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Does anyone remember me?

Discussion in 'Archive: Scotland' started by Failed_I_Have, May 4, 2008.

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  1. Failed_I_Have

    Failed_I_Have Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 23, 2005
    I was the best troll this board ever had about 3 years ago [face_laugh]

    Is all the old legends like DankDonk and timBolton and Cobranaconda and all the other idiots me and my mate used to wind up still about?

    God this stuff makes me feel old. :_|
  2. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    no, I'm not here much anymore

    But I do remember you

    you were a tedious wee tube, weren't you?

    the crappy aggro atmosphere you strove to exude drove off some of the casual international trade that we used to get..... and yir unsubtle tactics brought us to the attention of the english mods, who have since moved in and effectively annexed the place.... can't fart now without a committee meeting, so its hardly worth popping in.

  3. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007
    Well, said, but perhaps best not to feed it.
  4. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    aye, but the wee toiletpart canny go about talking up his status as 'best troll' we ever had

    what is that anyway? a Bill Bailey fan? a Lord of the Rings extra.

    if he means that he was somehow the funniest or most persistent abuser of the system hereabouts, he really should read back a couple of dozen pages and see the sheer disruptive genius of Selena, or Darth BendyNed. Good God, even Ooh Ahh Cantona produced more laughs.

    by comparison, failed was just a snidey wee diddyride.

    is 'diddyride' OK Spike.
    or d'ye want the dictionary definition?
  5. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    is 'diddyride' OK Spike.

    It ain't on the disallowed list. Knock yourself out, dude ;)
  6. Lizardmonkey

    Lizardmonkey Jedi Master star 2

    May 21, 2002
    Failed_I_Have - I have just sent your email address, freely available on your personal details, to the 'Lonely Hearts' section of a site used solely by hairy, randy, bear-like oil-rig workers. Their leader, in particular, likes Hearts fans who have taken theatre arts courses, so your luck's in there, my boy.
    I haven't really, but that would be real trolling - not the anaemic nonsense you think should grant you a bronze statue in Princess Street.
  7. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007

    I am fortunate enough not to be acquainted with Failed, but from what I've seen so far I concur with the conclusion that he is a diddyride, and a pathetic one at that. [face_monkey]
  8. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    if diddyrides are allowed, I'm officially looking for young laydeez to volunteer :)
  9. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007
    *in best Carry On voice* Ooh! Cheeky! ;)
  10. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    is that you volunteering?

    //Sid James cackle


  11. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007
    [face_laugh] ;)
  12. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
  13. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007
    This thread is now about Carry-On style innuendo!

    Anyone doesn't like it, we can show you the back door, heh heh heh.

  14. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001

    they've all got it infamy....
  15. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007
  16. Failed_I_Have

    Failed_I_Have Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 23, 2005
    Whoa! :D

    Its like no time has passed in the last 3 years, everyone still hates me, infact some people hate me without having encountered me. Lovely.

    Aye and DankDonk, I always said this forum would be nothing without me and Kenowlesy, and looking around, I seem to have been proven correct.

    Anyway, I can't believe the negative attitude I'm getting in this topic, I didn't make it to somehow recreate the tension I caused 3 years ago, I did it to say "hey, its me, I've grown up now, I was an arse back then, but I've changed now." And then we were all supposed to have a nice big jolly reminiscing.

    But instead, DankDonk clings to bitterness. Lets see how many offensice terms he can use in his next reply?
  17. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    'offensive' is how its spelt fannybaws

    so you only came back cos you were wanting a hug?

    so long as yir still proud of having more-or-less cleared the place three years ago, yir not getting one from me.

    if yir sorry for being a ****, say so, and we'll start fresh.
  18. Failed_I_Have

    Failed_I_Have Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 23, 2005
    You can get to balls if you seriously think its my fault this board got cleared out. It was the stupid Mod's fault for banning me repeatedly, I had the best interests of FanForce Scotland at heart, and I did say that it would be nothing without me, and as soon as I was gone..what happened?

    Get your head out your arse and realise it was you and all the silly little admins that ran this place to the ground by acting like Nazi's and ridding the place of the few genuinely entertaining posters.
  19. obiwankenowlesy

    obiwankenowlesy Jedi Youngling

    Jul 8, 2008
    Hello again

    Well ye know, looks like we did more to this stuff in what? 2 or so months than you have in the last 3 years. Congratulations.

    Missed all the nerdy humour on this board. OM*G! HE SPELLED SOMETHING WRONG! I'LL POINT THAT OUT IN AN ATTEMPT TO PROVE MY SUPERIOR INTELLECT. Well done. I'm sure your spelling skills got you a grade A job where you ended up sitting around all day on Star Wars forums. Aye, yer arse will be lined with diamonds I bet. So very jealous.

    Seeing as we're talking about about spelling mistakes. There's a huge one in your name :eek:
    *whispers in ear* It should be a W instead of a D ;) Even though that could just by a typo. You missed by 3/4 of an inch. Unlucky.

    Cheery bye now. I expect to be banned within minutes of course by your admins who can't take any form of abuse whatsoever.

    See you in another Galaxy, brother

    Language edits.
  20. Lizardmonkey

    Lizardmonkey Jedi Master star 2

    May 21, 2002
    Logging on as another user, Failed_I_Have isn't going to work... and neither will you if you don't buy The List and look up auditions...
  21. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007
    If he hates this forum so much, why does he keep logging on & trying to stir ****? He must be very lonely.
  22. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    offended pride keeps 'em coming back.

    him and kenowlesy do seem to actually believe they were well-meaning and entertaining posters.
    but it takes all sorts I guess.
    I mean, maybe he has a point. That WankDonk line.... that's genius that is..... I'd NEVER have thought of that. maybe I should change my screenname to MrSickDuck or something less risky. Or maybe just get on with my GREAT job :) Someone needs to put these beans in their tins, y'know.

    funny thing is how Failed and Knowles (they are two different guys, i think)reckon me and the admins are in cahoots..... whereas from my point of view, I always really disliked any admin interference and tried to keep things subtly obscene, rather than overt... and thus was annoyed with that pair cos their sledgehammer-blunt routines brought the admins down on us and ushered in this new bloody era of stifling over-organisation.

    but if Failed and Knowles are gonna come back and post regular-like(ideally on subjects other than their own brillance and my rubbishness) I'd welcome their presence. Place thrives on characters, always has.

  23. Miso_Jace

    Miso_Jace Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2007
    So puerile.

    However, like you said, the lack of civil, productive posts doesn't endear them to anyone except themselves.
  24. MrDankDonk

    MrDankDonk Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2001
    well, he is only 16, canny expect too much.

    would have been doing roughly the same thing at that age - if the internet, indeed computers, had been invented when I was that age

    as it was, I had to content myself with tying rude notes to bricks and lobbing them through folks' windaes.
  25. halibut

    halibut Ex-Mod star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 27, 2000
    Ahh, the Scottish dream :p
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