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ST The Romantic Future of Kylo Ren and Rey

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Sunbloom, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    That is true...the lightsabers were a bit out of place....but I like the facial expressions... Rey reminded me of the Queen of swords in a tarot card deck...

    On a related note, has anyone watched Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? I'm not sure whether to go watch it or wait for the DVD....[face_dunno]
    Little_Boots likes this.
  2. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Jane Austen is spinning in her grave.
    I don't wanna see that film

    I hate when this thread suddenly gets quiet! Grrrr

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  3. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    I know what you mean... this will possibly be a one time viewing for the novelty of it....[face_thinking] Speaking of Jane Austen, I did enjoy the movie Austenland despite it being a little over the top, though I was not a fan of the I'm digressing from the main topic.... :p
  4. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Agreed haha, I think everyone should get back to the Reylo topic, seemed to have descended into the shadows this evening, it's hard when no new views are around, I wish a hint would be dropped soon enough so we can discuss more things.

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  5. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    There's also Sense and Sensibility and the Sea Monsters. Considering how badly P&P with Zombies bombed at the boxoffice, I guess that book won't get a cinematic adaptation.

    This is a really good write-up that analyses what Larry Kasdan's paraphrasing of Kurosawa's famous quote "The heroes are the ones that are still changing and the villains are locked and petrified into what they are" mean for Kylo's development/redemption:
  6. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Excellent read there, I love Kylo Ren and Rey

    I wonder if they will have him be confident again in the next film, but when Rey comes into the picture he's back to doing foolish things, but maybe through smarter moves. If that makes any sense at all, I hope he has gained something from fighting Rey, besides being totally weakened on a physical / mental sense. The light should be still there though, creeping up more and more each time Rey is about

    This thread isn't moving fast enough!

    Move I say!!!!!

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  7. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    it's weird, i have no real idea of how the next film should progres logically, whether there will be anything worthy in the 'training' snoke has had to offer, or whether he is ready to run off and doesn't care.

    because i haven't read many fics and the ones i liked were more concerned with the immediate aftermath of the fight... i just don't know. i can't think how the rest of the epic is supposed to integrate with reylo at all. it boggles my mind a little.
  8. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    The way I see it is, supposing the audience forget about Kylo Ren being beaten by Rey, by showing that Kylo is WORSE this time around, yet when he encounters Rey again, it's more hinted that he wants this girl, hinted by actions, and then the audience will go into a state of shock, not that he's weak, but that he still has the light. The audience will think that when Kylo killed Han, he was ultimately bad, only we are the ones who think otherwise, right now. The general audience need a slap on the face that he isn't bad even after killing Han and they need a hard slap.
    Of course the film will have other factors, but Kylo and Rey have their own.

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  9. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    i think a lot of people feel for him, there's a few who don't or who think that he's an adult after all and deserves to die :rolleyes: but most people seem on board with him.

    my friend calls him 'emo ben solo' but to me that's kinda affectionate and it's also seeing the adolescent angst pretty clearly. why would you not allow someone like him, in all his awesome arrogance and confusion. why would you not allow them to become an adult?

    i'm quite obsessed with stories that don't make coming-of-age a thing where you kill a person or something equally transgressive, but it's a continuous struggle. i don't think there are many that do. blahblah i digress.

    what i mean, i can see this in the abstract but whether they will actually duel again... ? as has been discussed in here before, it wouldn' make much sense actually. they already have. one solution is not to have them duel again for now but we need a duel of some description, right? so who can duel who?
  10. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    Luke has to duel with someone, maybe he'll duel Kylo, and we still don't know about Benicio Del Toro's character. I think he will be the big bad in the next movies. Kylo was beaten by Rey, but that doesn't mean in the next episode he'll be wanting revenge, and then they'll have to duel it out in the episode 9 as well? doesn't make sense. Luke lost against Vader the first time...
  11. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    exactly, it'd be pretty dull if they duelled it out every damn film and would come to no conclusion.

    do you think luke will actually duel him? i don't know if i want that...
  12. Saracene

    Saracene Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 10, 2016
    If the next film has Kylo hunting Rey down, I wouldn't be surprised if it makes it look like Kylo wants a rematch/revenge after getting his ass kicked by Rey in TFA. Only to reveal later that his feelings towards Rey are actually opposite of that. For ze drama :)
  13. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    Luke HAS to face Kylo at some point...they could duel, or they could just have a heart to heart, like with Han, and Kylo might cry some more, and end up feeling even more conflicted. We really don't know much about Luke's relationship with Kylo, maybe it was good, maybe it was even better than the relationship he had with his father, hence the craze to hunt him down and kill him...who knows?
    I think they'll have just one more duel to together. But by that time Rey would have made peace with her anger against Kylo, but they'll both be evenly matched ....
  14. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    I was thinking how Kylo Ren is weak with the force when he is with Rey, maybe it's only when Rey starts to feel for him that he gains his strength, and the both of them are strong

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  15. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    i deally, they would meet in a neutral place (they must have a starbucks!) and leave their sabres behind and just talk it out. i mean, kylo only apparently destroyed luke's lifework and killed his best friend... that's not going to stand between them, right?


    i keep thinking, she's not his weakness, she is his emotional compass.
  16. turnip white

    turnip white Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 3, 2014
    Well tonight's been quite gentle and calm, I like this. _[face_peace]
  17. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    I think at the end of the day, Kylo is his nephew, and he definitely blames himself for his nephews downfall....Luke is not the type to be out for revenge, I think he will be compassionate towards Kylo
  18. Ann Louise

    Ann Louise Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 3, 2012

    Thanks for the link! Saw these on twitter & now hope to credit the artist.

    I don't care if PPZ bombed $ wise, I loved it.
    One mark of a good Austen pastiche/mashup? Non Janeites "get it". My brother will probably never read an Austen novel. But he "got" Emma and he enjoyed PPZ.
    Admittedly, I have the four Quirk Publishing Austen mashups in my JA section, so I was biased to like it.
  19. Geminiwankenobi

    Geminiwankenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 10, 2016

    he'll look like he's going to be seduced but he will break it. Thats what I think. Its probably going to be the last straw whatever happens in the climax of the next film.
  20. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    Mana but that's why the thought of luke duelling kylo ren strikes me as odd. it would solve very little and only make everyone feel worse...

    but to me, i need to see kylo ren actually duel someone he wants to kill. we haven't really seen him fight at all.

    Geminiwankenobi - seduced to do what?

    turnip white - hush, this draws them out! (also, get yourself an avatar!)
  21. Geminiwankenobi

    Geminiwankenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 10, 2016
    You know, if Rey's origins comee from darkness, I know one other English accent character who carried a similar weapon lol
  22. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Maybe the duel in the next film will be between Phasma and Finn, while Kylo and Rey/Luke deal with other stuff.


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  23. turnip white

    turnip white Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 3, 2014
    I don't know what avi to use? [face_dunno]Anything to suggest? Anyone? (No Shirtless Men) [face_waiting]
  24. darth_frared

    darth_frared Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 24, 2005
    turnip white - favourite character? an actual turnip? a black square? anything that makes you a little more distinguishable?
    Jakku Sun Aesthetic and panki like this.
  25. Geminiwankenobi

    Geminiwankenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 10, 2016

    Darth Maul

    I'll be honest, when I saw her weapon at first I was like "oh like Darth Maul, couldn't they think of something new?" lol

    Though I doubt they will go that way.
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