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OOC Reference War of the Galaxies OOC Thread

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource' started by Sinrebirth , May 25, 2023.

  1. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    For the record, the Adumari starfighters are living beings, they are not clones, nor are they droid piloted. *cough* even though they have fought both *cough*
    Mitth_Fisto and darthbernael like this.
  2. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Good. That means psychological tactics should still work on them :emperor:
    Sinrebirth and darthbernael like this.
  3. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    Given what they've faced in the past year, I'm going to say it's unlikely.
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Updated GM War NPCs

    Jagged Fel
    Terek Rogriss
    Zat Lah
    Nas Choka
    Zel Johan
    Darth Nihl
    Beolars Bribbs
    Adalric Brandl
    Borga the Hutt
    Face Loran
    Malinza Thanas-Skywalker
    Lady Theala Vandron
    adaml83 and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  5. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    Adam Lyons
    Rachel Nezuma-Lyons
    Briana Odan
    Kael Swiftflight
    Nadia ke Mattino
    Medb Ra-oon

    Only 6, but several jump between Ep XII and WotG.
    Sinrebirth and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  7. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    First, I highly recommend that you don't touch the debris around Lwhekk.

    Second, I highly recommend that you don't put said debris in your mouth either.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
    Mitth_Fisto and darthbernael like this.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It's really really really dangerous.

    We've a half fleet sized minefield, basically.

    Thousands upon thousands of them.
    darthbernael and adaml83 like this.
  9. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    Is anyone else making @Sinrebirth squee about more Star Destroyers?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2023
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  10. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    *Checks databanks* No, but I'm making him do a funny dance of the seven veils in a combo. Does that count?
    Sinrebirth and adaml83 like this.
  11. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    *takes notes for Clue*

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  12. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Tof Homeworld and Brief History

    For over thousands of years the Tof’s have enjoyed their homeworld. The endless seas dotted with small islands of civilization, where the currents are the lifeblood and the deep the source of danger. Or it was once. The Tof like many races developed, conquered the seas, tamed the wind and the waves, and brought to heel the dangers of the deep. They even conquered themselves, going from a diaspora of island nations to a unified species! They reached the pentacle of ruling their world and enjoyed an age of plenty that has lasted to this day.

    Original Capital City

    The Tof did not reach to the realms of space out of an abundance of need or desire, but because they were bored to put it simply. The King of that age saw the world united in peace suffering the tug of boredom and made a choice, a proclamation. From it the realms of space were unlocked and sought, for without a goal for the rich and able he feared for his own future as well as his people. As secrets were unlocked the noble houses aided in researching and building fleets. Twenty percent of any space based forces, as with those of the sky and sea were directly let under the king. This was from the belief that it would be enough to subdue any noble faction if they tried to turn against the king or establish their own kingdom independent of the monarchy.


    From these humble beginnings they set to the stars. Their world continued to grow and reap the benefits of the taxes or tribute from the exploration of the nobles. Little was ever asked so long as goods and riches flowed to the homeworld, and home goods and artistry was bought and brought from home to enrich the galaxy and leave their mark. Bettering the galaxy with their presence. Island cities spread into the oceans, and ocean going ports grew into cities upon the waves or in the deep. They met the Faruun as gladiators returned as tribute for the televised blood sport matches that kept the people appeased. They met the Maccabree as a curiosity that could not survive their air as something strange that opened their minds to intelligence that was unlike themselves. It fascinated and began many a debate, but eventually it became a tired subject and the nobles passed once more into deeper space, searching for new mysteries.

    Ancient Outpost
    Into Seafaring City
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Other Sea Cities

    The homeworld from the riches sent was not idle, it constructed ever more elaborate and grand cities! Now floating through the skies of their world, so ever growing population and needs being kept apace of each other in the most affluent definitions. The Royal Palace was brought to the skies and from there, they ruled literally on high over their world. Through campaigns or gladiatorial matches each prince that would be king proved their merits as either a warrior or a tactician to the nobles. So it has been and believed always shall be. Colonies were set and these only ever truly knew need or want delayed, but only mildly as the homeworld sold to them affectionately of their bounty.

    Sky City
    New Capital

    After the Nagai of Nagi were discovered, where the nobles had to band together to subjugate the world, the homeworld began looking to their own defenses. After over 8 million dead, it will cause you to reconsider your stance on such things as defense. Granted it also started a single sided love between the species. For the Nagai were the first to challenge the Tof in such a way. For the homeworld this meant defense platforms and space stations dedicated to defense which have been reworked again and again as the brutal dance has continued with the Nagai over 300 years.

    Defense Station Anemone
    Defense Platform Starfish

    Most recently these stations saw their first use during the Tof civil war. With the threat of the Nagai Alliance and themselves the Tof cities each sought to defend themselves to see to their own survival. Some sought weapons, some armor, others shields as their primary focus, but all seek that elusive quality of feeling secure in the homeland of plenty where they had been the united unchallenged masters of their own destiny once more.

    The social hierarchy of the Tof has been stabilized as a Monarchy for over a thousand years since the last democracy was conquered. At the top of the hierarchy is the King and his immediate family. Then there are those who have risen through the ranks through displays of competence to steward the offices of leadership. Below these or equivalent are the noble houses, which originally were supporters and first island city nations to swear fealty to the Kings bid for global dominance.

    Tof Nobility

    These noble houses largely function as regional sub rulers, and with the advent of space travel as expedition backers. They also dominate the entertainment industries of Tof. Most over the centuries have created a web of interconnected relationships between each other and the monarchy, with nearly all having members in the top hundred of the line of succession. Over the centuries the houses have marginally consolidated, although most dramatic was recently during the Tof civil war where several prominent houses were dissolved and absorbed by the traditionally smaller houses that had remained loyal to the monarchy.

    Marriage in Tof society has galactically been a mystery due to the general adherence of no women aboard ship during any expedition or military action. As women are considered a national treasure, this has had the side effects of often making sailors fight more dramatically and some claim drives them to rape and pillage suitable species to relieve urges they cannot naturally attend during voyages. Sailors that return with greater tales of combat, exploits, or riches are more likely to secure a mate. Many in true storybook fashion will often wait many years until they have accrued their fortune or been gravely wounded to settle down.

    Women on Tof are often in positions of domestic affairs, running of households, medicines, and sciences. Most do not believe men are dumber, although those sailors that do settle down often find themselves enrolled in remedial education prior to their chosen woman willing to accept them. This stems from the fact that a Tof is fully grown and considered an adult at 10 years old. Due to flash learning they despite their age know the great many facts and sciences of life, but lack primarily the knowledge of critical thinking skills to apply that knowledge. Thus the remedial process tends to be several years of logic training and applications.


    Shipboard there is a loose command structure that is adhered to. There are sailors, the base common folk, which has a simple sub-hierarchy of seniority and competence depending upon the circumstances. Next are trained professionals such as chef, weapons master, head researcher/torturer, or medic. Above these is the elected sailor that serves as First Mate, then the appointed Captain. Above them are the nobles if aboard their own vessels.

    We hope this brief overview of Tof history, homeworld, society, and hierarchy has been useful.

    Tof Homeworld Noble Leaders to Tof League Members
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
  13. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Tof Penal System, Religious Ideation, Fashion, and Entertainment

    Tof legal system is what other races would consider…harsh. Small infractions can see you performing indentured services for shops or nobles to pay off your debts to them for your wrongs. More serious crimes can see you bound to a raiding or merchant crew, your cut of the hauls going to your debtors beyond the cost of keeping you alive. Egregious crimes of actual physical harm in the past most often saw you used as bait to lure in sea monsters for a set number of times, granted most did not survive being used this way once. Or summarily bound and dumped to the deep.


    Today in the enlightened and unified age? Egregious crimes see you sentenced to the gladiatorial arenas. One can eventually earn their freedom, but most do so either as old or broken people if at all. There are the old stories of some young people who did so by earning the favor of a noble family, the King, or more fantastically the people. The Arenas are the prime form of entertainment on Tof, some gladiatorial bouts are between Tof’s, but many are set Tof against monsters. Many dangerous beasts are bred and brought from the galaxy expressly for this reason. And was why the first aliens were brought to Tof.


    The arenas are variable environments depending on which species are listed as the ‘defending’ or ‘invading’ teams. Defenders get favored environments similar to what they make their homes, invaders get the equipment needed to be able to survive, barely, invading that environment if anything be needed. For example rebreathers or skin suits to survive underwater or caustic environments. These Tof verses monster or non-Tof matches are the most popular examples of arena entertainments.


    The fate of what others thought were mere slaves is of course a misnomers view of reality. They, for the most part, were brought to the arenas. Some poorer noble houses used them as supplemental crew same as any criminal Tof. Their crimes? Resisting conquest. Once more it should be noted the Homeworld did not know, nor honestly care where these people came from, and any tales provided by the nobles to the masses were liable to be sensational nonsense for increasing the drama of the arena one way or another. It’s not like we took the trouble to talk with them and the Noble suppliers supplied their own men to act as tenders and translators. This also is why those that had served their time were returned to their peoples, almost always in a highly traumatized manner. Binding therapy was common, and until recently with the civil war and the consolidation of the Nobles under the King’s direct influence, has been found not to be the calming therapy it was thought to be for the other races. Instead it has been exposed as a form of torture to ensure the breaking or polarizing of captives, especially Nagai. This goes in line as there are reports that many nobles abused these conquered worlds and indiscriminately exploited populations for the entertainment industry. Sadly we admit again, we didn’t ask questions and largely did not care before the current King has taken more direct control. We were entertained, we did not need to know how the calamari was made and largely did not want to.

    Over eons Faruuni went from being Arena favorites to let downs, more quickly so the Maccabree. It was expensive to make the arenas work with them, and after mastering the Faruuni they were quickly too easy to defeat. The Nagai were, and sadly still would be, the preferred ‘monsters’ for the arena. They fight fiercely, and in preferring blades they are well trained masters to pit our criminal elements against for entertainment, let alone the few popular exhibition matches against nobles or royalty that fight in the arena to display their abilities and superiority.


    This is an important aspect of this. Is that the common belief that the Tof were made, and we were made last and best. The creator worked the SkyRiver, the Rishi Delta, and the rest before they came to Firefest and worked from the outside in. Us being the last they made. We’re perfections closest achievement, where the failures of all other races are picked apart and the best of all used to make us. This is a founding tenant of our faith. With this in mind, when we found the Nagai? When their world took over eight million lives to conquer? And they look like skinny little pale versions of our children? We believe they likely were the first clear attempt to make perfection, and where they failed these aspects were refined in the Faruun, the Maccabree, and others before us. Perhaps you see why we delighted in them so violently? They were so proud to! If they had only submitted like the Faruun we would have tired and moved on. Like the defeated Maccabree who we defeated back to their caves and then? Then we left and spared them not a second thought once the nobles saw no more profit or value worth the effort. This only serves to pick open old wounds, but perhaps like a burn they must be scrubbed raw and kept that way as they heal, lest they heal improperly and the needed lesson isn’t learned. Closest attempt at perfection does not guarantee we are perfection, merely we have a chance to be so if we are willing to work at it. Thus we now come not as conquering race seeking entertainment to stave off the boredom of utopia, but as allies seeking redemption and paths to perfection.


    Our clothing you likely will see broken into three distinct forms if you ever visit Tof. First is the utilitarian designs designed for working conditions common either aboard ships, docks, or various farms. Some themes are universal and pockets are one of them.


    Second would be the dress of nobility, shop or business owners, and those who are well off or wish to appear so. These are largely long buttoned waist coats, frilly shirts, poofed pants and sleeves, as well as wigs or high perms. A clean shaved face is also more identifiable with those of higher status, beards are more common for commoners or those wishing to appear as ‘of the people’. As such most diplomats are with beards and most nobility and royalty are without.


    Third, is the ship born methods of dress. This is a deliberate style to create the affectation of the most romanticized period of our worlds history. The age of the high seas and pirates! As such the crew most often is provided with classic seaman buccaneers clothing, the higher ranks or fighters are given long coats that conceal any armor or protective properties, and most weaponry is styled off of flintlock weapons despite being advanced weapons. This style of course is carried not just through clothes and weapons, but through the ship designs as well. The captains of course dress closer to what you would customary see for nobility, with curled hair, often shaved faces, and wear styled more colorful clothes than the crew.


    As part of our attempts at reform regarding alien prisoners of war, many have been freed and returned as well as indentured criminals whose crimes could not be verified, or were not ones that would be recognized between members of the Tof League historically as warranting such treatment. As such the King as an addendum to this informational article had made a request. For all allied nations to share their forms of entertainment, that a more sustainable alternative might be found for consumption by the masses as the age of the Arena is on the decline with the lack of the variety that aliens and alien fauna have historically provided to entertain the masses.

    Tof Homeworld Noble Leaders to Tof League Members

    Sinrebirth likes this.
  14. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I have nowhere to put this but here so!

    Serenno and the Dooku and D’Asta Family

    The D’Astan Family of Nez Peron were older Serenno nobility that had been loyal to Coruscant during the Clone Wars. After the Clone Wars and Vader imposed Adan Dooku on the Serenno Lords and the Senator was to be arrested, many of the recovery grants and shopping licences were stripped from the Serenno Lords and given to the D’Astan family. Ragez owed his rise to Palpatine’s generosity and became his most ardent supporter. Palpatine rewarded his loyalty with a position in the Ruling Council.

    Nearly two hundred Lucrehulk battleships were placed in the care of the D’Astan family and organised into seven Imperial-style numbered fleets. The Dooku family was further supplanted by Imperial Intelligence, but the base conflict between the Imperial aligned Houses and those more independent minded remained.

    The D’Astan Family stayed loyal to Coruscant, viewing that warlords were traitors, but the in-fighting in the Core was more detrimental than not. Ragez wanted to manage both sides of the internal conflict in the Court. They were, by sheer cartography, caught up in the machinations of Grand Moff Zsinj, who took Serenno and not Nez Peron as his capital.

    They were not a party to the coup against Pestage, but when Zsinj seceded, Ragez was conscious that he would be cast as disloyal, and was also concerned that him heading to Orinda might allow Zsinj to supplant his fleets. He sent his daughter Feena to Orinda in his stead, maintaining loyalty to both Zsinj and Ars Dangor.

    When Zsinj died his sector immediately returned to the Empire, supporting Thrawn and committing to the Dark Empire. The D’Astan fleets were becoming increasingly important and Ragez became aware that he could do what he had always wanted now; dictate policy. Maintaining a seat on the Imperial Ruling Council from afar, with his shipping fleet as leverage, the machinations of Nom Anor and Black Sun saw the Baron secede from the Crimson Empire and strike out alone; and acquire a clone of his daughter along the way. Support for the D’Astan family had never been higher in the sector, as the Serenno Lords saw this as their chance at destiny following the Battle of Ord Cantrell.

    However Ragez D’Asta remained an Imperial loyalist, and intended to use his power and leverage to encourage Pellaeon to sue for peace. The Imperial Remnant offered as much, but the Restored Empire interfered and the war continued. Ragez was true to his word and rejoined the Empire, but the New Republic had lost its patience.

    Two whole New Republic fleets - designed to each defeat an Imperial Oversector Fleet - advanced down the Perlemian on the Antemeridian Sector and across the Borderlands for the key D’Astan trade world of Celanon. The Moffs sent the Imperial Navy to halt the offensive, but the two fleets reached Celanon mostly intact. The D’Astan fleets were deployed - Separatist designs against modern Mon Calamari Star Cruisers. Only the arrival of Pellaeon and the Reaper saved the sector, but D’Astan power - and is fleets - were broken; and the Reaper was scrapped to repair the Imperial Navy.

    Ragez D’Asta encouraged the Hydian Way worlds to pressure the Remnant into peace, but the war recommenced and the D’Astan sector was cut off from the remaining eight sectors. Forced to join the New Republic to stave off an economic recession, the D’Astan family was finished off when the Yuuzhan Vong cut across the sector and took Nez Peron - but not Serenno.

    Feena married Bron Dooku, bringing the two families together for initially political reasons, but securing the future of the sector. Bron dabbled in Separatism during the Confederation, but Feena managed to keep the sector out of the war - at the cost of her marriage, and then Bron’s life, who was assassinated for his great-uncles collection of Sith artefacts; including the lightsaber of Darth Tyranus and Holocron of Darth Andeddu.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
  15. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    Hmm, effectively two new galaxies, but whether it's worth it to go to those galaxies unless there's no other options is debatable.
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  16. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    adaml83 and Mitth_Fisto like this.
  17. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    I think I know about what...just guessing.
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    @Chrissonofpear2, you are very welcome to comment here - I’m pretty pleased to see that you’re reading along!
  19. Chrissonofpear2

    Chrissonofpear2 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 25, 2020
    Oh - I have been dipping in.

    The return of the Tho Yor certainly got my attention - it's getting pretty epochal.

    Plus the saga of the Barsen'thor DNA elsewhere...
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2025
  20. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    Yeah, I don't know if that was part of Sinre's plan, or if it was partially me going, "Sinre, I know you love SWTOR..." and hoping he doesn't smash that idea to pieces.