So after having gone through the polls that were posted? in the different forums all over Europe it's time to start moving. I will use this post to explain how the structure will be and how it will happen. I'm hoping I'll be able to answer some questions that I've heard about the reorganisation, if you have others you are free to ask them here. I feel that the most important thing to remember during all of this is that the changes that will take place are more visual than anything else, you might have to click differently to come to your favorite topic, but it will still be there. The basic new structure will be like this. FF Europe will have four forums and a sub-category Europe General Discussion France German-Speaking FF Nordic Countries FF Archive In the Europe general forum you will find all the chapters and forums that do not belong to any of the other forums. In this first stage that will mean that I’m going to move all the active threads from the Spanish and Romanian forums there. The active threads from France North and South will be moved to the general France forum, likewise with the GSFF North, South and Central threads. Active threads from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden will be moved to the Nordic Countries forum. All inactive forums will be moved to the FF Archive category, but they will not be merged in any way. Within Europe, France, GSFF and Nordic, the main forums, each sub chapter will receive its own tag. This is what the main forum in Oceania looks like Now if I click one of the tags, in this case FF:NSW only the topics tagged with FF:NSW will appear, just like if you had clicked on a separate forum called FF:NSW Within each tag you can continue to post in your own language, just as before. The only tags where you will have to use English are with posts tagged “MOD” or “Europe” since those are tags that are for topics concerning all users, just like I’ve been posting in English when I’ve made announcements in your forums. I also want to clarify that with this new software it’s easy to move threads around, meaning that this is not an irreversible thing. If we notice that nothing is working out, the structure can be changed, but we need to give it a try first. Also while I’m moving things it might be a bit confusing, so please be patient. If you feel that I have missed a topic that should have been moved, just give me the link and I will move it to its right place. What does this mean for the Finland Forum? Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway will all be gathered in the same Nordic Countries forum. I will start with tagging all the active threads in this forum with the Finland tag. Then those threads will be moved to the Nordic Countries forum. Within the Nordic Forum you can continue to post in Finnish and making your own threads, just remember to tag them/use the thread prefix Finland. This forum, with all the inactive threads, will be moved to the FF Europe archive category, it will not be deleted. If I missed a thread, or if there is an old thread that you want to use again, just tell me and give me the link from the archive and I can unlock it and move it to the Nordic Countries forum.