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PT Rewriting the Prequels...

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by swrescripted, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    Obi-Wan is the only person Anakin tell about his feeling. I assume he can hide his thoughts from the rest (in fact, Obi-Wan warns him to be mindful of his thoughts). As for sending him with Padme - it's a tad convenient, I admit, but remember Anakin was the one who helped Queen Amidala to save her planet - Yoda probably thought she'd like him more than some random Jedi.

    Star Wars is full of contrivances, including the OT. This is not the worst one.

    Anakin as a miserable slave = cliche (not every slavery was about physical abuse), he has to be a normal kid or there's no way the Jedi would even consider accepting him (they're already freaking about his pretty normal attachment to his mother).

    And I don't know what's your definition of a psycho, but I don't see Anakin in AOTC as one. He doesn't go kill people for fun or in cold blood. He regrets what he's done to Tuskens (he's the only one, by the way). He tries to help Padme, Obi-Wan, his mother and other Jedi. That's the only reason he's breaking rules at all.

    Does he have issues, like selfishness and anger? Absolutely. In fact, Yoda mentioned that in TESB. If you don't like him as a person, that's totally understandable. But calling him psycho is just dismissing the different themes that Lucas is trying to go for here. If that doesn't work for you, that's totally fine, not everything works for me either, everyone has different interpretations.
    CIS Droid likes this.
  2. TuskenTourniquet

    TuskenTourniquet Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 22, 2015
    I never claimed the movies were perfect, nor do they need to be. I'll give movies a few mulligans, if there are enough other redeeming qualities. But Anakin comes off as so pathological that it's impossible to buy. As you point out, they're OK with him

    [face_laugh] He commits an act of genocide, including the slaughtering of children and shows no remorse. He regrets it? What part of, "They're animals, so I slaughtered them like animals! I HATE THEM!" is the part where he feels remorse?

    Pathological obsession? Check.
    Narcissism? Check.
    Violent, yet rational impulses? Check.
  3. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    So you really think he went to the camp with the desire to to wipe everyone out?

    And yes, he hates the Tuskens (who wouldn't? They tortured his mother to death, after all). But he also acknowledges that a Jedi shouldn't behave like that.
    CIS Droid likes this.
  4. Colwyn Ren

    Colwyn Ren Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 16, 2015
    1. Telepathy is a Jedi Power ( )
    2. Anakin openly leered at Padme and spoke openly of his feelings for her.

    Because both of the above are true, the Masters sent Anakin with Padme to a romantic get-a-way either because they were naive enough to trust him, or wanted to test him.
    TuskenTourniquet likes this.
  5. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    Well actually it's not clear when and how the Jedi or Sith can read the minds. Seems that it doesn't happen every time they want to (otherwise the Jedi should have picked up on Sidious). The only time it happens on screen is when two Force sensitive people have some sort of a bond and one of them is in a state of emotional upheaval, like Luke and Vader).
    CIS Droid likes this.
  6. TuskenTourniquet

    TuskenTourniquet Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 22, 2015

    Just stop. He committed genocide and slaughtered defenseless children in cold blood. A Jedi isn't even supposed to kill a prisoner, let alone an innocent bystander. If the Jedis had any sense, he should have been banished at the end of Episode II.
  7. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    Cold blood? :rolleyes: Are you sure you're actually watching the same movie? :confused:

    Hello, Shmi's torture and death in her son's arms, rings a bell? Did you notice Anakin had been having nightmares about her for a while? You don't think that would put him under some stress, no? "I hate them!" - does that sound like cold blood?

    Again, do you really think he planned on killing everyone when he went to look for his mother? Why did he sneak around and made sure no one noticed him entering the tent she was in?
    CIS Droid likes this.
  8. Colwyn Ren

    Colwyn Ren Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 16, 2015
    Telepathy is a basic Jedi power that is used in combat to anticipate their opponent's moves. On screen, (if Lucas is to be believed,) Anakin and Ben were in such close communication that they ended up twirling their light sabers ridiculously for several seconds while reading each other's minds and trying to find an opening to strike during the fight on Mustafar. If you believe that telepathy isn't a Jedi power, then I guess we are at the classic faith/proof impasse. I'm not going to play whack-a-mole with you over something as basic as what powers the Jedi have.
  9. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    Anticipating the moves or other events comes from being able to see the future, even if it's just several seconds ahead. Qui-Gonn says that in TPM. It doesn't seem that the Jedi are able to read thoughts all the time.
    CIS Droid likes this.
  10. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    You know what, fine. If you see watch the movie and see this, then that alright. Even though it wasn't a romantic get together, it was to have someone that Padme knew protect her. And, like i said before Anakin wasn't open about Padme.

    Also, please use the reply button. If you don't its gonna take even longer for us to reply.
  11. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    Thats what i meant. Thanks for the good explanation.
  12. DrDre

    DrDre Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 6, 2015
    My PT rewrite would have Anakin be in his late teens. I like the slave origins, but in my world, slavery wouldn't be as comfortable as in TPM. Anakin would be psychologically scarred by the experience. Anakin would save Obi-Wan, who's in his mid twenties during some kind of ordeal, creating a bond between the two. Anakin would learn about the Force through Obi-Wan similar to Luke. Obi-Wan and Anakin go on adventures together. In my PT, the Republic is threatened by an outside force, led by a Force sensitive War Lord. At some point late in the first film, Obi-Wan asks the Jedi Counsel if Anakin can be trained as a Jedi. Despite Anakin's heroism, the Jedi Counsel refuses, creating a rift between Obi-Wan and the Jedi Masters. Anakin will never trust the Jedi Counsel again. Obi-Wan decides to train Anakin in the ways of the Jedi himself.

    Palpatine in my world is head of the Jedi Counsel. He has a similar role as Saruman in the Lord of the Rings. In the first film he's very much a background character. He disagrees with the Counsel's decision to refuse Anakin, but accepts a majority decision. He encourages Anakin not to give up on his ambitions, and plants the idea in Obi-Wan's head to train Anakin himself. Secretly, he craves more power, than his current position offers him. The murder of the Supreme Chancellor, and a large number of elite senators during the conflict creates a void. The surviving senators, among them young Padme Amidala, are captured by the enemy. Palpatine is moving the Jedi center stage. This creates a rift in the Jedi Order, and will be a setup for the third film. The faction led by Yoda, believe the Jedi have no business in politics. Palpatine is asked to fill the position of Chancellor. He "reluctantly" accepts. A rescue mission to retrieve the senators is set up, led by Bail Organa, and his friend Obi-Wan Kenobi. Padme and a number of other senators escape captivity, and are hunted by the enemy. Padme is shown to be a great leader. Anakin and Padme meet during the rescue mission, and are clearly infatuated with each other. Many Jedi have died during the ensuing conflict. Since their ranks are rapidly depleting, Anakin, who's become the major hero of the conflict, is finally accepted as a Jedi Knight, at the behest of Palpatine, now both the political and spiritual leader of the Republic. Palpatine orders the Galaxy wide ban on cloning lifted and creates a clone army to counter the thread of the envaders. Palpatine welcomes Anakin into his personal entourage, and puts Anakin on a pedestal. Obi-Wan is worried about Anakin's growing power, his pride, and eagerness to accept Palpatine's accolades. Yoda warns Obi-Wan it's dangerous putting them together.

    These are just some thoughts, about how I would set up a conflict, and the seeds for Anakin's turn to the Dark Side. I also never liked the idea of Palpatine being this powerful Sith Lord, but somehow the Jedi never sense this Force sensitive being in their midst. "The Dark Side Clouds Everything" to me is a pretty weak manner to plug such an obvious plot hole. I think by making Palpatine one of the good guys intitially, Anakin's loyalty would be far more understandable. The character of Palpatine also becomes more interesting IMO, if he's not the Devil incarnate.
  13. Darth_TGK

    Darth_TGK Jedi Youngling

    Nov 24, 2015
    mnnh rewriting the prequels..well I cant think about a major overarching plot but the other day I was thinking how I would have changed the mace vs palpatine fight and anakins turn.

    so here's my version(feel free to adjust):

    Anakin has his conversation with palpatine where the emperor reveals himself to him. I would keep this scene as is but get Anakin to show a bit more anger at the emperor.

    He rushes to inform mace. Mace orders his posse and some clone troopers to accompany them and asks Anakin to act as backup in case there are any problems.

    Anakin agrees and follows closely behind as Mace and his small force go to arrest the chancellor. Channels are open so Anakin can monitor. He's conflicted and thinks of Padme but stays hidden. fight with palace guards who are gunned down and clones take their positions as Mace and his crew enter the chancellors chamber.

    scene goes in a similar way and chancellor takes out the other masters. Anakin hears the masters getting taken out and makes his entrance by entering the fight and its two against one. Anakin and mace vs the chancellor. Emperor somehow manages to knock Anakin back while locking sabers with mace. Dialogue ensues. "Join me Anakin and you can save her" " Mace "don't listen to him Anakin" etc etc..Anakin still a bit shaken from the force knock back courtesy of the emperor, trys to get up. Mace gets the upperhand and has the emperor at his mercy. Scene moves to a similar one as we see in the current film. Force lightining etc hits maces sabre and knocks him back a bit but rebounds onto the emperor..

    dialogue ensues similar to the current film. Mace readies for the final blow but Anakin blocks the saber, Anakin duels mace briefly, getting angrier at Mace as his style shifts to a vader style of lightsaber combat, the emperor rises up and goads Anakin as mace takes some blows from Anakin, Mace tries to take advantage of a slip in concentration by Anakin who then buries his sabre in mace's chest and the emperor blasts him with lightning as he is thrown out of the window.

    Anakin falls to his knees as the fight was exhausting but his anger has grown and he attempts to force choke the emperor who offers him more temptation, : the empire, saving padme, ultimate power and peace. Anakin now almost totally vader accepts and joins the darkside. In a final rejection of the jedi way he picks up Maces sabre and throws it through the window. or perhaps kicks it like maul does?...

    anyway my two cents, (probably why Im not a moving writer or director lol..)
  14. dva3842

    dva3842 Jedi Master star 1

    Apr 2, 2008
    just a few ideas. If there is a remake of the prequels, the production design needs to be drastically changed. Lucas intentionally made most every creature and trade federation bot toy and kiddie design. They did not look cool like the aliens in the mos eisley cantina. They looked annoying and childish. Not like warbots or the OT assassin and torture bot designs. Like having an army of IG-88 style droids. Things that looked scary. No offense to Doug Chiang who is talented, but lucas chose the most kid oriented samples it seems. The destroyer droids looked ridiculous moving their arms in time with their shots. If anything passed, it was the nubian clipper in the TPM and the ship that got blown up in the landing pad in the beginning of AOTC.
  15. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    First time I've ever heard someone complain that the droidekas weren't threatening enough. And as a big fan of everything trade federation/CIS, i disagree. Love the design of the regular battledroids, MTT´s, AAT´s vulture droids,trade federation battleships and the alien design of the Neimoidians. Also, the cantina scene had cool aliens? I thought they were meant to look alien and ridiculous, which ones actually look cool? Last but not least, an army of IG-88 style droids? I prefer them as assassin droids and in lesser numbers instead of an army.
    DurararaFTW likes this.
  16. Canyon D

    Canyon D Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 17, 2015
    Did the starter of this thread ever finish the rewrites? Don't have time to look through 57 pages but the idea really intrigued me. I need SOMETHING Star Wars to slake my TFA blood thirst

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  17. Darth_TGK

    Darth_TGK Jedi Youngling

    Nov 24, 2015
    the droids were meant to look a little childish. They were also meant to have that fifties sci fi feel to them and a noir polished aspect to them too.
    I thought they were great and funny. The kids think they are hilarious.
    DurararaFTW and CIS Droid like this.
  18. TuskenTourniquet

    TuskenTourniquet Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 22, 2015
    They're pretty annoying. I guess I've become more tolerant of them over time as a result of the Clone Wars series, but their lack of menace is one of the reasons PM is a terrible film. Other than the scenes with Darth Maul, the protagonists never seem threatened in the least.
  19. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    But they are more threatening in TPM and AotC than in RotS and TCW. Also, i guess you have a problem with stormtroopers as well? I mean, the protagonists are never in any real danger when they face the stormtroopers,only when Vader is around. Also, i guess you forgot about the droidekas.
    DurararaFTW and darskpine10 like this.
  20. Colwyn Ren

    Colwyn Ren Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 16, 2015
    Stormtroopers ****ing massacred individual, non-cloned people on the Tantive IV in the first few minutes of the first film. After they killed them, we got to live with those bodies for a couple more minutes lying around in the halls. Stormtroopers then completely obliterated a crawler full of Jawas. We saw that pile of bodies being burned in a later scene during which Luke raced home to find that Stormtroopers smoked Luke's beloved Aunt and uncle down to their god-damn bones!

    Storm troopers were a tangible threat in 1977.
  21. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    Im just saying that battledroids and stormtrooper are equal in movies. And how are any of those characters protagonists?
  22. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    The battle droids conquer a whole planet, kill several Gungans, and Naboo Pilots.

    In AOTC, the droids kill many Jedi, and Clones.

    You also forgot to mention the second half of ANH, where Han runs rings around the Stormtroopers.

    Or in ESB, where they only appear on Cloud City, where they proceed to... be overpowered by Lando's men, before the heroes escape

    Or ROTJ, where they're beaten by Ewoks.

    See, I can play this game as well. :p
    CIS Droid likes this.
  23. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001
    Stormies were only good when Vader was looming over them. I guess they didn't want to be choked ;)

    I think they stopped being threatening after the Death Star shenanigans.
    CIS Droid and Deliveranze like this.
  24. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    To be fair the snowtroopers were fairly threatening. Probably because they just stood around and followed Vader around.
  25. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Even they got taken out by an auto turret on the Millenium Falcon.

    And they never kill anyone.
    CIS Droid likes this.