  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

<FFA> in STAR WARS Galaxies(Chilastra)

Discussion in 'Archive: Lafayette, LA' started by Ubigod, Jul 1, 2003.

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  1. Ubigod

    Ubigod Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2003
    Did anyone buy the game yet? And is it worth it or is it still too buggy?

  2. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    I have bought the game but have yet to install it. I was in the beta and my computer had some trouble running it. I'm in the process of upgrading and will not install until then. As of the close of beta there were some minor bugs, but it did not deter from the game.

    A word of warning though. If you are expecting a storyline type game, this is not the game for you. You are essentially just dropped in the universe. What you do is completely up to you. You can take missions from mission terminals, but there is no "go here, do this, now go kill that". I enjoyed the game tremendously, but be prepared for what you are getting in to.
  3. Ubigod

    Ubigod Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2003
    Well I did buy the game, but really haven't played it yet. I play as ubigod on the Scylla Server.

    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    I probaly won't get Galaxies but I did get KOTOR and let me tell yall it rocks!
  5. Ubigod

    Ubigod Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2003
    KOTOR is just out for XBoX right? I don't have Any consoles anymore but I do want to get it for PC

  6. Vaders_Clone

    Vaders_Clone Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 29, 2002
    My brother just purchased Knights of the Old Republic. I have anticipated this game for a long time. It's one of the main reasons i went on and bought my XBOX. Well, after Jedi Outcast, i expected KOTOR to be like Jedi Outcast, boy was i wrong. totally different. I like it, but I don't like the way you have to fight. Not fond of that... is it just me or does anyone else feel this way?
  7. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    WoW! Can you believe my luck! My best pal at the Jail, Deputy Kenny Benoit gave me STAR WARS Galaxies (Collector's Edition) as a gift. Says he purchased it, but does not have the time to play AND perfers Everquest. Oh MY God! Now I have SWG [face_shocked]


    I will be bringing it to my girlfriend's house for safe keeping, until I can get my life completely in order. What a motivator to hurry up and balance my checkbook, paint Jacqui's house, go to the dentist (Amber too), finish fixing Darth_Render's computer, etc. Also, will have to create a schedule to play and stick to it. No taking over my life, GAME :confused:

    Please wish me luck everyone. I think I can keep my sanity :D
  8. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    Swampsurfer, get to it man. I started playing recently on the Tempest server and I am having a ball. Due to the new "littlest Jedi" I can't play for long stretches but it is very fun. [Waves hand] You shall enjoy it.
  9. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    Ubigod, how are the population numbers on Scylla? The only thing that worries me about the Tempest server (the one I am on) is that the population is ALWAYS reading as light. Some of the smaller towns have NO player characters in them. Have you found that to be true in your case as well?
  10. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I propose we decide on a single server to play on as members of FanForce Acadiana and create characters that carry our post names here. After a while we can start a guild called FanForce Acadiana on that server in the game. Once that is done we can hold the first Virtual FanForce Meeting in the STAR WARS Galaxy. Please respond to this post by agreeing OR not. If you agree to the terms, suggest a server.
  11. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    I agree. Being greedy and not wanting to restart my character I suggest the Tempest server. I am already playing as Hudel Andum on that server.
    I looked after my last post and saw that all the servers read light or medium population and Tempest had been moved to medium. So I'm guessing my fears where unfounded.
  12. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Since I have just started out, I will create the Dre' Swampsurfer character on the Tempest server too.

    Hopefully others will join us.
  13. Ubigod

    Ubigod Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2003
    Well I actually don't play Galaxies anymore. This due to a number of real world factors. So I played for the first free month and that was all. My server was also lite in population, so I got fustrated early on by being killed every mission because I was by myself.
    The online meeting idea sounds really cool, but I can't afford to pay to play right now.


    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    I would love to do that but I can not afford to play it at this moment. Factors:1 just bought a new house out in the country 2 baby is on the way in about a month and half!

    EDIT her name will be: Jaina Alexis Grooms.
  15. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    Ubi, sorry to hear that. Hope your monetary situation improves soon.

    Jedi-Solo, I understand completely. My wife found out she was pregnant the same day we put in a bid for our house. We got the house and now have the (currently) littlest jedi. I would not trade my 8 week old daughter for the world. My playing time is sporadic, but it is still there. Congrats on the impending little one.

    Any other players out there? Swamp and I are have a great deal of fun when we hook up. Come on out and enjoy with us on the tempest server.


    JEDI-SOLO CR Emeritus, SW Louisiana star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 12, 2002
    I almost cracked the other and bought it at Wal-Mart. I had to refuse though...... lol
  17. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    {Waves his hand about in front of JEDI-SOLO's face.} No. Do not refuse. You will buy the game. :D
  18. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    Great looking email Swamp. And very true. We could use a hand. Swamp and I are having a blast and it would only be better with more people. So please come join us.
  19. Aethon

    Aethon Jedi Youngling

    Sep 12, 2003
    Hi Guys,
    I have not been active in the FanForce for quite sometime, but I got the email today and guess what! I just happen to have a character on Tempest!
    He is not the "main" that I play, but he sure will be now :) He was starting on his long path to Bounty Hunter (or Hitman as they are played at the moment)

    Anyway, can't wait to see you guys in game.

  20. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001

    We want to be on the lookout for you. Please consider renaming your character to match your UserName here, Aethon. Since character is not your primary, I hope this is not a problem.

    Please leave your character name and normal hours of play in this thread.
  21. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    great to hear it Aethon. Can't wait to see you in game. When last I was on, Swampsurfer and I where on Corellia. And it just so happens that my character is also on the path to Bounty Hunter. How far along are you and what is your character's name? My marksman is almost there (need lvl 4 across the board, but combat is only 3 and scout is only lvl 2 across). Let us know what your character's name is and we shall see you online.

    ...and so the growing begins! [face_devil]

    Hudel Andam
  22. Aethon

    Aethon Jedi Youngling

    Sep 12, 2003
    Actually my character name IS Aethon, that's why I re-created an account here under that name :) I am usually on nights, 7-12 ish. I have tier 2 across Marksman tree (i think) and just tier one in scout on a couple of trees (1-0-1-1 if i remember right) See you all tonight!

  23. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    Smart move on recreating the account here with the same name.

    In that case, who were you before? I try to keep up with all of the members' demographics. Could you fill out as much of your Profile here at TF.N's Jedi Council Forum as you feel comfortable?

    Please include at a minimum, your name and email. It would help me a great deal not to overlook you when I get cought up, if you posted again in our Roll Call thread with this new UserName (in that thread, let me know who's UserName you are replacing with this one).

    I have to work so much this weekend, I think we will not see each other in the TEMPEST galaxy, but I will be around Monday - Wed. for sure.

  24. Hudel

    Hudel Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2002
    I'll look for you as well Aethon. My on hours are dictated by my retail (read suck) job and my families newest addition so it's hard to predict. Can't wait to meet you ingame and all the rest of you folks need to jump on this bandwagon!

  25. Swampsurfer

    Swampsurfer Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 11, 2001
    I had the pleasure of meeting Hudel today. I tracked him down at work. He almost lost his job talking to me about his desire to let loose a Rancor on an unsuspecting enemy. :D

    Us STAR WARS geeks, we just don't fit in with the dull people of this galaxy. :p

    Anyway, we started talking about the posibility of a LAN party one day. I have my fingers crossed. I think it will be a blast.

    I hope other SWG fans decide to join us.
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