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Full Series The Clone Wars General Grievous Positivity Thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by CIS Droid, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. CT1138

    CT1138 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2013
    I always figured that he was merely saying that to shrug off the indignation he feels as being a cyborg.
  2. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting; "Ent Award" winner star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
  3. sarlaccsaurs-rex

    sarlaccsaurs-rex Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    Nice. I see what you did there Todd. ;)
    CIS Droid likes this.
  4. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    In The Lair of Grievous featurette they reveal that Grievous past in this episode is so subtle that you can choose which version you prefer.

    I hope we will get a novel explaining exactly what happened.
    SensationalSean likes this.
  5. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    Honestly, while I feel like the conceptualization of him as a character was deeply odd, I've generally always appreciated the post-ROTS General Grievous for what he was. Certainly I feel like he was much better characterized in TCW than Dooku. It helps a lot that the writers seemed to have a fairly clear idea what they were doing with him. The biggest issue I had was that there were a couple of different roles he was written in, and they sometimes ran up against each other.

    (Well, that and they never used his theme from ROTS - but that's a broader issue with the show in general)
    CIS Droid likes this.
  6. SensationalSean

    SensationalSean Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 19, 2014
    Great featurette, I hadn't seen that before. It's so cool to see creators discussing the characters and I'm so glad Rebels Recon gives us a weekly dose of that now.

    My memory of that episode is really faded, I guess Clone Wars is due a rewatch at some point soon!
    CIS Droid likes this.
  7. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    If you go to "mranderson00001" youtube channel you can watch all the clone wars featurettes up to season 5. I watched them all in one go and it was great.

    Im also planning on rewatching the clone wars again, maybe this time il do chronological order instead of release order.

    It was a shame they never used his theme in the show.
    SensationalSean likes this.
  8. enigmaticjedi

    enigmaticjedi Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 2, 2011
    I rather liked Griveous's duel with Ventress on Dathomir in Season 4.

    When Grievous and Ventress invaded Kamino, you could tell they had tension between them. It was great to see it finally resolved in this duel. Further, Grievous shows his dishonorable side when he breaks his word by ordering the droids to kill Ventress.

    CIS Droid likes this.
  9. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    I wish we could have gotten more interactions between Grievous and Ventress. Maybe an episode that takes place inbetween Arc troopers and Nightsisters. It could have been about how pissed of Grievous is at Ventress for failing her part of the kamino mission.

    Grievous is fantastic in the Malevolence arc.

    I wanna know how many clones are in each of those venators Grievous destroyed. I love the Grievous vs Obi Wan train fight in destroy malevolence.

    Cant find the train duel anywhere, but this was a good scene.
    enigmaticjedi likes this.
  10. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    I asked this youtuber if she/he could upload the Malevolence train fight. Really nice of her/him.
    haleyorgana likes this.
  11. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Yes he was pretty damn good as a strategist. It was good that he was there, would have been better to see him victorious more often to show him the threat that he was in ROTS.

    He was clearly also good at killing Jedi who he despised as well. Just wish we saw him up against other Jedi more often to demonstrate his skills.
  12. podjazd

    podjazd Jedi Knight star 2

    Jun 16, 2013
    Have you checked San Hill's card in Card Trader app? It says that "Hill conspires with Poggle the Lesser and Count Dooku to destroy their volatile ally General Grievous; they then rebuilt him as a super-cyborg of servitude".

    My guess is that old version is canon now :D.
    Iron_lord and CIS Droid like this.
  13. jakobitis89

    jakobitis89 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 27, 2015
    The avatar shows I am a definite Grievous fan and whilst I like Kit Fisto as a character him stalemating/beating Grievous pretty much established Old Wheezy as a second tier duellist in TCW. He was a beast at killing padawans or D-listers but if you're someone a casual fan could recognise (even in a "hey! It's.... that smiley dude... from the Arena fight" way)... Big G isn't going to win. Which is a shame as conceptually he really is amazing. He's Darth Maul meets Robocop with four lightsabers. By reputation he can outthink and/or outfight a Jedi and he got some genuinely impressive feats... off-screen. On screen he got his hand chopped off (again!) and captured by freaking Gungans.

    Basically he is a great character they completely wasted.
    podjazd likes this.
  14. Pancellor Chalpatine

    Pancellor Chalpatine Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 5, 2015
    This is the nicest thing I can say on TCW Grievous. I love his character, Grievous is one of my favorite characters....I even made a poll on him vs Anakin, and most sided with Anakin...but not me....I love Grievous and that's why, like many I feel he wasn't treated well I nthe Clone Wars. he felt nerfed. Him having the final blow to him in a battle be not just by gungans......but JAR JAR! (Not even a Jar Jar hater BUT JAR JAR BINKS?! WTF?!)

    I, can however try to justify this....I can't justify him losing to Jar Jar, nobody can. Worst thing in star wars by far....I can try to defend why he felt so weak in TCW......I like to see it as his early years....when he was unrefined and rusty. By the time of ROTS he was better then Dooku himself, he almost killed Obi-Wan, someone much better then Dooku. So to defend Grievous I say, perhaps we should see this as him as unexperienced and unrefined.... not as weak enough to go down by Gungans (and that was a plot hole on many levels....he's a cyborg not a droid.)....but he was simply weak early on, and as the Clone Wars goes on, we see him go from needing a blaster to take down a over cocky freshly promoted Jedi knight to taking down Obi-Wan in a fair fight. We kinda saw his skills grow over the course of the show. ANd his character itself is great. Well animated too.

    There. That's something good on him in TCW....was I kinda reaching to fix a problem in the show? Yes. but it fits. They should have been more open about his evolution if that even was a thing, but then again TCW nerfed everyone, even Jedi. But the villains suffered most of all.
  15. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    He didn't lose to Jar-Jar.

    He lost to Tarpals. Who died immediately afterwards.
    podjazd likes this.
  16. Pancellor Chalpatine

    Pancellor Chalpatine Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 5, 2015
    No he lost to Jar Jar, Terpal just sacrificed himself. Technically he lost to both. it was stupid as heck.
  17. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    Tarpal sacrificed himself and while Grievous was distracted gloating over his victory used his spear to critically damage Grievous. Jar jar might have thrown the first electro blue bomb (what are those called?) and was later joined in by several other gungans but it was Tarpals that made it possible.

    Im not sure how TCW nerved characters, they seem to fit their movie counterparts. Unless you´re talking about the 2003 clone wars series, but i would argue that they overpowered characters in that show.

    As for the duel and episode itself. I personally like it. The duel itself isn't even that bad (love the rain) with my only gripe with it that it´s short. Shadow warrior would have benefited if had been a two parter, the duel could have been longer and the conflict in the episode fleshed out.

    Grievous is really entertaining in this episode and i love the scene with Jar jar and Grievous onboard of the landing craft.

    It was also a sad episode. Tarpals has always been a nice character IMO and it was sad to see him die. What makes it even sadder is that he sacrificed himself for nothing.

    So i may be in the minority on this one but i actually enjoy this episode. I do have my problems with it but i still enjoy it. I do understand where people are coming from when they don't like Grievous being captured and i can agree that this is his weakest performance in TCW.
    podjazd and darskpine10 like this.
  18. Pancellor Chalpatine

    Pancellor Chalpatine Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 5, 2015
    Well I can respect you liking the episode, but my opinion is the opposite. I wish it was never made. I mean Dooku being captured by Pirates. I can't see him being pick pocketed....this dude is apprentice to both DARTH SIDIOUS and YODA! I can't imagine him being in a situation that even Asoka may be to trained for.

    I mean you see Dooku in AOTC pull out chunks of giant rocks from the ceiling ...and yet he needed silence to lift a knife and when when he finally did it Obi-Wan called it impressive.....I that isn't a nerf IDK what is.

    I mean if gungans WITH jar jar can take out Grievous, it makes Jedis look weak and incompetent that they struggled to do so. I know Jedis aren't GODS but being easily taken down by drunken pirates and silly fish people just make them seam like a joke. It makes me think I can kill Dooku myself and I don 't like that at all. He should be a force I'd gladly avoid fighting.
  19. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015

    They aren't great episodes but i still like them.

    And for Dooku i don't see how he was nerfed. Just rewatched the knife scene. I see it as Dooku wanting Anakin and Obi wan to be quiet because they annoyed him. Also taking a knife and making it fit inside a hole that small when he can't even see where the hole is seems reasonable that he would be a little slower, its not like he struggled with it.

    And like i said, the only reason Tarpals was able to pull it off was because he was lucky that Grievous gloated. It was a lucky shot. I still don't love the episode.The conflict gets resolved to quickly for example but i still find it enjoyable.
  20. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Yes, though tbh he did not lose directly to Jar Jar, but was overwhelmed by numbers and his droid army had been deactivated. That was owing to the treachery of the Gungans. Had he known who his enemy was, he would have been prepared.

    But I do think TCW didn't necessarily show off Grievous to his best ability. Part of the problem was the CIS not being shown to win much and the war not having the constant tension that some episodes displayed. In ROTS you got that sense of a constant conflict, rather than people hanging about.

    At the same time, showing more Jedi would have allowed Grievous to engage and defeat them to show him winning. Obi Wan should not have met Grievous at all in TCW to maintain the surprise he faced in ROTS. The same goes for Anakin not meeting Dooku till ROTS.

    As for Grievous gaining in strength I agree. I think he should learn from each Jedi encounter and then at the same time just be so powerful in terms of the droid in him, he beats his opponents down Savage style rather than finesse. In addition, he should use his droids and battledroids to overwhelm the enemy. As for those who barely survive, then I think there were comics of Stass Allie and Shaak Ti being injured, Adia Gallia being killed by Grievous after he took severe injuries, and several Masters and Padawans killed as Grevious took the Chancellor in Labrynth of Evil.

    Even Dooku should have been more powerful. I think only Windu managed to encounter him and hold off in the comics, and Dooku again uses droids to escape by firing rockets at the cliff edge and Windu falls, allowing Dooku to escape. Whereas in TCW, Dooku is less polished to his suave AOTC and ROTS self. He becomes too brutish where he was meant to be the slick and respected leader of the CIS who many respected for his stance on corruption.
    podjazd likes this.
  21. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    Lets ignore Grievous for a moment and talk about Dooku. I disagree. While being captured by pirates is embarrassing he made up for it by sending Grievous to take over. And Dooku was shown to be really powerful like when he fights Ventress and two nightsisters while being blinded by them and in season 6 where he easily dispatches of Pykes while fighting Anakin. And in Heroes on both sides we´re shown why so many people joined him.

    About CIS in general, they are better then people give them credit for. Sure they may lose, but they also win several times.

    In the new canon they should show us in either a book or novel Grievous killing jedi.
  22. Pancellor Chalpatine

    Pancellor Chalpatine Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 5, 2015
    I agree so much. I actually mentioned that in a video about how Dooku in AOTC seams reluctant to kill Jedi, yet in episodes of TCW he acts much more evil and less refined.

    I thin Grievous should have killed more Jedi, the show should have SHOWN the CIS winning, not just SAY Grievous and the droids are a threat and keep winning (all off screen). It's much more fun to see the victories then to hear about how Grievous is a threat at the beginning of each episode he's involved in (and then loses in). I mean the empire seams like a threat because they actually SHOW them win. In TCW they failed to do what clone wars microseries did. SHOW THE FREAKAING CIS WIN! GRAH!

    I think Savage should have been killed by Grievous via command of Dooku. I mean it'd give Grievous something big under his belt because people keep complaining out of the micro series he's weak and un-needed. As much as I love Sidious more then Grievous....yeah Sidious doesn't exactly need more evidence and examples of his epicness, Grievous however needs is BADLY.

    I agree about a book with Grievous killing Jedi. I mean he's supposed to have a COLLECTION from slaughtered Jedi. I wanna see him kick butt. The CIS are great, that's why I wanna see em win. The majority of the fanbase has never seen them have a canon victory. Seriously.

    I think the ONLY person to be trained by Yoda+Sidious should be FEARSOME! THat's just me. He shouldn't sigh in exhaustion after pushing 2 pykes off a ledge.
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  23. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    Actually the CIS had several victories. In season 1, the malevolence destroys several venators,rookies, ventress rescues Nute, Grievous kills Nahdar Vebb, the tactical droids first appearence episode, the episode the hidden enemy, storm over ryloth opening battle

    Season 2, victory at felucia, stealing a holocron, episode Grievous intrigue

    I dont remember every episode but for example , massacre, bound for rescue and the following episode and the order 66 arc. That all i can remember for now.
    haleyorgana likes this.
  24. Pancellor Chalpatine

    Pancellor Chalpatine Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 5, 2015
    Most, if not all their victories are stretches for me. I mean of course Nute Gunray needs to be saved! He's in episode 3! I mean the army over the clones,not some scene, or a sith doing something, I mean clones and droids fight, and the person who wins the planet or whatever is the droids. TCW made it seam like the clones never lose, and I hate that.

    Also this may be off topic slightly to some but um.....WHY did sidious let the blue shadow virus be re-created?! Why would ANYONE want that?! I know the scientist is crazy but I can't see why Dooku or sidious,nute or any of the leaders would want it. Yeah it wouldn't hurt the droids but....yeah they'd be at a huge risk too. Obi-Wan even said the war would be the LEAST of their concerns.
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  25. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    The funny thing is though that you mentioned the micro series. The CIS had ( not counting the montage because it doesnt count ) two victories in the micro series. General Grievous on hypori and Coruscant, but exactly like Nute Gunray when he ofcourse needed to be saved we knew that Coruscant had to be attacked. Actually, make that one victory because the CIS lost coruscant in episode 3.

    Maybe he wanted the blue shadow virus as a failsafe? A weapon he could utilize if he would get defeated one day?

    Hmm, im not sure what you mean by clones vs droids. Do you mean that no jedi is allowed to help the clones, or what?