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Saga Saga - OT FATHER AND SON • What If Luke Joined Vader? By TimeToAbandonShip

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by TimeToAbandonShip, May 2, 2024.

  1. TimeToAbandonShip

    TimeToAbandonShip Jedi Padawan

    Apr 10, 2024
    I’m a new user and I’m gonna write a fic about what might have happened if Luke joined Vader in ESB. Totally original, I’m sure.
    I’m a noob so if I do an idiot thing, I’m sorry.)

    FATHER AND SON • A Star Wars What-If

    “I am your father.”

    Those words are what would seal Luke Skywalker’s fate forever.

    They pierced the chilly air of Cloud City like a laser sword to the heart. Luke, bleeding from the stump that used to be his arm, pores leaking sweat and heart pounding, felt a chill go down his spine.

    All of the sudden, everything clicked into place. Yoda and Kenobi holding him back all that time. The vision he saw on Dagobah. He knew it had all culminated to this. His destiny. To become that. He was met with an overwhelming rush of conflicting feelings. And among those feelings was a dark pull. A rush of power… A glimmer of potential. Pushing those thoughts aside, reeling from denial, he shouted.

    “That’s not true… That’s impossible!”

    “Search your feelings, you know it to be true.”

    No matter how Luke looked at it, it was true. He couldn’t deny it. He felt his fear morph into thoughts that terrified him. Thoughts of his own face behind the mask. Thoughts of having the power to protect his friends from villains like this. He shook his head, trying to shut those thoughts out. He needed to become a Jedi.


    Vader reaches out a cold, metal hand, gloved in leather.

    “Luke. You can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this… Join me, and we can rule this galaxy together as father and son.”

    Father and Son… The father Luke had never known, the one he always yearned for, the one he imagined in Obi-Wan’s tales of the glory days was looking right at him. If he joined Vader, he could finally perhaps see what his father was like. He could learn how to become powerful as he was…

    ‘No,’ Luke thought. ‘I mustn’t think like this. Obi-Wan and Master Yoda told me not to be tempted by the dark side…”

    But those thoughts ultimately fell silent to the seductive, overwhelming pull of the dark side. The mere thought of it at this point was too much for Luke to handle.

    The thought of being all powerful… Protecting his friends… Killing those who tried to hurt them. Luke stared into the skull-like vortexes where his fathers eyes used to be. Vader’s voice lowered to a chilling whisper.

    “Come with me… It is the only way.

    Luke looked down at the seemingly endless chasm beneath him. Vader was right.. It was death, or the Dark Side.

    ‘Surely I can resist,’ Thought Luke, ‘As long as I kill Vader, then make it back to Han and Leia…”

    Luke slowly crawls up from the ledge he was perched on. He felt as though he were in a daze. Gulping, he slowly reaches out his left hand. As his trembling fingers touch Vader’s cold, robotic hand, he knew. He could never turn back.

    “… I… I will join you, Father…”

    Vader slightly cocks his head, his hand curling around Luke’s as he pulls him back onto steady ground.

    “… A wise choice, Luke… You have much to learn.”


    Yoda had been sitting on the floor of his hut. The rain carried on outside. Suddenly, the downpour grew heavy. And the Jedi Master felt something which caused his eyes to fly open. He clutched his heart.

    A disturbance in the Force. A new hope, dashed in an instance. Darkness… It was just as he had feared.

    A blue outline slowly begins to form next to Yoda. The ghostly visage of Obi-Wan appeared, worry creasing his brow.

    “Master Yoda… The disturbance, did you feel it too?”

    Yoda solemnly looks up at the late Jedi.

    “Felt it I have… Young Skywalker… Joined Lord Vader, he has.”

    A crestfallen look crosses Obi-Wan’s face. It was all too familiar. Luke Skywalker, promising young Jedi. Just like his father, he had strayed off the path of the Light.

    “It can’t be…”

    Yoda’s gaze shifts to the downpour outside his window. He speaks as solemnly as he had once, as a member of the Jedi Council.

    “A terrible tragedy, it is… One last hope, we have.”

    The two look out the window in silence. With the fate of the Galaxy rested on the shoulders of Leia Organa, how would things play out in the end?

    (Eyyy, thanks for reading until the end. I might update this, I might not. Who knows? Anyways, have a wonderful day, and may the force be with you. :))
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Wonderfully compelling and all too plausible and definitely would lead to a riveting story with Leia being the last hope.

    TimeToAbandonShip likes this.
  3. TheChorlianCorner

    TheChorlianCorner Jedi Youngling

    Apr 28, 2024
    Really poignant piece of writing. I loved this line 'Vader reaches out a cold, metal hand, gloved in leather.' Speaks of an uncanny falseness in Vaders form and of the mark they'd both share. Lovely use of pathetic fallacy on Dagobah, painted Yoda's quiet existence amidst the climactic confrontation between father and son. Looking forward to reading more!
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
  4. LLL

    LLL Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    A compelling first chapter. And this is just why Luke would do it, too.

    Mod Edit: No concrit, please.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2024
  5. TimeToAbandonShip

    TimeToAbandonShip Jedi Padawan

    Apr 10, 2024
    Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed!
    Thank you! That was one of my favorite lines to write :)
    Thanks! And yeah, haha, always struggled with keeping verb tenses consistent. Will keep that in mind next time :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2024
  6. BookExogorth

    BookExogorth Force Ghost star 4

    May 4, 2017
    Great story TTAS! Love the alternate take, reminds me of the star wars infinities comics… you’re definitely leaving the galaxy in an interesting predicament!
  7. TimeToAbandonShip

    TimeToAbandonShip Jedi Padawan

    Apr 10, 2024
    Thank you very much! Wonder how things will play out from here… :>
  8. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Very interesting premise. Hope you tell Leia’s story in this universe as the Jedi are now coming to think of her role.
  9. TimeToAbandonShip

    TimeToAbandonShip Jedi Padawan

    Apr 10, 2024
    (HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! [face_party] Thank you for all your kind feedback from the last chapter! To celebrate May 4th, here is chapter 2 of my Star Wars fic about Luke joining Lord Vader in his quest to conquer the galaxy. Enjoy!)

    FATHER AND SON • A Star Wars What-If
    CHAPTER TWO: The Galaxy’s Last Hope

    Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, 3-PO and R2 soared away from Cloud City in the Millennium Falcon. The brown-haired princess’ grief was buried beneath her adrenaline. She had just watched Han, her newfound love, be encased in carbonite. And to make matters worse, Luke was missing. On top of that, this faint, yet cold feeling kept nagging at her. She simply couldn’t shake it. Something was wrong.

    After they make their escape, narrowly avoiding several TIEs, Lando places his hand on the back of Leia’s chair. He speaks in an unusually solemn tone.

    “I’m sorry.”

    Leia glances back at him for a moment. She didn’t have it in her to be angry at him, at the moment.

    “… It’s all over now. What we need to focus on is getting them back…”

    Lando leans over to look her in the eye.

    “How are we possibly going to do that?”

    Leia sighs. “I don’t know.”

    Chewie, notices Leia’s dejection, places a furry hand on her shoulder, offering her a reassuring “Awoooughhh!” She smiles at him half-heartedly.

    “Thank you, Chewie.”

    That vague chill lingering in Leia’s heart grows stronger. She stands up from Han’s seat. “I… need to be alone for a minute. Lando, do you mind helping Chewie man Falcon?”

    “Not at all… Take your time, your highness.”

    Leia gives a nod before retreating to the quarters. Shutting the door behind her, she lets her back rest upon it. She lets her tired eyes drift shut. No matter what, she couldn’t escape this dull coldness in her chest. After what happened to Han, her grief must have been getting to her.

    When just then, she heard a voice.


    Her eyes fly open, darting around the barren sleeping quarters. She saw nobody there. Now she was hearing voices… ‘Calm down, Leia,’ She thought. ‘You can usually keep your head in situations like these…” Sighing, she slowly slumped down onto the ground, with her back against the metal door. When she heard the voice again.


    She looks all around once again, A faint, blue outline slowly materializes in front of her. She knew that voice.

    The ethereal form of Obi-Wan Kenobi fully
    comes to fruition before her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Only Luke had the power to perceive such things, or so she thought…

    “G-General Kenobi…? No… I must be dreaming.”

    Obi-Wan shakes his head.

    “You aren’t dreaming, Leia. I’m here… In a way.”

    She remembered Luke talking about this, going on about hearing Kenobi’s voice. She had never imagined she would be able to do the same.

    “But how…?”

    The late Jedi Knight folds his arms.

    “Never mind the how, Leia. There are far more important matters at hand. Unfortunate news that I was tasked with bringing to you…”

    Leia’s heart sank. “Unfortunate news…?”

    The ghost hangs his head. “Leia… The fate of the Galaxy is within your hands now.”

    Leia’s eyes widen in disbelief. “W-What?”

    “Your brother… He has joined the enemy. And now you must train to defeat him.”

    Leia blinks several times. “B-Brother…? But I don’t have…”

    She trails off. Suddenly, it clicks in her head. Somehow… She always knew. But only now had she just realized.


    The former General nods slowly.

    Leia interjects. “But wait… ‘Joined the enemy’? Oh no… No… Luke, he wouldn’t…” Suddenly, she knew what that cold feeling had been. Somehow, she had sensed Luke’s fall from the light.

    “I’m afraid it has happened, Leia… Your brother has joined forces with Lord Vader… His father.”

    A long silence stagnates the air. Leia stares blankly at the floor.

    “No… It can’t be…”

    She readjusts her gaze to look into Kenobi’s eyes.

    “Have you known all this time?”

    Kenobi glances solemnly to the side.

    “Yes… I was there when you were born. It was agreed upon that you two shouldn’t know…”

    Leia stays silent for a while longer, processing this revelation.

    “I don’t believe this… That man is my father? And Luke, he really…?”

    Obi-Wan looks back at the young woman. “I’m sorry to have dropped all this on you so suddenly, but you needed to know. Luke is not the only one who is strong with the force. You hold that power too, but you have to cultivate it. You must begin your training if you are to defeat Vader and bring your brother back to the light…”

    Leia shakes her head in disbelief. “But I… I don’t know if…”

    Obi-Wan’s form slowly begins to fade.

    “You have time to process this. The Galaxy is counting on you, Leia… You are our last hope.”

    The ghost evaporates into nothingness. Leia is left alone with these overwhelming new truths. A dozen questions swarm her mind.

    Luke is her brother? That villain, Darth Vader, is her father? She holds an awesome power that she must use to save the galaxy, and Luke? How can she do that all on her own? Can she even do it…?

    (Thank you once again for reading to the end! This one was dialogue heavy, but I hope you enjoyed all the same. May the 4th be with you!)
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
  10. BookExogorth

    BookExogorth Force Ghost star 4

    May 4, 2017
    Obi-Wan dropping so many bombs on her there... and happy Star Wars day to you!
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Superb Leia POV. Kenobi did indeed drop a lot of reveals, even one of which is world changing. A lot to process and come to terms with.
  12. TimeToAbandonShip

    TimeToAbandonShip Jedi Padawan

    Apr 10, 2024
    Haha yeah, it’s gonna take her a while to process all of that. Also, thank you! Hope your Star Wars day is wonderful :)
    BookExogorth likes this.
  13. TimeToAbandonShip

    TimeToAbandonShip Jedi Padawan

    Apr 10, 2024
    I will probably continue this soon :)