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Star Wars What's Old is New - A short, post RotJ exploration

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by BobaMatt, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    OOC: @A Blind Prophet, everything okay? Darth RL can be really nasty, sometimes.
    IC: Commandant Brendol Hux
    Hangar, Zygerrian dungeon ship
    The boy growled. "I'll show you anger!" Hux couldn't keep a grin from creeping across his face as he heard his troopers prepare their weapons. Unfortunately, it was short lived.​
    A shuttle lifted and broke free of its mooring. There was a horrible moment when the soldiers realized what was happening, but by then it was too late. Another growl tore through the child as the shuttle was propelled through Hux's troops. It was unwieldy, smashing to the deck and crushing white-armored men, knocking them meters into the air. It appeared that the thrusters had been engaged, and the efflux melted plasteel and encased men in burnt coffins that had been their protection. Hux realized he was on the floor as he watched the shuttle smash into a bulkhead and catch fire. Soon, it would explode. This had gotten out of hand. Far, far out of hand. He stood, and his elbow screamed in pain - broken, probably. He flushed the pain clear and did some quick calculations - this Zygerrian shuttle would blow, but it wouldn't be enough to take down the entire dungeon ship.​
    No, his Star Destroyer would be needed for that.​
    "Any who can, come with me. This Jedi devilry is more than we bargained for!" A few of the troopers were able to scramble to their feet and join Hux on the boarding ramp of the Lambda. Hux settled into a crashbed as other troopers sped forward to start the engines. Hux felt the shuttle engage, and lift from the deck, felt it speed out.​
    They were safe. He gestured for a commlink.​
    "Captain," he managed, "prepare to destroy the dungeon ship when I'm safely aboard. Our Zygerrian hosts were unable to maintain order."​
    IC: Dray
    Stolen shuttle, hangar, Zygerrian dungeon ship

    "What are you doing?" Dray shouted at the girl, "Why are you lifting off?" But staring out of the viewports, Dray realized - it wasn't the girl. It was the boy outside. Dray yelled again: "Hold on!" He hastily fashioned his crashwebbing.

    The shuttle flew forward, slamming into the deck, and spinning in glorious confusion. He sensed outside the deaths and pain. Yes, the boy was powerful. Dray centered himself to keep his panic at bay. They would survive this. And that's when they came to a stop. Opening his eyes, Dray saw that their destruction was imminent: the shuttle was very, very on fire.

    The girl seemed fine, at least physically, besides some cuts and bruises. "We need to go now!" Dray was still shouting, in case she was confused or disoriented. He stood, searched the control panels in the cockpit, and found the emergency exit. He pulled a lever, and the canopy blasted open, pulling flames with it and causing electronics to spark. "Quick, before this thing blows." Dray probed the presences in the hangar. The Imperial Commandant was still alive, but hurt. The boy was still alive, too, and he swirled darkly in the Force.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, Ktala
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  2. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    IC: Yannie
    Stolen shuttle, hangar, Zygerrian dungeon ship

    Well, THAT was short lived. Suddenly Yannie was aware of the old geezer shouting at her. "What are you
    doing?. . . Why are you lifting off?" Yannie didnt respond, as she was busy fighting with the controls. She only wanted to get their attention, and get the ship free, so she could get off this traveling dung heap, but the ship was bucking and bouncing about like mad. She was barely in control. Something else had a hold of it. "Hold on!" he yelled at her.

    What did he THINK she was doing? She was in the pilots seat, trying to keep the ship from totally flipping over, barely hanging on. The shuttle flew forward, slamming into the deck, and began spinning in glorious confusion. Not the kind she had wished for, but she didnt hear any shots being fired.

    Yannie's small form smashed forward into the controls, but the controls she was holding on to kept her from flying all the way forward. PooDoo!!! Her head hurt. The smell of wires burning reached her nose. Oh this is so not good. NOT NOW! Yannie was putting her hand to her head, when she heard to strange man yell again.

    "We need to go now!" the man was shouting. He stood, searched the control panels in the cockpit. Yannie stood up, and watched as he pulled a level and part of the ship suddenly exploded open, causing the panel in front of her to spark. She jumped back with a small yelp, as flames came towards them. "Quick, before this thing blows." The man yelled. Yannie didnt need any more prompting. She leaped out, looking for the quickest place she could find cover. She hit the ground with a roll. Yannie looked around. She didnt see any soldiers around. And she would let the guy worry about that kid. That kid was giving her quite a headache! She looked to see if there was another ship she could try to use to escape. She looked around that crazy confusion around her. There seem to be some really ugly looking black and gold looking ships. The little ones the Imps liked to use. Fighters. Too small. But kinda different. And there was another one. She really didnt know what it was. A freighter, maybe? It was kinda big. But maybe, it would at least get them off the ship. Yannie chewed on her lip. Right now, she just wanted off of this
    flying death trap. Soon, that other shuttle would go boom, and she didnt want to be standing around, when it did. Whatever the old guy was going to do, she didnt care. Yannie sprinted to the freighter looking ship, and got to work opening the door. Once inside, made her way to the cockpit, hoping that THIS ship didnt go crazy as well.


    Yannie pulled her hair back, as she looked over the controls of the ship. This one was bigger than the shuttle. She could start it. Flying it, might be a bit more than she could handle. But it couldnt be any worse, than simply waiting to get blown up.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, BobaMatt
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  3. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    IC: Dray
    Zygerrian dungeon ship

    The girl made her way wordlessly across the hangar deck. She wasn't much for words. Sighing, Dray leapt from the burning cockpit. The carnage on the deck was far worse than Dray had sensed, but, well, what's done was done. The girl passed the young boy - he'd have to get their names, eventually - who stood amongst fallen, charred soldiers and the dead bodies of other prisoners, including the mysterious old lady who'd been so fond of the boy. Dray reached out with his feelings - there was no sign of life. Elsewhere, Zygerrian crew still ran around in a panic, but there was no imminent danger aboard the ship.

    The Star Destroyer outside was a different story.

    The girl was already priming the engines on what Dray didn't know enough about ships to identify as an Aurore-class freighter - all Dray knew was that it was a common sight among the slavers - but Dray knelt amongst the destruction beside the young boy, trying to discern the boy's feelings. "Hey," he cooed, "the power can be scary, but you did good, here. You did what needed to be done. We're free, now. There's nothing left for you, here. We should go." He heard the whine of the freighter's thrusters coming alive. "We're in trouble if we don't leave quickly."

    Tag: Darth_Elu

    IC: Luke Skywalker
    Rings of Kafrene
    The thing about a Jedi's line of work is that when you see a crowd running away from something, that's where you're supposed to run to. As they stepped out of the docking bay and were almost immediately flattened by a crush of fleeing people, Luke couldn't shake the feeling that what they were looking for was at the source.​
    Luke sighed. "Bridger."​
    "On it," came the man's voice from beneath the helmet, and with a sputtering ignition, his armor's jetpack sprung to life. Bridger alighted atop a storefront awning, and Luke's commlink crackled. "Looks like there's smoke coming from around the corner."​
    "Can you see where it's coming from?"​
    "Hold please." And again, Bridger was off with his jetpack. The crew waited longer this time. "Ah, yes. There's plenty of commotion at a bar called...hold on, let me zoom in, I never got the hang of these helmets...ah! It's called The Lonely Nexxu. Your kinda place, Solo?"​
    Chewbacca growled. Bridger was defensive: "Whoa, slow down, furball. We'll need that attitude, looks like. A shame none of you have are you going to get here?"​
    Luke scanned the stampeding crowd. "Any ideas, General?" Chewie snuffled inquisitively in Han's direction.​
    Tag: HanSolo29
    Ktala and Darth_Elu like this.
  4. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    IC: Yannie
    Stolen freighter, hangar, Zygerrian dungeon ship

    Yannie had already started the engines, but she looked out into the area through the cockpit window. She was looking for other, if any, slave survivors. This was a bigger ship now. If it didnt go nuts, she didnt see any reason not to rescue as many others as they could. Yannie chewed on her lower lip as she looked around. She saw the boy, that Imp had been interested in, near the body of the old woman from earlier. Yannie felt numb. Later, she would allow herself to feel anything. But right now, she was focused on escape. She also kept an eye on the alien crew, but they seemed to be worried about other things, and totally ignoring them at the moment. At least one good thing though. The other ship that was heading out, was showing the way she would need to go, in order to get out. After that, she could only hope for a planet nearby. At least, her headache was beginning to fade away now, that was a relief.

    But what about the other man? She didnt know anything about him. But he did seem to want to help the kid. But why? So far, she didnt read anything bad about the man. But there was something. She just didnt know what. But if he was willing to help them get off the slave ship, then he was good enough.

    "Hurry up! We gotta motor!" Yannie yelled out. If she saw any other survivors, she would gesture and yell for them to get on-board as well.

    Tag: BobaMatt, Darth_Elu
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  5. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    OOC: Apologies for the delay. And looking forward to showing my character's name eventually. lol!

    Young Slave IC:
    ~Hangar, Zygerrian Dungeon Ship~

    The boy stood in quiet shock, though his anger still seethed openly, and looked upon the carnage that had just transpired within the hangar. The carnage he had caused. Somehow.

    Did…Did I just do that? Tch! They deserved it! They did!

    Gritting his teeth, he could only find himself staring at the bodies now. He saw the officer and some of the troopers managing to escape onto a shuttle that hastily blasted off in retreat, but he was too tired to try…well, anything at that point. His anger followed them, but his energy was spent.

    This…Strength. This power. It was all real after all. He knew he could sense things, people especially, with it. But never anything like that before. It all been too surreal.

    He moved woodenly over to where Vima lay and stood over her, looking down at her corpse. There was no reason to check for a pulse. He had heard earlier and he could very well sense it now.

    She was dead. Gone. And it was his fault. There was some shouting, a voice that was a little familiar, but he blocked it out as he just stood there. Not sure what to do with himself and completely oblivious to the state of the shuttle he had just caused catastrophic damage to.

    There would be more slavers soon, but for now…he only saw Vima.


    The anger was starting to slowly fade now, replaced only by a bone deep, all consuming weariness. An exhaustion he never knew before. The word forced him to slowly glance over at the man he now vaguely recognized. A fellow slave. His eyes saw, but only barely registered much.

    "The power can be scary, but you did good, here. You did what needed to be done. We're free, now. There's nothing left for you, here. We should go. We're in trouble if we don't leave quickly."

    Scary? It had felt good. But…Vima. Yes. Yes, perhaps it was a little scary after all…And he did do what needed to be done. They all deserved it. Every last one of them! Nevertheless, he was finding it hard to keep up that rage. At least for the moment.

    "And where would we go?" he muttered.

    He heard the engines of another ship begin to whine as it powered up, clearly another prisoner had managed to secure it. Numbly, he looked at the vessel.

    "Hurry up! We gotta motor!"

    A girl's voice. Didn't recognize it. Didn't matter. Despite his response to the man, he found himself almost on automatic and just turning that direction and walking that way.

    He knew he should look for other survivors, other slaves. Now potentially former slaves. Get them to safety, have them rally around their escape vehicle. But there was nothing there. No feeling, no emotion. No further compassion. He was alive, but Vima was dead. And there was no one else he cared for. That was it.

    That was all.

    Still, the man running back to the ship and the prior urgency of the girl's voice ringing about in his mind again got him to pick up the pace, more out of instinct than anything. Soon enough he was on board and "ready" to go.

    The boy said nothing. Just plopped down into a seat and waited. For what he wasn't sure of anymore.

    There was only a silent, gnawing darkness in his heart and mind.

    Tag: BobaMatt Ktala
    Ktala likes this.
  6. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    IC: Han Solo
    Ring of Kafrene

    Han scoffed at the other man’s remark.The Lonely Nexu? Who comes up with these names? It certainly didn’t sound like a place he would want to cozy up to, but he had to give the stranger credit; he was trying. He sighed as he watched the man rocket away to get a better vantage point of the chaos.

    Perhaps he was trying a little too hard…

    There was another crackle before the mans’ voice returned over the comlink. “A shame none of you have jetpacks,” he noted with a hint of sarcasm. “How are you going to get here?"

    Han bit back a curse as he turned to give the Wookiee a knowing look. The intent was clear: this guy was getting on his last nerve. “How else do you think we’ll get there?” he muttered under his breath, clenching his teeth as he reached into the folds of the cloak for his blaster.

    Any ideas, General?” Luke piped up after a moment, no doubt sensing his mounting ire. Leave it to the kid to attempt to mitigate the problem…even if it was his fault in the first place.

    A frown creased Han’s features as he finally wrenched his blaster free and backed up into the shadow of a shop stall. “Does it look like I have an idea?” he shot back, clearly irritated by the situation. A moment passed before recognition dawned in his eye. “And don’t call me that! Are you trying to get us shot? Too many people are trigger-happy around here…besides, I haven’t served in months!”

    He paused as he considered waiting out the rush of the frantic crowd, but it soon became clear that an opening wasn’t going to present itself. At least, any time soon. And by then, it would be too late to reach their contact.

    “Ah, hell,” he relented with a sigh, signaling to Chewie with his free hand. “Let’s get outta here – I’ll think of something on the way!”

    TAG: BobaMatt
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  7. MandoA101

    MandoA101 Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 2, 2016
    IC: Bossk

    Whoa... in all of his years, he had never seen a sonic blaster do that to a room. He regarded it for a moment, deciding it was good for fast entry. His tongue flicked out of his mouth, trying to pick up anything. He breathed in deeply through his nose, collecting some intoxicating smells. Pretty bad smells. He set his Sonic blaster on his back, and pulled out his Relby V-10. His favorite, and definitely much more effective and accurate. His tongue slithered out again. Random people were fleeing from the bar, causing quite a commotion. Bossk didn't mind; after all, he was here for two people, and those two only. The girl, she was gone. Boss couldn't smell her, and he had heard tales of sonic blasters just vaporizing people. Oh well, he guessed he'd be collecting only one bounty. Speaking of bounty... the man from the alleyway, Freco, no, Ferko! He slipped out of the bar and sprinted left down the street. He must of crawled behind the bar. Bossk twitched in annoyance and ran after him down the cramped road.
    "Don't run from me!" Bossk yelled. "If you stop there, I'll make it quick. I promisssssssse."
    The man continued to flee. Many colleagues asked why Bossk still did this. He had accumulated a fortune, and already made a name for himself. No, it wasn't for money, it wasn't for fame, it was for the hunt. The anticipation, the thrill. His old knees were aching, but he was still enjoying it. The man turned down and alleyway. Boss followed him, but slowed down. He detected, by instinct, something was wrong. With no better option, Bossk turned down the alleyway. Splat! Bossk yelled in frustration. The coward threw a fruit at him. Bossk shook off the chunks of it and wiped the juices off his eyes and nose. The man was gone, and all Bossk could smell was the sweet liquid dripping down his face. Next time, Bossk thought, he wouldn't get away.

    IC: Rhoswen

    Rhoswen awoke, head hurting. She groaned and tried to push herself up, but couldn't. A moment of panic hit her, until she realized there was a table lying on her and she was not paralyzed. She rolled over and pushed it off. Standing up, she looked around. The room was in tatters, and Ferko was gone. "Ferko!" She yelled, but Rhoswen was only met with silence. She blinked, memories flooding back. The trandoshan, who was he? He had a gun, he was clearly after her. Thoughts buzzed through her head, questions and memories alike. Then she realized, the front of her was soaked. Her drink was spilled all over her in the commotion. No wonder the trandoshan didn't smell her...
    Or, he did, and he was just finishing off Ferko and then coming back for her. She had to go. She ran out of the bar, taking a right down the road.
  8. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    OOC: Disregard @MandoA101's post for now, guys. But for now, we'll proceed!

    IC: Dray

    As the shuttle escaped into space beyond the Imperial Star Destroyer, Dray elbowed the girl out of the way to get to the nav computer. Alarms pinged, alerting them that the Destroyer had locked on, but Dray pushed those thoughts out of his mind as he punched in coordinates. Yes. Yes, this would be good for all involved. He squeezed the trigger and shoved the controls forward. As turbolaser fire began to pepper the rear shields, the starfield stretched and contracted into a blue tunnel. They were in hyperspace.

    It took a moment for the tension to dissipate, but eventually they all stopped holding their breath, and slumped out of their rigid attention. Dray felt his body fall heavily into the co-pilot's seat. His eyes drooped. All this exertion was killer.

    "Maybe we should all introduce ourselves, finally," he said. "I'm Dray. Pleased to travel with you both."


    He watched hyperspace swirl out the front port. Yes. This would be a good journey.​
    TAG: Darth_Elu, Ktala
    IC: Luke Skywalker
    Luke stepped out into the frantic crowd, his arms nearly flat at his side, his fingers spread. Chewie wouldn't have believed it if he didn't see: it was as if Luke had created a bubble, and the panicking mob was buffeted by it, making a path for the travelers. Luke led the way, and Chewie fell in sheepishly behind him, watching people careen off of an invisible prow. ​
    When they turned the corner, it wasn't hard to find the bar in question. There was no sign anymore, of course - that appeared to have been blown clean off. But inside there was the sound of another sonic blast, and in the crater blown in the bar's facade, a familiar Trandoshan bounty hunter.​
    "Looks like we found Rhoswen," Luke groaned.​
    TAG: HanSolo29
    HanSolo29 , Ktala and Darth_Elu like this.
  9. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    IC: Yannie
    Stolen freighter - Hyperspace

    Yannie managed to get the shuttle out of the bay area, on into space, though she did scrape a side or two on her way out. She was sad that they could not get any other slaves to follow them, but they all scattered. As she sat
    moving the ship into space, the strange man elbowed Yannie out of the way. She frowned at him, but didnt say anything, leaning back into the pilots seat as he reached over for some controls. She watched him punch in a series of numbers, about the same time their rear shields starting taking hits.

    Eyes wide, she watched as the man shoved the controls forward. The ship shuddered slightly, and went into hyperspace. Yannie leaned back and blew out at small stream of air. There was several long moments of silence.
    Yannie rubbed the temples of her head, as the headache she had been feeling slowly started to ebb away. She looked around, not hearing anything from the kid. He was sitting in a chair, looking at the floor, very silent.

    The man suddenly spoke up. "Maybe we should all introduce ourselves, finally," Yannie snorted. "I'm Dray. Pleased to travel with you both." Yannie snorted softly. Like they really had a choice. The man had set the controls, so Yannie simply leaned back. Yannie looked over at the kid, and then at the man who called himself Dray.

    "I'm Yannie." She then paused and frowned. "Where are we going? Will that big ship be able to follow us?" That was a horrible thought. They might track them. But why track three lowly beings on a ship? Maybe she was just paranoid. Then Yannie looked over at the boy who had not spoken a word. "Is he gonna be okay?" she asked Dray softly. This was something new for Yannie. And right now, she would be happy to get her feet back on solid ground. But she didnt trust him totally either. But for now, she was willing to at least talk, for now.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, BobaMatt
    HanSolo29 and Darth_Elu like this.
  10. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Young Slave IC:
    ~En Route, Stolen Shuttle~

    The boy continued to simply sit where he was, looking at the ground in stony silence. The movements of the ship and being struck by enemy fire, rocking him idly. There was nothing to be done, so why bother looking up?

    She was gone. Vima was dead. The last person to ever care for him in any way. He had lost everyone now. The short list of family and surrogate (when including the old woman) was now officially crossed off in its entirety. There was…nothing. Nothing left to go back to, nothing to look forward to.

    Why had he fought back again? Oh. Right. There was that anger. That rage. And of course, that power she had taught to him. What did she call it again? The…oh, what did it matter anymore.

    The ship lurched into hyperspace as he mulled over the fact that it was all his fault for the thousandth time in such a short span. A brief moment of lulled silence manifested and he looked up for just a brief second.

    Huh. So they escaped. That was good. Now what?

    Looking back down he contemplated his current situation, which didn't take long as he didn't even truly understand what his current situation was. Then the older man finally began to speak. The former slave boy barely heard him.

    "Maybe we should all introduce ourselves, finally. I'm Dray. Pleased to travel with you both."

    Dray? Interesting name. A small snorting sound came from the girl that was with them. She must have been the one yelling at them to hurry up earlier.

    "I'm Yannie. Where are we going? Will that big ship be able to follow us?"

    Star Destroyer. It's called a Star Destroyer, he thought numbly. Even he knew that. But then again, he had knowledge of such things. She did ask a good questions though. Best left up to this 'Dray' person to answer them. Especially the first one.

    There was a small pause and he could hear the girl try to speak low to the man about him. "Is he gonna be okay?"

    Tch. Fine. Guess it was time to at least introduce himself.

    Slowly, he lifted his head up so his eyes peered at the two of them through his dissolved bangs, his gaze carrying a rare intensity that was yet smothered due to recent events. He released a long, low sigh that almost sounded like he was deflating.

    "The name's…"

    Huh. Why hesitate? Its not like anyone really would know who he was anymore. You lost everyone, remember. …..

    "The name's Kyp."

    "Kyp Durron."

    Tag: BobaMatt Ktala
    HanSolo29 , Ktala and BobaMatt like this.
  11. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    IC: Yannie
    ~En Route somplace, Stolen Ship~

    Yannie was startled, when the boy suddenly responded. She guess he had heard her question to Dray.
    "The name's…" the kid suddenly stopped and gave a long pause. Was he kinda like her? Didnt use his real name a lot, she guessed. The imps gave a lot of reasons for folks not wanting to use there regular name. That much, she understood. But then the kid started speaking up once more.

    "The name's Kyp." Another long pause.

    "Kyp Durron."

    Yannie looked at the kid. The name didnt mean a thing to her. She didnt remember seeing it listed anyplace, but hey, the galaxy was a huge place. She got up from the pilots seat, and walked over to where the kid was standing now.

    "Hi Kyp. Glad to meet you finally." Yannie paused for a moment. She wasn't really good at this stuff. Then again, they had just made a pretty dramatic escape from the belly of a slave ship, with an Imperial ship in full view. NOBODY was used to that. She sure wasnt.

    She looked back at the kid. In a gentle voice she added, "I'm sorry about the lady you was with. Imps took my family too." Yannie gave a pause, before she added, "Slavers are full of poodoo!" she added with a bit of venom, before she forced herself to calm down again.

    "But she would have wanted you to survive. She gave her life, to make sure you weren't killed. Remember that, and remember her." She stopped herself from touching his shoulder, as she wanted to do. It might be too early for such things. She gave a gentle sigh. She then looked back over at Dray's direction once more. He still had not answered about where they were going, and how long it would take to get there.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, BobaMatt
    HanSolo29 and Darth_Elu like this.
  12. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Kyp Durron IC:
    ~En Route, Stolen Ship~

    The girl, Yannie he reminded himself, got up and moved toward him after his introduction. His eyes watched her dully, not really sure what she was up to.

    "Hi Kyp. Glad to meet you finally."

    Huh. Right. Like that really meant anything. He shrugged in response, not really sure how else to respond. But Yannie pressed on with a gentle voice. He wasn't sure if she was trying to be nice or be patronizing…probably just being nice. But that was a concept he'd have to get used to. If they didn't go their separate ways after arriving wherever they were going that is.

    "I'm sorry about the lady you was with. Imps took my family too."

    His shoulders stiffened at the comment. Apparently she could sympathize, and really, coming from another former slave that wasn't surprising…but he really didn't want to discuss Vima right now. Not with her. Not with anybody. He just wanted…

    Oh frell. He had no idea what he wanted anymore!

    "Slavers are full of voodoo!"

    Kyp gave a small nod to that one though, there was no denying the fact. Slavers, all of them, could go space themselves. The sooner the better. Maybe that was something he could angle toward? Destroying the slavers. Yeah, that sounded nice.

    "But she would have wanted you to survive."

    Kyp's stiffened again, though she didn't notice right away.

    "She gave her life, to make sure you weren't killed. Remember that, and remember her."

    He didn't reply, just say there in stony silence. She did give her life for that very reason, but just hearing it from someone else just made him…Argh!! Uncomfortable? Pissed off? At himself? Her? The slavers and Imperials?

    At that moment he just didn't know. Instead of lashing out without reason, which he was sorely tempted to, he just kept silent. Had he not been so tired from the recent ordeal, he probably would have lashed out even though she was only trying to help.

    He knew that, but didn't change his emotions. Irrational feelings were just that. Irrational.

    Eventually he offered a meek nod again as he stared at the floor, though who knows if either Yannie or Dray even saw it.

    Speaking of the older man…

    His eyes side glanced over to him. "So, aside from 'where' we are going. Why are we going there?"

    Tag: Ktala BobaMatt
    Ktala and HanSolo29 like this.
  13. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    IC: Han Solo
    Ring of Kafrene

    While Han would never readily admit to it – especially when standing in such close proximity to the Jedi – he was thoroughly impressed with Luke’s covert trick. It was like a Force battering-ram with no ill effects to those who happened to get caught up in its wake. They simply bounced off and continued on their frantic way, completely unaware that they had been deliberately redirected.

    With a small scoff, he leaned in toward Chewie, who appeared equally as impressed by the display. “This sure beats the alternative,” he muttered under his breath, making sure the comment was loud enough so only the Wookiee could hear.

    But before his partner could reply, they rounded a corner to meet the sound of a sonic blast. Han winced as the reverberation slammed into his body, forcing him to stumble back a few paces before he instinctively lowered himself to one knee to take up a defensive position. His blaster was already in hand as he scanned the scene with his eyes.

    Their target was no more; the entire front of the building was in shambles. The blast had taken out a good chunk of the stucco and brick foundation so that only the steel girders remained. A gaping hole now exposed the interior of the bar with its frightened patrons scrambling to find an escape. They might have been successful in their pursuit if not for the towering figure looming in the opening left by the blast.

    Han worked his jaw as realization dawned on his face. There was no mistaking the bulky frame of the Trandoshan bounty hunter. Bossk.

    A plethora of colorful curses were quick to slip from his mouth as he rose back to his feet. They were out of time. If Luke still wanted a chance at securing his contact, they had to move…now.

    Using the cover of the swirling debris and dust from the explosion, Han sidled his way alongside Luke, pulling the goggles down over his face as he approached.

    "Looks like we found Rhoswen," Luke groaned.

    “We found more than that,” Han quipped, keeping his eyes focused solely on the bounty hunter. “Look, we’re not gonna get another chance at this. Go inside and find this friend of yours. Once you have her, meet me back in the marketplace.” He nodded with his chin towards the building. “I’ll keep Bossk busy.”

    He knew Chewie wouldn’t settle for the plan as-is, so before the big oaf could protest, he turned to address the issue. “Don’t even think about it, pal,” he admonished, extending an index finger as a warning. “You’re going with Luke. I stand a better chance by myself than with you tagging along as my shadow. You’ll blow my cover.”

    TAG: BobaMatt
    Darth_Elu, BobaMatt and Ktala like this.
  14. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    The Thirsty Nexxu, Ring of Kafrene

    The Trandoshan was struck with a sudden olfactory distraction, pulling his mind outside of the bar into the streets. It was an intoxicating scent, musty and mammalian, one he was all too familiar with. He hissed its name: "CHEWBACCA!"

    And with that, Bossk was among the crowd, staring at the Wookiee and a small human companion. Somewhere nearby he smelled Solo, the Wookiee's human...companion? Servant? He was of no concern. The pelt, still shining after all these years. The Scorekeeper would reward him greatly for this prize.

    And yet...there was the matter of this bounty on the former Rebel operative. Hm.

    Two pelts?

    First the Wookiee. Bossk charged, leaving behind the carnage and chaos he'd sewn inside. He wanted to do this the hard way, to take pleasure in it. He wanted to tangle his body in Chewbacca's fur, tear it off him still living.

    Solo's comm pinged, and the voice was Bridger's: "Uh. What do I shoot him?"

    Inside the bar, Ferko, sighed. "I think our friends are here."

    TAG: HanSolo29, A Blind Prophet
    Over Ilum
    Brendol Hux gazed out of the viewscreen at the arctic planet below, vast sections of the planet's surface removed by stripmining kyber crystals, but now turned to a new plan. Construction of the Weapon had begun.​
    The Leader was not going to like the news he brought. Hux stomped down the hallway to the private holosuite, where a head appeared, larger than life. Hux chewed his lip. "We lost them. They've escaped. But I think I may know where they're headed."​
    Nar Shadaa
    The planet looked dirty from orbit, and the reversion to realspace gave an impression of slime. Beyond, Nal Hutta, the homeworld of the galaxy's most notorious crime families. But this, their jewel, was a wretched hive if there ever was one.​
    It was perfect.​
    Dray reclined in the pilot's seat and gestured with a sense of magnificence as Yannie took them in. "The Smuggler's Moon. Paradise, eh?"​
    They were breaking through the atmosphere now, cleared for landing on a pad. The buildings rose up, speeders, seedy ads for gambling and drugs, races, bloodsports, prostitution. Every vice in the galaxy could be found on Nar Shadaa, like some dark parody of Coruscant. Their shuttle settled into the landing pad. "I have friends here who may be able to help us," Dray said, but didn't bother making eye contact with either child. Instead he swept through the cockpit, into the corridors beyond. The boarding ramp opened somewhere behind them all, and the dank, pungent air entered. ​
    TAG: @Ktala, Darth_Elu
    Darth_Elu and HanSolo29 like this.
  15. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    IC: Yannie
    Nar Shadaa

    Yannie spent the time taking apart the ship for any tools and useful items she could use, once they got to where she was going. She didnt think they would be staying with the ship for too long. So portable foodstuffs, and anything else that look useful, even for trade, she grabbed it, putting it into her pack. She then headed back to the cockpit area, as they grew near to a planet that Dray had chosen to take them to. As she looked at the planet that Dray was taking them to. It looked like a very nasty place. Dirty. Not good. But Dray seemed to be happy about it all, as he looked at it from the other chair, gesturing.

    "The Smuggler's Moon. Paradise, eh?"

    SMUGGLERS MOON?!?!?!?! She didnt know much, but she had heard of the place. Wild stories. And none of them good. Anything was considered fair game. Yannie's eyes grew wide, as she guided the ship down, heading for a landing pad. The ads that they passed, as she brought the ship down, made her eyes grow even wider. Poodoo!! Yannie found herself concentrating on the landing pad, not looking at the ads anymore, while she guided the ship down to a landing. Not exactly the smoothest of landings, but landing none the less. As she powered down the ship, she heard Dray speak.

    "I have friends here who may be able to help us," Dray said, as he stood, and headed out the the ship, giving neither one of them a glance back. Yannie flipped the switch for the boarding ramp, and as the doors opened, the smells from outside flooded the ship. It smelled as bad as it looked.

    Yannie wrapped her scarf around her face and head, while pulling her goggles down, and throwing over a poncho over herself. She looked over at Kyp. "I dont like this." she whispered, as she started to head out of the ship. She stopped at the doorway, looking out. Her senses were feeling a bit overwhelmed. She swallowed hard, trying to push down the sensations she was feeling. "This better not end up being another slavers trap." she growled under her breath, as she took a step away from the ship. She decided she would stay closer to Kyp at the moment, as she worked to keep an eye on their newfound savior.

    Yeah right. She didnt trust this. It didnt feel right. But at least, now they were away from the Imperials. So, she guessed things were looking up. Hopefully, things would stay that way. And she hoped that Dray's friends would be able to help. Hopefully, they were good friends. Still, it wouldnt hurt to have a backup plan, just in case.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, BobaMatt
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  16. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Kyp Durron IC:
    ~Docking Pad, Nar Shaddaa~

    Something woke him up. He wasn't sure what it was, but with an exhale of breath, Kyp opened his eyes and slowly sat up from the floor in the back where had laid down to rest during their trip to…wherever.

    Laying an arm across his propped up knee, he looked over and saw what might have caused him to stir again. They had arrived.

    His eyes took in the dirty looking planet, trying to think if he recognized it. Unsurprisingly he did not. He had been taken into slavery since he was fairly young. In silence he stood up and moved over to stand behind Yannie, arms folded.

    Kyp couldn't help but idly wonder how the girl was so good at piloting at her age, especially having obviously also been a slave to the Zygerrians recently like him. Had she learned it in slavery? Or before? Questions for another time as Dray reclined in his seat next to her, causing his head to turn to look at him.

    A gesture and a smile. "The Smuggler's Moon. Paradise, eh?"

    Even Kyp had heard of the Smuggler's Moon. He forgot its real name at the moment, but he knew of the moon. At least from rumors and crazy stories. Judging by the slight reaction he could sense from the girl, she recognized the title too.

    "I have friends here who may be able to help us."

    "Lets hope they help and not the reverse," he responded flatly as the ship set down onto the landing pad.

    Just like that the man that had turned into their guide, swept out of the cockpit and toward the boarding ramp, letting in the pungent air of the moon.

    Squinting his eyes and covering his nose after procuring a similar poncho as Yannie's after seeing her get one, he followed after both of them cautiously. Who knows what awaited them here, not that they had much choice.

    Yannie caught his gaze again as they too headed out of the ship. "I don't like this. This better not end up being another slaver's trap."

    "I don't either," he confessed after a second's pause, "But if it is…"

    They left the ship behind then and followed a decent pace behind the man, but keeping him in sight so they could follow.

    "…I'll kill him."

    The phrase flowed out without hesitation. His eyes didn't change. Why would they? That moment back in the hangar bay of the zygerrian ship had irrevocably changed him. He had killed and more than just one person.

    What was one more if it was necessary?

    But it was also true he was still bone weary. Dray better not betray them.

    "Keep your eyes open," he whispered as his voice dropped even lower.

    Tag: Ktala BobaMatt
  17. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    IC: Yannie
    Nar Shadaa

    Yannie found herself nodding, as she heard Kyp's response to Dray's coments about his so called friends. As Yannie moved closer to Kyp, she voiced her concern about how she didnt like the the current situation.

    "I don't either," he confessed after a second's pause, "But if it is…" He paused, as they moved to leave the ship, following at a decent pace behind Dray, following him. Kyp finished his sentence.

    "…I'll kill him."

    Yannie kept walked, but she almost paused. Almost. She knew the young boy was upset. But the way he had said it. The tone in his voice. He wasnt kidding. But she understood. They had just escaped a slavers ship. None were eager to find themselves back in that situation again. Yannie stepped closer to Kyp, as she began to scan the people walking nearby, looking to read anything or anyone who might become a problem.

    "Keep your eyes open," Kyp whispered as his voice dropped even lower. Yannie nodded. "You got it." Yannie would have liked to have tried to find a mark for a quick weapon or two. But not here. Not on the Smugglar's moon. Yannie began to tune in to the various languages being spoken around her. She was trying to catch up on what was falling for the 'local news' going on. Maybe she could learn something, as they followed Dray. Yannie kept a sharp eye, on the area they were walking through, as they followed.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, BobaMatt
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  18. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    IC: Dray
    Nar Shadaa

    A bit of Force-assisted negotiation with the harbormaster had gone well. Dray walked back to the two poncho-wearing children, lighting a cigarra he'd managed to borrow. "I need to go talk to some old friends of mine. Don't stray too far from the ship. I'll comm when everything's ready."

    He sensed resentment flowing from the one called Kyp. He'd do well in the universe. The girl, on the other hand, seemed acutely curious about their surroundings. That wouldn't do. That could be inconvenient. He leaned into his instructions with the Force: "Stay. By. The ship."

    Dray turned on his heel, past the Rodians unloading cargo from a neighboring ship for a supervising Hutt. Beyond the doors to the harbor were a bazaar, a cantina, and an odd looking arena where cheers arose again and again. Dray walked past all of them, disappearing into the crowd. Nar Shadaa was dingy, and the air was toxic, but it shone brightly in the universe, full of life and intrigue.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, Ktala
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  19. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    IC: Yannie
    Nar Shadaa

    Yannie had hung back, while she watched the man called Dray speak in low tones with someone. Actually, she was more interested in trying to pick up to local buzz, of what was going on in the most famous den of thieves. Dray
    walked over to them.

    "I need to go talk to some old friends of mine. Don't stray too far from the ship. I'll comm when everything's ready."

    Yannie vaguely nodded, but he could not notice her frown underneath the coverings. Comm? WHAT comms?! They didnt have any commlinks. Stupid man.

    She refocused on picking up the languages being spoken near her, when she heard him speak again.

    "Stay. By. The ship." he told them in a tight voice.

    He already said that. Why was he repeating himself? Why coudlnt they go anyway?
    Did he really expect them to just ...


    Yannie's head snapped back to look at Dray, even as he was walking away from them. Yannie issued a low growl, even as her hand slipped down to grasp the handle of a tool tucked in her belt.


    A slew of non polite Hutt cursing issued from Yannie, even as she watched the Rodian and Hutt unloading cargo, as Dray walked past them, and out some doors of the landing area.

    "Stoopida! E chu ta!!"

    Putting her hand to her head at the suddenly pounding headache she was experience she softly spoke to Kyp. "We cant just stand here." she grunted softly thru gritted teeth, as she tried NOT to rattle off another string of curses. She spoke softly, so that only Kyp could hear her. "We stand out. Varp!, we got that ship from slavers. It has probably been here HUNDREDS of times. I wouldnt be surprised if a few folks havent already hit the holonets, as soon as we landed." Yannie snorted softly in anger as she rubbed her head. She was having a harder time listening in around her. The noise and bad feelings she had earlier had gotten louder again. She had managed to shut them down, on the slaver ship. She had to, or she would have gone mad. Had Dray done something? She was sure it wasnt Kyp. Or was it? She didnt think so.

    Kyp looked preoccupied with other thoughts. She looked around. She could hear cheering outside the harbor doors. She didnt think she wanted to find out why. She looked up, and around, trying to see if there was anyplace
    they could stay near the ship, as 'ordered', but still stay relatively safe. Or at least something better than just standing there.

    "So." Yannie spoke softly to Kyp, as she scanned the area around them. "What do you think of the place so far?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice. She walked over to the side, putting a wall at her back, while
    she waited for Kyp to respond.

    TAG: Darth_Elu, BobaMatt
    Darth_Elu likes this.
  20. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    OOC: Would anyone be down for bringing this back to life? Posting slowed down and it seemed like it was just kind of a bad time for the other players. How's everyone now?
  21. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    hEY HEY!!

    I would not mind at all. But I dont think Elu has been around for quite a while. Unless you can figure out a way to move his character out of play for the moment, while adding some new ones... :D

    But I woudlnt mind at all... ;)
    BobaMatt likes this.
  22. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
  23. MandoA101

    MandoA101 Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 2, 2016
    I'm sorry, I know I've made a royal mess of this game, but if you guys want to revamp this game and you need me to play a character, i'm in. If I've done an irreparable amount of damage, I understand if you don't want me in the game.
  24. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    Not sure what you mean, bud. This game has just been inactive for months.
  25. MandoA101

    MandoA101 Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 2, 2016
    Either way, if you need a player to continue the game, I'd be glad to join in.