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A place for those who support Anakin Solo's death

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by Sevrance_Tann, Jul 6, 2002.

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  1. Sevrance_Tann

    Sevrance_Tann Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2002
    If you feel that the Death of Anakin Solo was necessary or had a positive influence on the NJO, or if you don't care whether or not he died, then come on in, sit back, and i'll buy you a drink.

    If you are an Anakin Fanatic, or if you cried when he died, or if you think it would have been better for him to live, then you're also welcome, but don't expect complimentary beverages.

    I personally feel that the loss of Anakin helped with the progression of the NJO. I think that he would have been too dominanat a character had he lived through SbS.

    If you're with me, then please stand up!
  2. Shadoloo

    Shadoloo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 4, 2002
    I'd like to join your group-club-thingy.

    My own Pro-Anakin's death club was locked by a manager earlier today. I'm glad I'm not the only one who supports this. So, what do I have to do to join?
  3. Rev_Leidu

    Rev_Leidu Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 22, 2001
    I have to say that I agree! Here, here! Anakin died and it served as an important event for our characters, even if we don't quite see it yet. :)
  4. Sevrance_Tann

    Sevrance_Tann Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2002
    Thanks Shad and Rev. I'm behind you all the way. It might not seem to have served a purpose, but eventually we will all see it. If Anakin was kept around, then what would happen to Ben Skywalker once he grew up? Luke and Mara's kid would be completely eclipsed by the Anakin character. I don't hate Anakin, but it was important to the NJO for him to die, so new characters and new plots could be introduced or developed. I'll stop talking now.
  5. Shadoloo

    Shadoloo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 4, 2002
    This is a pretty lifeless thread.

    Sevrence, "If it wasn't for electricity, you'd be reading this by candlelight"???

    What's that all about? Would I be reading your sig. at all if we didn't have electricity?
  6. Rev_Leidu

    Rev_Leidu Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 22, 2001
    What's that all about? Would I be reading your sig. at all if we didn't have electricity?

    [face_laugh] Good point.
  7. Sevrance_Tann

    Sevrance_Tann Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2002
    I once saw this quote in a book about watching TV by canlelight, I thought it was kind of funny, so I changed it around to make it work for this board.
  8. Sevrance_Tann

    Sevrance_Tann Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2002
    It seems that this thread and the FFDA have started a little controversy over at the FADA, who, as you all know are our antithesis.

    I pose a question to the Fans Against Dead Anakin:

    It seems to me that the NJO would be completely dominated by the Anakin character. I also think that this would have detracted from the series because there would be no room for other plot lines to develop. Is there a reason(s) for Anakin to have livd?

    Please post a reply on either board, if you care.
  9. Shadoloo

    Shadoloo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 4, 2002
    it seems they don't care
  10. JediMaster_Horn

    JediMaster_Horn Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 8, 2002
    THANK GOD! People that see beyond the shallow truth that Anakin was a major character, a Jedi, and their favorite character! He should have died, or someone else important. While it would have been nice if he'd figured out the Vong connection to the Force, he needed punishment for murdering thousands of Hapans. Yes, Thrackan fired Centerpoint, but Anakin DIDN'T.
  11. Sevrance_Tann

    Sevrance_Tann Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2002
    Great to have you aboard, JediMaster Horn, and great to know there is someone else out there that knows the truth
  12. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    Someone should have died yes, Anakin no. I vote for Jacen.
  13. Sevrance_Tann

    Sevrance_Tann Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 6, 2002
    I offer this place as a haven for those evicted from the second FFDA. Only less flaming here, especially from the FADA, please.
  14. Daughter_of_Yubyub

    Daughter_of_Yubyub Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2002
    I wish Anakin hadn't died. However, I can see how it has been of benefit to the storyline. And I have come to terms with the fact that there is no way to bring him back that isn't utterly cheesy and would therefore cheapen the entire NJO.
  15. Jansons_Funny_Twin

    Jansons_Funny_Twin Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 31, 2002
    I'm not Pro-Anakin dying so much as I'm Pro-Him-Staying-Dead.

    I think to bring him back would cheapen his sacrifice. One of the things that made Anakin so great in my mind is his sacrifice, and to reverse that would make him nothing IMO.

    I like Anakin's character too much to have him destroyed.
  16. Shadoloo

    Shadoloo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 4, 2002
    well said
  17. Jansons_Funny_Twin

    Jansons_Funny_Twin Jedi Knight star 6

    Jul 31, 2002

    I just figure that he's a martyr. If he comes back, he's just another hero in a galaxy of heros. Sure, he'd beat death, but then death means nothing. It also has too much of a Star Trek feel*.

    One of the things that makes Anakin Skywalker's confession so powerful is his declaration that he'd stop people from dying. That just creeps me out, and for Anakin Solo to do basically the same thing would also creep me out.

    *Before i get flamed, I too am a ST fan, just not very rabid, especially after Voyager's finale.
  18. Yomin_Carr

    Yomin_Carr Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 12, 2002
    Not to be overly sanctimonius (sp?), but how is this any different from FFDA (which is relocated to the Haters's Community)???
  19. DarthAttorney

    DarthAttorney Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 8, 2000
    Please continue this discussion in the Anakin Solo Fan Clkub, which is where all discussion pertaining to the character of Anakin Solo should go.


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