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Full Series Your Top Clone Wars Arcs or One-Shots.

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by A Lovable Jerk, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. A Lovable Jerk

    A Lovable Jerk Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 6, 2015
    Doing a best or worst of episodes list for the Clone Wars is hard because hardly any episode is a self contained story, and like the rest of Star Wars, The Clone Wars had become more than just a show, expanding into comics and novels.

    So I wanted to do a list that incorporates my personal top 25 arcs of my personal favorite animated series of all time, seeing as how with the release of Son of Dathomir, Dark Disciple and the two animatic arcs, it seems were pretty much done with Clone Wars for the foreseeable future. Yes it's very excessive, combine all the episodes on the list and the runners up it would have made a total of 106 episodes out of a technical 145 (The Movies is 4 episodes), but hell who isn't guilty of being a little excessive every now and then?

    Runners up: The Hunting Grievous arc (Intrigue and Deserter), The Malevolence Arc, The Dark Disciple Novel, the Droids duo, and the Holocron/Force Children arc

    25. Ziro's Escape Arc (Assassin, Evil Plans, Hostage Crisis, and The Hunt for Ziro)
    24. The Rebels of Onderon Arc (A War on Two Fronts, Front Runners, The Soft War, and Tipping Points)
    23. Boba's Revenge Arc (Death Trap, R2 Come Home, and Lethal Trackdown)
    22. The Gunray Captured Arc (Bombad Jedi, Cloak of Darkness, and Lair of Grievous)
    21. Slavers of Zygerria Arc (Kidnapped, Slaves of the Republic, and Escape from Kadavo)
    20. Trespass
    19. The Water Wars Arc (Water War, Gungan Attack, and Prisoners)
    18. Ahsoka Hunted Arc (Padawan Lost and Wookiee Hunt)
    17. The Obi-Wan Undercover Arc (Deception, Friends and Enemies, The Box, and Crisis on Naboo)
    16. A Friend in Need
    15. The Clone Rookies Arc (Clone Cadets, Rookies, and ARC Troopers)
    14. The War for Ryloth Arc (Storm Over Ryloth, Innocents of Ryloth, Liberty on Ryloth)
    13. The Nightsisters Arc (Nightsisters, Monster, and Witches of the Mist)
    12. Crystal Crisis on Utapau (A Death on Utapau, In Search of the Crystal, Crystal Crisis, and The Big Bang)
    11. Escape from the Citadel Arc (The Citadel, Counterattack, Citadel Rescue)
    10. The Jedi Younglings Arc (The Gathering, A Test of Strength, Bound for Rescue, and A Necessary Bond)
    9. The Invasion of Geonosis Arc (Senate Spy, Landing at Point Rain, Weapons Factory, Legacy of Terror, and Brain Invaders)
    8. The Clone Conspiracy Arc (The Unknown, Conspiracy, Fugitive, and Orders)
    7. The Return of Darth Maul Arc (Massacre, Bounty, Brothers, and Revenge)
    6. The Son of Dathomir Comic (The Enemy of my Enemy, A Tale of Two Apprintaces, Proxy War, and Showdown on Dathomir
    5. The Bad Batch/Saving Echo Arc (The Bad Batch, A Distant Echo, On the Wings of Keeridaks, and Unfinished Business)
    4. The Battle of Umbara Arc (Darkness on Umbara, The General, Plan of Dissent, and Carnage of Krell)
    3. The Secrets of the Force Arc (The Lost One, Voices, Destiny, and Sacrifice)
    2. Ahsoka's Trial Arc (Sabotage, The Jedi who Knew Too Much, To Catch a Jedi, and The Wrong Jedi)
    1. The Revenge of Maul Arc (Revival, Eminence, Shades of Reason, and The Lawless)

    There they are?

    Now I want to know what your top arcs or one-shots are? Any favorites? They don't have to be in any particular order, they can be top 5, 10, 15, 18, 20, or 35 for all I care, just give me your own opinions and choices.
    whostheBossk and Ahsoka's Tano like this.
  2. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    I'm doing in order of release, except for my favorite episode of the entire series:


    Now...other favorites:

    Destroy Malevolence
    Cloak of Darkness
    Jedi Crash
    Holocron Heist
    Cargo of Doom
    Landing at Point Rain
    Weapons Factory
    Brain Invaders
    ARC Troopers
    Supply Lines
    Witches of the Mist
    Padawan Lost
    Wookiee Hunt
    An Old Friend (only for the scene when Anakin punches Clovis)
    Crystal Crisis
    The Mission
    Conspirators (assuming these are the episodes covered by chapters 4-6 of Dark Disciple)
  3. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    The Mandalore Plot
    A Friend in Need
    The Box
    Most of the Maul arcs
    The Jedi who Knew Too Much
    To Catch a Jedi
  4. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    Yea I agree with most of those, Darkspine and some specific episodes mentioned by Anakinsfansince82 as well. I liked SOD and DD, I think those would've been probably the best episodes in the entire TCW.
  5. A Lovable Jerk

    A Lovable Jerk Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 6, 2015
    Darkspine, my friend, you have a brilliant signature, can't believe I never noticed it until now.
    darskpine10 likes this.
  6. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Thanks very much!
  7. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    The first ever episode with Yoda and 3 clones versus the batallion of droids.
    Defenders of Peace
    Ryloth arc
    Zygeria arc
    Mon Calamari arc
    Kamino invasion arc
    Master Di last stand
    Gregor last stand

    Why oh why though did we not see MORE JEDI and those Jedi more often? I mean Adia Gallia, Shaak Ti, Cin Drallig etc, hardly featured. And we didn't see Mace or others in action for long. Nor did we see Obi Wan and Anakin together (also don't have those two meet Dooku every week!!)

    Especially Aayla! Why did she only feature once? She was awesome!

    Spamming is not allowed.
    whostheBossk likes this.
  8. jabberwalkie

    jabberwalkie Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2014
    Just curious, but why spam threads cross linking a thread for Aayla in multiple threads?

    TheSilentInfluence and Todd the Jedi
  9. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    My mistake. Misunderstood how to suggest the thread. Will only mention if it comes up in discussion from now on, or pop it in the signature.
  10. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014

    Yeah you don't need to link the Aalya Secura thread all over the place. People will see it on the SWTV and go and post if it interests them etc. Also it counts as spam if you post something that has nothing to do a thread your posting in.
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  11. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Understood. Thanks!

    Also, the Children of the Force arc was a good one - especially Cargo of Doom! Wished we had a Cargo of Doom style episode for the Senate episode with Bane.
  12. AmidalaLover

    AmidalaLover Jedi Knight star 3

    Aug 19, 2014
    One of my favorite was Ambush. A lot of it due to nostalgia. I was only a moderate fan before it came out, I watched all the movies, but I didn't know about the Clone Wars movie at that time. I was so excited for a Clone Wars show and I remember me, my dad, and my two brothers watched the first episode live. We loved it!
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  13. Davak24

    Davak24 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 15, 2015
    Utapau, (minus the Ahsoka conversation) Bounty Hunter Obi, (kind of) and the Clovis episodes in season 6 (if it was redone to add Across The Stars and San Hill)

    That's it.
  14. CT1138

    CT1138 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2013
    -Umbara arc
    -All the Delta Squad episodes
    -Bad Batch arc
    -Ahsoka Lost arc
    -Ahsoka framed arc
    whostheBossk likes this.