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Long Ago and Far Away. For the Kessel Run Challenge.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by WarmNyota_SweetAyesha , Jan 13, 2025.

  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Title: Long Ago and Far Away

    Disclaimer: I own only the original characters. I borrow the established ones with fondness and delight.
    Notes: The song title is inspired by one of my most favorite classic standards: Long Ago and Far Away.
    This is for the Kessel Run.

    Week One Prompt Criteria:
    Word Limit is between 100 to 1,000 words.
    Due on January 20th.
    Must end with this sentence: “For the first time in her life, she felt powerful.”

    Week One: Word Count is 332.

    Jenica Starflare was an independent trader of art and gemstones, although she scrupulously avoided the semi-questionable to outright criminal sources of inventory and clientele.

    She dealt on occasion with Talon Karrde's organization and then as Mara Jade became more prominent in Karrde's chain of command, it was Mara with whom Jenica spoke when it came to business details.

    There came a time when Mara contacted Jenica with a question. Mara had been thinking of a life-altering move for some time now, and never one to hesitate overmuch, she reached her decision and proactively set out to bring it about.

    "Where can I get a good trading vessel? I'm thinking of striking out on my own now and then, not breaking with Karrde altogether. I just want... to come and go at my own discretion and pleasure."

    Jenica said, "I'll see what I can find for you. I have to tell you, though, Mara, being independent is hard in this business. I had to work my way up gradually with a handful of colleagues, to smooth the way for networking purposes and because frankly why would customers deal with someone they never heard of?"

    Mara chuckled ruefully. "Yes, that thought crossed my mind. However, Karrde's name has a lot of pull and recognition."

    Jenica nodded in agreement and suggested, "Why not work with me for six months or a year or so? I'll still help you to get you your own ship and then when you feel ready to branch off, you'll be set."

    Mara considered for a handful of moments. She found Jenica to be candid and principled. "Okay," She assented.

    When Jenica found the Jade's Fire, it was a great milestone for Mara.

    When she took the Fire out for a test run, she felt the starfield glimmering and beckoning, a symbol of newly-found freedom. This was something truly and uniquely hers, not something attached to someone else's authority or granting.

    For the first time in her life, she felt powerful.
  2. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    =D==D= Well done in so short a time! Mara on her own fills me with all kinds of dread, though :p
  3. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I love your OC Jenica helping Mara with the Jade's Fire
    Mara on her own. Yes powerful
  4. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Hello, Jenica Starflare! We've already been introduced in Ny's UDC thread, and it's nice to see you back here as Mara's friend and ally.

    "For the first time in her life, she felt powerful" is a very Mara line, and it's nice to see her here take the full measure of her power with a little help from her friend. What makes her feel powerful is her newfound sense of proper independence, and even though it's something that she could probably have achieved alone, there was no need to slog through the mud to get there thanks to Jenica. It's the beginning of a new life for her in more ways than one!
  5. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Mara definitely is someone best herself when independent and we see the importance of that ship later.
  6. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Mara strikes out on her own, quite a story.
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    I too feel Mara was a perfect fit for Week One.

    Thanks to Mira and Findswoman for making sure the 3rd person was right. :D

    Week Two.
    • Write a story between 400 and 800 words using third-person omniscient POV in which a character teaches another character something.
    • Word limit = 400-800 words
    • Entries due Monday, January 27th at 11:59pm.
    Word Count is 518.

    Owen Lars was cognizant of his nephew's keen interest in all things mechanical even from a very young age. Luke would watch him fix equipment and work to get every ounce of production from machinery and droids that were essential to their livelihood.

    Luke's questions and commentary reflected a keen understanding that was usually seen in one much older.

    The extra workers Owen hired upon occasion noticed this as well and spoke amongst themselves of young Luke's boundless curiosity and acumen.

    "He's going to make either an efficient moisture farmer one day or skyhopper mechanic," they would often say.

    Luke could not articulate nor did he realize that his level of innate talent was different from his agemates.

    He just knew that when he picked up a multi-tool or a hydrospanner he unerringly knew what piece of the equipment needed tending to and he knew on the first try not to overturn or under-lubricate.

    One day when Owen needed a spare part, he asked Luke to retrieve it.

    Luke went to the section of shelving but it was too high. He didn't feel like getting a ladder being tired and thirsty.

    He looked up at the shelf and wished that the tool was closer.

    Suddenly, it floated into his waiting hands!

    This was, to be honest, not the first time such a thing had happened.

    Owen and Beru had noticed Luke doing very unusual inexplicable things with his toys when he was barely able to burble and crawl.

    This seemingly was an outgrowth of that particular unconscious ability.

    Luke brought the tool to his Uncle and did not mention the way he had retrieved it.

    Owen would not be pleased if he knew such a thing.

    From his vantage point of being a guardian over Luke, Kenobi knew that Luke was approaching the age when he would need cursory training. (Kenobi knew this from his own experience as an initiate and apprentice.)

    This was for Luke's own protection, and he also knew that he would need to help Luke not unwittingly display his abilities in circumstances that would put everyone at risk.

    Kenobi therefore approached the Lars with a proposition.

    Owen frowned and said, "You don't think your tutelage will expose us all to undesired scrutiny?"

    "I know how to be discreet," Kenobi replied.

    Beru pointed out in a conciliatory tone, "Owen, if it's best for Luke, we have to let Ben teach Luke whatever he needs to know to be safer."

    Owen grudgingly agreed.

    Over the next few months, Ben befriended Luke and taught him basic control techniques and shielding all in the guise of games.

    Luke enjoyed these immensely.

    Owen did not want things to go beyond a certain point, beyond the boundaries of passive instruction to outright skills acquisition.

    He therefore put his foot down after a year or so, and Kenobi had to accede.

    Luke, for his part, was confused as to why his new friend didn't come by as often and their 'fun' times had ceased.

    Then such questions slipped from Luke's mind as he discovered the fun of skyhopping with Biggs Darklighter.
  8. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    It's easy to see Owen's logic, as well as Obi-wan's. This was done very well and truly felt 3rd person omniscient. =D=
  9. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Owen has his points as well as Obi-Wan. Teaching Luke for only a year. But Luke has a friend in Biggs.
  10. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    I always like Owen's brand of skepticism and you capture it very well here.
    Obi wants to protect Luke, but so does Owen in his own way.
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Thanks. I believe that Luke's innate Force ability would assert itself early on and for his safety he would need to have it under some control. Owen's natural protectiveness would definitely lead him to be wary given Anakin's display of unrestrained Force wielding.


    Week Three is to write an entry between 500 and 1,200 words taking place at a wedding where an established character and an original character engage in conversation.
    My original character is Loriana Starskimmer.

    Word count: 505.

    Winter often found herself in happy disbelief as her wedding to Tycho neared. After the destruction of Alderaan, the last thing that felt possible was finding love again. After such a shattering loss, it feltlike the greatest risk to open up her heart again.

    Tycho was a kindred spirit, having experienced something very similar as to a profoundly devastating personal loss of his fiancée. They had started off as friends, giving each other solace and forging pleasant memories with mutual friends.

    Romantic affection had blossomed unexpectedly between them, and they embarked on this new relationship with happy amazement.

    Leia said with a wry laugh a day or so before the joining was to take place: “Your relationship with Tycho is very different from Han’s and my relationship. Much less thorny and snarky.”

    Winter grinned. “Your courtship was in its own category.”

    Leia favored her with a mock scowl but could not disagree.

    Winter turned serious. “All that we’ve been through makes us appreciate this second chance all the more.”

    “Yes,” Leia replied. “And we’re all glad to celebrate this occasion with you.”

    “I’m glad we were able to keep things simple,” Winter said.

    The wedding ceremony was being held in a garden with live music and food in a gazebo for the reception.

    Winter and Tycho exchanged vows they had written themselves.

    Each spoke of the circuitous path their lives had taken that had led them to one another.

    In the audience, Luke and Mara recalled their own wedding with a happy glow. Wes and the other Rogues had been invited and as one of their ranks Loriana Starskimmer was also in attendance.

    Winter and Tycho surveyed their guests with satisfaction.

    The weather was splendid, with sunny skies, blooming flowers festooning the tables covered with dishes of delicacies and a wide assortment of entrees and desserts.

    The music was lively and soft and slow by turns.

    As the music filled the air as a backdrop to the happy chatter, he mustered the courage to ask her to dance.

    Loriana agreed, not knowing what to expect. Wes was an adept pilot and an incorrigible jokester, but she had no idea if he had ever taken the time to master the art and skill of dancing. She was pleasantly surprised.

    “You’re a pretty good dancer, Wes,” She complimented.

    He laughed. “I have many unexpected talents, Loriana.”

    “So I see,” She winked.

    “This was a lovely wedding ceremony. I’m very happy for Tycho.”

    “Yes,” Loriana agreed. “I get the sense that Winter is close to the Solos, like one of the family, but finding a life’s companion is completely different.”

    Luke and Mara also shared a close dance. He said with warm tenderness: “Weddings always bring out the sentimental mood, and I can’t help but remember how beautiful you were on our wedding day. This all just makes me realize all over again how crazy about you I am.”

    She smiled. “You don’t need an excuse to be sentimental.”

    “No,” He answered, spinning her around. “I really don’t.”
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Sweet to see Winter and Tycho marrying in a beautiful setting with all the friends present. Loriana is a lovely companion for Wes in dancing and conversing
  13. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018

    Nice little non-dialogue snark with Leia's silent response. [face_rofl][face_rofl][face_rofl]

    Cute wedding with sweet characters. [face_love]
  14. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Awww, that was lovely [face_love] All the mush of a wedding scene, by the Mistress of Mush herself, what else could anyone ask for?

    I do have a question though: do I detect romantic vibes between Wes and Loriana? Because I'm already 'shipping these two like there's no tomorrow, and I'm curious to know if you intend to go there at all... [face_praying]
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Thanks. :) Loriana and Wes are enjoying each other's company at the moment only but things are stirring and I like to think occasions like a wedding would give them a nudge. ;) If this or another challenge allows I'll definitely focus on them as a pairing.

    Week 4 is to write a story between 100-1,200 words with an unreliable narrator, someone who is not trustworthy. It has to include a bonus prompt of "Don't stop, don't think, don't look back."

    Notes: Borrowing the idea of a Collectors' Consortium from Findswoman. @};-

    Corran Horn is the one relating this incident but he's interacting with the unreliable narrator who cannot be trusted.

    Word count is 280.

    “Don’t stop, don’t think, don’t look back.”

    That was something my superiors drummed into me when I first joined CorSec.

    When interrogating a suspect, do not give them the satisfaction of even implying that you believe their crazy stories.

    One that typified the truthfulness of the advice went as follows:

    “I had no idea those rare crystalline sculptures were stolen. My contact was from the Collectors Consortium; she gave me her solemn word the sculptures were acquired legitimately during an estate sale.”

    “Yeah. Tell me another one.”

    “Check them out; go ahead!” He insisted.

    Iella smirked and gave a shrug. We knew full well the provenance would come back screaming either clever fakes or rare objects that when traced had been lifted from a museum or an aristocrat’s prized collection.

    Just once, I thought, I’d love to net the reward for regaining the ‘misplaced’ treasures.

    “Okay,” The perp squirmed under Iella’s and my silent glares. “If you make a deal with me, go easy on me, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, contacts, anything.”

    Hmmm. Loyalty or bravado doesn’t go very far, I thought cynically. I gave a long-suffering sigh. “No promises until we confirm your facts. They’d better be validated, or your punishment will be ten times worse than otherwise.”

    He tripped over himself giving us the ‘goods.’

    Iella never asked me how I could tell when someone was lying. It was of course the tells that all officers were trained to pick up on, but there was another layer, a deeper one that I innately possessed that made me one of the agency’s prized investigators.

    Iella never pried, but she was glad to be my partner.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
  16. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    Interrogators all have some kind of unresolved issues from their pasts. They have a need to take out their life frustrations on other people, regardless of whether they might be innocent or guilty. [face_plain]
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  17. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    It never ceases to amuse me when the criminal element can't help but dig themselves deeper.
    Clever use of a fun prompt, short sweet and to the point. Corran's observations here are interesting and relatable.
  18. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Corran Horn, always a favorite of mine, and his senses telling him that the perp is telling lies. And not telling Iella why.
  19. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    Catching up! I love the variety of characters and emotions you've written so far. Especially Week 3, with the wedding; it's such a wonderful mix of snark and joy and optimism, but with that poignant reminder of Alderaan that makes the entire occasion even more powerful. Can't wait to see what's next for your Run! [face_love]=D=
  20. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Ooh, interesting appraoch to the "unreliable narrator" prompt! Corran's got a real talent for picking up on that. Wonderful to see him and Iella in action again! =D=
  21. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Yeah. As Corran said, loyalty and bravado don't go very far, but then, when the cover story you've prepared for two CorSec interrogators is that lame, they're going to see right through you, aren't they? Loved the hint at the end that Corran is already aware that he has a special talent for detecting liars, even if he doesn't precisely know what it is yet.
  22. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    * * Week 5 * *
    • Write a set of 3 double drabbles, choosing from among the following prompts:
    barrier ephemeral
    flower journey
    labyrinth soul
    doppelgänger emblem killer
    • Each double drabble must be exactly 200 words, for a total of 600 words
    Note: Drabble Three is inspired by devilinthedetails' wonderful OTP challenge a while back where Owen enjoyed fairs growing up.

    1. Ephemeral
    Setting: Obi-Wan confides in Siri.

    Obi-Wan’s attachments to his friends were anything but ephemeral. He liked to count Siri among these, but there were times when he felt the burgeoning of something deeper.

    During one midday meal (which they shared frequently), as he confided in her the struggles he was having with Anakin.

    “It’s complicated,” He told her. “He’s older than we were and his background beyond age alone is vastly different on so many levels. I feel empathy but at the same time, I don’t feel adequate to the task. Master Qui-Gon would have been much better at this than I have proved to be. Then the promise I made to Qui-Gon and the feelings I honestly had when Qui-Gon took him as an apprentice.” He paused at her sympathetic smile.

    “Brought back memories of your earliest days with him, didn’t it?” She pressed gently. “And feeling like you had to measure up to the impossible standards Master Jinn put on each of you and having to live out of Xanatos’ shadow.”

    Obi-Wan chuckled. “Was it that obvious, Siri?”

    She clasped his hand. “Only to those of us who care for you.”

    He wanted to kiss her in thanks, only that, he told himself.

    2. Barrier
    Character Focus: Wes Janson

    Wes Janson had always been the most lighthearted of the Rogues. He was incorrigibly willing and able to pull a prank and/or tell a pun to make everyone
    groan good-naturedly.
    As the saying goes, still waters run very deep, and when a fellow pilot was lost or was suffering, Wes took it as hard, or harder, than most.
    After the Battle of Yavin, Wes had taken advantage of ‘talk therapy’ sessions to break the barrier of stoic grief, which helped him regain his footing
    Since forming a friendship with Loriana, Wes’ foundation of eternal cheer and optimism ran deeper.

    As for his advice…

    Loriana noticed that RubiJay was recently more outspoken, offering commentary on questions Loriana had not even posed.

    When Loriana made a query about the interface with the navcomputer, RubiJay inserted a comment about the sluggish way the engine went from start to full throttle.

    Loriana had it checked out only to find out the difference was only slightly lower than optimal. To be on the safe side, she had it adjusted.

    “Rubi needs a memory wipe,” She told Wes.

    “Artoo and 3PO never got a wipe.”

    “You see how quirky they are!”

    “They’d be boring, otherwise.”


    3. Promise of a 'Fair' Vacation
    Characters: Luke/Mara, Camie.

    Luke told Mara of the fairs on Tatooine that he had enjoyed. It was a rare treat but one he and his friends looked forward to all year.

    It was something that his Uncle Owen remembered fondly from his own childhood.

    Mara said, “A nice bit of nostalgic tradition.”

    “Yes. I’d like to take you, whenever we happen to be on a world that’s holding one.”

    “Interesting idea for a vacation.”

    Luke smiled, thinking wistfully of the very ynhealthy food, the rides spiraling upwards, the games for stuffed plushies. He promised himself he’d win Mara a Tooka, naming it Bootsie.

    On a resort planet one spring evening, they strolled down a beachside pedwalk eating buns stuffed with grilled sausages slathered in condiment.

    They rode a looping ride, which circled higher and higher.

    When they reached the top, Luke gazed at Mara, whose laughing jade eyes were never more lovely.

    They shared a tender kiss.

    To wrap up the memorable evening, he threw rings at a target, deliberately not using any Force enhancements.

    When he won a plushie with eyes as blue as the sky, he said, “Let’s call it Bootsie.”

    “Bootsie?” Mara laughed.

    “As a sort of cousin to Sneakers.”

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2025
  23. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Obi and Siri bonding over Anakin is sweet.

    The discussion on memory wipes is very deep and thought provoking.

    Luke sharing his childhood tradition with Mara is very nice, particularly notable as it reminds us that he truly loved Uncle Owen despite their differences.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2025
  24. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Week 5: The Obi-Wan/Siri here was absolutely adorable, and thoughtful too. [face_love] I love that Siri is able to see more than Obi-Wan says thanks to their shared history and what she knows of his life.

    (And I hope she picks up on that bit at the end too. ;) )

    It was nifty to get an even deeper understanding of Wes here; I really like that you addressed his losses at Yavin which had to be really hard to go through.

    As painful as it is, that bit of characterization feels so believable and I'm glad that the therapy available with the Alliance eventually helps him with those memories. @};-

    :D Wes definitely has a point there, and Rubi seems like she's much better as she is! It sounds like she's taking extra care of her ship and pilot with all that quirkiness too.

    This was such a beautiful montage of experiences, and I bet they remember it fondly ever after! [face_love]
  25. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Siri, knowing exactly why Obi-Wan had trouble at first when being the padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn. She is his greatest friend
    Wes and Loriana about that navcomputer. Never wipe its memory. It would become boring.
    And Luke and Mara on a resort planet and having that kind of fun. Great with Luke winning a plushie.