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Before the Saga Assassin Droid Blues| Holiday Fic Gift for @Findswoman| KOTOR era, HK-47

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Raissa Baiard, Jan 8, 2025.

  1. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Title: Assassin Droid Blues
    Author: Raissa Baiard
    Timeframe: Before, Old Republic Era, ca. 3960 BBY, during the events of KOTOR
    Characters: Revan, HK-47.
    Genre: Humor
    Synopsis: Assassin droid HK-47 takes up a new hobby.

    Notes: this was written for @Findswoman ‘s Holiday fic gift. Her request was:
    HK-47 sings the blues. Any era, setting, or scenario is fine; any other characters, EC or OC, may appear. The sole stipulation is that HK-47 sing the blues. (Using his usual HK-47ish speech pattern, of course: e.g., “Statement: My baby’s gone and left me.”)
    Here you go, my friend. I hope you will enjoy this story and have a very happy new year. @};-[:D]
    Revan had a lot on his mind.

    He was not, as he’d believed, a mild-mannered Republic Scout from the Outer Rim, but was actually Revan—yes, that Revan. The Revanchist. The Prodigal Knight. Darth Revan. Revan the Butcher.

    And the reason Revan hadn’t remembered any of it until his old frenemy Darth Malak hijacked the Ebon Hawk and kidnapped and tortured its crew was that the Jedi Council had locked it all away in his head.

    And his Council appointed caretaker and mentor, Bastila Shan--who Revan couldn’t decide if he wanted to throttle or marry-- was still in Darth Malak’s clutches, having sacrificed herself so that Revan and the others could escape to continue their mission to find the Star Forge.

    Because if they didn’t Malak and his Sith would use it to destroy the Jedi, take over the Republic and plunge the Galaxy into Darkness.

    So, yes, Revan had a karking Sith-load of bantha poodoo on his mind, and the strange honking wail that kept reverberating throughout the Ebon Hawk was absolutely not helping him concentrate.


    At first, Revan thought that Canderous had finally snapped and was making good on his threats to rid the Ebon Hawk of its infestation of gizka. But as he followed the sound towards the aft of the ship, Revan realized that the noise was too euphonic and rhythmic to be the gizkas’ terrified squeals. It was almost musical in fact, and, oddly enough, it seemed to be coming from the garage bay.


    HK-47, the assassin droid whose talent for creative mayhem was unparalleled, was alone in the bay; even the ever-present gizka had apparently fled from the anguished ululations that were emanating from him. Revan listened from the doorway for a moment, trying to decide what in the six novas the droid was doing-- practicing some obscure alien language? Perfecting a new form of sonic torture? Simple vocabulator failure?

    HK-47’s head swiveled at the sound of Revan’s approach and his optical receptors lit up. ”Greeting: hello, Master,” he said, his voice back to normal. “You’re just in time to hear my new composition.”

    “Composition? You mean that noise was…music?” What constituted music varied wildly across the Republic, but Revan would have been equally convinced of HK-47 had told him it was the death throes of a consumptive nuna.

    “Agreement: Indeed, Master; that was the sound of the Growdi harmonique, popularized by prominent blues musicians like Silty Aquifer, Yowlin’ Lupine, and Filial Progeny Billiamson One and Two.”

    “I didn’t know you were such a blues aficionado.” Of course, there was a lot Revan hadn’t known he knew. He was just now finding out how much.

    “Statement: Oh,yes. It was a very popular musical genre on Tatooine.” The droid tilted his head slightly. “Sarcastic aside: I cannot imagine why. Yuka Laka often played the blues while he was working in the shop and sang along…How that Ithorian meatbag could possess four throats and none of them be in tune is beyond my logic circuits to understand. Speculation: That is perhaps the root of my long standing desire to crush his neck.” Somehow the droid managed to approximate a wistful sigh. “Observation: Sadly, it seems that ambition will go unfilled.”

    “I wasn’t aware that you were capable of writing music,” Revan ventured, partly out of curiosity, but mostly in a bid to change the subject from HK’s unfulfilled homicidal longings. He realized he’d probably been responsible for the droid’s unbridled enthusiasm for violence in his previous life as a Sith lord, but it still managed to disturb him at times. “I don’t remember adding to your programming, at any rate.”

    “Modest assertion: I am an entity of prodigious talents,” HK-47 replied, spreading his hands “not all of which pertain to my core function. When I belonged to that ill-fated senator on Coruscant, he installed a music appreciation module in an effort to make me and I quote ‘behave in a more genteel fashion befitting my station’.” Here his voice became shrill and whiny, with an affected Core World accent, presumably in imitation of his late master. “Indignant interpolation: Can you imagine?”

    “It boggles the mind,” Revan replied. “So what made you decide to write a song now?”

    “Commentary: Our current wretched circumstances proved quite inspirational in writing the blues. Would you like to hear it, Master?”

    “Sure, why not?” Revan had a long list of bad decisions to his name; what was one more in the grand scheme of things?


    It was surreal to hear the Growdi harmonique pour from the assassin droid’s vocabulator, and even more so when it was joined with a bass quetarra and kick drum. And on top of that, HK-47 began to sing (if by singing, you meant “speaking in his usual deadpan voice, but in a slightly more rhythmic fashion”):

    Lamentation: I woke up in a junk shop;
    My core memory was offline.
    Repetition: Said that I woke up in a junk shop,
    With my functions all offline.
    Further dejection: ‘Til some meatbag unlocked my data core,
    And gave me back what’s mine

    Revan could sympathize with the frustration of having all of one’s core memories offline, so to speak. But he’d been the meatbag in question, and HK-47 had been neither particularly cooperative nor very grateful for his attempts to restore the droid’s memories. “That was…er, really something, HK…”

    The droid’s optical receptors glinted red, and he glared at Revan. “Statement: I’m not finished, Master.”

    “Entreaty to the audience,” he continued, as if Revan hadn’t spoken. “Listen to what I am saying.”

    Second refrain:
    Desolation: No one listens to me; they say I’m just a droid
    Recapitulation: I said no one listens to me, ‘cause they say I’m just a droid.
    Pronunciation: But I have a superior intellect
    And I could have them all destroyed.

    Wah, wah, wah…wah, wah,wah…wah, wah, wah…waaaaaahhhh

    Narration: We were tracking down a Star Map
    In the wastes of Tatooine
    Elaboration: Met some Tusken Raiders
    Who thought they could treat us mean
    Declaration: Well, you know I could’ve shot them
    Dropped them right onto the sands
    Indignation: But the master wouldn’t let me
    Just what does he think I am?

    Exclamation: I’m an assassin droid, baby!
    And I got the assassin droid blues

    Melancholy: If they won’t let me kill things
    Then I might as well be dead
    Additional despondance: Yeah, they won’t let me shoot things
    So I just sing the blues instead.

    Now that, thought Revan, was just plain melodramatic, even for a droid with HK-47’s talent for hyperbole. He might have forbidden HK to kill the Tusken chief in the interest of stopping what would surely have turned into a massacre of the entire tribe, even the women and children, but it was hardly true that he never let HK shoot anything. Their misadventures had provided the droid with any number of targets, from kath hounds to Sith agents. It wasn’t as if Revan had installed a pacifist module in him!

    However, Revan wisely kept these thoughts to himself as HK droned on:

    Recitation: We keep searching for the Star Forge
    With Darth Malak on our track.
    Expression of dismay: Now the Sith Lord’s taken Bastila;
    Master says we have to get her back.
    Proclamation: When I find Meatbag Malak,
    I’ll shoot him right between the eyes
    Explication: With my Aratech sniper rifle with the tri-light scope,
    Statement of purpose: Just so I can watch him die.

    Exclamation: ‘Cause I’m an assassin droid, baby!
    And I got the assassin droid blues.

    Avowal: Someday I’ll find Darth Malak,
    And then I’ll make him dead.
    Reiteration: Yes, I’m going to find that meatbag,
    But now I sing the blues instead.


    The music died off in one last tremulous wail, and HK fixed Revan with a look of laser-focused intensity, the kind that only a psychotic assassin droid was capable of. “Query: what did you think, Master?”

    “I…I’ve never heard anything quite like it before.” And with any luck, he never would again. “It was quite a…moving experience.”

    “Gratitude: Thank you, Master. Writing it was quite cathartic. Qualification: Perhaps not as satisfying as making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away, but few things in this Galaxy are.”

    “Yes, well…keep practicing and maybe someday you’ll be the next Besh-Besh Knig or Teta Semaj.”

    “Objection: I could never give up my career as an assassin for the tawdry world of show business. I have standards, you know,” HK proclaimed indignantly. “Addendum: However, I have begun work on a follow-up. I call it ‘The Kill Is Gone’.”

    Revan retreated back to his cabin once HK decide to share his newfound musical talent with the rest of the Ebon Hawk’s crew. (Canderous might enjoy it, Revan thought. Carth and Mission would probably listen in stunned silence, but the Force alone knew what Jolee was going to say.) After being subjected to assassin droid performance art, it was a relief to do something pleasant like contemplating the certain demise of Galaxy.

    Hmm…hmm…hmmm…hmmmmRevan hummed and drummed his fingers against his desk as he thought. Hmm…hmm…hmmm…hmmmm

    “‘Cause I’m an assassin droid, baby… got the assassin droid blues…”


    Oh no

    HK’s song was stuck in his head now. And while ear worms might be less fatal than Geonosian brain worms, they were almost as difficult to dislodge.

    It was enough to make Revan sing the blues.

    The blues do indeed exist in the GFFA, and the Tatooine blues are a subgenre.

    The Growdi Harmonique is the same instrument played by the Shawda Ubb musician, Rappertunie, in the Special Edition of RotJ

    The harmonique players mentioned reference Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf and Sonny Boy Williamson I and II (yes, really), all of whom played blues harmonica.

    Besh-Besh Knig and Teta Semaj are of course blues greats B.B. King and Etta James.

    The main influences for HK’s song were Johnny Cash’s Folsom Prison Blues, with its immortal line “I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die” for overall tone, and…Weird Al Yankovic’s Generic Blues for the overall structure. :D
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] Never in a million years would I have thought of blending HK47 with singing the blues. As a classic jazz afficianado I found this particularly HILARIOUS! =D= And to have THAT song stuck in your head, oh my. [face_mischief]

  3. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] Oh, this is absolutely spectacular! My dear, you took this rather goofy prompt of mine and hit it WAY out of the park, and you did some really impressive research too to craft a convincing and oh-so-in-character blues song for HK-47 that went worlds beyond my admittedly rather unoriginal "Statement: My baby's gone and left me" example. I can even hear the traditional harmonic progression and imagine a bluesy melody as I read through the words of the song—which, incidentally, are 1000% in character! (But that’s no surprise from you at all! :D ) And we know from both KOTORs that HK units have mighty fine mimicry skills when the occasion calls for it, so I am not surprised that he can imitate the sound of a whole blues band, Growdi harmonique and all! (And hey, it got rid of those doggone gizka for good! Gosh, if only that had been an actual option in the game! :p )

    The way he's so proud of his composition and so eager to share it with Revan and co. is also a very HK-47 touch, and of course the song gives perfect voice to all his not-at-all-latent frustrations about not being able to blast all the meatbags he wants, whenever he wants. (Though I have to agree with him about that rascal Malak! [face_devil] ) But, hey, ultimately HK is merely giving voice to the overall feeling of the “current retched circumstances” he perceives on board the Ebon Hawk, and he is not at all wrong, given that Revan is dealing with his own very understandable blue feelings at the beginning of the story. (A perceptive droid! ;) ) Even if HK’s performance was in some places easily mistakable for "the death throes of a consumptive nuna" (love that!), it looks he was able to divert his master from some of those galactic-scale troubles at least for a bit. I think you're right about the likely reactions of the rest of the crew—and it's a neat touch that Revan doesn’t say anything about what he thinks Bastila will think about it, because I think she'd probably have the same reaction as Jolee—and hey, maybe it would serve her right to be subjected to some assassin droid blues for a bit! [face_mischief] Of course, the best touch is that Revan, who’s gone off by himself to escape from the noise and contemplate his own galactic-scale blues, then starts earworming on the song!… which I take to mean it ended up fitting his mood better than he gave it credit for. But he’s so right about earworms, though, which can be at least as tenacious and deadly as any kouhun or Geonosian brainworm! Come on, Revan, you know you want to writing and singing your own blues now… ;)

    Other little touches I especially enjoyed (and I’m sure I’ll think of more even after I hit “Post Reply”):
    • The image of Yuka Laka listening to (and incompetently singing along with) the blues in his Tatooine droid shop. Headcanon accepted! :p
    • The "pacifist module” comment! Aw, you’re so sweet to include that nod to “HK-47 and the Principles of Nonviolent Resistance”! :D
    • The references to HK’s by-now-famous-among-KOTORists “Love is…” quote (“my Aratech sniper rifle with the twi-light scope,” “making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away”).
    • Your GFFAification of the names of the blues musicians! “Silty Aquifer” for Muddy Waters is especially priceless, and I don’t know how I didn’t catch it the first time. :p
    • The fact that HK has composed a follow-up song too! He really will turn into the next Besh-Besh King at this rate. :cool:

    Thank you so much, my friend, for this awesomely delightful and roll-on-the floor hilarious gift! [:D] =D=
  4. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Ultimate Drabbleteer star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hilarious and so in character for HK with his abilities to show what he can do as an assassin. Love how Revan deals with it and getting a worm from it.
  5. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Love it! It does slightly amuse me Revan ended up taking a place in more than one gift this year. :p
    You do a great job of intertwining the lore. I picked up on quite a bit. The pacifist package in particular gave me a chuckle.
    I have a really odd feeling HK would be a halfway decent singer, your songs were VERY creatively put together.
  6. TherenAdarni

    TherenAdarni Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2020
    This was a lot of fun to read, and it's incredible to realise just how versatile HK-47 is as a character. It still felt very much like him throughout the story.

    "Chats on the Ebon Hawk" is one of my favourite kinds of Star Wars fic. The multiple-choice aspect of the KotOR games means that almost all of them feel like feasible scenarios for one playthrough or another.

    Oooh. Now I need a sequel fic where HK's talent for the blues reemerges during the events of KotOR II. If anything would bring it back it would be the HK-50s
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
  7. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Ultimate Drabbleteer star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    @Raissa Baiard This was my fourth time reading this story, and I laughed just as hard as on the first, second and third reads [face_laugh] Your humorous stories always have me in stitches, but you outdid yourself this time. Between Revan's side thoughts (e.g. not being able to decide if "he wanted to throttle or marry" Bastila, or confusing HK's singing with "the death throes of a consumptive nuna", the starwarsified blues band and musician names (Silty Aquifer [face_rofl] ), HK's running commentary on everything and anything around him ("How that Ithorian meatbag could possess four throats and none of them be in tune is beyond my logic circuits to understand" [face_laugh] ) and the ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS mental/acoustic image of HK speaking in his usual deadpan voice while the sounds of all sorts of instruments come out of his vocabulator – not to mention the INSANE lyrics, this has got to be waaaay up there on the list of the funniest stories you ever wrote.

    And the pacifist module got a cameo [face_love]

    I remember laughing so hard the first time that I was really wondering how you could still one-up the story and stick the landing, but then you did! If Revan is stuck with an earworm of HK's latest composition while "contemplating the certain demise of Galaxy", the galaxy is in a lot of trouble, I say.

    This was a fantastic, fantastic read on every level. Thanks so much for sharing!
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2025
  8. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004

    I knew this was going to be good, just from the prompt - or, I should say, I knew it would be with you as the author! And you most certainly did not disappoint. :cool: =D=

    You know, this is indeed A Lot for Revan to process. Especially at this particular point of the plot, with -


    This was a very spot-on description. [face_mischief]

    To say that Revan is processing a karking Sith-load of bantha poodoo may indeed be an understatement, to add onto that mental torment, both metaphorical and physical with . . .

    [face_laugh] It says so much that this is automatically Revan's first thought. [face_mischief]

    [face_rofl] If HK only knew that this could quality as sonic torture, everyone would be in trouble . . . [face_whistling]


    (I apologize in advance: this review is going to be 40% gifs and emojis, and believe me when I say that I could have tagged one at the end of almost every line. ;) =D=)

    I could *hear* every word of this, even the approximated wistful sigh! This entire aside was 100% in character.

    Stop it, I just cannot even with this parody of a Core World accent coming from HK. And the music appreciation module?? In an effort to: 'behave in a more genteel fashion befitting my station’???

    *sprinkles gold stars like confetti*

    I mean . . . this makes sense. In its own way, it makes sense. :p

    [face_hypnotized] [face_hypnotized] [face_hypnotized]

    [face_rofl] [face_rofl] [face_rofl]

    . . . yes, I would listen to this song. Maybe. Depending on how much dying nuna I could stand. But I want to. I mean: you wrote lyrics, which is hard enough in its own right, let alone in HK's voice, and in an arrangement that's just doggone enjoyable from beginning to end. Truly, I salute you!




    This was INSPIRED and hilarious and delightful and flawless and all of the good adjectives that I can think of and then some.

    *takes a moment to breathe*

    But of course. :p

    [face_laugh] Every word continues to be perfect. And the RL references were so clever, too! =D=


    There's no better possible conclusion than THIS! [face_rofl]

    In short: this story was an utter joy to read - even on a reread, I still laughed! Thank you so much for sharing your work with us, and for participating in the Fic Gift Exchange! =D= [:D]