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ST The Romantic Future of Kylo Ren and Rey

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Sunbloom, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. Jakku Sun Aesthetic

    Jakku Sun Aesthetic Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 22, 2016
    I want to know why they gave up in the first place. :( why let all this time pass? Why did they all have to run away? Was Kylo in hiding/training with Snoke and the KOR? Maybe his leadership in the FO in TFA was a recent development? I can only think that they didn't know where to find him.
  2. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    Bolded: that's totally different. Parent's bond to the child is much stronger than child's to the parent. They don't say for nothing that no parent should outlive their child. That's why those who compare Vader sparing Luke (his son) and Kylo killing Han (his father) are mixing apples and oranges. It's simply that protective instinct of parents towards their children is naturally stronger than the other way around because it's expected that older generation should protect younger cause younger carries the torch. Plus the fact that parents literally carry a child (Mother) is just a totally different perspective than what child has of parents.

    Therefore, Leia's bond with and love for Ben is always going to trump her love for her parents. Always.
  3. MoonFyre

    MoonFyre Jedi Master star 2

    Jan 19, 2016

    They probably also have their own personal issues, guilt and inner demons to deal with. But instead of sorting them out, they cope with it in their own different ways: Luke (exile?), Leia (resistance) and Han (smuggling). Rey's arrival definitely set the things in motion. Hopefully they will all unite to help Ben, Han already made the first step, with his sacrifice.
  4. Armadeus

    Armadeus Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 23, 2016
    I don't believe for a moment that Kylo has it in him to kill Leia. My thinking was that Snoke might try to push him down that road, but maybe that's the one line Kylo might not be able to cross. Maybe that's where his redemption starts. Just as Luke refused to kill his father for the Emperor, maybe Kylo will refuse to kill his mother for the Supreme Leader.
  5. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    Kylo's not gonna kill his mother. It doesn't make sense from narrative POV: a) not as shocking as Han killing cause first kill is always the most effective, b) establishment of his objection to Illeenium system destruction which may be due to love for his mother, c) she's a FS Skywalker, beloved grandfather's daughter. Like LST said, you cannot deny the truth that is your family (not just the grandfather as he was during his Darth days).

    This cartoon is such adorable presentation of the Force Bond:

    Also, Kylo needs to have a daughter. ASAP.

  6. Matt's Solo Cousin

    Matt's Solo Cousin Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 12, 2016
    I so agree with all of this, but particularly the bolded part. I immediately remembered @vaderito's posts about Rey, Finn and Ren "answering the call." It was great for the audience when the lightsaber flew to Rey ... imagine how shocking and awesome it will be if it flew to Kylo/Ben at a crucial moment. :)

    Goodness, the movies are never going to live up to the headcanon in this thread! Hopefully, the creativity will be well-channeled somewhere else since we have no say on the script!
    Speksy, Valency Jane, Arcanah and 7 others like this.
  7. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Haha a daughter? Maybe in a few years from now :D

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  8. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    Little_Boots yes, totally a little girl. Or girls, his Little Rey(s) of Light. He'd be so awkward and smitten with her/them.

    Matt's Solo Cousin Yep, movies are never going to live up to headcanons and fanart, especially all the fanart about young Ben Solo.
  9. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Awwwww that's the cutest! Yes if Rey and him get together, in the future a daughter would be perfect...... Or twins lol

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  10. Kessel89

    Kessel89 Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016
    Yes, a parent's love is unconditional completely and that has been the message SW has always fostered. This is why I cannot for the life of me believe some of the posts I've seen in other threads suggesting Leia will realize Kylo is irredeemable and either acquiesce or participate in taking Kylo out for the good of the Galaxy. I believe there is absolutely no way Leia would do that. I would be horrified if anything like that happens. It's so out of character for a mother.
  11. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    Talk about destroying Leia's'll be bad enough for her as it is if Rey turns out to be a Skywalker, but partaking in the destruction of her son? no way, and no way will she condone any one else killing him either, she wants him back. I see Rey hugging her also as a way of saying "I understand..."...there is an understanding between them
  12. Matt's Solo Cousin

    Matt's Solo Cousin Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 12, 2016
    Maybe Kylo doesn't make it ... but Ben does? :)
  13. rowan_greenleaf

    rowan_greenleaf Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 31, 2015

    That is exactly what I thought when I heard Adam Driver say that he doesn't know if Kylo Ren will make it.
    Though I think Kylo Ren will never be fully destroyed, just as Ben Solo couldn't be. If he is redeemed, I imagine he will exist in a space somewhere in between Kylo and Ben. And he'll be grey, not light or dark. I love this concept more and more the more I think about it.

    By the way, I don't get disheartened by the quotes from JJ about building a villain up from scratch, or the lack of talk about a possible redemption plot in interviews. If the redemption of Ben Solo is end game, nobody official is going to be talking about it this early on. Mystery box and all that. Same goes for the ship.

    All of the elements for end game are already in place as of episode VII, but it won't be spelled out. It won't be laid out on the table for people to connect just yet, the way FinnRey or irrevocable villainy for Kylo Ren seem to be obvious to some at this point.
  14. Adept

    Adept Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2006
    Yes, but not in the way you're implying. Both scenes open with Ren in control, with him chatting with the person he's about to probe. He even pays Poe a compliment. Then the probing begins and both Poe and Rey are clearly NOT enjoying the experience, which leaves Poe screaming and forced to give up information. Rey...manages to fight back, turning the tables on the man assaulting her mind, and in all honesty comes out stronger. Whereas Poe's scene ends with Ren victorious, Rey's scene ends with him running to his master with his tail between his legs, beaten, humiliated and unable to break 'a mere scavenger'. This is not the prelude to a romance, it's a sign that the villain has met someone he CAN"T dominate with his power.

    Not true, others have discussed Kylo Ren's portrayal (The Village scene, his focus on power, willingness to kill his own father, attempt to tempt Rey to the dark side etc) in various scenes and why they feel these sequences suggest a romance is unlikely.

    Again not true, real life inspires characterization even in a universe of lightsabers and Star Ships...otherwise people are not going to suspend their disbelief to be drawn into the tale. The fact that JJ Abrams is on record as saying Ben Solo becoming Kylo Ren is an example of a parents fear (Their child going bad) makes this very clear.

    1. Rey challenged him, implied that he was hiding behind the mask, and in his pride he couldn't let her think he was afraid in any way.

    2. He had to engage Poe in conversation before probing him, so Rey closing herself off totally due to him wearing a mask would prove counter productive.

    Different goals and circumstances. He needs a map from Rey's head, not just a location, and he has a limited amount of time to do that since the Resistance likely has the droid and he knows how resourceful his parents are. Beating Rey up like he did Poe would take time he doesn't have and might not even work (it didn't work on Poe after all) so the quickest option is to probe her mind, but even there he has to be careful since getting an accurate view of a map she only briefly saw is likely a more difficult feat than what he did to Poe.

    Unlikely, Poe is a Soldier likely trained to resist torture, so seeing the face of his tormentor would likely do nothing to unerve him or convince him to give up the information he held any faster.

    Because Poe resisted torture, suggesting that Ren dosen't like to mind probe people....which implies that any reluctance to Mind probe Rey was out of a general dislike of doing the procedure (Whether because it's taxing or dangerous to himself in some way) and not out of any specific concern for her well being.

    Again, trying to get a map out of her head not the name of a planet. Likely requires a more cautious touch.

    Film supersedes novel, especially since onset decision and changes in characterization may not have made it into the book.

    Different goals and circumstances. He needs a map from Rey's head, not just a location, and he has a limited amount of time to do that since the Resistance likely has the droid and he knows how resourceful his parents are. Beating Rey up like he did Poe would take time he doesn't have and might not even work (it didn't work on Poe after all) so the quickest option is to probe her mind, but even there he has to be careful since getting an accurate view of a map she only briefly saw is likely a more difficult feat than what he did to Poe.

    Honestly, they've not known each other long enough for him to develop 'feelings'.

    The slaughter of people who have been disarmed and posed no threat is given Narrative weight by what we see of the Assault and Finn's reaction. Through his eyes we see the horror of this act, this decision to kill the unarmed and defenseless by the villain. A needless waste of life for no other reason than "They defied him."
    Valairy Scot likes this.
  15. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    The mystery box is everything...JJ is so in love with that mystery box. We can't be sure what we can expect...
    Speksy, Valency Jane, panki and 4 others like this.
  16. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Love it 100%..... What's a mystery box? I want one!

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  17. Mana

    Mana Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 28, 2015
    I think I posted this video before, but its worth posting as many times
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  18. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Very boring view point (in my opinion) for a complex character. I believe what I believe and nothing will change that.
    Everyone who encounters Rey, falls in love with her in some form or another, so why shouldn't Kylo Ren, who is clearly longing for a companion in life. Hence his pull to the light.

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  19. Darth Dementor

    Darth Dementor Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    It's almost like Rey is a conduit for Ben's negative emotions. He's more imbued with light and it's so new to him he doesn't know how to handle it. Rey is touched by Kylo's darkness but she is better able to handle and resist (at the moment) it's hold.

    Kylo had just killed his father and was seething with rage wanting to take it out on Finn which he did with brutal and sadistic efficiency. He was toying and clowning Finn then brutally slashes his back. Then Rey taps into her, possibly, shared power win Ren and he is instantly calm after being ensnared in all that rage.

    Hail when she taps into the most power shes used in the entire movie (after KR offers to become her teacher) and at her most violent he is like a punch drunk fighter who's taken one to many to the noggin the tick she does so. I have a feeling the second time they meet and suffused each other with their side of the bond there reactions to it will be even stronger and ferocious.
  20. Adept

    Adept Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2006

    Because everyone who took a shine to Rey had a chance to get to know her first outside an interrogation room. For Ren to fall for her early enough to be motivated by compassion as you suggest he literally would've had to fall in love with her at first sight
    and I've already covered some of the issues with that.

    The light calls him to his family (which he rejects in a very brutal scene) but there's nothing in film to suggest he's looking for a companion.
  21. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    The blood on the snow reminded me of Snow White....when Snow White's mother saw her own blood on the snow....I thought they were trying to evoke fairy tale imagery here.
  22. Blastaar

    Blastaar Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 25, 2015

    I'd say its mostly cowardice due to the fact that someone you put your hope for the future in so completely stomped on that hope. I imagine that i'd have the same response if my nephew or son did something that kylo ren did. Either that or i'd become so cold as to kill the boy for the sake of the galaxy. I dunno. I imagine that was an incredibly hard time and thats probably when everyone got a lot of grey hairs.
  23. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    Welcome back Berhan ..... [:D]
    In SW Canon, Palpatine has an assistant named Sly Moore who hardly leaves his side and keeps all his secrets... she is a force sensitive and can influence people's minds....In the EU, using Palpatine's genetic material and by some method perfected by Darth Plagueis (I shudder at the thought [face_sick]), Sly produces a son....that is one path they could possibly take to show a Palpatine descendant.

    Many are hoping Rey is a Kenobi......and many feel she is a Palpatine....I'm hoping she is both.....maybe she finds out she is a Kenobi in episode 8 and is happy...but at the end of episode 8 and the beginning of episode 9, it is revealed she is Palpatine as well......and then she must reconcile these extreme opposites (even more extreme than what Ben Solo experienced) and find the grey.
  24. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
  25. panki

    panki Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 11, 2016
    The thread is a little quiet today.... [face_sigh]

    I was reading the article about Carrie Fisher posting a picture of the working title of Episode VIII- Space it could mean nothing at all...but there is scope for a little speculation on what we might see in Episode 8 based on this....


    Now initially I thought Space Bear might be a nod to"Letter never Sent".....but then the bear is a panda so there are other possibilities as well:

    1. The Panda is native to China so maybe we need to look at Wuxia genre movies for a possible plot.....Wuxia is normally about chivalry, honor, romance and the master-apprentice relationship.
    I'll quote from wikipedia-
    A typical wuxia story features a young male protagonist who experiences a tragedy – such as the loss of his loved ones – and goes on to undertake several trials and tribulations to learn several forms of martial arts from various fighters. At the end of the story, he emerges as a powerful fighter whom few can equal. (Is this what Rey will go through? If so, I predict that both Luke and Kylo will be her teachers at some point in the story)

    Didn't Rian Johnson also shoot a substantial portion of Looper in Shanghai- could one of the locations for episode 8 be in China? Also, I recall that he posted a message on twitter that he was watching some Chinese film- I just can't recall the name....

    2. The second thought that comes to mind is Panda Diplomacy- I recently read that the Chinese will be sending a panda to space in 2026 as part of the Space Panda from ancient times, Pandas were used to as a cute but powerful weapon to help build power and break down the psychological defenses of another group. This is the logo of the Space Panda Mission (Space Bear?).....


    This makes me wonder- Is Rey the panda (the only other cute character is BB-8...but I don't think it is him)? Will Luke/Leia/Resistance send Rey to persuade Kylo to reveal the secrets of the FO and Snoke since he has a weakness for her? Maybe she will take Kylo up on the offer to be her Teacher....That would explain their scenes together and gives the opportunity to explore Ben Solo's backstory as well.
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