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Saga - ST Reunion (TFA Spoilers w/Luke Skywalker)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Carlos Danger, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Carlos Danger

    Carlos Danger Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 25, 2013
    This is just a little viggie. I hate the fact that if Rey is Luke's kid he looks like a deadbeat dad. I just want to find a theory that makes that situation a little more palatable.


    30 Years After the Battle of Endor

    The Commander of the First Order counterintelligence division circled the small, craggy island surrounded by a vast ocean. She pushed the steering yoke forward on her small T-8 Executive shuttle and began her decent to a small clearing near the shoreline, landing the ship with expert precision despite the seventy kilometer-per hour gusts that threated to bash the craft into the towering cliffs reaching up from the shoreline.

    She powered down the craft, popped the canopy and jumped out of the two-man craft to the rocky beach below. Pulling off her helmet she shook out her long mane of jet-black hair as she peered up to the one-hundred-and-eighty steep steps that cut into the hillside and meandered its way to the stone buildings perched on the summit.

    “Skywalker deserves a slow painful death for making me trudge up these stairs,” she groused as she began her ascent.


    Luke was meditating when he felt the disturbance in the Force. A moment later he could hear the whine of a space ship landing at the clearing below. He slowly stood from where he sat on the cold stone floor and moved to his bedchamber where he pulled on his brown Jedi robes and belt with lightsaber. He ran a hand over his beard nervously. He knew the identity of his visitor and her appearance could only mean trouble.

    He walked outside and pulled his cloak close to his body to shut out the frigid wind that hammered the island outcrop regularly. Eventually a woman appeared silhouetted by the setting sun. She was petite, but muscular and carried herself with the stiff posture of a military soldier. On her side he could see the outline of a large blaster. As she neared she blocked out the glare of the sun and he could gaze on her beautiful face with high cheekbones and smooth porcelain skin. He could see irritation in her eyes as she ran a hand through her hair, which was now a disheveled mess from the high winds.

    “I am honored that a First Order high official has lowered herself to confront me in person.” He put his hands out in front of his body. “Do you wish to cuff me, Commander?”

    She shook her head in annoyance. “Stuff it, Skywalker. You may have been charming the first time I captured you three decades ago, but now you are a decrepit old hermit.”

    Luke gave her a hurt look. “I still have a lot of fight in me…if you are interested in going against me, one-on-one.”

    The counterintelligence officer rested her palm on her blaster grip and smirked at the Jedi. “Perhaps another time. This isn’t a recreational visit. Things are going bad real quick.”

    Luke nodded at he gestured to the building he appropriated as his living quarters. “Please join me in my quarters.” He smiled when her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “To get out of the wind, Commander.”

    She gave him a curt nod before moving past him and into the stone shelter. He followed behind and smiled as he remembered her as a young woman, probably no older than twenty and working for the Inquisitorius. She captured him, he escaped, he captured her, she escaped and eventually they came to an understanding that resulted in a thirty-year friendship and the creation of the Resistance’s greatest undercover agent. She was Luke’s greatest love and greatest regret. He wanted to run away with her, talk her into leaving the Empire and later the First Order, but his sister and Resistance leaders wouldn’t hear of it. Commander Litassa Colay was a key source of intelligence and that took a priority over Luke’s love life.

    He walked over to a stone hearth and threw in a log to cut the chill in the room. He walked over to a small dining table and pulled out a chair. “Please sit.” His longtime friend sat down and he could sense through the Force that she was deeply troubled. He moved to the other chair and sat across from her. “What is it Litassa?”

    She pulled in a deep breath and blew it out slowly as she reached up and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Your nephew is getting exceedingly good at capturing Resistance members and pulling information out of their heads. Eventually my cover will be blown. I have served under a Sith and now a dark supreme ruler, but I don’t think I can hide much longer. I’m going to have to disappear.”

    Luke frowned, not liking the thought of her disappearing from his life totally. “Is this going to be like when you disappeared twenty years ago? You were gone for over a year! I worried about you every day, not knowing if you were dead or alive.” He reached out and put a hand over hers. “You should have left the First Order. You are strong in the Force. You would have made a great Jedi.”

    She scoffed. “I probably would have been killed by your insane nephew.” Her voice took on a mocking tone. “Kylo Ren Dark Lord of the Emotionally Unstable Crybabies.”

    Luke sighed. “Together we could have stopped him.”

    She shook her head as her lips drew into a flat line of disapproval. “No, no, don’t try to shift blame to me, Skywalker. I have saved hundreds of thousands of your resistance fighters since I became a spy and at great personal risk to myself, I might add. You are not going to guilt me into taking any responsibility for the destruction of your Jedi. That is all on you and your darkside dysfunctional family.”

    Luke put up his hand in a gesture of surrender. “You’re right Litassa. I’m sorry.” He gazed at her for a long moment before he sighed deeply. “Why exactly are you here?”

    He could see her posture stiffen and he could feel her clamp down on her emotions through the Force. “Luke…I have lied to you for decades. I have hidden from you…”

    Her voice faltered causing a spike of fear in the Jedi. She was always in control of her emotions, but now she was on the verge of tears. “Litassa, I know you are a spy and you have to keep some things secret. Why are you upset?”

    She bit down on her lower lip in an attempt to keep her composure. “When I left twenty years ago, it was because…I was pregnant.”

    Luke sat back in his seat in shock. “What?” It felt like his breath froze in his lungs and he was momentarily rendered speechless. “Was it my child?”

    She gave him a forlorn nod. “Yes.”

    He felt a tightening in his chest and his stomach knotting up. “Where is he?”

    “She,” Litassa corrected. “I knew she would be strong in the Force and I wasn’t going to let Supreme Commander Snoke get his hands on her. I gave her to subordinates of mine…a close couple. They were deserters from the First Order. They cared for her until a bounty hunter showed up in their village looking for them. They left our daughter with a group of New Order expatriates…traitors. I made sure they were compensated generously with New Order embezzled funds in exchange for them secretly watching over her and protecting her. They lived undercover as benevolent scavengers who taught her to fight, fly and fix things. They spent the last two decades protecting a girl whose true identity they never knew. Our daughter doesn’t know anything about her family. That was done to keep her safe. Or at least I thought she would be safe. My intelligence reports indicate your nephew captured her.”

    Luke stood abruptly. “Then let’s go save her.”

    Litassa rose and placed a hand on his shoulder. “She escaped.” She shifted her blaster belt in a nervous gesture. “I’m going to look for her. You stay here. The entire First Order is searching for you.” She looked to him sadly. “I am so sorry for all the lies. I thought I was doing the right thing.”

    He felt sick to his stomach and frustrated that he lost the chance to raise his daughter. Litassa pulled him into her embrace and kissed him on the lips tenderly. “I just wanted to let you know the truth…just in case something happens to me.”

    She went to walk away but Luke grasped her hand in his and held her fast. “Litassa, you said lies. What else did you lie about?”

    She looked to the ground and frowned. “Some secrets revealed could jeopardize other undercover agents.” She squeezed his hand. “What I can tell you is... you know me by my alias. I changed my looks and name to keep Commander Snoke from finding out my true identity.”

    “Which is?”

    She smiled sadly. “I wasn’t an Inquisitor. I worked for Palpatine. I was the Emperor's Hand.”
  2. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    NUmber one:These were my exact thoughts as to why a daughter of his might not be known to him. I couldn't see him abandoning a child of his due to some Jedi lore of old he knows basically nothing about (so if J.J. and Lucas ever used that excuse BS palpatine would have destroyed everything) *coughs* Sorry. Anyway, Luke wouldn't abadon his child to a fate like his own. He understands. (Apparently screenwriters think its awesome to repeat stuff but that parallel is one of the reason's I see Rey as his kid)
    Number two: I sense some serious Mara Jade channeling here.

    .(snickers) .a slow painful death (Snickers)

    Anyway, love it a bunch.
  3. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Has to be Mara. Sounds totally like her.
    Great story.
    morrison85 likes this.
  4. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Nice story. =D= This I can believe as a reason for Luke (supposedly) abandoning his child.
  5. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    I love this take on Rey's lineage, Carlos. What an inventive way to introduce 'Mara' into the new canon. This was also well written and engaging. I was intrigued by Litassa Colay and wanted to know more about her even before your double reveal at the end.

    I felt for Luke even more related to his lost love, but I am also wondering what Skywalker and Colay will do now.
  6. Carlos Danger

    Carlos Danger Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 25, 2013
    brodiew, Force Smuggler, and EmeraldJediFire you are right that there was some major Mara Jade channeling going on.

    If you Google Litassa Colay's name you will see it is one of Mara's aliases. I was hoping people would catch that clue along with her saying if she became a Jedi she probably would have been killed by Luke's nephew. Also Reunion is close to the word Union which was the Graphic Novel where Luke and Mara got married. And if the readers didn't pick up on that she says her name is not really Litassa, she changed her name and looks (hair) and she once was the Emperor's Hand. ;)

    I can see Luke hiding his kid, but why in the world would he put her on a desert planet? I would think that would be the last place he would put her. And if he did put her on a desert world (because everybody in the galaxy might also think that is the last place he would put her) I would hope he would arrange for her to have a family.

    I don't know. There are too many unknowns.

    Of course this L/M set up is very similar to Kol Skywalker and Morrigan Corde's relationship. So in a way it is a rehash of the EU, but since J.J. Abrams can do it, then so can I.

    Thanks for the reviews. I would love to see Mara Jade in the new movies, but I really doubt that will happen.
    morrison85 likes this.
  7. EmeraldJediFire

    EmeraldJediFire Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2012
    Exactly. I'm going to damn my child to a miserable dessert life I had. Yeah, that would never happen and Kol and Morrigan relationship yes...very similar. I think frankly they did it on purpose when they wrote the Legacy series. I think Kol was very much like certain aspects. He didn't care to get into politics to name one aspect.
    Carlos Danger likes this.
  8. Carlos Danger

    Carlos Danger Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 25, 2013
    EmeraldJediFire,brodiew, JediMaster_Jen, and Force Smuggler

    Would anybody be interested in a Dear Diary Challenge of this story that starts soon after the Battle of Endor and covers Mara's change of identity and her interaction with Luke? I am thinking about it, but I don't know if a merging of old canon and new canon would be seen as me desperately trying to maintain a relationship that I know will never exist in the movies. :(
  9. Annia Piet

    Annia Piet Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 7, 2015
    Really nice explanation, and I like the way you have adapted Mara's history to fit with the new canon, and yet kept the Essenes of her personality and their relationship. I'd certainly be interested in seeing a DD of this idea - after all canon mash ups are what fanfic is made for!
    Carlos Danger likes this.
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Just read this Carlos Danger and yes, yes I would adore a DDC with Litassa and Luke. [face_batting] Yuppers, merging old with new - works for me! [face_dancing]
    Carlos Danger likes this.
  11. Carlos Danger

    Carlos Danger Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 25, 2013
    Thanks. I decided to try to do the DCC. I hope I can think of things to write. You know, other than L/M mush. :p

    I'm glad it doesn't seem too pathetic. The new movie didn't give me much hope that what came prior was some happy story that went horribly bad. It appeared that everything went horribly bad all over the place. :(

    My Dear Diary Challenge is up. It is called:[DDC 2016] The Journal of the Former Emperor's Hand
    Annia Piet likes this.
  12. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    That was brutal. The way she talks to him, the whole truth behind it. And I totally got the Kol Skywalker and Morrigan Corde vibe from it, so glad it was not just me and that you had that on your mind. Now, as long as Rey doesn't end up being a strung-out Cade, I'm fine with this theory.

    Another thing that I loved here was how you described Ach-To. :)
  13. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    You are turning out to be quite a good writer, Carlos.

    This was great!
  14. Carlos Danger

    Carlos Danger Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 25, 2013
    Thanks. I wasn't sure if I got across to the reader that when Luke said, "Together we could have stopped him" that Mara saw that as him as sort of blaming her. He wasn't but it is hard to hear someone say that if you were there this horrible thing probably wouldn't happen. It wasn't her job to be there. In the next post in my DCC (which I will post at the beginning of April) you will see more about Mara's thoughts on Jedi training. Thanks for reading.
    Thank you. I am glad you liked it. I just couldn't handle the thought that Luke would abandon his kid. Of course I am passing this off on Mara, but in reality she had people in place to take care of Rey. The reason she left her on the desert planet was something Luke will say to her in my DCC. I plan to put a lot of reasons for her to do what she did.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  15. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I guess it's about the time I took a look at that DDC, then, given that it continues on this. :) Thank you.

    Also, I think Sith-I-5 is now your Kathy Bates, but that's a whole new story. All these shout-outs, OMG. :D
    Carlos Danger likes this.
  16. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    It was an interesting experience to read, as my own first TFA story was a young lady visiting Luke on the island. Different takes but lots of parallels, though I thought your visitor would turn out to be Captain Phasma.
    Carlos Danger and Ewok Poet like this.
  17. Carlos Danger

    Carlos Danger Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 25, 2013
    How come when I picture Phasma and Luke together I think about the episode of Futurama where Fry is captured by the Amazon women. That lady is tall. I hope to see her face in future movies, assuming she is alive.

    The DDC is a prequel to this story. Since I originally had no intention of writing more of this short story I am now frantically trying to find a plot that would fit this ending.

    Thanks for reading! I appreciate you taking the time to review.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  18. Irish_Jedi_Jade

    Irish_Jedi_Jade Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 19, 2007
    AHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS SO DANG MUCH!!!!! [face_love][face_love][face_love][face_love][face_love]

    Sorry....just had to get that out ;) Okay, now that my brain has finished dancing...this is so awesome. I mean, DUH!!! I could totally see this being a thing. Have you sent this to J.J. yet???!? Hahah...oh man. Just amazing. I can totally see this being something "our" Mara would do, too. Put duty over herself and her love for Luke, and keep her daughter safe that way. Because obviously Luke's plan with Ben/Kylo didn't go very well...and she's smart enough to see that his plan wasn't working out so hot.

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Oh my gosh. YES!!!!!!! PREACH IT!!!!!

    I am hopping right over to read your DD. You're awesome!
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  19. Carlos Danger

    Carlos Danger Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 25, 2013
    Thanks I'm glad you liked the story. No I haven't sent it to J.J. Is he even doing EP8? I'm not sure if he is continuing.

    Thanks again for reading and reviewing!