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Did Boba Fett die?

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Sithman, May 20, 2001.


Did Boba Fett die?

Poll closed Mar 22, 2012.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
  2. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    For once we will end the debate once and for all. :D

  3. peregrine

    peregrine Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 18, 2000

    DARTHJEDI Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 17, 2001
    YES, YES, YES, and YES! Boba Fett is dead. I don't care what some stupid little book says, Boba Fett died 18 years ago. PERIOD.
  5. Q187

    Q187 Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 5, 2000
  6. sweetheart

    sweetheart Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 19, 2001
    Come on the Sarlarc *burped* when it ate him.
  7. MaxVeers

    MaxVeers TFN FanFilms Staff, Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 24, 2000
    I'm not sure what I think, so I didn't vote.

    I thought Boba Fett was very cool in ESB & ROJ, though.
  8. Ben_Skywalker

    Ben_Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 20, 2001
  9. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    Oh, and I voted yes. Definitely. He's dead- no one escapes the "all powerful sarlacc". :D

  10. Bib Fortuna Twi'lek

    Bib Fortuna Twi'lek Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jul 9, 1999
    He is alive, because the books say so, and the movies do not say otherwise.
  11. MoronDude

    MoronDude Jedi Knight star 6

    Nov 1, 2000
    They've had books and comics about Boba Fett after he was supposedly eaten, so I say NO.

    Besides, Boba Fett is one of the coolest characters, but if he died in such a idiotic way, I would be glad to hear that he actually did the impossible and survived the Sarlacc.
  12. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    The EU isn't STAR WARS...

    If GL didn't have anything to do with it, then it isn't STAR WARS...

    For all of you who agree with me, that EU sucks. Try this link, to one of the greatest threads on the JC (perhaps you allready know it):

    If U hate EU, then press here

    BOBA is dead and GONE. He's NOT coming out of there.
  13. Bib Fortuna Twi'lek

    Bib Fortuna Twi'lek Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jul 9, 1999
    The EU is Star Wars. I don't know where you get the idea that it's not.
  14. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    How will you explain all the errors in the Thrawn-trilogy regarding the "Clone Wars"????

    And also in that book where Luke tries to find out who his mother was. What's that all about???????????
  15. Bib Fortuna Twi'lek

    Bib Fortuna Twi'lek Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jul 9, 1999
    The Noghri thing was resolved in the Essential Guide to Alien Species.

    And Akanah sent Luke on a wild goose chase.
  16. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    I just don't think that the EU feels right.

    The "New Jedi Order" doesn't seem to have the deep commitment that Yoda talks about in ESB.

    And that whole "killing-Chewbacca-thing", that was just a CHEAP, CHEAP way to get some more readers.



  17. Bib Fortuna Twi'lek

    Bib Fortuna Twi'lek Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jul 9, 1999
    Well, everything in the EU happened, unless the movies say otherwise. So Fett is alive, and Madine and Chewbacca are dead.
  18. darthfrede

    darthfrede Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 19, 2001
    I don't think that we'll EVER agree on this.

    The only EU that I barely accept are the names of the different species and how they "function".

    But I cannot accept SW-stories that aren't written by George himself.

    Doesn't anyone else feel like I do?????????
  19. jjas

    jjas Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 14, 2000
    Yes I agree...EU=PU

    Boba is dead

    I know

    I was there

  20. Bib Fortuna Twi'lek

    Bib Fortuna Twi'lek Jedi Youngling star 10

    Jul 9, 1999
    The EU is not crap. I don't see how you guys can say that it is.

    I'll ay this again: Everything in the EU happened unless the movies sya otherwise. This is a fact, so anyone who says that the EU doesn't count is just plain wrong.
  21. Lott_Dod

    Lott_Dod Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 19, 2001
    He is dead. GL wanted him dead and killed him.
  22. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    But Bib! There are so many contradictions! They've got Mara doing this and that when she in another video game did this.

    Oh, and about your "All EU is right unless the movies say otherwise" comment, let me ask you a few questions...

    1.) Since we didn't SEE Vader die, and the movies don't SAY so, he isn't really, is he?

    2.) Since the movies SAY Chewbacca lived, and never died in them, if the books says he's dead, then that's not true!

    3.) Since everyone who falls into the Pit of Carkoon dies in ROTJ, then wouldn't that mean that if Fett falls in, he dies too? If the books/comics/video games say he's alive, it'd be a contradiction, right?


    P.S. I knew this'd turn into a EU/canon war. :D
  23. sweetheart

    sweetheart Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 19, 2001
    Ummm there are already a ton of contradictions between what Lucas says and the EU. When someone asked Lucas about Boba Fett, he said "Boba Fett is dead. I killed him." I read that on a thread somewhere, unless the person misquoted. And the whole "Bria Han's first love" in HST was against Lucas' vision of the character of Han Solo since Lucas said Han had never fallen for anyone before Leia. And the Death Star plans were stolen by like 10 different people. And Lucas showed the Empire topping at the end of ROTJ and the EU had the Empire go on and on and on for years. Yeah I know the EU "fixed" that by saying it was a protest that the stormtroopers silence but I highly doubt that was Lucas' intention when making those scenes.
  24. Sithman

    Sithman Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 6, 1999
    Heh, I agree, sweetheart.

    Yah, it's stupid how the Empire survives about 15 or 20 years after ROTJ. Know what's ever stupider? Palpy's 3 (or is it 4 now?) clones. Lucas created such a good character that the book writers couldn't think of a newer and better character on their own.

  25. Han_Solo

    Han_Solo Jedi Youngling

    May 10, 2001
    First of all, according to my sources boba Fett escaped from the Great Pit of Carkoon sometime during the intervening six years to show up on Nar Shadda, once again on Han Solo's trail. He claimed that the Sarlacc found him to be "somewhat indigestible." I voted no. The movies never tell if he didn't die, on the other hand they never said he did. This council should show concern of the books, for that is what we are based on, old scriptures and yes even books. :)
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