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Star Wars War of the Galaxies: The Six Sisters

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Sinrebirth , Oct 30, 2023.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Six Sisters was a small but well developed sector in the Inner Rim.

    The six included Eshan, Thysus, Begali and Almera.

    The Echani were one of the foremost warrior peoples of the galaxy, up there with the Mandalorians, Ailon, Coynites, Mistyl, and practitioners of teras kasi.

    The sector was not unified however. The Begali Uprising began in 1154 BBY when the Republic withdrew to the Colonies, and though Begali rejoined the Sisters a century later, Thysus stayed independent, continuing the war and developing independently as the Sun Guard. Oft-Sith aligned like Begali, the Sun Guard continued the Uprising until 899 BBY, following the Pact of Almera.

    But the division ran deep.

    Begali, previously the originator of the rebellion, came into the sphere of Influence of Thysus, while Eshan commanded the other two worlds of the Six. Almera, for its part, stood separate, having wrestled a degree of freedom from the Six Sisters to end the war.

    That position remained so under the Republic, with the Echani and Sun Guard contributing to the defeat of various threats to the galaxy - assisting with the Unification Wars that ended with the Mandalorian Excision, fighting on opposite sides of the Corellian Civil War circa 500 BBY, and engaging the Nihil.

    When the Clone Wars started, they fought on opposite sides, with the Echani supporting the Republic, and the Sun Guard hired by the Separatists. The Sun Guard suffered defeat at the hands of the Jedi, and were betrayed by the Sith, the remainder of the elite group absorbed into the Emperor's Royal Guard.

    Eshan's militancy made it a key position in the Inner Rim, and its proximity to Hapan Space made it a place the Empire sought to build up. Similarly, their disdain of the Ailon Nova Guard and Mandalorians, both criminalized by the Imperials, made them natural allies, especially when the Emperor went out of his way to model his Royal Guard on Echani values and designs.

    As such during the Imperial Era, the capital, Eshan, was the site of a Class II shipyard; capable of supporting the 19km Executor-class Super Star Destroyer and with nine slips. A full twenty-four Imperial Star Destroyers, crewed almost exclusively by Echani, were deployed, and a Bellator-class Super Star Destroyer bequeathed on Echani by Grand Moff Kohl Seerdon.


    It was said, if Chandrila was the political capital of the 3rd Imperial Oversector - the so-called Steel Blade Command, then Eshan was it's military capital.


    While the defeated Sun Guard gradually recovered, the Empire lost the Galactic Civil War, and collapsed. Though initially distrustful of the Rebel Alliance, the warriors had grown to disdain the Imperial regime since the destruction of Alderaan. And so, by the time of the Battle of Endor this had developed into a full blown loathing, and when the Grand Moffs and Grand Admirals carved up the Empire, the Six Sisters quietly seceded.

    When Coruscant fell, they tentatively applied to join the New Republic, but their first military outlay was during the violent campaigns after Zsinj's Empire fell. Working with the Heroes of Yavin and with their Bellator sporting the New Republic insignia, the Echani watched Fleet Admiral Rogriss and Warlord Teradoc give the New Republic Star Destroyers a bloody nose, and disdained the former Rebels for losing more than a dozen captured warships to the in-fighting.


    The Echani were thus more circumspect in their dealings with the New Republic and Galactic Empire, as both went through advances and reverses under Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Reborn Emperor and Grand Vizier Mas Amedda. Even when the Empire Proper sued for peace and ceded Coruscant and the warlords withdrew to the Deep Core and Outer Rim, the Six Sisters stood independent.

    It wasn't until the Imperial Remnant signed the Bastion Accords, and the majority of the galaxy clamored to rejoin the New Republic, that the Six Sisters judged that the war was truly over. There was even talk, what with the Sun Guard seemingly still in decline - but in-fact having deployed to Wild Space to rebuild - and no threats on the horizon, and nobody stupid enough to attack Eshan, the Echani might even soften their militant stance.

    Of course, the Yuuzhan Vong War changed that.

    Dozens of worldships, ten thousand capital ships and nearly hundred thousand coral escorts emerged from beyond the galactic rim, waging a four year war that killed 365 trillion and reduced the New Republic to a rump state, one of several powers that formed the Galactic Alliance. The defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong scarred the galaxy psychologically, and no more than the Six Sisters. Militancy grew up, and the Echani shipyards constructed several dozen modern warships.

    That militancy inspired a new generation of Sun Guard, and the subsequent collapse of the Galactic Alliance into civil war only encouraged that paranoia. The Firedancers, the Echani Force using sect, foresaw a deepening war, and whereas the Jedi declared the war over with the death of Darth Caedus, the Imperial Remnant, Hapes and Confederation never rejoined the Alliance before the First Order uprooted the Remnant, and the Confederation divided to commit to the new power; Corellia and Commenor and the Corporate Sector all joining Supreme Leader Snoke,

    The Second Galactic Civil War thus raged on as a Cold War, and then, with the Hosnian Cataclysm, a devastatingly brutal invasion from the Unknown Regions. Grand Admiral Dorja made the mistake of attacking Eshan, resulting in him being pursued to Chandrila by the Echani and even Sun Guard - where he was killed in battle. A variety of baits and switches over control of the Eternal Fleet saw the Echani withdraw, especially now that they knew their ancient enemies were back.

    The subsequent First Order-Resistance War raged on, and Snoke was replaced by Kylo Ren and replaced by Darth Sidious, reborn again. The Battle of Exegol did not end the war so much as transform it, with Chancellor Hux seizing Coruscant and imposing a Galactic Jamming. The confrontation between the Echani and Sun Guard was put aside until the Resistance managed to retake Coruscant nearly a decade later - ending the Galactic Jamming - but the First Order was regrouped by a reborn Snoke and the Alliance sundered five years later.

    Eshan and the Sun Guard have ended up on opposite sides of the Inner Rim Border, which is being blockaded by the First Order. The Outer Rim has collapsed into war between Imperial loyal to the recently declared Emperor Jagged Fel, the Sun Guard commanded by Darth Mascon, based off Mon Calamari and allied with the Yuuzhan Vong, and the Nagai and Tofs.

    The First Order has let that war rage for months now, while they focus on ending the Resistance and Imperial Remnant and Jedi and One Sith at the Battles of Jakku...

    ... but neither the Echani or Sun Guard have forgotten their ancient enmity. The First Order and its Celestial technology may lay between them, but the Echani have prepared for war; and even as Thysus and Begali secretly announce their support for the Sun Guard...

    That war may very well begin in truth now.

    For the secret hyperplanes of the Nagai are in the grasp of the Sun Guard...
  2. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    This is a spin-off from the Galaxies at War game.

    Behind the Inner Rim Blockade, the First Order rules, but ancient enmities are not forgotten.

    Indeed, the return of Empire means little to the Echani and Sun Guard.

    The Six Sisters sector is about to collapse into its own civil war...

    @Kahn_Iceay and @Kev-Mas_Colcha
  3. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Military Matters

    The Six Sisters Sector is one of the most well armed in the galaxy.

    Much like the Bothans and Hapans, the Echani have rose up three fleets and a variety of esoteric technologies, vessels and weapons.

    They understand the psychological value of Dreadnoughts, of Total War, and the Force as a weapon; not tool.

    Some forty capital ships are moored at Eshan, commanded by the Echani.

    Another twenty hold at Thyrsus, huddling close and merely building. They know the Echani have secrets; ships that have been hidden and constructed and prepared.

    The distant Sun Guard is unable to reach Thyrsus - for now - but from Mon Calamari and Yuuzhan Vong and Hutt and even Grysk allies, they are well placed to wage war...

    ... albeit with a First Order blockade between them.

    Let alone their own wars with the Nagai and Fel Empire.

    Or their distrust of their Tof allies.

    Both sides are aware of the coming of the other; indeed, a few months earlier, the first blow of the Echani Civil War was struck at Yavin 4, when Echani weapons caused a solar flare that destroyed a captured Tho Yor and nearly murdered the recently anointed leader of the Sun Guard; Darth Mascon.

    For Vincent Mikaru has kept watch.

    Kept ready.

    But Mascon has only intervened in the War of the Three Galaxies for one reason...
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    Greater Plooroid Cluster


    The Expansion Region

    The withdrawal from the Mid Rim saw the First Order withdraw Coreward.

    Not just Mortis, the titanic Celestial dreadnought, or the Indefatiable, an 18km titan, no, but five fleets.

    The First Order stock of Resurgent-class battlecruisers had been severely depleted, and with the ever shifting nature of the war, the First Order had shifted construction to smaller but still capable Maxima-A-class star cruisers.

    Each could carry 18 squadrons, and so gave the First Order greater punch.

    Twenty of these a fleet, and one was positioned at Corsin, on the Hydian Way, north of Champala.


    It was merely holding the line while minelayers constructed on Mimban by Mortis spread across the new Expansion Region-Mid Rim border, abandoning the Mid Rim.

    @Kahn_Iceay, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @darthbernael, @Mitth_Fisto, @adaml83, for information purposes only
  7. Kahn_Iceay

    Kahn_Iceay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 5, 2006
    A Prelude to War-A Joint-Post with @Sinrebirth
    Inner/Middle Rim Blockade
    Grid N8
    CSS Lost Sunrise

    A 1.4 kilometer long blade slipped out of hyperspace a few kilometers away from the blockade line, and immediately began accelerating. Twelve missiles shot out from the underside of its hull, setting off dozens of radiological alarms. They spread out away from the ship running parallel to the minefield before splitting off into sub munitions. As the ship entered the minefield, explosions hitting its shields as the mines began to track it, but it did not change its course. Then the submunitions began entering the minefield, setting of fusion warheads and starting chain-reaction detonations along dozens of kilometers of the minefield.

    This complete disregard of Snoke's minefield went on for the better part of an hour, as a single Echani vessel proceeded to treat the obstacle as a pleasure cruise rather than a galaxy spanning threat. Once it had cleared a huge swath that would make it easy for even a Dreadnought to pass into or out of the blockade it parked itself in the center of the hole. Its orders were simple, if anything short of a dreadnought showed up, it was to make an example of it, and if a Dreadnought did show up, it would bait a trap.
    A Maxima-class Star Cruiser, all 1.2km of it, inevitably was sent to attend to the threat. The ship, the Prosecutor, winked into existence and immediately began to launch fighters - TIE Whispers. As it did, shields were raised, and comms engaged. "You are intruding upon First Order space. Surrender or be destroyed."

    The response was simple, and succinct. The ship pitched so that it's bow faced the Prosecutor and its weapon ports opened. It was however not turbolaser fire, or missiles that came forth. Two massive furious red bolts barked forth from large gun-ports in the ships bow, the unmistakable signs of one of the First Order's own most devastating weapons. Orbital Autocannons. Mounted by them on massive dreadnaughts to scour planets, here in a much more compact form it was being used against them, as an anti-ship weapon.

    The Maxima-class took the hits on the shields, for a brief second, before those shields gave way and the ship detonated. The only consolation is that the TIE Whispers had shields, and they roared forward -

    The Prosecutor had at very least managed to launch most of its fighter complement.
    The Lost Sunrise began a slow, lethargic turn, which given its earlier nimble dance through the minefield showed how little the ship's commander cared about the incoming fighters. It did however open fire, a series of coil guns along the ships hull firing flak shells that filled the void between itself and the Whispers with violent particulate. It also launched its own fighters, a full wing of Dagger-class fighters, modern mass production versions of Vincent Mikaru's own Ivory Dagger from the Eternal Fleet crisis. They fell into escort as the Heavy Cruiser continued its lazy retreat, all but begging the TIE fighters to follow.

    Eighteen squadrons of modern TIE Whispers were themselves not a small threat, and they may as well avenge their mothership. They split by squadron, six taking one flank, six taking another, three raising above the elliptic and three below -

    The Lost Sunrise responded to the split by launching from its twenty four missile tubes a series of MIRVs, as the flak fire lightened for their passing the warheads split off into sub munitions, each targeting a fighter. They were however not concussion munitions, but MagPulse warheads. Once outside the flak curtain the barrage picked back up, continuing to put a wall between the Sunrise its escort and the approaching Whispers. If the Whispers were piloted, rather than automated, their commanders might realize they were being tested, rather than attacked.

    Missiles detonated against flak, and the Whispers promptly dropped the attack for fear of the shrapnel ripping them asunder - The Whispers scattered, setting up shielding trios so as to take hits on their combined defenses - But their formation bled speed, and they had a storm to get through. Fighters winked out in twos and threes, and a good third simply abandoned their position and shot up and below, intending to get out of the field of fire, regroup, and loop back. They weren't bad pilots, clearly.

    As the formations broke the flak broke shortly after, and the 72 Dagger-class fighters broke past the barrier before it turned back up. The Lost Sunrise continued its lazy retreat. Though outnumbered the Daggers also broke off into groups of three, and began splitting off to go after packs. They were heavy interceptors, and this was their wheel house, and clearly the Echani had built their ships to force Fighters away from their capital ships and into the killing fields of their fighters.

    The result was obvious. Half the TIE Whispers were downed, and the rest regrouped swiftly and attempted to pounce -

    It was as the Whispers moved to regroup that the Daggers pivoted towards Echani space and shot off into hyperspace. The Sunrise had ended its flak fire, and launched another series of missiles. Not from its normal launchers however, but the ones it had fired when it first arrived at the mine field. Radiological alarms would blare in the cockpits of the TIEs if they had such things. A dozen active strategic weapons were now barreling towards the fighters and it was now clear why the Echani fighters had removed themselves from the arena. The area was about to be saturated in thermo-nuclear fire, leaving the TIEs with the same options as the Daggers. Flee, or be consumed.

    The detonation wiped them all out.

    It was a finale. It was also the beginning.

    Snoke authorized the deployment of a Tho Yor to Eshan.

    And as Snoke raged and ordered the deployment of an ancient weapon to Eshan the Lost Sunrise finished its lazy turn, dropping a nav beacon just before entering hyperspace. A hole in the Blockade had been burned through, and while Echani space remained closed, the blockade itself was far enough away that now forces inside, and out, could cause chaos for the would be Sith Lord. But more than that, a trap had been set. For despite the appearance, the Echani were not ones to act with the same self assured arrogance as those of Snoke's ilk. Not, unless they had a plan, or were fully assured of their success.

    No, bait had been laid. And Snoke would be advised of the folly of his coming actions, and that advice would be ignored, for who in their right mind would dare stand against such a great and powerful Lord of the Sith? A trap was set, that snatched onto ego, and rage, and indeed the self-same arrogance the Echani had performed. And Snoke was going to rush so head long, he wouldn't see the snare. But he, and the rest of the Galaxy would recognize the truth soon enough.

    The Echani were no longer biding their time.
    And the Echani are War.

    Tag: Sinre/Nobody at this time
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: The Tho Yor

    Originally used as prisons for Sith spirits, the Tho Yor had been repurposed for war by Emperor Snoke.

    Precisely how he had taken command of the ancient Celestial weapons was still not known, save that it involved immense Kyber repositories on worlds such as Jakku and Arkania. Both had been shattered now, or used up. The Exegol repository remained, though much of it had been committed to the lost Xyston-class Star Destroyer armada. The other immense repositories at Ilum and Jedha - rumoured to be two halves of the same whole - had been drained by the Empire.

    In summation, though, the Tho Yor were the Celestial equivalent of a Rakatan Star Forge or Imperial World Devastators; mobile factories that could consume worlds and reshape the matter into more craft. Snoke had used them to shore up his forces with auto-TIEs, usually Dagger designs, and replete minefields to attempt to seal off his Sith Empire.

    Or, as small but potent dreadnoughts.

    And so two had been assigned to deal with any concerted effort from the Outer Rim to strike at the Sith Empire.

    One had gone to Zakuul, the sight of gathering Imperial and Adumari remnants.

    Another was now en route to Eshan, for their crimes.

    How that would play into the plans of the Sun Guard, based in Wild Space, at Mon Calamari, with allies in the Yuuzhan Vong, Grysk and Hutts, and with more besides, would have to yet be seen.

    Suffice to say, the fleet above Thyrsus declared for the Sun Guard.

    That left the two fleets at Eshan, the planetary defences that Vincent Mikaru had, and the secrets and surprises he had actively gathered over the fifteen years since Grand Admiral Dorja attacked the world.

    The Echani Civil War began anew.

    TAG: @Kahn_Iceay, @Kev-Mas_Colcha
    Mitth_Fisto and Kev-Mas_Colcha like this.
  9. Kahn_Iceay

    Kahn_Iceay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 5, 2006
    [A Joint post with @Sinrebirth ]
    Echani Space
    Homeworld Defense Command

    The Tho Yor exited hyperspace, exactly where the reports said it would. It was an ancient, majestic thing, and the Commander in charge of the current defense shift felt a sense of melancholy knowing that they were about to destroy something ancient. Regal. There had been talk of capturing the vessel, but the means of Snoke's control was unknown tot hem, and as it was in a way alive, more so than even a sentient droid DOMINION would have no effect.

    "Hyperspace decant complete," a crewman notified from a work-pit, and the commander nodded. On the central screen various dots began to light up, indicating that defenses were coming online. Eshan, over the past few decades had become a fortress. Some had been online when the First Order assaulted the world, the aftermath lead to an increase in production. Now, dozens upon dozens of interspersed defense platforms were targeting the Tho Yor, but they would not fire. They wouldn't need to. The hundreds of mass gravity mines surrounding its exit point would do that.

    The Tho Yor released an electrical current, triggering the mines nearest and then promptly began ponderously rotating, spreading damage out among its faces and advancing.

    From a face not directly facing Eshan a portal irised and from it emerged a storm of TIE Daggers, curving outwards and the moment they broke the gravitic field of the Tho Yor micro-jumping towards Eshan -

    From a face a concentrated bolt of energy emerged and plowed deeply into the minefield, and further forward, a gravitic beam that hurled anything in its path away like a miniature shot from Centerpoint -

    Dot's flickered out of existence, and more took their place. Thousands of mines, began charging towards the Tho Yor, grabbing on to the celestial constructs own gravitational field and hurling themselves at it at increasing speeds. But they didn't explode on impact, nor did they fizzle out. Reinforced hulls allowed those that made it through to survive, and their gravity field kept increasing. They'd pull on the Tho Yor, they'd pull on their relatives on opposing sides. Those hit by the gravitic wave's outer edge itself seemed to suddenly cascade rapidly towards it, as though filling a void where the wave's gravity had once been. It was clear these were not normal mass shadow generators, but gravitic weapons in their own, if different right. And with each one the Tho Yor became more and more heavy, its own mass pulling inward.

    And then there were the fighters. To say that Eshan was a fortress world was to give Eshan an insult. If a fighter exited hyperspace in far orbit, it was targeted by many of thousands of orbital defense satellites. If it exited in near orbit, it'd find itself stuck between one of Eshan's many shield layers, and the low orbital defense stations. Stations that not only had weapons pointed away from the planet, but towards it. And should they push past the gravity well and find themselves in atmosphere proper it seemed the Warriors of the Echani had fortified every grid of landmass with anti orbital and anti-fighter weaponry.

    But what was most perplexing, if any intelligence was behind any of the fighters, or if indeed Snoke had any vision from the Tho Yor, was that the fleet in orbit, took no action. No action except for clearing a line of fire from the planet itself, and the Tho Yor. Snoke, in his ego and rage would take this as a challenge. Maybe, just maybe someone would tell him of the massive power build up being generated all across the orbital defense grid. But as with any advice given to the would-be Sith. It was likely to be ignored. Because there was something else, sitting high in orbit of Eshan that the Sith could not ignore. Something, that had been his.

    As the defense stations began a pivot, he probably wouldn't notice. As the Force shuddered in a familiar means, as it had some fifty years ago above Alderaan, above Jedha, above Scarif. Snoke wouldn't see, because the Echani were once again baiting the man, and every First Order ship getting any sort of reading from Eshan would pick up an IFF signal. It would flicker to one name, friendly, then shift suddenly to another, decidedly not so. Something Echani.


    The Tho Yor flailed, assaulted in ways it did not expect.

    The fighters were being picked off, and the Tho Yor diverted.

    It adapted, ruthlessly, but a pause went through its biocircuits; the shock that Snoke had himself felt transmitted across the Celestial Network.

    The Supremacy?!

    A thrust of orders and the Tho Yor committed to it's next tried and true tactic; mytosis.

    A diamond shaped capital ship emerged from a flank and began firing frantically at targets, attempting to distract in its own way -


    Meanwhile the Tho Yor itself attempted to steer away from Echan towards one of the other planets in-system, it couldn't manage a micro-jump whatsoever, but it could at least divert the focus of the assault -

    Snoke hoped so, anyway.

    He had not expected such resistance to his will.

    The Echani had achieved their goal. They had sent their message, a simple one to a simple man. Anything you can do, we can do better. But that 'anything' wasn't simply Snoke, it was the Empire. And that, was exemplified in what happened next. Targeting solutions, thousands of targeting solutions. The Tho Yor and its sudden off-spring were suddenly being targeted from everywhere, from all sides. The entire star system, sprang to life, revealing thousands of defense relays, fighters that had been offline, orbital defense stations in orbit of every planet and moon. Even the star. All receiving targeting relay data and targeting the ships, even if they weren't in range.

    They couldn't be in range...

    And then they fired. The ships in orbit, the defense stations, the smaller relays. Orbital Particle Autocannons, Turbolasers, Coilguns, missiles, torpedoes, prismatic particle beams. All lanced from every direction at both the vessels now despoiling Echani space. The Echani hadn't simply prepared to march to war, they'd turned their whole system, perhaps sector into a killing field. Nothing that entered would leave unscathed, if it left at all. And now, with the revelation of the Regicide and the inevitable death of a ancient super weapon, the question should be raised.

    What else had the Echani prepared?

    The Tho Yor and its child took hits.

    Many, many hits.

    It was being worn down, its resource stock - other worlds and materials it had absorbed - being worn down.

    The smaller Tho Yor didn't last nearly as long as expected.

    It was fundamentally chewed down and detonated.

    The larger one knew it had minimal time to make an impact; it pivoted, focused its reserves on powering its thrust and layering inner levels, as if there were multiple Tho Yor inside, a kind of Atrisian Doll in dreadnought form.

    It rushed the sun.

    It's speed was such that it was, at range, avoiding some attacks but not many, but it used Celestial technology to create a powerful jamming and interdiction field to disrupt the system. Missiles and torpedoes would lose their targeting locks, but the heavy laser weapons would chip away. One layer, two, three, the Tho Yor shrinking each time -

    The Regicide had the self-same long range turbolasers that the Megador had, and so the heavy cannons, the equivalent of five Imperial-class II Star Destroyers alone hammered the Tho Yor as it moved with purpose towards the systems' primary -

    And then, an impact. The Echani had remembered Hosnian, the Echani had remembered Starkiller base, they remembered the Suncrusher.. They hadn't simply placed defense instillations around their star, they'd placed reactive shielding. The resulting damage of the impact wouldn't be enough to destroy the Tho Yor, but what came next was to be a death knell. Within the command and control room the Echani Commander gave a nod to a valiant foe that had fought harder than it needed to. Given it was an unwilling combatant. Each member of the staff muttering a small prayer to the Echani deity of War that the world Thyrsus was named, and then the command was given.

    The defense stations in orbit finished their rotations, changed after the Tho Yor's maneuvers, and the shimmering in the Force reached a fever pitch. And then, for a brief moment, the Force screamed. A dozen station fired out ghostly blue beams. These beams reached an apex and combined and sparked a bright flash before unleashing a larger beam that shot across the distance between Eshan and the Tho Yor in a matter if moments.

    The beam impacted one, its power and range having been perfectly calculated to end just after impact. And thus the true folly of attacking Eshan was shown, and Snoke would know that even when presented with an ancient weapon capable of devouring worlds. The Echani, had toyed with him.

    A kyber weapon.

    Scattered amongst battlestations rather than a spherical battle station.

    The hit bolt hammered the Tho Yor, which took the hit and was suddenly mostly hole. The Tho Yor had already been reduced in size by attrition, its TIE Daggers having vanished in the crossfire, and it simply...


    It was dead in the water.

    Part of the fleet, along with the Regicide moved in unison, lumbering towards the hulk as it drifted from the star. The Echani were not about to simply leave the Remains floating. As it was, the defense stations were already picking of the smaller bits of debris. But the largest chunk would get a proper send off, it deserved it. Once the Echani had made sure the remains weren't going to explode on them, or cause other issues, a series of tender ships would work to push the vessel into hyperspace, to a nearby dwarf star of no strategic value, and let the remains drift into the depths and become one with the Galaxy once more. But now that they had fully revealed themselves to Snoke, it was time to do so to the rest of the Galaxy.

    For a better tomorrow.

    The remains did explode; but in that star, eliminating the star system, but not the Echani.

    The Second Battle of Eshan was won.


    But the war was only beginning. And the Echani had broadcasted it all.
    Tag: Nobody, and anybody.
  10. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Data was collected, collated, and sent back to various sources.

    A new power had arisen in the Inner Rim, or, rather, revealed itself.

    The Echani had been preparing.

    It was common knowledge that Grand Admiral Dorja had brought twenty-four
    Resurgent-class Star Destroyers to Eshan in the days after the Hosnian Cataclysm and been trounced - and then chased to Chandrila and killed.

    But the destruction of a Tho Yor to replete resources, and the appearance of the former hulk of the
    Supremacy retooled, repaired, and renamed the Regicide, that send shock waves through the First Order establishment. Since the loss of the Capitol*, it had been unpleasant enough fighting the testbed for the class, the Megador, at Jakku. Now their former flagship - their former capital - was resurrected and aimed at them.

    The secession of Thyrsus was almost no surprise; the actions of the Sun Guard at Mon Calamari, inside Hutt Space, and involving the Yuuzhan Vong, Antemerdian warlords and even Centrality were a fact of the War of Three Galaxies. The pending confrontation was, by observers eyes - the Intelligence agents of the First Order, Resistance, Imperial Remnant, Adumari, Tofs, Bothans and Mandalorians - was only being stalled by the First Order blockade of the Inner Rim, and that was a very thin line.

    Five First Order fleets held the Inner Rim, and everyone knew that wasn't enough.

    If the Sun Guard and Echani intended to fight a civil war across that blockade, then the First Order would very shortly have a holed line.

    The Mid Rim Worlds were ready to pick sides just to avoid being used as an invasion corridor.

    The First Order knew it had to leverage the War of Three Galaxies or lose everything.

    How long until the Battle of Eshan?

    How long until Vincent Mikaru made his voice known to the galaxy at large?