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Edmonton Edmonton Roll Call

Discussion in 'Canada Discussion Boards' started by Rogue_Thunder, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Rogue_Thunder

    Rogue_Thunder FanForce CR, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada star 6

    Jan 7, 2003
    Sound off if anyone's still out there in Edmonton. Also let me know if you're interested in potentially meeting up somewhere in town to get the ball rolling on this again. Thanks :)
    ElunaNuv and PreludeRM like this.
  2. PreludeRM

    PreludeRM FanForce CR, & Fanforce Council Calgary, Alberta star 4

    Oct 28, 2002
    Glad to see you back and hopefully we can get you guys going again. Are you going to the expo at all. Be sure to stop by our booth and say hi and hang out to help rally people.
  3. Rogue_Thunder

    Rogue_Thunder FanForce CR, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada star 6

    Jan 7, 2003
    I personally won't be there, but I support any old or new EFF members who wanna meet up or get together with y'all... and I'd be there in spirit. Unfortunately money is tight, but hopefully we can get something going up here in time for the new movie.
    PreludeRM likes this.
  4. ElunaNuv

    ElunaNuv Jedi Knight

    Apr 11, 2008
    Hey, I am in Edmonton and Ryan talked to me this weekend about getting EFF going again. I have been a member of the CFF for almost a decade, I think. I could probably get us access to free space to meet up.
  5. Rogue_Thunder

    Rogue_Thunder FanForce CR, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada star 6

    Jan 7, 2003
    Awesome, welcome. If there's any interest in a meeting you can count on me and possibly my wife making it.
  6. PreludeRM

    PreludeRM FanForce CR, & Fanforce Council Calgary, Alberta star 4

    Oct 28, 2002
    Thanks again Sylvia for helping out.
  7. Corey Hargreaves

    Corey Hargreaves Jedi Youngling

    Sep 29, 2015
    I'm in Edmonton, and I'd love to get involved :)
  8. Rogue_Thunder

    Rogue_Thunder FanForce CR, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada star 6

    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, Corey. Well since there seems to be some interest in a get-together, how about two weekends from now, we all go for a coffee and get to know each other? That would be the weekend of the 17th/18th. I would suggest sooner, but this weekend might be too short of notice, and the weekend after is thanksgiving.

    Now, what side of town is everyone located on? I don't need addresses, I'm just trying to find someplace central to everyone, however back in the old days of FanForce, we used to meet at the Starbucks inside the Chapters in West Ed Mall. If that works for everyone let me know. If not, I'm flexible. :)
  9. PreludeRM

    PreludeRM FanForce CR, & Fanforce Council Calgary, Alberta star 4

    Oct 28, 2002
    Great to see this is starting to move forward. Cory have you joined the face book page. Do a search for Edmonton fanforce and request to join.
  10. ElunaNuv

    ElunaNuv Jedi Knight

    Apr 11, 2008
    Edmonton Fan Force FB group:

    As for meeting up I am pretty busy the next couple weekends. I live near Whyte. I used to work at Happy Harbor Comics downtown and if we can fit in between their events schedule we can certainly meet there. It's central and doesn't have to cost anyone anything (well, unless you're like me and lack self control when it comes to comics...)

    The other thing we should focus on is recruitment. Share this group with your Star Wars pals!
    PreludeRM likes this.
  11. Corey Hargreaves

    Corey Hargreaves Jedi Youngling

    Sep 29, 2015
    Central works best for me. That weekend should work great. :)
  12. Rogue_Thunder

    Rogue_Thunder FanForce CR, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada star 6

    Jan 7, 2003
    Ok, how about Saturday the 17th at Happy Harbor Comics? Their event calendar says they have nothing planned then. If anyone has any suggestions speak up. My wife, me and maybe another old member can make it. :)
  13. Darth_Haggis

    Darth_Haggis Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 21, 2002
    What a blast from the past. Too bad I'm no longer in Edmonton to help get the ball rolling again.