known for her efforts after Tof was struck.

    King Nivic II nodded and confirmed the decision for the League for this time concerning the Nagai. Next on the agenda was someone whom the King had Barbosa to rely on during his tenure and was certain he would continue to do so now with his full return to ruling. "Minister for Production? Are you ready now or do ye request to go after another point of discussion?"

    "I would rather speak now, your Majesty," she said with suitable deference. "The original Tof Kingdom, off the backs of older, harsher methods -"

    "Slavery," put in the Faruun representative bluntly.

    "Yes," she said apologetically. "Off those disgusting methods, the Tof Kingdom sponsored some five hundred capital ships and thousands of lesser craft in a Royal Navy that was tasked with obtaining resources -"

    "Stealing them," the same Faruun said, drily.

    "Yes," this time she said with irritation. "This was devised as a booty system by the first Pirate Kings, as a way to incentivize expansion as long as the Crown was shown suitable deference and a share of the takings was sent to the homeworld. This system allowed the Navy to be maintained, and any one threat that required more than twenty percent of the overall Supreme's involvement would require Royal Assent."

    "Such as the invasion of Skyriver?"

    "Precisely," she said, more evenly. "The ravenous appetites' of the Kingdom meant that such expansion was required to maintain the Navy, and also to keep the monarch from facing civil war, which of course happened following the destruction of the fifth of the Navy sent to invade Skyriver."

    "Solving your resource problem," the Macca said, thoughtfully.

    "If the Kingdom could survive the fallout," the Bree added.

    "Which it did not, through various factors," the Minister said, trying not to wince. In that fall, the King had to face rebellious lords, his own brother, an absent father, and then a counter-invasion by the New Republic and Mandalorians, supporting uprisings against the Tof Kingdom by the Faruun and Maccabree - species' represented now in the Tof League.

    "Seems as if the Tof in Tof League needs to be taken away," muttered the Faruun. "The League is just fine."

    The Minister hesitated, should the King wish to interrupt her - or the Faruun.

    King Nivic II sat back for the interplay. Honestly it was telling. Tensions which he always boldly acknowledged as he had been instructed by Barbosa seemed to be the proper tact as he watched the Minister get berated for trying to be delicate about the word choices. Then of course the biting started turning nasty and the King finally leaned forward.

    "Enough! If I wanted bickering I would invite my wife to. . ." it's funny how grief comes in waves, how in the spur of a moment you can forget something so fundamental to your reality having been changed. Swallowing hard the King fought back the tears that came unbidden to make his vision blur. Fought it down so that they would not fall. With unsteady deep breath he continued. "Minister prior to my change in roles I was educated for the financials of a galaxy spanning Empire. I know how it functioned and why it failed, in part or whole most here know it from one point of view or other - I also know most likely that all this expansion and rehabilitation of war damaged or abandoned worlds in an action to stockpile investments for future returns is likely showing large short term gaps making notions such as volunteers needed for aid work. Please get to the point." Turning he looked at the speaker from Faruun, "As for the commentary on nomenclature I believe either myself or Barbosa has iterated plainly why Tof is included in the name. We started it, we named it, and we are prideful pricks who at least need that much validation! Now we have a full docket and busy schedules I would assume for all present." Looking around before nodding at the Minister to continue with a wave, before leaning back again.

    A sudden stiffness filled the room as they all recalled that the King's wife was dead. Some of the other Tof present had to turn away to dab their own eyes discretely with a handkerchief, and the Faruun had the good heart to place their hand over their mouth in sympathetic horror.

    The Faruun bowed deeply. "A thousand apologies, your Majesty. I forgot myself, and that the Tof have, too, suffered against the murderous inflictions of the those who would rather war than peace." He was impassioned. "It was for this very reason the coalition between the Nagai, Faruun and Maccabree failed. We did not want slaughter, merely to be arbitrators of our own destiny, a lesson the Nagai had to learn and have, in tragedy, now had to - the Sun Guard proved that there are worse things than oppression founded off misunderstanding, but instead obliteration, which is all war in FireFist will result in."

    "Here, here," a Tof said.

    The Minister cleared her throat, and continued. "Thank you, sir, for your well-said words. To the future, your Majesty, my fellow Lords." She threw her words. "We need more trade partners to manage a Royal Navy of the size we once did. While we no longer commit wasteful resources to oppression, we also have damaged worlds and under-developed colonies. In the short term, I would not expect the League to be able to maintain more than four hundred capital ships and the thousands of escorts that go with it. Unless we can draw more resources from the Rishi Maze more directly, we do need that trade and presently what we have is insufficient."

    A glower from another Minister. "It's rather hard to set up trade links when FireFist has been effectively blockaded for some time."

    "So we may need more aggressive action to bring peace to our neighbour... or should we look to other Galaxies? Skyriver never seems able to keep its worlds in order for a few years at a time."

    "The Skyriver is considerably larger in nature than FireFist, and more diverse," one pointed out.

    "So it needs a more iron fist, then -" the Tof shot back.

    "So, oppression?" A Tof bit back. "Did we just not -"

    The Faruun and Maccabree had the good graces not to repeat themselves. What were the Tof now, it came down to. The Minister of Production focused on the King, for the moment.

    "Enough." the King stated wearily. "Our options for trade partners are Skyriver, the Charon Galaxy that just attacked us on the side of the terrorist Nagai, or this Other galaxy - Peridia I believe, which is likely where the Nagai from Skyriver are projected to have fled to. A fourth would be if we fight through any of these galaxies to a jump point to the Vong galaxy which is supposedly dead and biologically depleted. Good alternatives we are not replete with unless someone knows hyper-routes to another galaxy that has not been made public to this council yet? If not this lends into items Four, Five, Seven, and Eight of the itinerary. We do have standing trade negotiated with three polities of Skyriver at this time if we can open a hyperlane and keep it secure. Kinooine despite the Nagai terrorist is best choice for those trade deals and a way to reopen a path to Rishi - Unless we vote to retaliate against the Charon invasion by invading their galaxy." The King stated with a questioning flick of a wrist, truly it was mess of a situation and it was showing as they had debacles to just keeping on talking points.

    "Should we not focus on Kinooine? It is within our reach most readily, after all?"

    "Could we connect Kinooine to Rishi via conquered and acquired territory, that would salve our resource problem? Could we negotiate worlds such as Elliad to our cause?"

    "What do we know of these Charon? Can we expand into their territory?"

    "Do we intend to pursue the Nagai to Peridea, and if so, wage war against them separately to our trade agreements? Would that not agitate their nominal allies, the Confederation, and this New Republic?"

    "If the Yuuzhan Vong Galaxy is depleted biologically, does that not mean it is resource rich? I understood the Vong didn't use the same materials we do for their ships."

    The King rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This is why we have talking points and procedures. Still, to answer your questions. . .in order. I agree, Kinooine should be a first step focus. Facing an obvious Nagai aggressor threat that is a question of when not if they will attack us. Better to face them now and clear it. Yes, we could connect Kinooine to Rishi by attacking the Sun Guard locations between there and Rishi opening a trade route through Confederate Territory. As we don't wish to aggravate the other Skyriver powers we can have a negotiation and public agreement with the Bothans so there will be an announcement ready that this was planned cooperation between our nations. As for Elliad, check with the Bothans first - make sure we are not taking from them. Their trade aspect is more viable and valuable than any single world or owning the entire trade corridor to Rishi. Trading with them should help us advance our technology and defenses."

    Here the King took a breath and raised a pad. "As for the Charon we know little, but they are a united galaxy that tried to invade ours. They appear to have several races from Skyriver as well. Which way one came from the other, don't know don't care. They did invade us and seem to side with Sun Guard and Nagai Terrorists. Meaning the escaped Nagai Terrorist world to Charon is a note of concern. It would be good to at least send scouts as we mine and fortify the hyperlane for now, whether we follow up with an assault after we see about Kinooine I feel would be good to postpone."

    Barbosa cleared his throat at this. "I feel that would be a mistake your majesty and Council. I advocate for the immediate following and decimation of the Nagai Terrorists and all Charon who do not surrender. Whatever that dark thing was that controls the Nagai now tried to entice me to be it's priest and leader of it's people - it's Nagai people. Whatever that thing is we cannot ignore it!"

    "Not ignore postpone." The King replied with a sigh. "Unless the council agrees with you then we would do so. That would stretch our forces nearly to their limits. Now, as for Peridia or whatever leave it. They are Nagai that fled instead of staying with either of the two Nagai terrorist factions. Until they show a thirst for war, or a dark taint as those we just drove away I vote we leave them be. Perhaps in time we can even pursue trade through the hyperroute via the Confederacy as an intermediary. " A shrug. "This makes the Vong Galaxy I feel a non-starter for this time no matter how we approach it. We do not have a clear path there, until we have secured a pathway aspirations towards it are as nothing but shiny dreams. Good to rest upon, but fruitless to plan at this stage. So. Votes on these issues and on to the next topics?"

    A consensus.


    Questions; formalised.

    "Should we scout the Charon Galaxy?"

    "Should we invade the Charon Galaxy?"

    "Should we approach Peridea?"

    "Should we assault Kinooine?"

    The latter didn't even get to the vote stage, the entire Council wanted to do so - they wanted that hyperlane to Kinooine.

    The King made notes. "As they attacked us, yes we should scout them. Whether we send forces now or after securing our own trade needs is the question. I vote after. As for invading them, that would be nightmare unless we have trade working to help us get to greater heights as the tabulations show them likely having more ships then we do. Peridea? Let's ask the Bothan's to do so on our behalf. Let them keep an eye on them is my recommendation." The King stated. Letting whatever would shake out shake out on those fronts.

    Last was the agreement for the assault on Kinooine. "Barbosa and any available Spots from your task force are hereby directed with. . .eighty capital ships and tenders to secure Kinooine. With that settled next order would be whether we act to save our diplomats at Serreno, and how to capitalize on that action if we take it. If we save everyone present, it could go a long way to improving our diplomatic status with all involved." The King added with a raised eyebrow. "There are also calls for aide that our insertions there could allow more ships to respond to. Fondor and Mandalore primarily. Alternatively we could send some to strike at Sun Guard interests in raids to disrupt their supply lines."

    "Fondor?" An aide consulted the notes. "Recently overthrew the First Order, has ample Golan defenses, and just declared for the Confederation." Another scroll. "Fondor was attacked during the invasion, and the then-Rebels and Mandalorians routed the Supreme, at cost."

    A murmur. "How do we get ships to Serenno with Gargon blockaded?"

    "Do we not have a secret route to Serenno from Tof?"

    "Eighty capital ships to Kinooine best win us that battle," came a grumble in the back.

    The King nodded, "Yes we do, Serenno is the about the oldest reverse contact Firefest Tofs had with Skyriver. Since due to an old treaty from that encounter with a powerful Spot user we have not used that route and could not rightfully without it being in aide of Serenno as it now would be, and yes - with Barbosa leading them I am sure he can win us a battle at Kinooine. Now should we aide Fondor? Mandalor? Or just raid Sun Guard territories before drawing back to Serenno and Skyriver?"

    Serenno seemed to be the consensus. Sending an armada to save that planet would prove a brilliant victory for public relations with the Skyriver Galaxy. There was a question of how they would get a fleet to Fondor in good time, until Kinooine was cleared, too - and Serenno itself was a battleground.

    The King nodded, "If Grand Admiral Naberie squashes the enemy at Serenno fast enough or can split off a task force that will blast through the enemy and jump out - we can do more than otherwise. That is the realm of open mandates and possible executions. For now we shall green light her as authorized and mobilize her fleets. Five fleets cleared for immediate action. Now if there is nothing else shall the remaining fleets remain here defending Firefest and clearing Sun Guard mines to establish our own defenses?"

    A hundred bulk cruisers?

    There was a rustle.

    That was the exact amount of ships the King had allowed to be sent to Skyriver in the Great War.

    But it was just a number.

    Just a number.

    They were nonetheless muted in their approval.

    It was then that they would feel their meeting place begin to rumble and vibrate as the vessel they were on began to move. Looking about with concern the King tapped a side bar. A messenger appeared looking panicked. "Report." the King asked without any preamble. What he and the council received was that the Ruling body was being moved away from Tof due to security concerns. Namely, Starkiller base had been reported to be targeting them.

    There was a sudden rush of panic as news reached the various Tof present. The comms cut, freezing out the Faruun and Macca and Bree. Several of them were on the comlinks to their retainers, family, friends and everyone -

    King Nivic II reached forward and pushed a button of the throne. All personal comms were cut and the comm line to the rest of the council was restored. The King gave a bellowed roar for "SILENCE!" Waiting a moment for the shock to set in he pushed another command that initiated a broadcast galaxy wide in Firefest.

    "My fellow citizens of Firefest, my family of Tof. Emperor Snoke appears to renege on his non-aggression pact as he now has openly allied himself with the Sun Guard by targeting Tof with his Starkiller Base - a proven galactic weapon of terror that renders a star system and all worlds and space within that system uninhabitable as soon as the hyperspace weapon lands its devastation blow. At our range we should have hours or possibly days - scientists are working that knowledge now but in an abundance of caution all ships of the Tof system, civilian and military, are to begin evacuations of our citizens to developing colony worlds and stations. Any cities that have completed their modifications to be space worthy are to contact the fleets that requisite tugs or bulwarks can be assigned to assist their mass evacuation if not hyperspace capable yet. Government guidelines for mass evacuations will be followed for goods and personnel, but will include women and children foremost. Life is our priority. All ships are to do as many trips as possible either until this threat passes - one way or another. Or until such time the council halts evacuation efforts due to foreseen conclusion. Haste makes waste, and I will not see one drop of my people wasted - Any found to be abandoning or stampeding and causing undue harm to others will be seen as the worst scum of Tof and unworthy to be allowed on evacuating vessels and branded as such by the traditional mark. Keep calm and steady onward." The King then saluted stoically to the cam before it cut.

    After that impromptu address he nodded to the Council. "I hereby move that we consider even the aiming of this mass weapon a declaration of war!0 All fleets so assigned will continue to make those avenues of headway now with the goals of war footing. If that thing fires, we will hope that the gravity mines can drop the weapons fire harmlessly into the space between galaxies and into the asteroid barriers so that it never reaches here. If that fails we will be best set to be avenged. Mine layers and asteroid haulers are to redouble their efforts in that hope as well."

    There was a flurry of panic as Tof citizens tried their best not to, but couldn't help it.

    A terror attack was one thing, but a hyperlaser!

    Riots broke out, violence ensured at spaceports, and it was a disaster, generally. Ships from the shipyards were yanked from their moors, and not a single city-ship was ready to launch. One crew even pulled a bulk cruiser from the Tof shipyards, wrecking the berth, and then the ship wasn't spaceworthy anyway and everyone on board suffocated.

    It just wasn't possible for an entire people to maintain stoicism in the face of death.

    But at least two thirds of the population just pulled out another mead and drank heartily. Joyous to the end.

    However, a remnant of Mandalorians resurfaced on Vhetin and struck at the mines, Nagai raiders began picking at the newly developed colonies, and there was even word that a Spot user went mad from the hysteria and struck down a Maccabree on their homeworld. Several Tof bulk cruisers abandoned their posts to rush to Tof and aid with the evacuation of loved ones.

    Chaos beget chaos.

    But at least the galaxy was comparatively secure.

    Had this happened before now, numerous enemies could have taken advantage.

    The aide returned after the time these calamities had taken and the King depressed a button again. A dour look upon his face. "The threat is passed!" he boomed across the home galaxy! Shouting as a Monarch never should have to shout. "Evacuation canceled. I am disappointed. In my Tof - a third of you acted like idiots, more have died needlessly than I would have wagered. New training for all people shall be prepared as it shows our moral fiber is not what it ought!" Then he added more quietly, "I thought more of Tof than this. You have disappointed your king and shamed your race."

    Shaking his head he shifted and looked off to a side of the camera. "I am disappointed in the Nagai as well. You asked high hopes and we discussed meeting them. Then these attacks as soon as a mere sign of weakness was hinted." he shook his head again. "You still have far to go to earn a voice here with actions like these."

    "Vhetin. The Maccabree in charge of the mines have told me of the Mandalorians that have stepped forward in aggression. Despite the capital ships in orbit. After we sacrificed nearly two fleets fighting the Grysk and Sun Guard on your behalves trying to free your peoples! I fear I do not understand a culture that espoused honor but acts as you do." he shook his head more gravely before his eyes shifted and his gaze softened.

    "This threat did not last long thank the ancestors, but by the tides where others found actions against or trouble, the Faruun and Maccabree showed themselves true allies and friends of Tof. May that be a good lesson for all Tof to remember." with a firm nod the King looked about. "Now let us see about putting ourselves to right and researching our safety and security that never shall we er' even the need nor weakness to give to such panic again!" Pressing the button he cut the connection to the Firefest Galaxy and slumped in his throne staring at the Council.

    The tumult did indeed embarrass the Tof League. It did, however, reveal points for reform, tightening up, and resolution. Vhetin, Faruun and Maccabree calmed, and the Nagai condemned their own terrorists. Tof itself took far too long to settle, for panic became relief became revelry. Hours passed.

    But eventually Barbossa, the King and the chief security aide were all that remained.

    "Your Majesty, and my Lord," the officer said. "We have identified that the droid did escape Tof for Yuth, and left with Yuth... do we have any further thoughts on what data the droid would have stolen from the Deep Core?"

    "Assume the worst. It's a droid for Kraken sake! Assume it has a copy of everything that was planned there and shared prior to his leaving, assume he left back doors or something in the systems or the droids. Bring in externals and jammers and check it all with the best of the Tof League. And make enough adjustments its info will be worthless. Or worse than worthless! Same for the defenses and systems of Tof!" King Nivic II declared with a shout. Deep green flushing his face as he felt his heart pounding at the situation they all were in now.

    The officer paled, turning a sickly shade of green. "We shall rewrite our entire security matrix! New codes! New systems! New interfaces!" He hesitated. "I was just worried, your Majesty, and of course you would have thought of this - but was there any intrinsic value to your father's medical information?"

    King Nivic II banged a fist on the arm of his chair as he looked at the questioning man. Having to admit the one thing he had been avoiding as best he could. "I don't know."

    There was a little nudge to the corner of his mind.

    I do.

    It led to the Sith Holocron in his vault. Did Barbosa know about such a thing?

    The King turned to the holo of Barbosa. "After you return I have something I would consult with you. Until then, good hunting." With that he cut the connection and turned to the others physically present. "I will check my father's personal effects and notes from my journey to the core. See if I can find something as for what the droid might of sought."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
  17. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Interlude - Nivic - A Sinrebirth and Mitth_Fisto retrospective

    The Nagai-Tof War was a reminder that right did not always mean might. That the justice of your cause did not always carry one to victory. While the Rebellion, or the Jedi-Sith Wars, or the defeat of the Pius Dea suggested that such things were commonplace, the narrative of the Nagai-Tor reminds everyone that sometimes, the proverbial bad guys win.

    The Tof conquered the FireFist Galaxy with force of arms, oppressing the Faruun, Maccabree and Nagai. But the Nagai were the first to fight back, rallying their allies, the Faruun providing ship construction, the Maccabree armoured troops, and the Nagai coordination, intelligence and base ferocity. They raised a hundred capital ships, shining spider-shaped battleships and Brute Destroyers - twice the number of capital ships the Rebels had available at the time of the Battle of Endor.

    But whereas the Rebels had capital ship superiority with the Mon Calamari Star Crusier, and the same with fighters in the X-win, far outmatching the traditional Star Destroyer and TIE lines, the Tof bulk cruiser was a hardy and superior vessel, and even if Nagai fighters were individually better than the Tof equivalent, the light clipper was the preferred small craft of the Tof, and won all starfighter engagements. The spider battleship could hold the line against a bulk cruiser, but the light clipper would win the starfighter engagement, and the Tof starfighters would win the battle. The variety of Nagai escorts - Yulari cruisers were brilliant long-range warships - gave them success in smaller engagements, but any gains were rapidly erased - and the Tof had five hundred bulk cruisers, let alone thousands of light clippers, giving them galactic superiority.

    For centuries that status quo had prevailed.

    That made little difference here.

    Here, the Nagai had advanced on another galaxy, fought against the Rebel Alliance, Mandalorians and a trio of Imperial warlords, bloodying themselves on the enemy but conquering most of a quadrant. A Supreme had managed to follow their forces, annihilating a Nagai squadron at Trenwyth and sending word to the Crown Prince of the new opportunities and hunting grounds. Brooking no input from his father or brother, the Crown Prince had authorised the launching of a hundred bulk cruisers -

    The Supreme was dead even before the Crown Prince made it to the new galaxy, lost at the Battle of Zeltron. But that had been insufficient to deter the eager Tof. They had retraced the Nagai invasion routes and gone further, absorbing casualties as they too bruised the Rebels, Mandalorians, Nagai and Imperial warlords, but attacking Fondor in the Colonies and rather than failing at Iskalon capturing the world from the Rebels.

    But in a mere four months, they had lost them all, defeated by the selfsame collection of states that had troubled the Nagai, but the Nagai had joined with them to defeat the Tof. A fifth of the Navy, their greatest sailors, and just now, worse news - the capture of the Crown Prince at the Battle of Saijo.

    A page had just delivered the news to the King and his younger son, Nivic. His mother had taken ill with the bad tidings, her constitution such that the constant mourning in the Royal Court had taken its toll.

    Prince Nivic II heard the news and bowed his head. His brother was to pass the military rights to earn the nobilities respect and, eventually, ascend to the throne. Only now that was wholly in question. It caused a panic that gripped his heart.

    He had always been told his constitution was more his mothers than his fathers, and he had been focused on his studies. Learning how to turn the knowledge that had been imprinted in his brain into working knowledge as concerned anything that pertained to being the Financial Minister someday of the Tof Kingdom to support his father and someday brother as the rulers of the Kingdom. Now it was all spiraling. They didn't even know what kind of people these were that had taken the prince, the hunt was fresh and new in ways it hadn't been for three hundred years! Anxiously he looked to his Father, the King.

    With a snarl, the King smashed a priceless display of antiques with flagpole, and the cabinet bounced from the wall and hit the floor. He looked at it as if betrayed, drew his hunting pistol, and shot the wood until his blaster was emptied - the cabinet was now a smouldering pile of rubble.

    The doors to the room whisked open, and the guards poked their heads in long enough to them that the King was not in danger. His son, however, may be. They closed the doors wordlessly, and the King released slow breaths of rage.

    "M-my King." the boy stammered. Knowing as always his life was in danger in a way few could appreciate. Anyone else would have to challenge a duel and the rules and chances were set. The King and his proxies, or even the first Prince? Nothing was off limits for them. "Wh-what can I do?" he asked.

    It was the plaintiff words of a distressed child. He knew he shouldn't stammer, it might only make his father angrier. He tried to steel himself, perfect posture. Waiting for something, he feared yet what.

    “Rise,” he snapped. “Rise up, my boy. The nobles will not serve a defeated Prince. You will have to become that new Crown Prince, and ably, and swiftly. The Pirate Court will not abide weakness.”

    The Tof King settled onto his throne heavily. “If not, we will have Civil War without end. Unless your brother can turn around the war, but how could he, with a fifth of our military lost. The nobles are fuming. Many have lost a son in this senseless conflict. I would have the Supreme who led us to ruin executed if he hadn’t died at the Battle of Zeltros.”

    He slammed his fist in the throne arm. “When he was killed before your brother even reached Skyriver, I knew that I should have ordered him back. But the spectre of glory, and riches, and new hunting grounds! They were too appealing to the Pirate Lords, and they were already becoming bored with Nagai strays and looking to my Throne.”

    He was trembling with rage.

    Standing he waited, jolting slightly at the slammed fist. "So, they're blaming us, turning on the throne for not listening to you over their losses." he softly replied. Still unsure of himself, of his need to do except to study what he needed to do now.

    "Defeat is an orphan," the Tof King rued. He suddenly pivoted. "I will need to disinherit your brother... to elevate you to Crown Prince. Can I rely upon you, my boy?" He stepped forward, looking all the more crazed, arms spread.

    "I will rise father. As King commands so must be done." Nivic II spoke with frozen terror and rigid posture. Unsure what all would happen now. Encyclopedic knowledge laid out trappings, but the truth of what would happen eluded him. All he knew, was his life was no longer sure as it was before this morning.

    "Then go!" He snapped. "Meet the invaders and our enemies, real and imagined, near and far!"

    He sat heavily upon his throne, pressed buttons.

    The Pirate Lords appeared, shortly, less in number than they had been even a year earlier - though not all were absent due to death, some due to mere insolence. Nivic's expression twisted in disdain. "The new Crown Prince commands you," he spat. "The Empire of Tof is wounded, but we are not defeated. We shall not defeat ourselves. We shall counter the enemy invasion, and suppress the slave worlds, and we shall win!"

    The Lords didn't even cheer with unamity.

    Between those who didn't cheer, and those absent by choice and not death, roughly half of the Pirate Lords were no longer fully loyal...

    Bowing his head Nivic II backed away from his father. Glancing at the others he knew he was a child compared to all these people, and not fit as he was not prepared for the role he was being thrust into. Turning without a word he left to see what he had to learn, to do, now that he was supposed to be being groomed for the position he was ever only ever supposed to support.

    The flagship was ready. An ancient but modern bulk cruiser named Peremptory, it was waiting for him to take the flag.

    As his shuttle and royal guard lifted off, data was passed to him by an aid.

    Apparently uprisings had broken out on Maccabree and Faruun in the Inner Rim, and ships were said to be scouting Nagai. Most of the Tof Royal Navy was hovering in the Core, some two hundred cruisers by the capital, another hundred in the Inner Rim, and a hundred scattered across the Outer Rim...

    Word was that several ships were overdue reporting in, and the scouts watching the hyperlane to Kinooine were missing. Many Supreme's were reporting a dearth of clipper frigates, as if they were being hunted.

    The Nagai waypoint to the Skyriver world of Gargon, a world recently discovered and named Vhetin, was the rendezvous of more than half of the Outer Rim forces... Supreme Lord Cavita was in-charge there, and was one of the many Pirate Lords who had not cheered, and similarly several of the Lords who had not bothered to turn up to the meeting were in his host.

    Reports suggested Spider Battleships, Brute Destroyers, Yulari-class cruisers and Mandalorian Keldabe-class capital ships were in the FireFist galaxy. Intelligence frantically tried to account for how many ships remained of the initial Nagai armada - was it thirty capital ships? Or forty? Eyes were being kept out for the powerful Mon Calamari Star Cruisers and Imperial Star Destroyers that could be deployed by the New Republic against them too, but thus far, save for a few of the enemies accursed X-wing squadrons, none were evident among the half-reports from clippers before they were lost.

    Looking over the reports, Nivic II shook his head. He wasn't trained in this. Abandoning Nagai and the Outer Rim to consolidate their position seemed logical. Destroy their bases and fall back to a better defense. He made notes to that affect. It wasn't like the outer rim really held that many treasures or was all that profitable beyond a diversion for the Pirate Lords. Still he called for aid and guidance from the ships captain, surely whoever was in charge of Peremptory would be a well skilled and accomplished individual.

    Cavita's forces didn't respond to his summons to abandon the Outer Rim.

    The captain of the Peremptory was a wise but aged officer named Fontuun, and he derided the entire affair. An outspoken supporter of the King, and a derider of the Crown Prince, he walked a narrow line, largely because he was too old to care.

    He as such narrowed his eyes and knit his brow when he met the new Crown Prince at the private hangar. "Your Highness."

    There was a royal guard, of course, a full platoon at parade ready.

    Fontuun clearly thought this was a waste of effort and wanted to get back to the war.

    Giving a curt nod as was customary to a man of such an esteemed position. He was sure his brother would of blundered past the man or spoke without looking at him. Maybe he should of done that instead? He fidgeted nervously, his fingers worming slightly at his sides. Clamping them down noting the Captains agitation.

    "Captain Fontuun. Everything as it is, please dispense with protocol. What do you advise?" he decided to simply state it flat out. Well, as nearly flat out as he could. The only bits he had not stated was that he was a child, and not even of proper age nor training to take over the position and responsibilities of First Prince except that his father the King had ordained him to do so.

    "Advance on Vhetin in force, crush Supreme Lord Cavita for his obstinance." He was a simple man. Direct. And this politicking wasn't for him.

    "Sir!" A page rushed up, and bowed, tripped over his feet, and slid to the floor. Fontuun guffawed. "A thousand apologies, your Majesty. But I have word of the Crown Prince!"

    Fontuun narrowed his eyes. "The Crown Prince is right here. He is to be addressed as His Highness." He lightly kicked the young Tof, his skin so green as to be almost offensively shiny. A young waif. "If you wish to speak about the disinherited former Prince, you can do so."

    Looking a little lost at the recommendation he nodded slowly before they were interrupted. Then the now Crown Prince was treated to a show, from which he did his best to maintain his composure. Treat it like a puffin from an advanced geopolitical economics course. Keep composure, straight face, focus on the teacher.

    "Perhaps we can move on from these public proceedings to a proper setting for airing such things?" He asked. Feeling keenly the many eyes and ears about them.

    There was a ripple of curiosity from the gathered, and Fontuun again kicked the page. "Up. Out. Now."

    They were shortly in a little room off from the main hangar, and the page looked even paler, if at all possible.

    "A thousand apologies, Crown Prince, sir, your superior-ness -"

    Fontuun back-slapped him to the ground. "Talk. Now."

    "The Nagai have released and sent the former Crown Prince to Vhetin. He is apparently refusing to accept that he is no longer heir, and is directing the Lords to support his claim to the throne. Lord Cavita has already acknowledged Prince Sereno's claim."

    "And the King?" Fontuun growled.

    "He has vanished from Tof, sir." The page's voice was even more meek. "Shortly after the Crown Prince Nivic left the Palace."

    Fontuun drew his blaster out of sheer annoyance -

    The Crown Prince apparent felt sick to his guts. "The Nagai released him? The Nagai he was chasing and slaughtering, that destroyed his fleet and captured him. . .let him go?" Nivic the Second asked slowly as he grasped his guts. None of it truly a question.

    "They knew. He was in his trials, and he failed - but we are not united and solid as a hounded people. We are bloated, and. . .and they knew. My own brother will be my trial then." he finished more softly as he turned slightly more green at the notion of it.

    Fontuun was truly impressed. It was a terrific move. With the Tof Empire divided over blame, throwing the disinherited Prince into the mix was an incredible move.

    Reports flowed in.

    Uprisings on Nagi, Faruun and Maccabree, yes, but the Navy was dividing nearly neatly. With a hundred bulk cruisers lost in Skyriver, the lines were separating clearly when word spread the King had vanished.

    Some twenty bulk cruiser captains swore to the homeworld and refused to become drawn into the pending civil war. Roughly a hundred and fifty captains swore to the former Crown Prince at Vhetin, bringing the entire Outer Rim under his command, leaving a hundred and eighty captains committed to the legitimate Crown Prince. The remainder captains were fighting off rebellions in the colonies, not interested in politics but spoils, and territory, fracturing the Inner Rim.

    The Spot had yet to throw in with either side, and were said to be reinforcing the capital too. Only one member of the Spot spoke up in favour of Nivic II, a loyalist known as Barbosa, loathed by Lord Cavita as one of the few advisors in the inner circle which had counselled against the Skyriver invasion.

    He was said to be en route to the Crown Prince, and Lord Cavita was also said to have made several attempts to kill Barbosa. In the middle of all this, opportunities strikes by Nagai battleships, destroyers and cruisers did their toll, supported by superior Mandalorian and Rebel fighter craft. The hyperlane between Kinooine and Vhetin had been secured by Cavita’s forces, but Saijo was a Nagai fortress and Cavita was understood to debating sending forces to seize the system as a backstop for a retreat. The Crown Prince was loudly refusing to abandon Vhetin, even if it made tactical sense.

    Meanwhile the New Republic was advancing deep into the Galactic Core of Skyriver, capturing Kashyyyk, Brentaal and defeating the warlords that had troubled the Nagai and Tofs at Yag’Dhul, Moorja and Glom Tho.

    The only good thing about that was the New Republic was unlikely to commit their accursed Star Cruisers or captured Star Destroyers to the Nagai effort. But the moment Cavita swung at their enemies the danger would multiply.

    Time was against the true Crown Prince.

    Taking it all in Nivic the Second squeezed his eyes shut. "We need to secure the Inner Rim for now, leave my disgraced brother to the Nagai though I doubt they will actually do much against him. They have his measure, and I doubt we could find the usual assassins without the Spot support. Maybe this Barbosa can get one to aid us under the proper colors? We will have to eliminate Cavita and my brother somehow. . .only then will any financial planning in regards to the rebellions can even begin." he added with a shudder at how bad this was for the Tof Empire, not that his brother cared.

    If he could he would abdicate now and let his brother have the throne, he would discuss it with Barbosa when he came. See if that might be possible path to reunite the Tof Kingdom, but he doubted it. Mainly because knowing his brother the man would likely try to have him killed from falling over the side of the castle railings from the highest balcony. Just to be sure he wouldn't try or be chosen by others again to usurp him. Despite how much he feared for his Kingdom Nivic knew he was a coward at heart, he was willing to do much for his people, but he wasn't about to die for them. Especially considering he had to agree that his brother had failed the trials, if he became King some other family would see to clearing the pathways of succession and his family would not be there for long after his father passed.

    Fontuun dismissed the aide. "Commit our forces to the Inner Rim, bring an end to the rebellions, draw a line between us and Cavita"?

    "Assassination, eh? I like," Fontuun said. "Do you think this Spot User can facilitate that?"

    As if on cue, Barbosa's shuttle arrived at their position. The crews of the ship paused, requesting the input of Nivic II.

    "We can only hope. It might be the only way to bring our people back together quickly enough to deal with the Nagai." Nivic the Second stated before looking to the crew. "See him in. I suppose that makes us three the high council of our side." Nivic the second added with humorless, and weak grin as he waited for Barbosa to arrive and his hopes to be either dashed or given fins.

    What happened next, is, arguably, history.

    Barbosa was a steadfast ally to his King, bringing the Spot Users out of their relative seclusion.

    The tide turned, and Lord Cavita's faction took great damage. He escaped, but merely divided the FireFist Galaxy more - but he was on the run, giving them ample space to strike back at the Nagai, Faruun and Maccabree, and even make inroads into the Inner Rim.

    Fontuun broke from his King when victory was in sight, advancing with a wealth of bulk cruisers on Kinooine.

    Without him, the Civil War raged for another year, with factions attempting to avenge themselves upon the New Republic only seeing more support handed to the Nagai. Mon Cal Star Cruisers, Imperial Star Destroyers, Mandalorian battleships and even a captured Ssi-Ruuvi cruiser broke the spine of the Tof, even though the Nagai, Faruun and Maccabree resistance floundered.

    So well had Barbosa, Fontuun and their King brought their enemies to their knees that the Faruun and Maccabree were content to take their planets and leave it, mostly, at that. Nagai sought to continue the war to Tof, but even in the much weakened state of the Empire, they held the homeworld and the Nagai crippled their relationship with the rest of their allies.

    The New Republic, Mandalorians and Imperials went home, fighting another round of warfare which saw Lord Shadowspawn defeated at the Battle of Mindor, and, a years later, Coruscant fall to the New Republic.

    Fontuun was never seen again.

    Barbosa and Nivic II became legends... and Nivic I was never found.

    Until recently, of course.

    TAG: None - Double Post GM Approved
    darthbernael likes this.
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    darthbernael and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  19. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    IC: Rikis
    The Intergalactic Void

    A dry, dark chuckle came from Rikis at the comments from the droid. A flick of a glance took in her attendants before her gaze settled once more on the droid. ”You have poor intel on our people if his presence is not authorized.” she stated with amusement.

    Her head then tilted fractionally to the side at the mention of identity evidence. When she felt the jab and loss of blood darkness filled her eyes and a dark aura sprang up around her. ”I know, quite well, the multitude of uses for blood. Especially by…” her tone was as frosty as the wind off a glacier. ” cousin. My disciple will not be cloned or our agreement will be null and void.” a darker, more sinister voice said through her mouth.

    Behind her, the four Nagai turned as one to focus with laser intent on the droid, their eyes as dark as hers, their movements uncannily coordinated as they prepared for whatever their leader needed.

    The droid merely held out the needle, and repeated itself. "Verification is needed. A clone is not intended. The message from the Sith Eternal Emperor is for authorised personnel i.e. members of the Dark Council such yourself, Darth Mascon, Darth Nihl and Darth Traya."

    A snorted chuckle of dark humor came from the female nagai before the droid. Rikis’s head tilted, studying the droid once again. ”There are only two beings present besides you, droid. Five bodies but two beings. And I wouldn’t keep him from attending if asked.”

    A grim look had crossed the faces of the four guards behind her, grim but also humored. The exact same expression on each face.

    ”I will give the sample.” Rikis went on, holding out one hand after removing the gauntlet. ”But whatever words you have for me will be heard by the one I serve in the same moment.”

    The droid paused. "That is acceptable. I was advised that you may be in possession of a Force Spirit."

    The sample was taken, swiftly, blood taken and analysed. A holoprojector appeared from the med-droid's torso, and he placed it in Rikis' hand.

    The holoprojector activated. It was Palpatine.

    “At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith.”

    It spoke with his voice. In the present tense.

    “Resistance. Rebellion. Defiance. These are concepts that cannot be allowed to persist. You are but one of many tools by which these ideas shall be burned away.”

    Its tone grew gloating.

    “In one day, the Dark Council shall meet on Exegol and my words shall crest the galaxy. The day after, the Sith Eternal Empire shall strike and end all resistance, as it would have done fifteen years ago.”

    A crooked smile.

    Darth Rikis, you have done well. I shall bequeath upon you the knowledge of my resurrection today, as the Sith Armada is complete anew. Anaxes has been secured today; Exegol will be taken back tomorrow; the Galaxy will fall the day after. At Relus the fleet has been rebuilt, and a thousand Destroyers stand ready. I bequeath twenty to you, and they shall meet you at Charon. Twenty will attend to Anaxes, another twenty shall serve Darth Nihl, and another twenty shall serve Darth Mascon."

    The droid itself was already ambling back up the ramp of its star courier.

    As the droid trundled up the ramp of its ship Rikis slid her gauntlet back onto her hand. Her mind was running through the possibilities. Turning to the four that had accompanied her, she saw that all four were now focused on her. ”To be fair, that revelation was not as deep a surprise as I would have expected.”

    In one voice the four mouths spoke, ”After stumbling across a supposedly lost Architect that the strongest Sith of modern days yet lives should not be a surprise. Nor that he has a plan to overwhelm the galaxy in darkness yet again.”

    She nodded, ”I wonder what makes these SDs that he is sending so special that 20 of them might be considered a useful number.” she mused as she and her supposed guards headed towards the exit of the hangar.

    Details swam forth of the Xyston-class.

    2,400m of firepower, 144 modern TIE Daggers aboard, and a superlaser upon each.

    They were a truly impressive warship, individually.

    A thousand more remained ready to launch from Relus for Exegol.

    Names of the other Dark Councillors were passed over, too.

    Darth Malleus, but also others - Darth Alkin Neret, a secret Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious; Darth Lumiya, whose true identity was obscured from him; Darth Sashal, a Keshiri High Lord; Darth Graush, the latest vessel of Dathka Graush, the seven millennia old Sith King; Darth Bataal Bandu, a descendent of the original Dark Jedi and Sith experiments, leader of the Massassi legions; Darth Valorum, from the Aquilae system; Darth Wyyrlok III, a young Chagrian, and finally Darth Eranikus, a survivor of the Carbonite Sith Army...

    Twelve Dark Lord's of the Sith, with Darth Traya III.

    And one Eternal Sith Emperor atop them all.

    They were being gifted twenty craft, each which had the capability to ravage worlds. Until she was certain that there was no one able to return her thoughts to the others that had been revealed, Rikis kept the thought that such gifts were never freely given. There was always a catch, something the gifter would want in return, besides possibly loyalty.

    A predatory smile crossed her face as she thought about the possibility of crossing paths with Nihl once again, something she was sure would happen with the long range strategic thinking of Palpatine, as well as his typical style of playing one of those working for or with him against another. The question now is how to utilize these Xyston- class ships once they arrived at Charon.

    She pondered that, leaving a corner of her mind to do so; there was time after all. But the chances were that they were better as a threat than to actually be used, especially with the goals she and her people still adhered to.

    Ahead of Yuth, scouts confirmed and regrouped. There was a dreadnought at Charon - the Abominor vessel - and sixty capital ships, mostly Charon, but also Yevethan and Vagaari. Among them were interspersed angular looking vessels, ones which the scouts had used for long range missions. Heavily armoured and sharp, they were predecessors of Star Destroyers and Sith Temples.'s_warship

    And then the twenty Xyston-class battle cruisers arrived too.

    Yuth would arrive soon, and there would be the armada present.

    It was one thing to mentally prepare for the arrival of an entire planet from hyper. It was something else entirely to have to deal with such an arrival. Large stations like the Death Star or similar stations were one thing, their gravitational influence was minimal, being at the most moon sized.

    A world, thousands of kilometers across, would upset the orbital patterns of the worlds already present at Charon. Which was exactly what occurred when Yuth emerged from hyper, slamming it’s presence into the system. Something that massive entering the system, it was as though it forced itself into the system and, when it materialized in the system, the shock of it’s arrival was that of the shockwave of a massive explosion.

    The planet Charon was barely affected but the streamers of gasses, dust, and rock that flowed toward the nearby black hole acted like the surface of a pond when a stone was dropped in it, ripples washing out from the impact. Those waves were most noticed when they interacted with the formation of vessels awaiting the arrival. They were flung back and in every direction away from Yuth as the waves rolled out.

    Those on the world barely noted the arrival save that, at the same time, the Sleeper’s presence rolled outward in the wake of the shockwave. That seemed to be a signal as the dark and twisted shapes of Rikis’ fleets lifted from their hiding spots on the surface, forming into a wall of ships before the planet, facing those who had awaited their arrival.

    Rikis stood on the bridge of the modified Syalann-class Brute Destroyer, Flarefire, an amused expression on her face as she watched those vessels recovering from the arrival of the hyper capable planet.

    The fleet in orbit scattered before the planet as if a God had arrived.

    The Sith battlecruisers managed to keep the best formation, but the Charon, Yevethan and Vagaari one scattered. The comms were suddenly full of profanities, then worship, begging for forgiveness for their recent failures, praying that the Father of Shadows, Lady with the Locust Heart, and the very Soulworm would accept their lives in payment - immolated on the frontline.

    The massive Abominor simply stared, unfazed by the dramas of the flesh. It bowed its immense head in subservience. It was ready.

    A wave washed through the Nagai vessel, originating from Yuth itself. As it filled each Nagai their ships' running lights flashed at the waiting fleets, acknowledging their response. In the bridge of the Flarefire, the cold, cruel smile remained on Rikis’s face. She turned from the viewscreen, pacing slowly over to the central comm. Touching the stud to open a channel to all vessels present, ”Your fidelity will be rewarded. Failure, however, will…” her eyes glittered, ” your end. To those vessels seconded to us by our good friend, allies in this battle to return the galaxies to Darkness are welcome.”

    She paused, thinking about the future and the next stage, ”Regroup, prepare to jump. There is no resting on laurels for ones such as us, only the heady anticipation of bringing the needed Darkness.” As she spoke, unseen tendrils of darkness spread from Yuth, reaching out to all vessels, save the Xystons, for now, her master binding the newest of his flock to him even more deeply.

    The forces of the Charon Galaxy, dozens of lesser capital ships, the immense Abominor Dreadnought, and the twenty battlecruisers, they came to the aid of their Master.

    They were ready to jump.

    Ready to serve, and to decimate.

    Where to?

    Rikis turned away from the comm panel, considering her options. Her mind sped from thought to thought, not only her consciousness involved in the calculations. That the newly founded Dark Council had been ordered to attend at Exegol the next day factored into where her newly expanded force would decimate before arriving there was a certain factor in her calculations. To those on the bridge she seemed a statue for several long moments, thinking.

    As she turned back Yuth itself shifted as though the planet itself was reacting. Great trenches and rifts formed, offering places for the new forces to remain safe as the planet traveled through hyper. ”It is time for the galaxies to begin trembling and fear where we will appear. All forces to their safe zones on Yuth. The first target has been decided.”

    Waiting as those forces, her ships and the others, entered the atmosphere, hovering or landing in the many spots below the surface or in the canyons and rifts, the great hyper engines that had brought Yuth to Charon spooled up once more.

    An officer stopped by her shoulder, finally informing her that all were secure. With a nod, she ordered the jump. With the vanishing of a stellar body from the Charon system it shook once more with the gravitational changes, something that would affect any other system they entered or departed on their crusade.

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83, @Kev-Mas_Colcha
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  20. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Combo needed posting so had to double post, although last was almost a week ago.

    IC: Scut

    Scut had checked his information, "Turns out I was correct. The Adumari have formally requested to maintain a presence here to prevent any more invasion vectors from the Charon Galaxy."

    IC: Sabel, et al

    The Sith Lord was annoyed. It was that simple. Once again, the ghostly presence had led him on a merry chase though the bowels of the Misrule, evading him at every opportunity. Which spoke to the power of whatever it was that was aboard. By the time the call had come from their new allies, he had returned to the bridge, observing in mute annoyance as his fleet approached the first of the Dyson Sphere worlds.

    Turning, heels making muted sounds as he walked, he approached the holo table. One long finger allowed the call to be active. ”I am pleased that our allies have so graciously accepted our presence in this galaxy. There are far worse foes than refugees from the savagery of the home galaxy.” he replied in a calm, steady voice.

    The Dyson Spheres had atmosphere, so vast were their size, and techs and scouts began to analyse and appraise.

    The Yuuzhan Vong didn't find coral to use, but they did find a shipwomb to resuscitate. It would be an arduous task, and coral would be needed, or perhaps a world dragged across the galaxies here. The Shapers were debating options, but at least, Nas Choka reflected, they were home.

    In short order the Yuuzhan Vong Galaxy was occupied by a force not much larger than that holding the Rishi Maze and Peridea. But satellite galaxies had fallen to less. Nas cleared his throat, regarding Scut, on behalf of the Wraiths - and the Adumari Union - and then Sabel, representing the 'Jedi Coalition'.

    "So now what?" He groused.

    Scut blinked, the Adumari, his fellow Wraiths, and their mysterious benefactor were all occupied," a good question? Perhaps it would be good to take stock of what we can do ourselves and then for each other."

    ”A very good question.” Sabel replied, ”My people have been warred upon and assisted others in conflict since the founding of our polity. A chance to rebuild and secure this galaxy, if we’re even given the time…” his mind turned to that ghostly presence. ” do so.” His eyes flicked towards Decimus and Eleodie, their union both a blessing and a complication as they could stand against any decision he made, should they choose to do so.

    Eleodie didn't even look to Decimus for his view, though he did look to zher. "We are for both rebuilding and securing this Galaxy."

    Zhe nodded, firmly. "The more we secure this Galaxy, the more the enemy cannot make use of it."

    "And who is our enemy," Nas Choka demurred. "You are allied with the Nagai, as we understand. They fought the Adumari Union, at least tangentially while having a civil war and round of counter-coups." A scoff to his tone. "We need to agree who our enemies are first."

    Scut offered first, "Snoke, First Order, Sun Guard."

    Sabel had expected no less from Eleodie and Decimus. Hearing what the Adumari considered their immediate foes, he nodded. The comment by the Vong caused his red eyes to flare slightly and a twitch of a smile flash across his face. ”The Nagai we allied with are the ones who fled the chaos and war that their leaders brought them into. Which doesn’t preclude that they are still a warrior people.” he conceded.

    ”I agree with the list so far. Possibly to add any of the Nagai that might have survived, who were allies of those leaders who caused the chaos.” That ghostly laugh made him stiffen slightly. ”However…I doubt that all our enemies have shown themselves yet.”

    "Enemies do seem to spring up from the shadows in this war," Nas said with a sigh. "But a commitment to thwarting the First Order, Snoke and the Sun Guard is agreeable." A pause. "What of the Sith generally?"

    Eleodie twitched.

    Scut wasn't sure, "The Sith in those factions seem too...destructive, so those must be opposed. Otherwise," he shrugged, "I do not know."

    The emotions that swirled, not just on the bridge but the eddies in the Force by those present caused a half smile to cross Sabel’s face. ”Lumping all those who follow the darker path into one group is about as effective as lumping all those who follow the light side together and calling them Jedi.” his tone filled with humor.

    ”In general…there are those who are Sith who need to be stopped, some numbered among those foes already listed. On that I will agree.” his words were neutral and had that edge of one who ruled and knew there was a fine line between outright commitment to an idea and the appearance of such.

    Eleodie had half-expected a Sith-like response, but Sabel didn’t give it. “So we’re in agreement. We oppose the First Order, Sun Guard and Snoke. Which means we have to setup mining of the ways, and systems of identification - and pass that information to the others.”

    “Dovin basil mines,” Nas Choka emphasised. “They can be easily mass-produced, with minimal coral.” He said so carefully the next. “But your Dreadnought will be the largest impediment to invaders. It should be placed on one of the routes, and kept there as a fortress.”

    “Which route? To Peridea? Exegol? Or one of the Wild Space routes to Gardaji, Helska and Crispin that lead to the Sun Guard worlds?” Eloedie looked across them.

    Scut nodded, "Do not forget the Charon galaxy. They were here as well."

    Sabel let a small smile cross his face for a moment before the neutral expression returned. ”The route to Peridea, our forces will ensure that it remains safe. After all those who are our allies occupy the other end of the route.” he stated.

    ”Of most import is to secure the other routes, Exegol being one of the most vital to secure, in my opinion. Blocking the Sun Guard from arriving would be secondary on that list. And Charon,” he thought about the mental response he’d received from Bernael. ”They recently suffered a setback of their own so the chances they will attempt to expand in other directions is high.”

    "Very neat and tidy," Choka rumbled. "The Yuuzhan Vong Domains and the Jedi Coalition. Together, we shall hold this backdoor."

    He saluted with a fist to his chest. "Let us make it so."

    A chuckle of dark humor came from Sabel at, once again, being called part of the Jedi Coalition. He did, however, nod in respect to Choka’s salute. ”United, we will hold this new for my people and old for yours home so that both peoples may survive and thrive.”

    Scut generally didn't know how his friends would respond. Chances are this would be the first galaxy the Adumari would try for so it was important that this would be a friendly galaxy. He just hoped that the others would agree.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth, @Adalia-Durron, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83, @Kahn_Iceay
    Sinrebirth , adaml83 and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  21. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Emperor Jagged Fel I

    The Emperor was suddenly on the comms of the galaxy.

    To the Empire, the New Republic, the Adumari, the Echani, the Jedi Coalition in the Peridea and Yuuzhan Vong Galaxies, the Confederation, the Yuuzhan Vong, the Sun Guard and Tofs.

    "Citizens of the Galaxy, and wider Galactic Empire. It is your one true Emperor, Jagged Fel I"

    He sounded grave.

    "The First Order has collapsed in the Core, Colonies and Inner Rim, and yet, in its place, civilians are now at the prey of the Sun Guard, who have thrown themselves into the war on the side of the false Emperor Snoke." Jagged's eyes blazed. "Worlds are finding their newly won freedom tested by the counter-offensive. Even now, word is that Sun Guard ships assault Serenno, Kuat, Fondor and distant Kinooine in alliance with Nagai terrorists and Charon monsters. The advance to liberate Mon Calamari from these so-called warriors is on-going, and the greater Alliance between all those opposed to the First Order fights for your freedom."

    He grimaced. Miat Temm was in the middle of the Battle of Serenno, and he hadn't heard from her since it had began. Skirmishes in the Rishi Maze, Kashyyyk out of touch, and the destruction of Confederate fleets at Kinooine were upsetting the progress they had made - it was all on the edge, and they had to keep that momentum going.

    "Coruscant remains beholden to the First Order, and it's allies the Sun Guard, reinforcing Anaxes as the Defender of the Core - and through Champala down to nearly Taris, the Hydian Way is mastered by the enemy. To protect those systems that wish to renounce the false Emperor, I have entered into a peace treaty with Chancellor Aryan Graul of Nubia, who has rejoined the Empire with eight sectors in tow."

    Sector names lit up on a map that briefly replaced his face.

    Seven in the Core, Colonies and Inner Rim, including worlds such as Tinnel, Exodeen, Quellor, Loronar, Humbarine, Aquilae and Rendilli.

    But also a part of the Corellian Sector still in Imperial control, including Nubia, which was spun-off into the newly named Graul Sector.

    "These sectors fall under the protection of Bastion, along with the former sectors of the Imperial Remnant at the time of the Bastion Accords, Metellos, Ord Trasi, Naboo and Trulalis." Not much, but enough to rebuild with. He had barely two hundred Star Destroyers spread across twenty sectors at this point.

    "People of the galaxy, we speak, here and now, to dedicate to the liberation of the galaxy, and the end of the Battles of Jakku. We will destroy the Starkiller II superweapon and end this war, and any who stand with the false Emperor Snoke now, will be considered war criminals. The war is won, and will shortly be over."

    He went to carry on speaking when the comm line was interrupted with the signature Celestial interruption.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Adalia-Durron, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83, @Kahn_Iceay
  22. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    In simultaneity to the broadcast the news crashed out about Starkiller Base II.

    The news had been kept mooted, for it had been disabled, and bottled up in the Jakku system.

    But now it had fired on Eshan.

    The bolt travelled at lightspeed, but so too did events in the Wars of the Galaxies.

    Echani scientists reported that the power generated by the Starkiller II system was a hundred times more than that of Starkiller I.

    That it being built in a planet, and surrounded with Kyber, had amplified its power by virtue of the much larger reactors provided. Lesser reactors had supplied the superlaser defenses, weapons which had been torn aside by the Echani assault on the planet with their War Moon and torpedo spheres.

    But the hyperlaser, within a veritable Dyson Sphere built inside the planet, was intact, and now the aperture had been repaired - briefly damaged by the combined efforts of Daala and Antilles with a phase-shifter weapon - it had fired.

    Eshan had a defensive mindset, and shields more adaptive than Mon Calamari ones, but this power was the most powerful - the greatest and most monstrous weapon ever created and used. Comparing it to the Starkiller I was pointless; drawing upon the power outputs of the Death Stars would not help.

    In very short order, the scientists reported that Eshan was doomed.

    But there was military stoicism to it.

    They were a warrior people.

    But prudence beget sentiment, and there were dishonorable conflicts over ships for family, defense platforms taking themselves out of alignment to place a planet between them and Eshan's primary on the hope it would help. A few warships even jumped into hyperspace and abandoned their homes. It was a staccato of imperfection which spread, muted, but still there.

    No one cultural mindset was immune to fear.

    Whereas, however, the mere threat of destruction had set the Tof heart ablaze, those peoples had suffered a horrendous terror attack not a week before. Their people had been scarred, and scared. They were not to blame.

    Nor were the minority, disruptive as they were, of Echani that failed their species.

    But then -

    The Starkiller blast was
    raced by another.

    A shot fired from the same system, at the slightest of different angles.

    By Mortis.

    The two bolts collided at the edge of the Eshan system.

    Not a light-minute out.

    The detonation was one so bright that one would be forgiven for assuming a supernova had occurred.

    Eyes turned towards the conflagration would be blinded.

    The shockwaves were felt across the entire star system.

    The destruction was averted.



    And Starkiller II turned again, this time targeting Mortis.

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Adalia-Durron, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @adaml83, @Kahn_Iceay
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2024
  23. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    GM OOC: Consider This An Interruption.

    Due to the comms blackouts and jamming, the Battles of Serenno, Kinooine, Kuat and Mon Calamari will continue in their respective combos.

    Please finalise your other combos and if you have a finale single in mind, please do PM me. You have until Friday 16th August 2024 to wrap up.

    @Mitth_Fisto, @Kahn_Iceay, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael, @adaml83
  24. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Combo with Kev-Mas_Colcha & Sinrebirth
    IC: Captain Terr & IC: Twisuns Praetor Thusho Jeessk

    Alaris Prime - Kashyyk/Trandosha System

    Alarms had sounded as Captain Terr's longboat made the short rise to his ship above. Turning to a console he noted that there were dozens of Marauder-class light cruisers advancing on Alaris Prime. Remembering the stats for this system he groaned as he looked at the Coway. "I had so hoped we could jump out of system and the first deliveries be started before this happened. Then I wouldn't have to care." with a sigh he shook his head stepping over to a comm console he sent a message to the Wookiee leader.

    "It appears your lizard problem is rearing it's ugly head at us. Toojelnoot I take it from your words earlier your people had a plan?" he asked as he pulled up a pad and input defensive orders for the trade outpost and his vessels to shore themselves up for the impending conflict.

    Thusho Jeessk would advise his fellow Trandoshans that a Sun Guard fleet was coming, and that the best course of action would be to use the Marauders, along with their turbolasers and more importantly their tractor beams to hold the system in a “soft blockade”. The ships were to patrol the outer perimeter of the system and ensure that no unauthorized vessels get in or out of the system. The Marauder-class corvette was originally used for law enforcement and system patrol purposes, and was proven to be quite effective at this job, even against much larger vessels so with any luck, they would be able to lock down the system long enough for the Sun Guard fleet to arrive.

    Toojlenoot addressed the Wookiee half-fleet in growls and jeers. Five of the ten bulk cruisers shifted and promptly began destroying Marauder-class light cruisers with sustained barrages, Tof-style. Of the forty the Trandoshans had, ten were destroyed before they even reached range, and then the swift vessels split formation to divert the Wookiee counter assault.

    Three bulk cruisers held back to screen Kashyyyk, and two held at Alaris Prime, half-a-system away.

    Owool's began lifting off from the surface, hundreds of the advanced fighters.

    The Trandoshans were simply ignoring orders, save for those from Bossk.

    The Coway watched the screens, tantalized by war made incarnate.

    Captain Terr smiled at the Coway. "Now you know why we called it the grand diversion!" he chuckled before sending commands. The trading base would secure valuables and personnel in bunkers to hopefully survive it being destroyed if the few defenders and the remote defense points failed. Considering a quarter them were destroyed even before getting themselves within range though, they had to have known with how they were close to them. "If these lizards are smart they wouldn't have attacked at such disadvantage. . .unless they have help coming." Hitting the comm console again he sent out a general distress signal to any Tof, Adumari, or Imperial in range to hear it. He didn't know how or what or why, but he knew enough to know that this was not a good sign as his vessel opened leading broadsides and missile fire on the enemy.

    Furious that his orders were being disobeyed, potentially costing them dearly, he seized a comm console and sent a rather threatening ultimatum through comms, the Force rippling in darkness as he added the powers of Force fear, not to demoralize them, but rather the opposite - to spur them into action and obedience by convincing them that if they do not obey him there will be unavoidable dire consequences. Essentially, it was the Tarkin doctrine applied to a Jedi mind trick.

    "The scorekeeper offers no points for your cowardice. Obey my orders and glory awaits. Otherwise your death is certain, even if by my own hands."

    IC: Thychani Commander Shurcyyyc
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnaught Vengeance

    The defending forces were right to anticipate the arrival of more forces, for it came almost immediately after.

    A massive Sun Guard fleet arrived in system from two different locations, surrounding it.

    The outcast wookiee fleet commander, Shurcyyyc was an outcast to his people. He managed to free himself from the shackles of Imperial slavery, but in order to do so, he was forced to attack and kill the other wookiees who weren't too keen on his escape plan and not about to let him go through with it, because it involved using the same weapon he used to kill them. His claws, and his teeth.

    Unfortunately for him, this was seen by at least one other wookiee, who survived, and eventually after being liberated by the New Republic, would point out Shurcyyyc to his people, and he was branded as an outcast, and not allowed to return home.

    But now, thanks to the Sun Guard who gave him a new home when he had lost the one he had been born to and spent over a century living on, he had returned home anyways, with enough firepower to silence any objections the other wookiees had about it.

    Like his ship's name would suggest, he was here for revenge. Vengeance upon a people who had wronged him for doing what had to be done for his freedom.
    Shurcyyyc issued his orders as it arrived, a protocol droid attached to his petramar hide chest plate translating shyriiwook to basic.

    "Duellators, Vengeance, activate target interceptors. Interdictors, activate gravity well generators. Launch all Serpentariuses and begin jamming enemy comms. All ships launch all fighters. Petramars will make attack runs on their command ship escorted by the Echaolms. All other fighters are to form a defensive screen to intercept and eliminate enemy fighters. All point defense cannons available will assist with anti starfighter defense, and all other batteries will focus on the enemy fleet. Maximum firepower."

    He would then choose to open comms to his fellow wookiees, silencing his translator droid as he growled to them only in shyriiwook, issuing a threat they would not be able to respond to, thanks to the comms jamming.

    "Today I finally return home, and this time you cannot stop me, for I have come riding on the back of your demise!"

    There were real fleets coming for Kashyyyk, Trandosha and Alaris Prime.

    Bossk twitched his nose at it. The Sun Guard were putting far too much military might into this. He didn't mind cooperating, but these Sith had a habit of treachery - and so did Bossk. "All ships, divert and fire on the Sun Guard!"

    The Marauder-class corvettes did as ordered immediately, giving the Wookiee forces a respite, and surprising the Sun Guard who had just positioned to support the Trandoshans.

    Toojlenoot regarded the Tof, and rumbled as to when Tof reinforcements could be expected. The ten Wookiee bulk cruisers were still terribly outnumbered, but now it was a fight. Owools matched Sun Guard fighters, and the bulk cruisers gave the enemy the same issues the Tof variants did.

    Captain Terr gave a barking laugh at that question even as Tof vessel prepared to roll and present fresh broadsides as they shifted their focus solely on the Sun Guard. "Funny thing about distress calls! They tend to be one way affairs."

    IC: Twisuns Praetor Thusho Jeessk

    Thusho seethed as he observed the treachery of his own kind, right in front of him. The Audacity… he thought.

    “You could have had it all,” he began, reptilian eyes flashing a fiery red as his temper flared and the Dark Side of the Force began to emanate from his presence, “Not jussst thisss sssystem, but the entire sssector as a regional governor. Instead, you have chosssen death!”

    He ignited a red Lightsaber blade, and Bossk raised his blaster rifle in return, but Thusho responded by using the Force to focus on the circuitry in the battery pack and cause the blaster to backfire and detonate, sending shrapnel and blaster fire back at the lizard, distracting him long enough for Jeesk to sever the legendary bounty hunter’s head from his body.

    This would in turn cause the remaining Trandoshans on the bridge to open fire as Thusho used his Lightsaber as a shield and the Force to seal off the bridge.

    When the enemy trandoshans had fully depleted their power packs, only six had managed to avoid having their own shots deflected back at them with lethal results, while the Trandoshan Sun Guard had remained unscathed.

    Now, he would return fire. He lifted one in the air with the Force, and with a clenching of his outstretched hand into a fist, the lizard would be crumpled into a ball of flesh and broken bone, splattering blood and viscera all over the bulkheads. He then quickly drew a Sun Guard X-5 Asynchronous Linear-induction Carbine in his one free hand and emptied the magazine as he sprayed rounds into three more, killing them instantly. He would then channel the Force into his body as he leapt and pounced on another Trandoshan, snapping his neck as he came within contact.

    The remaining lizard would try to flee through the sealed doors, and would meet his fate as he was pulled with the Force into Jeesk’s Lightsaber blade.

    Relishing in the carnage, Jeesk would seize the captain’s chair and fill the rest of the ship with dioxis gas, killing the remaining crew slowly but surely as, with Bossk’s severed head in hand for all to see, made a comms broadcast to the Trandoshans via a secret, unjammed Sun Guard frequency.

    “If you do not wisssh to ssshare the sssame fate as Bossssssk and hisss crew, I would recommend you ceassse fire and obey my ordersss immediately! You can either have conquest, glory and jagganath points aplenty, or a ssswift and painful death.”

    IC: Thychani Commander Shurcyyyc
    Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnaught Vengeance

    The madclaw commander growled out more orders, which were quickly translated by the droid head on his chest plate.

    “All ships, continue previous orders. Vengeance, Duellators, TwiSuns, Wraiths, focus ion cannon fire on the Trandoshan corvettes at any available opportunity. Those ships could still be of benefit to us even without their trandoshan crews so disabling them should be our primary goal.”

    The Wookies, Trandoshans and Tofs had no chance.

    Nobody sent anything to support them; how could they?

    The hulks of the bulk cruisers and corvettes shortly christened the skies of Kashyyyk, Trandosha and Alaris Prime.

    Fires would rage, and the natives would put them out, but promptly cities were abandoned and the world-forests of Kashyyyk hid the Wookiees. They knew how to respond to the prospect of invasion, after all. Trandosha had forests, and caves, and underground cities - it was just as difficult a problem as Kashyyyk. Alaris Prime had a smaller population, and less Wookiees to speak of.

    Where the Tof minority and their sole Coway ended up - assuming they survived at all, was a question.

    Captain Terr lifted a bottle of ale and took a swig as he breathed in Alaris Prime's air. The Tof were splitting up after the landing. Some moved to the trade structures vault to lock themselves in and hope for rescue and good news. Others were spreading out into whatever passed for local hiding places to disappear into. Captain Terr and his Coway friend were with a local guide that had come out when their longboat had touched down.

    Looking up into the sky on reflex he liked to imagine that he could see the explosions. His vessel had been left with a skeleton crew as soon as the end was assured with the bulk of everyone abandoning ship on longboats. The Skiprays and bombers had fallen back to the atmosphere of this world to provide a last ditch line of defense where they might have some superiority over the overwhelming enemy numbers. His ship was if the opportunity present itself to microjump or simply full steam ahead and ram the enemy command vessel with their munitions and reactors set to overload while shooting everything left otherwise randomly. Hopefully cracking the enemy leadership and frying them to give them all a better chance of waiting for help. He could only hope they could escape, evade, and survive until an opportunity presented itself.

    IC: Thychani Commander Shurcyyyc
    Crimson Dagger-class Star Dreadnaught Vengeance

    The Wookiee growled and guffawed.
    "There is no hiding from a base delta zero." The droid translated.

    "All batteries, commense planetary bombardment. Focus on all possible hiding spots. Forests and mountain ranges that might contain caverns and underground cities. Smoke them out and crush them under the weight of their cowardice."

    The last gasp of the Tof, Trandoshans and Wookiees in space was crushed.

    The Sun Guard crushed all resistance.

    Nobody escaped.

    How bad the losses would be, or become, was to be seen.

    The Wookiee commander would order a cessation of the base delta zero, and then a full scale invasion of both planets to ensure all resistance is sufficiently snuffed out and the planets are prepared for resettlement. Jeesk would be at the head of the invasion of Trandosha, and be personally lead the invasion of Kashyyyk. It would be nice to finally return home, and slaughter those who would have put a stop to said homecoming before, now with no choice but to try to run and hide.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth , @Kev-Mas_Colcha
  25. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Emperor Jagged Fel

    He was reeling.

    The Emperor had returned, and the Sith Armada with him. Exegol would be retaken, and his revenge would finally be fulfilled.

    And his wife had survived - and borne him a child. Roan. Jagged was devastated. Jaina had been without him for months now, and alone, facing whatever torture and depredations Snoke and Vergere had done.

    Nor could he abandon the Empire to head to Jakku… nor could he avenge Kashyyyk, Serenno or Mon Calamari, for whatever the Sun Guard had done, or whatever the Echani were to do.

    He raged, and drew his blaster and shot the holoprojector. Then the datapad on his desk. Then the viewport, which, thankfully, was unfazed. Jagged get shooting at the reinforced transparisteel until his blaster gave out.

    Breathe in.

    Breathe out.

    He checked his comlink. So many messages. Ashik, Miat, Face, Shawnkyr, Tycho, Iella, even Connix. He ignored them all. Instead he opened the channel and knew who he needed to speak to.

    Not yet Nivic II, nor yet Adalia and Kyp, if he could reach them. Nor would he look for Nas Choka or Malinza Thanas. Not even Gemini could solve this. No, he needed Adam.

    He prefaced the message with a simple sentence.

    “I was wrong.”

    TAG: @adaml83 (directly), @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Adalia-Durron, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @Kahn_Iceay (mentions)