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Lit Fleet Junkie Flagship- The technical discussions of the GFFA (Capital Ships thread Mk. II)

Discussion in 'Literature' started by AdmiralWesJanson, Sep 12, 2005.

  1. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    I don’t think it’s that bad. The people on the right are closer in the frame and perhaps also on a hill. Also, the LAATs are six meters tall, and if you judge by the gun standing by the cockpit, this one’s only a little taller than that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    Maybe the soldiers are dwarves? [face_thinking]
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
  3. Blackhole E Snoke

    Blackhole E Snoke Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 26, 2016
    Yeah I know they are closer. But the size of the cockpit windows makes it look like it is a toy craft for one of those people's children to play in with their toy clone trooper figures.
    TheAdmiral likes this.
  4. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
  5. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    The main thing to take away for me is that a lot of these ships are a lot smaller than I first thought.
    vncredleader likes this.
  6. Pons

    Pons Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 11, 2019
    That massive Star Destroyer in the foreground intrigues me... It appears to have a prominent ridge-like superstructure running along its spine, as well as two turbolaser batteries located just in front. Reminds me of a Bellator. Judging by the (at least to my eyes) different design, seemingly larger bulk and the Resistance ships converging on it, I reckon it's
    Pryde's SSD.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
  7. Pons

    Pons Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 11, 2019
    Here's a better illustration of what I'm talking about...[​IMG]
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
    Long Snoot and Daneira like this.
  8. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    These are the smaller ships for sure. I imagine the big ones are still behind.
    MercenaryAce likes this.
  9. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    And who is this guy down here, ahead of the Hammerhead?

  10. Noash_Retrac

    Noash_Retrac Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 14, 2006
    Dornean gunship?
  11. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    It could be, but don't they have only two engines.
  12. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    I think I see three turrets, but it does seem to have an enlarged superstructure.
  13. masterskywalker

    masterskywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 2, 2001
    So what you're really saying here is Dark Empire is canon.
    Fire Dog and Vthuil like this.
  14. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    That's been the case since 2015.
  15. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 15, 2010
    Some ship art from an issue of EW
  16. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    I think this is Pryde's ship:


    Is it just a Resurgent-class?
    Snafu55 likes this.
  17. Pons

    Pons Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 11, 2019
    The location of the hangar and bridge wing makes me think Resurgent.
    Snafu55 likes this.
  18. Noash_Retrac

    Noash_Retrac Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 14, 2006
    I see three.
    Long Snoot likes this.
  19. Pons

    Pons Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 11, 2019
    Here's a more accurate view of the "SSD" thanks to some better lighting. Turns out there are two of them, both of which are actually generic Sith Fleet ISD-1s. Ventral cannons(more visible in the second pic) and spinal turrets give it away.

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
    AdmiralNick22 likes this.
  20. bsmith7174

    bsmith7174 Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 17, 2015
    Re-sharing for those that want a better look at the ship from the opening dogfight in episode 5 of The Mandalorian.
  21. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    I'm starting to wonder if the trailers are spoiling the end of the battle in TROS. It appears that the Resistance attacks the Sith with a minor fleet of fighters and the CR90, only for the fleet to arrive like the Rohirrim and come to the rescue. Just a guess on my part, but if that is the case I wish they never showed that big fleet.

    --Adm. Nick
    Fire Dog likes this.
  22. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    If that is how they play it, I want Poe, Wedge and co in a hangar giving the Two Towers motivation speech before Theoden and Aragorn and few others rode out of the gate to certain doom!

    Have Wedge unite the leftover pilots of various Squadrons, including Poes into yet another Red/Rogue Squadron...

    Arise now, Pilots of this Alliance!
    Lasers shall be fired, hulls be splintered,
    a fighter-day, a red day, ere the Republic rises!
    Fly now, Fly now! Fly to Victory!

    Let this be the hour when we pull triggers together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn. Forth, ROGUE SQUADRON!
  23. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Really wish they came out with make/model info on these. Like when this pic was released they tagged it as 'Lantillan Shipwrights Convor-class strikefighter'

    Same with the Razor Crest....from the dialogue I assume that is the class name...but who is the manufacturer??
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
    Blackhole E Snoke likes this.
  24. Ton_G

    Ton_G Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 15, 2002
    You're not wrong. But it makes me wonder... what happened to the Resistance fleet from RotR?
  25. Pons

    Pons Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 11, 2019
    Could have survived, if the battle in RotR is the one depicted in Spark of the Resistance. Both involve a Resistance fleet ambush on Resurgent(s), with the former consisting primarily of Mon Cals.

    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019