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Beyond - Legends Star Wars: Tides of Darkness

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Theodore Hawkwood, Nov 12, 2023.

  1. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Glad to see you're back on the boards again! :)


    Yay, I am stoked to see a reworking/alternate of Darksaber with the attention to characterization and worldbuilding that I already see in this prologue! Remixing of some of the more baffling and/or lackluster EU offerings is one of my favorite subgenres that seems to crop every so often here.

    Starting off portentous here, for sure. [face_thinking] I like how the quote is reflected in what we can already see of Ben's uncertain place in life. It definitely seems like he's wandered off the path already in a way, and now is being asked to just keep on trekking right off the edge of the map.

    Yikes, that seems like it would be a really uncomfortable thing to have crop up in a conversation with his boss -- but perhaps for the best that it's been noticed since he seems to be self-medicating in a way that's not likely to go well for him in the long run. And I can only imagine the level of Stuff that Ben has seen and can't unsee to cause this level of physical reaction; though I'm not an expert it sure sounds like there is some level of PTSD going on with him. I think that is a really interesting place to start off with his character, and I'm curious to see what it will mean later on as the plot moves forward.

    :oops: That sounds pretty unbearable, as well as dangerous for Ben -- though I'm glad that he's at least willing to be honest about it when put on the spot! Interesting to see Madine's way of handling this somewhat delicate conversation here; he's not pussyfooting around the problem at all but he's able to draw on Ben's respect for him in order to get to the real issues quickly. And I was amused to see that Troka is absolutely willing to tattle on his teammate for his own good. [face_laugh]

    Ha, of course there is! :D

    Not nearly enough fur, for one thing. :p

    Really liked this moment, and the many spots throughout the chapter, where we're reminded of the tremor and of Ben's awareness of it. It just feels like a very realistic way for that kind of symptom to show up throughout these events.

    Okay, I think I'm picking up some mild hints about these two. ;) They are very cute here!

    LOL, I've no doubt they are up there with Wookiees on the list of Awesome (Potentially Bonecrushing) Hugs of the Galaxy. :D

    [face_rofl] Aww, this is just so fun! I really like the banter and the sense of companionship and shared memories with these three.

    [face_laugh] I can just picture this and it's delightful in that everyday fantastical way that is so quintessentially SW.

    [face_rofl] The deadpan delivery here is excellent. (And the idea that Quarren would have ink pouches; I have no idea if that's canon but it's hilarious and I really like it.)
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2023
    Theodore Hawkwood likes this.
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Caught up with your lovely story. Ben, Troka and Ashliea are great characters to know more about them and their past. Corran and Mirax are my favorites and I like it to see them here.
    And our villain Daala of course.
    Great world-building
  3. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Catching up with your latest update...

    There's quite a contrast between the beginning and the end of the chapter here. On the one hand, we have Ben and Ashliea chatting about herbal tea, their past, Grandma Squadron and Troka's date (is it wrong that I'm morbidly curious to know how much exactly he over-shared? [face_laugh] ), and it's all relaxed early morning chatter; on the other hand, Lieutenant Pasbu is in trouble! I loved how you had him speak Gunganese to his droid when he became impatient for the course to follow. And the Imperials have spotted him, which may be the enemy they need to stop shooting at each other. I'm kind of impatient to see how these two storylines will eventually connect; I suspect that Pasbu will find out something important to Ben and Ashliea's work on Sanctuary.
  4. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014

    Darksaber, X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, and Courtship of Princess Leia were the first three 'grown up' Star Wars novels I read as I entered adolescence in the 1990s and I recently rediscovered them in the last three months. It proved to be the catalyst that launched my writing this fanfic.

    I found that quote from the Divine Comedy quite poignant from my years in University and into adulthood, so I thought it best to begin the fic with that line.

    PTSD and burnout are issues Ben suffers from through, so you are right. He's had his share of close scrapes and barely surviving things as an intelligence operative and it's wearing on him.

    Madine has been a longtime mentor figure in Ben's life since Ben was a cadet at the Imperial Military Academy on Carida, later parts of my fic will explore this.

    Keep reading and you'll see more, still. Ben and Ashliea are close friends and have been since 3 ABY, so nearly a decade by this point in time.

    Not gonna lie, I bogarted that trait from Dr. Zoidberg in Futurama. I reasoned that since Quarren appear to be descended from cephalapods they'd have that evolutionary feature for a whole host of reasons.


    Thank you for your kind words. I always appreciate it when my OCs blend well with canon characters.

    I figured that I'd feature Corran and Mirax since they're fun characters from my early Star Wars readings in my adolescence. I imagined what it would be like for Corran to have to deal with a pregnant Mirax and how Mirax would handle pregnancy and hence that storyline. Stand by for Mirax being in 'nesting mode' in future chapters.


    I decided I'd leave just WHAT Troka overshared to individual readers' imaginations. I headcannoned Talz don't really have a TMI concept.

    Glad you like the story's contrasts here. I'm hammering out part 2 for Underway next. Trying to get it uploaded as a Christmas gift for readers of this story.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2023
  5. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    Underway, Part II

    Pasbu’s mission changed from reconnaissance to survival in the previous chapter and he’s pursued by Imperials. The next Rotation for the Sanctuary expedition continues their journey from Mon Cala.

    Notes: Thank you @Happy Sando, @Chyntuck, @Kahara, and @earlybird-obi-wan for your kind reviews since my last chapter. Merry Christmas to you guys.


    Pulsar Skate
    Mon Calamari Orbit

    Pulsar Skate, this Osprey One. Want some company on this run?”

    Mirax smiled as Corran’s voice echoed in her headset.

    “You know I’d never say no to that,” Mirax replied as she tapped a couple buttons for some last minute inputs into the navicomputer.

    “Going for the microjump?” Squidward asked from the co-pilot’s station.

    “Not this time. Corran and his wingman are going to do an escort formation,” Mirax replied.

    Mirax glanced out of the cockpit in time for one X-Wing to take station beside her and the other to fly slightly ahead of her.

    “Once we clear orbit I’m gonna have a few words with the passengers before I forget,” Squidward replied.

    “I should be good for a while, take your time.” Mirax glanced back over her shoulder before they broke orbit, heading towards Sanctuary.

    “I won’t be too long,” Squidward replied.

    Supreme Warlord Harrsk HQ

    Going deeper into the nebula Pasbu steered by instinct. His eyes flickered down to the instrument panel and then he looked back up, juking the Y-Wing to the right narrowly missing the junked remains of a satellite.

    He heard the sizzle as the edge of the satellite brushed against his shields. He cringed as he steered the fighter deeper into the nebula.

    ‘Here’s hoping the Imperials didn’t see that.’
    Pasbu’s heart hammered in his chest as he glanced over one shoulder. Two of the TIE fighters vectored towards him.

    Fierfek!” Pasbu shouted.


    Supreme Warlord Harrsk HQ

    Aboard the Carrack class light cruiser, Calamity, the traffic controller turned from his station.

    “Sir, one of the TIE fighters saw a flash in the nebula, probable shield impact.”

    Lieutenant Commander Gallatin turned on one heel and walked towards the station.

    “Alright, what’s Recon flight’s next move?” Gallatin asked.

    “Recon leader and his wingman are investigating it. The other flight is circling the nebula perimeter.” The controller glanced over his shoulder, hand over his headset microphone as he spoke.

    “Is the Ravager in position?” Gallatin asked.

    “Yes sir, confirmed she’s on the far side of the nebula should the Rebel fighter attempt to exit there.” The lieutenant called over.

    “Good. Maintain our position but be prepared to support Ravager.” Gallatin ordered.


    Supreme Warlord Harrsk HQ

    “Sithspawn!” Pasbu hissed as the two TIEs vectored towards him. Juking his Longprobe Y-Wing to the right, two pairs of green laser blasts streaked passed him.

    “Emfour, how are those calculations coming?” Pasbu asked, juking the Longprobe to the left this time, another pair of laser bolts zipping past and the Y-Wing shuddering as he took a hit aft.

    A glance at the shield readout. Emfour confirmed it.

    “Eighty-four percent?” Pasbu asked.

    Emfour chittered back a reply with a whistle for emphasis.

    “Spinning might be a better trick…” Pasbu thought as he dove into a deeper cloud of space dust, spinning.

    Bolts of green laser shot past, narrowly missing him each time. Then he gunned the engines and made a turn, heading straight for the two TIE fighters firing as he went.

    Emfour whistled in alarm.

    “Quiet!” Pasbu shouted before he squeezed the trigger on his joystick, firing the laser canons, hitting one of the TIE fighters dead on. The Longprobe shuddered as debris from the destroyed TIE smacked against the forward shields.

    Pasbu grinned as the second TIE turned away. He inverted his fighter and pulled up on the stick, groaning under the g-forces before leveling off.

    He stole a glance at the sensor scope, now the other two TIEs joined their wingman in hot pursuit.

    Throwing another series of spins Pasbu felt the Longprobe shudder again as another laser blast smacked against the rear shield. ‘Seventy-eight percent. Must have been a glancing hit…’

    Turning the fighter on the left he pulled back on the stick. Three more pairs of laser blasts streaked by.

    The space dust thickened, and visibility was maybe 10 meters at best. The orange, purple, and blue dust occasionally tinged by green laser blasts bathed the cockpit in a riot of colors. He ducked as something exploded to his right and just above his fighter…


    Supreme Warlord Harrsk HQ

    “TIE Fighter Recon One has been destroyed! Recon flight in pursuit of confirmed Y-Wing fighter.” The controller called out.

    Gallatin’s fist and jaw clenched at the same time. The controller, noticing the insignia of a TIE pilot worn on one sleeve, nodded.

    ‘Sithspawn I wish I was with that team! Just like back in the old days…’ Gallatin thought to himself. His knee stiffened, complaining.

    Ru’afo emerged from the Ready Room, walking straight for him. “Report.”

    “We’ve lost Recon One, confirmed contact is a Rebel Y-Wing.” Gallatin’s fist unclenched.

    Ru’afo glanced over at the status board as a technician keyed a command, showing one TIE fighter destroyed.

    Ravager is standing by covering possible exit vectors on far side of nebula.” Gallatin noted on the status board at the center of the bridge.

    “Maneuver us into position on the other side of the Ravager. I want to capture that pilot alive if possible.” Ru’afo’s eyes narrowed.

    “Understood, sir…” Gallatin replied, issuing the appropriate orders to the officer of the deck.

    Supreme Warlord Harrsk HQ

    ‘Nearing the edge. Nearing the edge…’ Pasbu thought as he juked the fighter into another spinning flight, narrowly dodging several more pairs of twin laser blasts from the pursuing TIEs.

    Then the spacedust cleared only to be replaced by the sleek form of a Lancer class frigate.

    “Sithspawn!” Pasbu yelled, pushing forward on the stick as several more bolts of blaster fire lanced over including one smacking into the forward shields.

    Emfour let out a blatting terminated by a trio of whistles. A quick glance at his instruments told him forward shields were at 9.5%.

    Another warning from the panel. The words ‘Targeting Lock’ flashed on one of the two monitors in the cockpit.

    More laser blasts from the TIE’s zipped by, and the Lancer’s own fire added in. And looking to his left revealed the Carrack cruiser closing in.

    “Sithspawn!” Pasbu yelped.

    The TIEs continued shooting before they pulled a violent series of evasive maneuvers as they hit the nebula’s edge.

    ‘Someone must’ve given a ‘Scram’ command.’ Pasbu thought as he reached for the hyperspace control lever.

    Emfour blatted a warning.

    “We don’t exactly have a choice…wesa in big doodoo!” Pasbu shouted as he shoved the lever. The stars in front of him streaked in the familiar pattern of hyperspace…

    Pulsar Skate
    Calamari Sector

    “That’s pretty wild that you wound up pulling double duty as part of the medical staff for a Mon Calamari regiment and being the surgeon for Grandma Squadron,” Ben remarked as he sat across from Ashliea in the small crew lounge on the Pulsar Skate.

    “They were short on medical providers so Republic Medical Command had some of us cover two units nearby. In my case, the Mon Calamari regiment was the airbase security element, so it wasn’t a crazy commute.” Ashliea sipped a glass of water after she spoke.

    Troka buzzed in a comment as he cocked his head to one side.

    “Yes, R-77D was with me that whole time,” Ashliea replied.

    Troka chirped another comment.

    “I’m glad to see that R-77D made a good impression on you.”

    “Honestly, Ash, nearly any droid has a better bedside manner than your old one did.” Ben laughed.

    Troka chirped and blatted in agreement.

    “Okay, you two, I get the point, just no more discussions about dismantling my old medical droid because I might have to report you.” Emily chuckled.

    “Careful Troka, she is a major after all…” Ben grinned.

    “Hey, have I pulled rank on you two at all?” Ashliea asked.

    “No ma’am…” Ben’s grin widened as Ashliea blushed a little.

    Troka chirped in response.

    “I get it, pal, humans are weird.” Ben raised an eyebrow.

    “But it’s all about communication.”

    Ashliea, Ben and Troka all turned just as Squidward walked into the room, with a small box in his left hand.

    “Hey Squidward,” Ashliea said.

    “Sorry to interrupt but I thought I’d give Troka something.” Squidward set the box on the table, a small rugged looking speaker with two cross straps on it.

    “What’s that?” Ben asked.

    “It’s a Translating Alien Linguistic Communicator, or TALC box for short.” Squidward unfolded the straps as he spoke.

    Troka blatted a question.

    “Oh, it’s pre-programmed with the Talz language, so all you have to do is speak and it’ll translate for you,” Squidward replied.

    Troka chirped another question.

    “Oh, well not everyone on the site speaks Talz, and not to mention Ben and Ashliea won’t always be around to translate for you.” Squidward tapped a couple commands onto the small screen above the speaker.

    Troka buzzed and canted his head.

    “Would you rather have a protocol droid follow you around? I’m sure I could write a justification memo to purchase a 3PO series…” Squidward remarked.

    Troka held up his hands and shook his head, chirping insistently.

    “I knew you’d see my point,” Squidward replied.

    Troka nodded and stood up. Squidward walked over and motioned for Troka to lift his arms. He slid the straps over Troka’s arms and then stepped behind him, adjusting the straps so the TALC box rested at the center of Troka’s chest.

    “Go ahead, try it out.” Squidward stepped aside.

    A flat mechanical monotone as Troka spoke. “This is better than a protocol droid?”

    Ben chuckled. “Would you rather a protocol droid dissemble and lose the meaning of what you say?”

    “I sound like a kriffing droid!” Troka complained.

    “Hey, the TALC box is new technology. It took me hours to program the Talz language, both Alzoc III and Orto Plutonia dialects.” Squidward backed up, palms facing Troka.

    “I’ll tell you what, for courtesy’s sake I’ll keep this thing on but please work on the vocodor on this thing? Thank you in advance…” Troka replied.

    “I’ll just see myself out…” Squidward replied.

    “That was a little snarky, pal,” Ben observed.

    “I’m not a fan of sounding like a droid, thank you very much.” Troka looked towards Ben, closing his left two eyes.

    “Troka, no one would mistake you for a droid. You’ve got too much fur…” Ashliea remarked.

    “No droids I know of shed,” Ben added, picking some stray fur off the side of the table.

    “I’m getting it from both sides,” Troka groaned…

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2023
    Kahara, Happy Sando, Chyntuck and 2 others like this.
  6. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Riveting action with Pasbu only to follow up with fun commentary from Troka about sounding like a droid [face_laugh] It is good that he has a translator though. :D
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Corran is guiding Mirax.
    I hope Pasbu will get to safety.
    And some fun on the Pulsar skate with Troka sounding like a droid
  8. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Well, this isn't Pasbu's lucky day, is it? Grazing a piece of debris, getting spotted by the Imperials, losing his shields... I wonder where that random hyperspace jump will take him. Somehow I suspect it won't be in a place he likes, or at least that he expects. As a side note, I enjoyed that titbit of characterisation of Lieutenant Commander Gallatin who wishes he'd be back in a TIE cockpit instead of the bridge of a command ship because of his bad leg.

    And Troka! I'm going to miss his buzzes and chirps, but now we'll get to enjoy his snark first-hand, albeit in a droid voice. As someone who's written a lot of furry alien and droid characters, I laughed out loud at the comment that "droids don't shed." You may have just added a crack!fic bunny to my hutch, so thanks for that!
  9. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    =D= =D= =D=

    Okay, now Pasbu is definitely my favourite! He'd better be okay!

    Also yeah, I join the others in noting the genius of giving Troka a vocoder! What a brilliant way of evolving his humour whilst keeping his personality intact. Really looking forward to enjoying more of his immediate sarcasm!
  10. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @earlybird-obi-wan, @Chyntuck and @Happy Sando. Thank you all for your reviews on this work. I'm glad you guys are happy Troka got a translator. It was a fair bit of fun to parse out what Troka would actually say if his dialogue wasn't limited to chirps, buzzes, and body language.

    Corran and Mirax's marriage and dealing with their first child and pregnancy is fun to write.

    This is a lucky/unlucky day. I figured that the way the New Republic should learn about the Imperial Remnant Developments was the reconnaissance by a Longprobe Y-Wing. I was inspired this way by remembering playing the Star Wars: Rebellion strategy game as a teenager and then the idea of a Gungan piloting such a craft popped into my head.

    Good luck with this crack!fic, I'd be happy to have a look at it when/if you decide to publish the thing.

    You'll see what becomes of Pasbu in the next few chapters. Stay tuned.
  11. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    Washing Ashore

    Summary: The Rotation arrives on Sanctuary and Lieutenant Pasbu finds himself at the tail end of the blind hyperspace jump. Ben has a run in with a blast from the past.

    I imagined what things would be like if Ben Cozine and Zahara Cody had a bit of a history and working through said history. Fear not my Ben/Ashliea shippers. @Kahara, @Chyntuck, @earlybird-obi-wan, @Happy Sando, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha et al.


    Pulsar Skate
    Sanctuary Orbit

    From the cockpit of the Pulsar Skate Mirax pulled back on the throttle. Squidward spoke in a low tone over his own headset.

    “We’ve got our landing vector to Site 1,” Squidward began.

    “Acknowledged. I’ll steer us to it, you set up the landing protocols.” Mirax replied as she made a small adjustment to the controls.

    She tapped the public address switch. “This is your captain speaking, we’re on our final approach to Sanctuary. Please return to your seats.”

    She turned the switch back to the off position. Then she made a call of her own.

    “Osprey One, Pulsar Skate, you sticking around for our landing?” Mirax asked.

    “Can’t this time, we’ve got patrol duty. I’ll see you when I get home.” Corran’s voice echoed.

    “I’ll see you then, dear,” Mirax replied.

    “I’ll take care of dinner,” Corran promised.

    Mirax waved as the two X-Wings made their turns and headed out on patrol.


    “Osprey One, Osprey Six.” Dolphe’s voice echoed into Corran’s comm system.

    “Go ahead.” Corran replied as he waved back at Mirax on the close pass he took.

    “I swear you have the takeout menus for the Tidepool Promenade committed to memory, Boss.” Dolphe’s laugh followed.

    “Didn’t anyone tell you it’s impolite to eavesdrop?” Corran retorted as his hand returned to the throttle.

    “Well, Boss, don’t they also say official channels aren’t for personal business?” Dolphe’s cheeky response echoed.

    “Touché, Dolphe. But I could justify this as either building good relations with the civilian population or coordination with the captain of the Pulsar Skate.” Corran ticked examples off his hand on the throttle.

    “Fair enough, Boss.” Dolphe replied as he took station behind and to the right of Corran.

    Both X-Wings leveled off to perform their patrol of the Calamari sector.


    Site One

    Ben glanced out of one of the viewports in the Pulsar Skate’s small lounge catching a glimpse of a tropical island, a sandbar, and an atoll further out. He smiled.

    “Remember how they always talked about Sanctuary back in the old days?” Ben asked.

    “All the time,” Troka replied.

    “I remember a lot of food came out of there,” Ashliea added as Ben stepped to one side so she could take a look out of the viewport.

    As the Pulsar Skate came into a landing Ben reached over to sling his backpack over one shoulder. Ashliea and Troka grabbed their own bags before heading onto the landing pad.

    Ben sniffed the air, getting a whiff of the ocean. A smile creased his features.

    “Daydreaming?” Troka intoned.

    “Just a bit, pal. Being by the sea is always something I enjoy.” Ben replied.

    “Just don’t walk into a turbine or something. Even Ashliea won’t be able to do anything about that,” Troka chirped.

    “Very funny, pal. I’m not that accident prone.” Ben shot back.

    “I don’t know about that…” a female voice shot back.

    Ben turned and saw the redheaded woman walking towards him. “Good to see you, Dr. Cody.”

    “No need to be so formal, Ben.” Zahara Cody gave a small grin.

    “Awkward…” Troka quipped.

    “Quiet!” Ben hissed back.

    Dr. Zahara Cody approached them, eyes flickering to the box on Troka’s chest. “Interesting, I take it that’s Squidward’s TALC box?”

    “Yeah, and it makes me sound like a kriffing droid!” Troka complained.

    “Troka, you do realize that it’s relatively new technology, right?” Zahara asked.

    “Yes,” Troka replied.

    “I’m sure Squidward will come up with a way to fix the vocoder, if you ask nicely,” Zahara countered, a small smirk on her lips.

    “Too late. Troka’s first words through that thing was a good bit of snark directed at Squidward.” Ben laughed.

    “I see Troka hasn’t changed one bit,” Zahara laughed.

    “Nope. He just now has a way to translate his snark for non-Talz speakers.” Ben smirked.

    “Can we talk for a moment?” Zahara asked.

    “Sure.” Ben nodded, smile fading as he gave Troka a look. “I’ll catch up, pal.”

    Ben followed Dr. Cody to the other side of the Pulsar Skate.

    “Well, I figured we’d have to address the ronto in the room at some point.” Ben shrugged.

    “Ben, I know we didn’t part on the best of terms…” Zahara began.

    “A bit of understatement but I agree.” Ben took a step back.

    “Look, we’re gonna be crossing paths as long as you’ll be working on this expedition…” Zahara led off.

    “Don’t you think I considered that too?” Ben raised an eyebrow.

    “I’m sure you were crunching probabilities of running into me, sure,” Zahara replied.

    “I have a mission, I’m gonna stick to it, our shared past can go to blazes.” Ben’s eyes narrowed.

    “Ben, there’s no reason we can’t be civil to each other.” Zahara took a step back.

    “Civil, certainly. Being friends still? I’m not certain about that…I’ve never tried the ‘be friends with ex-girlfriend’ thing. Ever.” Ben raised a quizzical eyebrow.

    “Alright, I admit I did stand you up four years ago. Don’t you think that that’s long enough to be mad about it?” Zahara asked.

    “Mad? No longer. Don’t forget my line of work is reading people’s intentions, and you certainly showed me that what we had at the time didn’t matter,” Ben calmly replied.

    “Look, Ben…” Zahara began.

    “I believe the kids call that ‘ghosting’,” Ben countered, glancing at his wrist chronometer.

    “I can see I was right to end things with you, Ben…I think the word atin describes you perfectly.” Zahara replied.

    “I’d certainly have appreciated you telling me things had ended versus just disappearing on me,” Ben glowered.

    “You’ve got your share of blame, Ben. You didn’t even try and reach out.” Zahara countered.

    “I think you made your intentions loud and clear. Anyway, I’ve gotta catch up with Ashliea and Troka.” Ben glanced at his wrist chronometer, hefted his bag, and half ran-half walked to catch up with Troka and Ashliea.

    “That went well,” Zahara sighed.


    Transitory Mists
    Hapes Cluster

    Lieutenant Pasbu shuddered along with his Y-Wing fighter as the craft caroomed out of hyperspace into a purple misty surrounding.

    “Emfour, wheresa are we?” Pasbu’s voice shook as he glanced down at his instrument panel, amongst a profusion of red lights.

    As Emfour blatted a response Pasbu’s eyes fell on the report on one of his two screens in the cockpit. Hyperdrive Inoperative.

    “What about the back-up hyperdrive?” Pasbu asked.

    Emfour blatted another response.

    “Yes, I know blind hyperspace jump was a bad idea but so was hanging around with a Lancer Class Frigate, a Carrack Cruiser and three TIE Fighters…” Pasbu ticked examples off on his fingers.

    The sound of the sensor lock alarm blared into the cockpit. Turning his head he saw two Miy’til Fighters bearing down on him from above and behind.

    A stern female voice echoed into his helmet comments. “Unidentified Y-Wing, you have entered Hapan space…state your intentions.”

    Pasbu’s heart jumped as the ‘weapon lock’ warning flashed into his HUD. “I am Lieutenant Jarro Pasbu, New Republic Navy. Callsign Grey Six. My ship was damaged on a reconnaissance mission in the Deep Core and I had to make a blind hyperspace jump.”

    “Maintain your position at this time, you are being scanned,” the same female voice echoed.

    ‘As if I wasn’t expecting that.’ Pasbu thought, mentally running through the offensive capabilities of Miy’til fighters.

    “Grey Six, I am transmitting a landing vector to our base. We will escort you in,” The female voice again.

    One of the Miy’til fighters flew to his starboard side, while the other remained in position above and behind him.

    ‘Just what kind of a reception will the Hapans give me…’
    Pasbu thought as he followed the landing vector.

    Site One

    “Ran into Dr. Cody?” Ashliea asked as Ben rejoined them, jogging over as he went.

    “Let me guess, Troka spilled the beans?” Ben raised an eyebrow as he caught his breath.

    “Hey, it’s a nice juicy bit of drama.” Troka shrugged.

    “Those Mon Cal soap operas really went to your head, pal,” Ben quipped as they walked along a stone paved and winding path through the jungle.

    “I did wonder how you knew Dr. Cody,” Ashliea replied.

    “I mentioned I ran into her a time or two.” Ben shrugged.

    “That’s totally different than ‘I dated her for a few months four years ago’,” Ashliea raised an eyebrow.

    “I’ll tell you all about it sometime, and that’s a promise.” Ben turned his head.

    “I’ll hold you to that,” Ashliea replied.

    “Tell me when and where. Because I never make promises lightly.”

    A brief silence followed as they walked towards the Site 1 Administrative Center.

    “Ben?” Ashliea began.

    Ben stopped in his tracks and turned to face her.

    “I trust you.”

    Ben’s hand shook as he looked into Ashliea’s eyes, blue as the skies of his homeworld of Naboo. They were open and wide, in that moment he blinked his own eyes as Ashliea’s words sank in.

    ‘Fierfek, she trusts me. I better not be a chakaare and let her down…’
    Ben thought to himself.

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Pashbu is on Hapes. Who will he meet?
    And Ben and Ashliea nice discussions and what will happen next?
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Wow, quite a complicated and turbulent and very bad ending to a dating relationship with fault on both sides it looks like. They should be able to be civil if not friends. [face_thinking] I have to think that that experience would color Ben's relationship with Ashliea: being wary of betrayal perhaps on the one hand or realizing he can trust her on the other. The fact that she trusts him is a weighty thing but also affirming.

    Pasbu on Hapes -- that should be interesting!! [face_batting]

    Troka continues to amuse immensely. =D=
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  14. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    @earlybird-obi-wan and @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha I apologize for not replying to these sooner, but RL kinda had me busy, and the Kessel Run's eating up a lot of my writing time.

    I have some thoughts here, but in any case Pasbu is about to have a roundabout trip back to New Republic Space. The Hapans might be interested in what he found too, after all. They know Longprobe Y-Wings are intelligence collection assets.

    You'll see.

    Also, Ben doesn't want to screw this up with Ashliea. She's a longtime friend and he doesn't want to hurt her either.
  15. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    A Tide of Dreams
    Notes: My Kessel Run 2024 Entry Dreams of a Jedi Prince inspired this chapter. As I did intend to tie elements of Darksaber into this story, as well as my own thoughts on the Jedi Prince series I finally found a way to do so. I'm also a Kirana Ti/Streen shipper and also feel they'd have been great adoptive parents for Ken.

    Summary: At the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, one of Luke’s new generation of Jedi, Ken, wakes from a disturbing dream.

    @Kahara, @Happy Sando, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @earlybird-obi-wan @Chyntuck

    Thanks for your reviews and support, and my apologies for a months' long delay here.


    Jedi Praxeum
    Yavin IV

    Ken sat upright in bed, shirtless, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. Images from the dream he’d just had running through his mind.

    Eyes blinking the young man shivered, clutching the covers to his chest. A knock at the door.

    Shaking his head Ken stepped out of bed and his bare feet padded across the floor before he opened the door.

    At the doorway, Kirana Ti stood, a knowing look on her face. “I felt a great disturbance in the Force.”

    Ken sighed. ‘No hiding things when you’re a Jedi living among other Jedi.’

    “The dream again?” Kirana Ti’s eyes softened. Through the Force, Ken felt a soothing presence as Kirana Ti approached.

    Ken nodded. He hugged his arms to his chest and shivered.

    Kirana Ti walked into the room. Through the Force Ken’s turmoil radiated like the waves of an incoming tide.

    Ken blinked as he regarded his adoptive mother walking towards him.

    “I…I’ve had this nightmare before, but it felt different somehow.” Ken shuddered.

    Kirana Ti closed her eyes as she took the final two steps and hugged her adoptive son. Ken returned the hug, his own eyes closing. The two parted.

    “What felt different about it?” Kirana Ti asked.

    “I can’t really describe it, it was more like a feeling than anything…” Ken replied, brows furrowing.

    “Let’s go see Streen, he’s better at visions and interpreting dreams than me,” Kirana Ti nodded sagely.

    Ken blinked, nodded, and his fingers lightly brushed against the silver necklace around his neck. The youth slid a somewhat ragged Dagobah Tech Student t-shirt on as he followed Kirana Ti out of the room.

    A brief silence.

    The two walked out of Ken’s bedroom, down the hallway and towards the living room. Streen waited on the far side, a glass of water in one hand.

    “I thought you were still out in the jungle?” Kirana Ti asked.

    “I came as soon as I felt a disturbance in the Force,” Streen replied as he crossed the room, wiping sweat from his brow.

    He put a hand on Ken’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

    “I…I had the dream again. Palpatine. And Kadann’s voice from the day he told me that he’s my…my…grandfather…” Ken’s voice hitched.

    Streen closed his eyes and hugged his adoptive son. “You’re safe here, with us…”

    “I…I know, but somehow I feel like there’s something dark out there. I’ve had this nightmare before but there’s something that’s different about it.” Ken returned his adoptive father’s hug.

    The two parted.

    Kirana Ti flicked a stray strand of hair away from her forehead. “So what is different?”

    “It was Kadaan’s voice. It felt even more gloating and insistent than ever. But why? Kadaan’s been dead for seven years…” Ken began.

    “Or rather you think he’s been dead for seven years,” Streen replied.

    “But…but he was sealed in the Lost City by that earthquake. There are no other entrances. Kadann couldn’t possibly be alive!” Ken insisted.

    Streen kept his gaze on Ken before closing his eyes briefly. When he reopened them he took a deep breath.

    One heartbeat later. “I have a feeling your dream last night was no accident. And I have a feeling that we haven’t seen the last of Kadann.”

    “Search your feelings, my son.” Streen put his hand on Ken’s shoulder again.

    Ken took a deep breath, closed his eyes and reached out into the stars with the Force. His mind searched the galaxy. The water world of Mon Calamari. The massive cityscape of Coruscant. The close set stars of the Deep Core…

    ‘Hello, Ken. It has been a long time.’ A voice, familiar, sounded in his mind.

    “No…NO!” Ken’s eyes flew open as he pushed out with the force, knocking over the dinner table with a Force push.

    “Kadann. He isn’t dead.” Streen concluded.

    “We need to talk to Luke…now.” Kirana Ti looked from her husband to her adoptive son.

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
  16. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Nice to see you back with an exciting chapter with Ken and his dream. What will happen next?
  17. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yikes! You would think being sealed in by an earthquake especially in a place called the Lost City would mean Kadaan's safely toast by now. I hope that Ken's dream gives everyone enough time to prepare for whatever's coming.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
    Kahara and Theodore Hawkwood like this.
  18. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    There's something so potent about a Force nightmare. You vividly capture how unsettling this must've been for Ken, and his final Force outburst was pretty powerful stuff. I'm glad he has such supportive parents (again, you write compassion extremely well, bravo).

    Oh, and no need to apologise for any delays! :) We write what we write, whenever we can write it. That being said, it's great to see this back!
  19. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    I'm sorry for falling off the face of the boards like that and failing to review your latest chapters. There's a lot going on here, and it's clear that the plot thickens considerably.

    I thought that the backstory of Ben and Zahara Cody in Washing Ashore turned out to be an important element of the chapter, in the sense that it heightens the contrast with the going-ons elsewhere. The characters on Sanctuary are pretty relaxed, discussing what they'll have for dinner, enjoying a bit of banter and yes, even (failing at) resolving spats with their ex-lover who ghosted them. Pasbu, on the other hand, finds himself in Hapan space after escaping the Imperials of the Deep Core by the skin of his teeth, and he doesn't seem to be particularly comfortable with his situation. Meanwhile, Ken's nightmare in A Tide of Dreams doesn't bode well, and the fact that Kadann isn't dead is a Very Bad Thing. Could it be that we just saw the real villain behind the ominous feeling that's been pervading this fic from the beginning?
  20. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    @earlybird-obi-wan, my apologies for the late reply, I'm glad to be back on the boards after months of crazy busy time and barely finding enough room to breathe let alone compose a sentence or two.

    You'll have to wait and see.

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, you would think Kadaan would've died but I found the Jedi Prince series' cliffhanger of his fate to be unsatisfying and thus a great inspiration for bringing him back in fanfiction.

    @Happy Sando, thanks for the warm welcome back. Hopefully, I can clear this obstacle of writer's block and actually get through the chapter I'm working on right now sooner rather than later.

    @Chyntuck, it's great to see you back reading this story.

    Sanctuary is relaxed for now but things are slated to start heating up as the archaeological expedition continues.

    As far as Pasbu, thanks for reminding me to get back to his story. That's proving to be helpful for me to get back into the saddle for writing this fanfiction. More to follow.

    As far as Kadann and'll see. I'm getting back into Legends stuff some more for personal reading.
  21. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    Floatsam and Jetsam

    The team settles on Site One. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Pasbu comes in for a very interesting landing and equally interesting reception.

    Notes: I made up a Mandalorian hand to hand combat style for this called An Kot. I originally was going to call it Pankraton (Greek for ‘All Powers’) but then I remembered there is a Mandalorian language.

    I also came up with a martial arts style that’s based on a hodge podge of my real life practice of Brazilian Jiujitsu, Judo, and a tiny bit of Catch Wrestling/Greco-Roman Wrestling called Mandalorian Jacket Wrestling. Despite it’s name the art hails from the Mid-Rim as a result of the Mandalorian Wars.


    Site One

    “Hey granddad!” a shout echoed.

    Ben turned in time to see a human male, teak skin tone and dark hair jogging over to him.

    “Kiddo! When the kriff did you get here?”

    “The labcoats needed someone handy with rock blasting with this expedition so I signed on.” Kiddo shrugged.

    Ben smiled. “Good to see you, pal!”

    “Likewise! Up for a match?” Kiddo said with a smirk.

    “I brought my gear,” Ben smiled.

    “I wonder who’s gonna kill you two first, Dr. Delstee or Dr. Cody?” Troka said as he emerged from the trees.

    “Whoa! Where did T-Man get the tech?” Kiddo asked.

    “Squidward fitted me with his latest contraption and now I sound like a kriffing droid!” Troka exclaimed as he pointed to the harness across his chest.

    “It’s just sparring, pal.” Ben pointed all five fingers on one hand towards Troka.

    “Oh no, the dreaded knife hand…” Troka quipped.

    “Let me guess, you ran into Dr. Cody?” Kiddo asked.

    Ben scowled.

    “I’ll take that as a yes.” Kiddo held up both hands and took a pace back.

    “Civil is about all I can be with her,” Ben replied, mouth set in a firm line.

    “Okay, remind me not to bring her up next time.” Kiddo smirked.

    Ben raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

    “Uhm, don’t take this the wrong way…” Kiddo began.

    “Don’t shovel osik my way. Out with it.” Ben raised an eyebrow.

    “She and I…are…”

    Troka sniffed the air audibly. “Say no more, I can smell the pheromones.”

    “As you would say…awkward.” Ben shot Troka a look.

    “I hope you’re not mad…” Kiddo began.

    “I’m not. I just hope she doesn’t give you the heartache she gave me,” Ben replied.

    “You’re clearly not bitter about it,” Kiddo quipped with a lopsided grin.

    “Just be careful, Kiddo.” Ben smirked.

    “Just don’t take it out on me when we spar,” Kiddo snarked.

    “Not my style.” Ben laughed.

    “I don’t wanna beat up an old guy, even in my own defense.” Kiddo laughed.

    “When do you wanna spar, Kiddo?” Ben grinned.

    “How about this afternoon after you get settled…also lets you get your old man muscles limbered up,” Kiddo replied.

    “I’ll remember that after we do a few rolls at Mandalorian Jacket Wrestling.” Ben quipped.

    “I’ll let Ashliea know to have her medkit handy,” Troka quipped.

    “It’s just a spar, fuzzball,” Ben shot back as the trio walked back towards the Site One admin building…


    Site One
    Medical Clinic

    Ashliea Delstee scanned the datapad in her left hand, ensuring the assorted medicines on the inventory matched what was in the lockable cabinet to her front. She looked over her left shoulder at Zahara Cody.

    “Okay, let’s address the ronto in the room,” Cody sighed.

    “What’s the deal with you and Ben?” Ashliea asked.

    Cody sighed through her nose. “We dated for a time, but you know Ben…stubborn as anything.”

    “That’s one way to put it,” Ashliea replied.

    “Seriously, when he’s convinced about something it takes damn near the Senate to change his mind.” Cody audibly exhaled.

    “You always know where you stand with him. That counts for something,” Ashliea countered.

    “Sure. But if anyone’s picture was next to the word stubborn in any dictionary it would be his,” Cody replied.

    “I can agree with you there.” Ashliea nodded.

    “Don’t take this the wrong way, but how in blazes are you friends with him?” Cody asked.

    “I understand Ben is who he is, I don’t try to change him,” Ashliea replied.

    “For an intelligence officer he sure can be incredibly single minded when he’s convinced about something.” Cody shook her head.

    “Ben has his convictions.” Ashliea shrugged.

    “He’s about the most nerf headed stubborn person I’ve ever met.” Cody sighed.

    “Ben has his flaws, but if he’s decided you’re someone he considers a friend he’s loyal as anything.

    Transitory Mists
    Hapes Cluster

    “Gray Six, follow vector 213.” The voice of the Hapan pilot flying one of the two Miy’til fighters flying in formation with him echoed through his helmet.

    Emfour let out a warble.

    “Yesa, Emfour, wesa no have a choice…they bomba us quick quick if wesa not follow.” Pasbu said as he made the turn, the fighter wobbling.

    A display warning him about starboard stabilizer control shot across his HUD.

    “Emfour, that starboard stabilizer?” Pasbu asked as he turned his head, glancing behind him. Sure enough, the other Miy’til fighter held station above and behind him.

    ‘That’s at least two laser canons and one concussion missile launcher.’ Pasbu thought to himself.

    Emfour blatted a response.

    “That’s a command variant?” Pasbu asked, almost whispering.

    Emfour warbled an affirmative.

    Now Pasbu’s mind ran through more thoughts. ‘Three laser canons, two ion canons and two concussion missile launchers right behind us.’

    Pasbu concentrated on the controls, following that vector to that landing beacon. The Y-Wing shook slightly as it entered the atmosphere of the small moon.

    “Gray Six, are you alright?” a female voice sounded.

    “My stabilizers are a little shot…” Pasbu responded as he gingerly worked the controls.

    “This is Base Control, Gray Six, we have an emergency crew at Landing Pad 2.” Another stern female voice sounded.

    “Thank you,” Pasbu managed as he continued towards the beacon leading him towards Landing Pad 2.

    Glancing behind him the Miy’Til fighter held it’s pattern behind and above him, sending an unmistakable message of not deviating from his present course.

    ‘As if I could do that…I sa in big doodoo…’ Pasbu thought as he cycled the landing gear and brought the fighter into a hover.

    Slowly he guided the fighter towards the landing pad, wincing as he felt it vibrate and heard something rattle behind him.

    Emfour blatted.

    “Yes, reroute power to the thrusters. We sa need to bring this to da ground,” Pasbu replied.

    As the fighter’s landing gear connected to the ground, Pasbu shut off the engines. Emfour warbled a question.

    Pasbu’s eyes scanned the landing pad as a Hapan ground crew raced over to his fighter with a crew ladder and some other equipment.

    With a sigh he said, “Mesa not know how da Hapans will treat us…”

  22. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Ooh, Pasbu on Hapes. [face_thinking] Very interesting conversation between Cody and Ashliea. Each has their opinions about Ben's character but his loyalty is not something they disagree about.
  23. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    Great to see this back! :) Despite some of its complexity, all that pre-spar banter with Kiddo made me smile; you can really feel the comfortable history and friendship between your characters. All very natural and therefore easy to follow. I also chuckled at the irony in Zahara's observation about " takes damn near the Senate to change [Ben's] mind" given how the Senate we've seen the most of in Star Wars, namely that of the Old Republic, was famously incapable of unilateral agreement. [face_laugh] That's stubborn and then some! And then finally, it was a relief to check back in with Pasbu. Hey, if nothing else, he's made a safe landing someplace, which wasn't always guaranteed. Gonna be interesting to see how the Hapans treat him (and Emfour, of course)! Looking forward to more, as and when!
  24. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Yes this is continuing with Ben and the banter with Kiddo. Aslieha and Cody talking about Ben: Fun. And Pasbu with Emfour on Hapes. What will happen next?